The Babar star thought this way, people who had the same idea as him were already fighting, he quickly cut a person with his wrist blade, and then continued to hide in a mimetic manner.

"Those idiots have nothing to do to find any trouble. I said long ago that as long as there are people in this world, the fighting will never stop."

It was another warship, and another Babar star holding a double-headed crescent shovel struck the enemy in front with the two ends of the crescent shovel, and the last stab pierced through the opponent.

"Look! A big order is coming soon!"

Virus disruption, mimicry assassination, this is what the mercenary group composed of Babar Stars is doing.

The person who intends to use mimic transformation to disturb the enemy's rear is not the only one, Empat also intends to do so.

He has long been used to borrowing the power of 'gray' in his universe, because he is more realistic.


Shoulder to shoulder, the Great Demon King Jiakalu and Empat collided head-on, and the two who were both proud of their physical abilities refused to give in to each other.

There is an interesting coincidence for these two men.

That is, although they are now in a one-on-one confrontation, no one has ever planned to fight one-on-one.

Compared with the previous period of time, Empat is no longer fighting alone. He has comrades in arms and intelligence, so he borrows their strength without hesitation.

'Next is the side of the key. '

Empat searched for a week with his own perception, and there is no abnormal source of gravity here.

At the same time, because of this search, he was directly sent flying by a head hammer.

The Great Demon King Jiakalu quickly reached out his hand before the enemy flew away, grabbed the opponent's leg and threw the opponent out again.

Empat's upside-down body seemed to have hit some fast-flying spaceship, and the abnormal repulsion from around the Kingdom of Light sent him flying again.

And at the end of that trajectory, the Great Demon King Jakalu had already clenched his fists and waited.

'One distraction is the end. '

Empat once again realized that the enemy in front of him was an object that should not be taken lightly. The front end of his clenched right fist quickly extended a sharp blade, and the dark blade on his wrist forced the opponent back with thrusts. The initiative of the two sides was evened out again and became balanced.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"It's finally started."

Blood mixed with blood, Beria stood up and held up the giga-fighting instrument in his right hand.

"wake up!"

The special wave was transmitted, and the monsters lying on the ground stood up dragging their bloody bodies. They were not allowed to have their own will, and they were only used as a fighting tool.

Beria, holding a Gigabit Fighting Instrument, is their master, and now this tyrannical master has issued another order.

After leaving the monster cemetery, Beria led his monster army to set off to the Kingdom of Light.

Chapter Sixteen Unknown

Flames, explosions, death, energy fluctuations, this is not a one-on-one practice, but a real battle.

At a distance from the battlefield, Sai Luo saw the current Kingdom of Light and the ongoing war within the Kingdom of Light.

Those races that have never been seen before are the same as the Otto family, possessing combat capabilities corresponding to their huge size, and the two sides are almost evenly matched...No, that family is even stronger than the guards, precisely because In this way, the security team can only draw with the opponent with support.

The situation is urgent, and no one should hesitate.

At this moment, two figures appeared in Sai Luo's sight. I believe that as long as you pay attention to the battlefield, no one will miss that scene.

The essence of the meteor that spans and tears the battlefield is the conflict between two people. One person clenched his right hand while the other shot beams. Both sides tried to kill each other, so they kept attacking each other.

Finally, the mixed colors exploded completely, and a strange picture appeared in Sai Luo's eyes, and the two who were about to fall to the Kingdom of Light before were suddenly bounced away.

From this perspective, the blue-eyed 'guard' went deep alone, and he was about to face not only the enemy in front of him, but also a large-scale fleet.

'Blue eyes, I remember hearing about a person named Parvat... No, now is not the time to think about this. '

Sai Luo gathered his strength, and the moment he moved forward, his raised left hand directly blocked his movement.

"What are you doing!"

This fierce reaction made Leo sigh in his heart:

'After all, I'm still a child. '

I still feel anxious when I see such a catastrophe in my hometown, but now Sai Luo can't just be a child.

"Are you planning to go to the battlefield with this restricted posture?"


Leo's question directly made Sero dumbfounded. The other party was right, not to mention that he was inconvenient to move while wearing this armor, and the abilities he could use were also limited.

Before Sai Luo could continue to speak, Leo's five fingers pressed on his shoulders. Some kind of mechanism was triggered, and the armor that could not be freed no matter how hard he struggled naturally relaxed, and finally turned into separate parts one after another.

"This is......"

The giant under the armor is just like the lower body he showed, alternating red and blue colors, the breastplate and eyes are impressively reminiscent of 'someone'

"Siro, have you ever wondered why I've been watching here?"

Leo's question made Sero a little puzzled.

"how could I know."

He could only answer like this, and then in exchange for Leo's stern words:

"If you don't think about it, you will always be just a warrior. Think about it, what did you see just now?"

It was obviously not a practice, but Sai Luo couldn't help shrinking his neck. This may be a habit caused by getting along for such a long time.

Following Leo's words, Sai Luo began to recall the scene he saw just now.

"The Kingdom of Light seems to be isolated by something?"

Otherwise, how could the two of them be bounced away together.


Leo nodded.

"Think about it carefully. Since the battlefield is here, it proves that the Jakalu Legion intends to take the Kingdom of Light as a hostage, and the goal of the guard must include taking back the Kingdom of Light. The two sides are in a mutual testing balance stage, and our What is the advantage?"

It may be too early to say these, but let's instill a concept.

