Isn't this the so-called 'painting a big cake'?

The problem lies in the testimony of the old man before. Love between husband and wife?

How is this possible? Could it be that the so-called God, Ultraman, who has never shown his face in those five years, is really fulfilling the wishes of believers?

'I do not believe. '

Gong Ye's thoughts are very simple and clear. He doesn't think that the three giants who don't ask for anything in return will shed any miracles because of the so-called sacrifices. How can there be such a good thing.

"Xiao Yezi's mother was just cheated by bad guys. Uncle will definitely bring her back. At that time, you have to take good care of your mother and never let her be cheated by anyone again."

People are most likely to be taken advantage of in times of pain, but the ones who are wrong will not be the ones who are in pain. The perpetrators who seize the flaws in people's hearts and take advantage of others are the ones who should be punished the most.

After making an agreement with the girl, Miya stood up, and the information he collected was enough for him to file a case.

Let's see, the first thing to do is to find Sayoko's mother.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Today is not considered a busy police station. Two guests came to the police station. The guests even wanted to show up to the chief.

"How about it?"

"It's normal, very normal. There haven't been any disappearances recently, only... murders."

The police officer answered the director's question. The statement he used was not wrong. No one was missing, but someone died, and the way of death was extremely tragic.

In other words, the deceased was found before the disappearance case was filed.

It’s not right to say that they are beyond recognition, because the faces of the deceased were obviously left on purpose to identify their identities, but other than that...

The deceased were both male and female, and there was no connection between them. The commonality of the forced division was probably that they were all young.

'Because young people are tastier... Tsk. '

Standing behind, Aikawa clicked his tongue in displeasure. In order to investigate the location of the alien beast, they used the old method in the past, that is, through the police's data sampling.

However, unlike before, it seems that this time the alien beasts don't do anything to 'cultivate fear'

It just finds someone to eat as it pleases, eats it and leaves, leaving the provocative part behind.

"It doesn't look like a strange beast..."

Tachibana on the other side said this, his expression was not very good-looking, but he also said the important point.

The police chief has experienced various cases and read various case materials, so he believes that the current situation is not the so-called "beasts for food"

"More like a pleasure criminal, the type who kills for his own pleasure, like Jack the Ripper."

The director's words are correct. Tachibana and Aikawa, who have experience in dealing with alien beasts, also have similar thoughts. The alien beasts they have seen before will not do this at all.

They will drag their prey into the nest for a period of time before eating it, and gnaw it clean after squeezing out the fear.

Not to mention the flesh of those monsters, clothes, wallets, keys and the like will not be left behind.

Could it be that it is not the alien beast that does this kind of thing now, but some other monster?

This is indeed one of the keys to the problem, but the most important thing is to find clues.

"Please file a new disappearance case... Excuse me."

The policeman who opened the door and walked into the room realized that something important seemed to be going on here. He quickly backed away and was stopped when he wanted to leave.

"Wait, what disappearance case? I want to know more about it."

Ai Chuan immediately said, this is actually not an intuition, it is closer to going to the doctor for an emergency.

About 2 minutes later, Gong Ye was surprised to find that he knew the person in front of him.

After Kazama, it was this 'Mr. Tachibana' who sponsored him to finish college

And he is also very clear about the other party's occupation. In other words, maybe it is really an incident that the police cannot intervene?

If it is really something that the Night Raiders are concerned about, then a lot of things can make sense.

Soon, a lot of useful information was spoken.

First, the missing Mrs. Nogami behaved abnormally, not like a normal person.

Second, who is the so-called "loving husband" beside her?

Third, like clubs.

What the hell is this Ultraman club?In the past, it was always thought that it was only an organization supported by capital to create IP to make money, but now it seems that it is more than that?

Tachibana flipped through the pamphlet brought by Yu Gongya, and the messy things in it were all feudal superstitions.

What kind of sacrificial offering is it, another offering, another chicken blood, another wine, and a time limit, it's a mess.

"I remember this club as... wait, I'll make a call."

Aikawa stood up, and he took out his cell phone to make a call, because he knew someone who was in the club early on.

Eight seconds later, the call connects:

"Qihai, didn't you join some Ultraman club before, do you know who its founder is?"

On the other end of the phone, Qihai found the answer after thinking about it.

"I remember the surname is Jiutiao."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After knowing the name, it is very easy for the police to investigate the information, so Tachibana and Aikawa are already sitting on each other's sofa at this time.

It's not a rented house, but a real house. It's not strange that such a single woman buys a house in a place like Tokyo, but it's just that when you have doubts about one thing, you can see everything I think it is suspicious.

"Please use......"

The young girl put the tea to welcome the guests on the table. It was a holiday, so Xiaoxue was also on holiday.

It's just that her expression was not as relaxed as it was during the holidays. After all, the presence of such two official figures would indeed bring some uneasiness to ordinary citizens.

"Thank you."


After Tachibana and Aikawa thanked, they focused their eyes on the woman in front of them again, and Kujo's expression at this time was unhurried and too natural.

There is no time to test it out at this time, and the two of them are not good at such things, so Yuju asked directly:

"Miss Kujo, if we're not mistaken, you should be the founder of the ultraman club that is very popular today and has many members?"

In fact, neither Aikawa nor Tachibana know much about this club. They are busy enough with their usual work, so there is no time to pay attention to those.

