Empat is not arrogant about his power, but he knows that power is a very convenient thing. Without power, many things cannot be done.

"And things shouldn't be as troublesome as you imagined. Don't be disturbed by the enemy's tricks."

This sentence refers to the words spoken by the Babar star in the theater before. Is there any need to believe in the words spoken by a person whose face is disguised?

"The peace you built may not be destroyed that easily."

At least Empat thinks so.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


The ancient keys are presented.

"The bell."

White bells are presented.

"There are only two."

Someone said this, with a little disappointment in their tone.

"And the core of the plasma spark tower has not been obtained."

Another person said that, with resignation in his tone.

Regarding his words, the third person directly refuted:

"That core was taken away by Beria. If you have the confidence to take it from him, you can do whatever you like."

As soon as that name was mentioned, the atmosphere at the scene became a little quiet.

It is an existence juxtaposed with the strong man who has not yet become the father of Ultra in the past, the former second-in-command of the Kingdom of Light.

However, it was such a man who turned out to be a traitor, and they were shocked when they heard the news.

First, he got involved in the plasma spark tower, and after being expelled, he brought the monster army back to his homeland. In a word, he was a general treason.

What shocked the people present even more was that even after committing such a crime, Beria was still alive.

He was not executed, but was sealed in prison and has been imprisoned until now.

"But then again, why didn't Kingdom of Light execute that traitor?"

The fourth voice asked with some doubts. The Mephilas star who was also listening to the conversation at the scene did not say a word. He suddenly felt that the situation in front of him was really interesting.

'Don't you know about this matter by looking at yourself? '

The Mephilas star thought in his heart, if it weren't for the innocence of the Otto family, how could these people return one day.

So this probably confirms the saying that wicked people are always unconscious and always take everything for granted.

'But I really didn't expect things to develop like this, did I overplay it? '

The Mephilas star glanced at the three 'artificial humans' beside him without leaving a trace

At this moment, the voice of discussion drew his attention back:

"What to do after that?"

"not the right time yet."

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Yes, not yet.

In the universe, the asteroids are pulled by gravity and fly past the Kingdom of Light, and then continue to move to more distant places.

Asteroids are things that can be seen everywhere in this universe, so they are perfect cover.

Inside, the warriors of the Otto clan perfectly hide and observe the situation outside.

With just a glimpse, he has already seen a group of troops, and he has seen this group of troops in past textbooks.

At that time, the family that disappeared in the depths of the universe finally came back, and brought such a painful blow to the Kingdom of Light as soon as they came back.

'The Otto brothers escaped?Or is it sleeping in that frozen planet? '

While he kept thinking, he didn't take his guard lightly, and he could use the asteroid as a cover for reconnaissance a few more times.

A few seconds later, what was reflected in his eyes was the spaceship made by the Kingdom of Light. There was no one in it. It seemed that they were compatriots who went here to investigate like him.

Since the spaceship was abandoned here so casually, that explains the situation.

'Tsk, bad luck. '

It seems that the other party rushed over shortly after one party's front foot arrived, so the collision between the two parties must not have a good result.

The asteroid gradually disappeared without a trace, and the army standing inside the M78 nebula is still silent, they are waiting, but other people except them don't know what they are waiting for.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The weak point of Jinguqiao is the joints, so to speak, but that is only a 'relatively fragile' place.

The weapons made and operated by the Pedan people have now penetrated the outer wall of the guard's base, and they don't even need to enter, as long as they keep firing.

"damn it!"

The warriors who were unable to move could do nothing, and the communication to Pedan had never received a response.

What the hell does this happen?

The battle started suddenly, and the Pedanim cannon fired from the surface of the planet directly defeated 70.00% of the combat power in the base, followed by these black golden bridges.


At the front end of the long and narrow passage, the energy released by the bombardment surged like waves.

Chapter Seven Comes to Support

Danger, although the danger is very clear, but whether it can be stopped is a problem.

As members of the Silver Crusade, their main responsibilities are to support and heal the wounded. In other words, they are doctors and nurses. Facing this kind of real battle, their role is limited.

Might die, but even so there's no word for 'escape' in the dictionary.

Therefore, the front of the palm launched is a basic skill called 'Barrier'. The front of the pure white square shield is filled with Pedan particles, and the path passed by the bombardment is swallowed without leaving a trace.

The dilapidated base was about to be completely destroyed, but red and black beams of light slanted upwards and downwards.

As long as it exists, it absorbs the surrounding radiance, which is a characteristic of darkness.

The color of the Pedan particle cannon became dim, and the moment the two sides touched each other, a strange transformation occurred.

As if it had been eroded, the golden cannonball was stained black, and the ray of light at the upper and lower corners slid like a pen in the hand of a painter, quickly rewriting the nature of the particle cannon.

