The basics of the basics, Spethum's beams of light, the eight-point light wheel of the compression application is enough to cut through the enemies in front of you.

"It's only at this time, what the hell is he going to do!"

Ola knocked one person away with a head hammer without any sense of beauty, complaining about the late arrival of the head of the branch.

At the same time, the violent explosion directly blasted a large number of Jakalu soldiers away, and the aftermath alone was enough to seriously injure them.

After the encirclement net was torn apart, the Babar mercenaries tried to escape from the gap, while the Garkalu soldiers immediately pursued, and the destructive light that shot out came into contact with the white 'umbrella'.


It only had time to say such a sentence, and the reflection and diffusion of the destroyed light hit the Garkalu soldiers.

The red giant behind the umbrella flicks it, and the umbrella turns back into an armband.

"Thanks! Brother Otto!"

Passing by, Leo unconsciously had a strange feeling in his heart.

'The world is unpredictable. '

He would rescue the Babars, even though not all Babars are dogs...but this situation is really strange.

'Speaking of which, the Ultra warrior just now seems to be a bit different from the Ultra clan. '

The head of the mercenary army couldn't help but glance back, and what he saw was a strange picture.


The Garkalu soldiers who were pounced on the red giant in the last second suddenly flew out in all directions. What happened?

'No way......'

It can be said that the regiment leader who has experienced many battles understood the situation, that is to say, the red giant blasted away all the enemies who attacked him at a speed that others could not react to.

It's almost at this point, it's no longer an order of magnitude.

'It's up to you, Cyro. '

Leo thought to himself, the movement in his hands did not stop, a sweeping roundabout kick directly broke the necks of several enemies.

Inside the battleship not far away, there were no longer any members of the Jakalu Legion left, and one of them quickly shuttled through it.

"Is the thing that Melos gave me really useful?"

Sai Luo looked at the strange props in his hands. It is said that the virus inside is used to manipulate the Jia Kalu warship.

According to the other party, the repulsive force around the Kingdom of Light is now completed through Jia Kalu's technology, so as long as the reversal is performed, the repulsive force can be lifted.

Sai Luo, who rushed all the way to the bridge, quickly found the contact point, and he stabbed the virus-containing machine into the interior of the warship.

One second, two seconds... three seconds.

"What? Why didn't anything happen?"

Ten seconds, twenty seconds.

"Rotten machine, move it for me!"

Hitting hard on the console, Sai Luo suddenly recalled one thing.

He quickly particleized his body and blended into it through the console.

In this electronic world, I saw a scene of collapse.

"What's this!"

The scattered data clusters kept collapsing and were no longer complete.

Melos is an excellent scout. He acted alone and provided the coalition forces with a lot of information, and at the same time found a way to break the repulsion.

But his 'acting alone' has led to the current situation, the virus has already been transported to the warship.

The internal system has been destroyed long ago, so what can be eroded by importing new ones now?

In a word, what's the point of putting a seed there when the soil has been hollowed out?

'etc!etc! '

What should we do at this time?

Half a second later, Sai Luo thought like this:

'It doesn't matter if it's 21 or [-], just take a gamble! '

After breaking away from the electronic world, he jumped high, and the light energy in his body was unprecedentedly smooth, and the power that erupted made it impossible for everyone to ignore.


The Great Demon Lord Jia Kalu sensed it.


Leo didn't understand why the kid jumped out suddenly.

"Is that stupid boy going to be stupid again!"

Melos didn't realize where his mistake was at all.

In the next moment, Sai Luo started to move forward, and his action was 'push'

The scenery at this time is not so much spectacular as it is against common sense.

The Jia Kalu warships collided one after another, and Sai Luo pushed the warships as if they were toys.

Ten ships, fifty ships, and the number is still increasing. He has accomplished strange feats in this gravity-free environment. Simply put, the scenery at this time is a bit similar to the Himalayas being pushed by a human being.

Mind power, own power, and the mountain of warships began to move in the same direction.

With the force of pushing forward and repelling, Sai Luo, who was detached backward, aimed at the warship. His left arm was extended straight to the left, and his right fist was retracted at the waist.

"How about this!"

The golden rays of light shot out from the front of the arm, directly penetrating all the warships.

Chapter Eighteen Confrontation in Various Aspects

The repulsive force located outside the Kingdom of Light is generated by the Jakalu Legion using a special instrument, and the instrument is driven by a special engine.

Originally, Melos' plan was to use the virus to seize control of the fleet and disintegrate the repulsive force, but this plan fell through because of his lone ranger approach.

Sai Luo, who was carrying out this task, chose to push all the warships in the direction of the Kingdom of Light, and then directly detonated their engines, which was a gamble.

He didn't know how special that engine was, only that it was the key to everything.

Now the engine of the warship is induced to explode. This is not a simple explosion. Repulsion and suction, the two forces cancel each other out, and the confrontation between the two forces creates a delicate balance.

After realizing the situation here, Jia Kalu's soldiers rushed in the direction of Sai Luo.

'They really wanted to stop me. '

Sai Luo knew this in his heart, and the scenery below was also weird enough.