Facing the question raised, Kutiao nodded and answered very cooperatively:

"It's me, but this club was no longer owned by me two years ago. Simply put, someone bought it from me. Thanks to this, I got a sum of money."

She has no regrets or fluctuations at all about selling her business, which also explains the source of her funds.

"Then who is running the club now?"

"I don't know. I stopped paying attention when I sold it two years ago."

Kujo gave an unsatisfactory answer to Tachibana's question, and her overly free-spirited performance was somewhat incomprehensible.

The club was established five years ago when Ultraman first appeared. In other words, it was sold after three years of operation. The woman in front of her didn't seem to have the slightest feeling for the club.

"You act like you don't care."

Aikawa would definitely not be a qualified policeman, and there was a sense of yin and yang in the words he blurted out.

However, those ironic words only got Kujo's indifferent smile. She has never taken the fan club so seriously, and since the two people in front of her are official people, in order to avoid being involved in something Let's just say something strange:

"I really don't care, because from the beginning I just treated the club as a business."

The overly straightforward speech made Tachibana frowned, and Kujo continued as if he didn't see it:

"Five years ago, monsters appeared, aliens invaded, and then the so-called Ultraman appeared. I saw something worth investing in, that is, people's desire to rely on something in troubled times. At that time, Ultraman It is the existence that is regarded as a god, just like ancient Buddhism."

No matter what era people are, they are all seeking so-called spiritual sustenance.

"That's a business opportunity. Isn't there a saying that the first person to eat crabs? So I tried to do it, and after three years of operation, as expected, some people jumped out after the hobby would grow and grow. "

Having said that, Kujo shrugged.

"So I took advantage of the trend and sold this club. For me, this part of the money is enough. It will definitely not be a good thing if I continue to mix in. If the desire expands to an uncontrollable level, I will suffer from it. .”

The above speech has an important feature, that is 'selfishness'

It seems that for Kujo, both the so-called Ultraman and the people who are grateful to Ultraman are just existences that can benefit her.

It is precisely because of this that Aikawa is unhappy. He knows who one of the Ultraman is, so he is very upset.

"It seems that you have no gratitude at all for being protected by Ultraman?"

What Aikawa said was still sarcastic.

"I don't think you should only say this to me, right? Aren't there many people who can say this to you?"

What Kujo said was still plain.

"It's not me who is using everyone's feelings to make money now, but the capital. If I'm not mistaken, you should have investigated my background."

She was not such a person a long time ago, but people will change after all.

"When I was young, I became a so-called idol by virtue of my face, body, and voice. During that time, I discovered one thing, that is, people can use themselves as capital to exchange for money, and it's not just something that actually exists. .”

Jiu Tiao's tone was still so calm.

"At the beginning, my fans spent money for the so-called 'love', which was something invisible, just like the world spends money to commemorate Ultraman, and commemorative activities were held instead. Think about it carefully Think, is that just a commemoration?"

Neither Aikawa nor Tachibana, who knew nothing about the so-called commemorative activities, could answer, and Kujo didn't need to wait for an answer. She continued:

"How many merchants in that venue are selling things? Don't they just take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money? Another simple example, if the video game you liked a lot when you were a child comes out with a remake, will you immediately prefer it?" Go buy a copy as a comfort to your childhood?"

It's such a simple thing. In the eyes of businessmen, there are many business opportunities. Isn't the slogan "pay for love" a means of stimulating consumption?

What they fear most is 'no desire to buy'

That's why all kinds of desires are stimulated, and the club is just a tool for stimulating desires.

"When I sold the club two years ago, I had a vague feeling that something would happen. After all, no matter how you look at it, there is a feeling of personality cult. In order not to become the leader of a cult, I got out in time, and the buyer looked at me. The eyes also make me uncomfortable."

Speaking of this, Kujo's previous blandness turned into mockery.

"There must be many men who want to play with former popular idols, but now he seems to be punished, which is really good, after all, my heart is very small."

The conversation ended here and there was only silence, because there seemed to be nothing left to say.

About 3 minutes later, the gate closed, Aikawa and Tachibana left, leaving only Kujo and Koyuki.

"Think I'm mean?"

Kujo asked about the girl she saved back then, but Koyuki shook her head.

"No, the interest relationship is the strongest and most unreliable relationship in the world. There is no need to care about strangers, as long as you strive for more interests for yourself and the people you care about."

Five years of getting along is enough to change people, and Xiaoxue is no longer the child who was deceived by others under the influence of eyes and ears, or it is precisely because she was deceived that she can understand those things better.

But now she still has a question, that is:

"Why did Sister Jiutiao save me in the first place?"

This question is actually unanswerable.

"I do not know either."

Kujo touched his chin and thought about it before answering an answer that was not considered an answer.

"When I saw it, I acted naturally, probably because I haven't degenerated to the point where I would be indifferent to seeing people die in front of my eyes."

She will weigh all kinds of things on the balance of interests, but things like 'human life' are still insensitive.

After getting the answer, Xiaoxue opened her arms and hugged Jiutiao.

"We'll have to wait until night to do this kind of thing."

Kujo made a joke.

At the same time, Aikawa and Tachibana who left the house didn't look too good.

Should it be brainwashed?Immediately, I felt that the commemorative event was not right no matter how you looked at it.

"According to this statement, all historical adaptation games should be shot... Suddenly you don't know what is right and what is wrong."

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