One of the characteristics of the dark attribute is erosion, and the current Empat is just making use of this characteristic.

Seeing the crisis situation at the moment he arrived, he realized that he had to find a way to offset the attack, so new skills were developed, which were not even offset.

Unlike him who was alone, a large number of black golden bridges have already noticed the uninvited visitor who is an eyesore.

Some of them remain illuminated, while others change their targets.

As expected, the shelling struck.

'It's really fate. '

Empat unconsciously had such a feeling in his heart. It was not the first time he had fought against such a mechanical weapon, but the Golden Bridge he saw this time seemed to be a special version.

But since it's a machine...

His previously open palm was suddenly clenched, keeping the released light moving quickly and autonomously in the expansion.

Empat used to use the barrier to reflect the light of the enemy, and now it is a further application of that trick.

The black golden ancient bridges who kept shelling noticed that the particle cannons they fired were blasting against the current, so they quickly cut off the energy supply.

The red and black rays of light going upwards along the bombardment were cut off halfway, and the linear dark energy did not disappear. Instead, it gathered and expanded and exploded in the expansion, turning into a large number of needle-shaped rays.

This sharp barrage spread crazily in the same direction, and the bodies of the black Jin Guqiao were hit, and the slightly weaker parts were damaged.

If it's just an ordinary monster, it must have holes all over its body.

But these are the mechanical weapons of the Golden Ancient Bridge series, and their hard armor successfully withstood the attack.

At this time, Empat was speeding in the universe, and his front was filled with flickering light.

In an instant, the troops that were bombarding the garrison base before changed their targets, and they quickly locked on the same figure.

One after another bright colors were fired continuously, and the figure of the other party could be vaguely seen in the gaps revealed.

Empat advanced in the intensive shelling, but the salvo fired by the black golden ancient bridge was only for diversion.

The internal unified electronic AI records the speed and trajectory of the target when dodging through countless mechanical eyes, and collects various data.

And these data and pictures are sent to the same place and noticed by others.

"Who is this Ultra warrior? I have never seen it before."

When a person has power that cannot be ignored, he will naturally come into the public's sight, and all forces in the universe will collect information about that person for different reasons.

What's more, the ostentatious "Cosmic Guard" of the Ott family has not concealed it at all, and the nature of their work does not allow them to hide it, so the powerful people with names and surnames have long been known to the world.

But who is this?

Just being able to move freely through such powerful firepower has created an insurmountable gap with ordinary guards.

The mysterious Ultra fighter disrupted the plans of everyone present, and one of them who kept thinking suddenly remembered something:

"The color of that light...don't you think it looks like that emperor?"

The power attributes of the Ultra family are basically all light, but that color has absolutely nothing to do with light.

"Not Beria either."

Speaking of Beria, it should be stronger than the one in the picture. To be precise, it is more like a beast, and this one is more like a sharp knife.

The discussions continued, and one person was silently listening to the discussions.

He stared at the blue-eyed warrior on the screen, and clearly saw that the opponent kept walking in the posture of 'detecting the attack first'.

'I see, it's a tactic. '

At the moment when this person came to his conclusion, the AI ​​of the black golden ancient bridge had perfectly calculated the hitting route.

The next moment, the rhythm of the shelling changed.

Empat's originally smooth movements were stuttered, and this stuttering was amplified in the further cooperation of the shelling.

No matter which direction you are going, you are stuck firmly, and it is difficult to get out.

"It doesn't matter who it is, as long as you are hit by Jin Guqiao's salvo, you will die."

The hidden people are ready to retreat. They had planned to leave before, but they were attracted by the sudden appearance of new enemies.

' will be hit. '

Such realizations don't just arise in their minds.

In the almost completely abandoned guard base, the wounded have already seen the deadly light lit up.

"Be careful, it's on your left!"

The sound was indeed transmitted, Empat turned his head and saw the glare from the inside of the gun barrel.

His movements twisted a bit, as the surrounding routes were blocked at the moment he was about to evade.

In an instant, the detectors of the black golden ancient bridges were precisely locked on one point, and they accurately saw the conflict between the two forces.

The sniper accurately hit Empat's waist, punched in from there, and smashed the opponent directly in the middle.

The flying particles symbolize the disappearance of energy life, the upper body is separated from the lower body and dissipates.

'too fast. '

On Pedan's home planet, there is only one person who has not retreated, and he is sure of his own deduction.

The vitality of the Otto family is not covered. It is not a fatal injury to cut them off like this. What's more, it is not like he has never killed someone from the Otto family before. The guy in the picture died "too quickly"


If you touch it with your hands like this, you can easily hear the scream of metal.

If the black gold bridge had feelings, it would definitely be confused by the situation in front of it.

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