Leo began to think about grabbing Sero for tutoring other than combat training.

"We have not been discovered by the enemy. In other words, we are a hidden commando. The reason why I have not made any big moves so far is because I need to hide. Only in this way can I kill the opponent by surprise."

Surprise has always been the basis of the art of war. Regarding Leo's words, Sai Luo felt that he seemed to understand a little bit.

"The fact that the Kingdom of Light is frozen does not mean that it will be destroyed. It is precisely because of this that the Garkalu Legion will be stationed here to prevent anyone from getting in, and there are still a lot of combat power left on that planet. As long as we Unseal the Kingdom of Light, and the situation will be reversed in one go.”

This time Shiro understood completely.

"In other words, our goal is to break into the Kingdom of Light and unfreeze the Kingdom of Light."


Leo agreed with Sai Luo's speculation, at least their mission is this, and on the other side...

During this period of time, he has been leading Sai Luo to move around in the universe of covert operations. He has an intelligence source, and that information source comes from organizations operating everywhere in the universe.

They should have arrived by now.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Tools don't need their own will, they just need to obediently obey the master's ideas.

Even at such a distance, it was able to receive commands. Robot S held the Ultra key in its hand, and its red pupils photographed the scene in front of it.

Twelve planets revolve around a young star, and young life lives on one of them.

They have not yet got rid of the worship of the gods, their numbers are small, and they are fighting against nature.

If the "God" is some kind of huge power that cannot be understood, then now the God has targeted them with the divine punishment of destruction.

In order to prevent the trigger from being pulled, the beams fired crazily, and a large number of shots struck quickly.

Overly obvious attacks are too obvious to hit at all.

Just by simply turning around, the artificial man S has already dodged that insignificant attack.

But this action is already equivalent to starting a war, the attack function starts to work, and the other two linked aircraft also lock the small spaceship with their red mechanical eyes.

'its not right. '

As the operator of the three machines, Mephilas doesn't care about the current situation, he just follows his curiosity to solve the puzzles.

First of all, why can the other party find such a remote galaxy that has not even been registered?

Secondly, why did only such a spaceship come after it was found?Does the other party think that a spaceship can take back the Otto key?

The spaceship began to deform, and it didn't take half a second to be completely crushed. Metal fragments flew around. If there were living things inside, it must be a miserable scene.

'The enemy has been routed'

The moment the judgment here rises in the mechanical brain of the artificial people, the energy spreads.

Grasping this ingenious moment, there are three people joining forces in the twisted scrap iron.

One person's left leg was clasped with a leg ring, and the broken chain fluttered due to the movement.

A man was dressed in green armor, his right hand was forward, as if he had thrown something.

Accelerating, kicking, android T's right fist clenched tightly, its energy-gathering heavy punch collided with the galloping flying kick, pushing each other apart in the bombardment.

And the artificial man U accurately captured an unobvious trajectory, his right arm was dyed purple, and a slash bounced off the spinning flying knife.

On the left, Astra, Leo's younger brother, one of the last remaining fighters of L77.

On the right, Andru Melos, an ally of the M78 Nebula Space Guard, is also a friend of Sophie.

If the two insist on saying that they have something in common, it must be that they are both related to the Kingdom of Light.

There was one other person besides them. His light blue spear was aimed at the Ultra key in the hand of the android S, and it was only a short miss.

At the same time, this attack also exposed its own position. The crystal on the head of the artificial man S flickered, and the Emelim beam successfully hit a shield.

The visitor has the characteristics of the Otto family. His left wrist is a shield with a strange shape. It is this shield that allows him to block the attack, and make a surprise attack while receiving the attack head-on.

In the next second, the right hand of the android S held the removed ice axe, and he slashed with all his strength to explode dazzling sparks, knocking back the approaching enemies directly.

'What combination is this? '

Through the eyes of the machine, Mephilas was puzzled by this, for he knew nothing.

"Are you all right, Libert?"

Astra asked the comrades who had been repulsed in this way, and the Ultra warrior named Libut nodded in response and said at the same time:

"Don't be careless, it seems that these three people didn't just copy the appearance."

The Space Guard is just an overall name, and it is divided into different branches and teams.

And Libut is in one of the little-known teams, the Galaxy Rescue Team.

Compared with the security team that maintains order everywhere, their responsibility is 'rescue' as the team name says

Compared with the famous fighters on the battlefield, a few 'fire fighters' are really insignificant.

Libut is not dissatisfied with this, he is satisfied with his task, no matter what kind of responsibility it is, as long as he can do what he can.

In this case, it was their 'insignificance' that made the difference.

The Galaxy Rescue Team has forged a lot of ties when performing their duties in various galaxies. People who don't know them just think they are nothing more than that, and those who know them know very well the strength of the Galaxy Rescue Team.

They were given the task of tracking down and retrieving the Ott key, anyway, no one would care where a 'rescue team' goes, would they?

Not only that, the Galaxy Rescue Team has its own intelligence channel, and all the information was passed to Leo through the rushing Astra.

The moment he knew what had happened in the Kingdom of Light, Leo chose to stand still and asked Astra to contact the Galaxy Rescue Team, and now, three-on-three, made up for the lack of combat power.

"Then... on!"

One action is enough to change the situation, and the moment one moves forward, the battle will break out directly.

The ice ax turned into a dart and rushed forward, and there was another dart corresponding to it.

The weapon thrown by the android S collided with the weapon thrown by Andru Melos, and bounced off each other after several collisions.

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