The shape of the fleet, which was stacked together like a whole hill before, changed, with some facing inwards and some facing outwards, forming a shape like a piece of paper crumpled by a pair of big hands.

"Then it's up to me to break the balance!"

Sai Luo's right arm was strengthened again, and the dazzling golden rays burst out with even stronger power.

The light energy that had been suppressed for an unknown amount of time was delighted by its master's use. Even under such circumstances, Sai Luo still felt excited, because he was finally able to use his own power freely.

Repulsion, attraction, and light.

After the three meet, they form a yin-yang diagram, and the kingdom of light that prevents others from entering is suddenly surrounded by golden particles.

The cluster rays shot by Zero were disintegrated, and dissipated after walking around the entire Kingdom of Light.

He rushed forward immediately, directly breaking into the Kingdom of Light's thin, almost non-existent atmosphere, blasting the burning fleet before him.

Ten, fifty, and more, a large number of dilapidated warships fell into the Kingdom of Light.

In order to stop it, Sai Luo's fingertips ran across the blades on the left and right sides of the head, guiding them to fly out.

The silver slash quickly cut off the huge wreckage, and the emerald green Emelim cut quickly erased the small wreckage like an eraser.

This is the Kingdom of Light, which is frozen at absolute zero. High in the sky, two darts are splitting the falling objects at an outrageously fast speed.

Sai Luo, who was at the front, turned around quickly, and there were not a few enemies who broke into the Kingdom of Light with him.

"You guys are really pestering!"

The dart that was still cutting the ship's fragments last second precisely landed on both sides of Sai Luo's breastplate, and he concentrated the strength in his body.

"Blow you up in one breath!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

The one who rushed here to stop Zero's advance was the 'one of the Four Heavenly Kings' of the Garkalu Legion.

He led his subordinates down to the Kingdom of Light. Although he had a plan, he believed that the 'hybrid' in front of him would definitely cause huge trouble.

Destroying the convergence of light, the energy in the body blasted out in one breath.

In contrast, Sai Luo's movements are somewhat similar, except that the light is only blasted from the darts installed on both sides of the chest.

One side is a faint blue, and the other side is an ominous red. The moment of contact, the red is defeated.

"What? What?!"

The destructive light mastered by Jia Kalu is proud of its power. To put it simply, take the Spaceum light as an example. If there is no special factor such as "improvement", it will be shot in a cross-shaped movement and an L-shaped movement. The latter must be more powerful.

The destructive light does not consider subsequent additions and continuity, and uses the entire body as the barrel to fire, almost blasting out all the energy in the body in one breath.

But even so, the blow of the Four Heavenly Kings still couldn't even reach a stalemate.

There is a beam of light penetrating the sky on the pitch-black planet. If you look carefully, you can even see a lot of unbalanced figures being thrown from all directions, just like moths flying into a flame and finally being swallowed by the flames.

"How, how is it possible?!"

I was so powerless to fight back——

The thinking of one of the Four Heavenly Kings stopped here, and Sai Luo's thought power was mobilized again, and the two darts danced quickly, cutting the burning wreckage again.

'But how to unfreeze this situation now...huh? '

The more you descend, the more you feel that the Kingdom of Light is dazzling enough at this time, but what Sai Luo sees in his eyes is the ice layer that is becoming thinner.

"This is......"

As he saw it, the ice was melting.

The burst of energy directly shattered the ice blocking the whole body, and the father of Otto, who was at the core of the plasma spark tower, was the first to break free.

It is not easy to reach absolute zero. As I said before, even a little abnormality can reduce the coldness here.

Once this layer of blockade is lost....

Sooner or later, the people in the Kingdom of Light who are enough to be called "powerful" will be unsealed from the ice, and their consciousness has always been maintained, just quietly waiting for the opportunity to reverse.

Sai Luo's action of pushing a large number of warships into the atmosphere caused the planet to heat up by mistake. If he was alone, some fish would slip through the net and fall to the ground anyway, which would bring heat.

And the last straw was the light he released. How powerful is a blow that no one in the entire universe can easily ignore?

The aftermath raised the temperature of the planet again, which in turn unsealed the powerhouses who were still conscious.

"Tayro, go to Mebius, and guide the people who can't fight to evacuate immediately after unblocking!"

"it is good!"

Just after waking up, Otto's father had already given instructions based on the situation in front of him.

Straight out of the Plasma Spark Tower, Taro pursued the traces of energy, and he quickly arrived at the square, where was Mebius, who was just unsealed from the ice just like him.

The bone-deep chill made people want to tremble, but Mebius held back. He crossed his arms across his chest, a flame seemed to envelop him, and the proof of friendship was engraved on his body.


"it is good!"

Needless to say, the two joined hands to increase their strength, and the skill called Ultra Bomb was used in another way. They didn't explode it, but just kept raising the temperature.

With the two of them as the center, the high temperature continued to spread to the surroundings. The ice under their feet directly vaporized, and further away was flowing hot water.

Waking up from the ice, one person after another was lifted up.

"All the security guards who can still move will immediately take those who can't move to evacuate outside the city, and this place will soon become a battlefield!"

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