Empat had consumed a lot of energy in the previous battles, but it was not a problem to deal with these ordinary soldiers at all.

He harvested the enemy with extremely exaggerated efficiency, killing hundreds of people in an instant.

Massacre... There is no problem with this description, and the other side of the guardian is fully displayed.


On the retreat route, the downed guards loudly reminded their compatriots that the women of the Silver Crusade released the basic barrier.

However, facing the exaggerated number of enemies, she will only be crushed together with ordinary residents who still hold children in their arms.


The sound of cracking and voicing overlapped, and the flurry of dancing giant serpents tore up their prey, and the group of snakes that completely chopped up the enemy moved farther away.

"What, what..."

I can feel a surge of dark energy, but the guards are sure that it is a 'friendly army'

Because he saved them, didn't he?

Even though the Great Demon Lord Jakalu is dead, the current situation cannot be taken lightly.

The Jiakalu Legion is not confused because of the loss of generals, they are just destroying faithfully.

The core of the plasma spark tower did allow the guards to regain a certain amount of strength, but they were already wounded, and it was inevitable that they would be suppressed.

However, the battle situation within Kingdom of Light at this time seemed to be very balanced. Tyrant wielding chains crazily tore apart the enemies, and the purple light emitted from his eyes instantly swallowed nearly a hundred Jiakalu soldiers into the space inside his body.

Monsters, super beasts, and even mechanical weapons.

Black mist gushed out of the giant 'conch', and the mist proliferated rapidly. Demonic birds swooped down from the mist one after another, grabbed the Jiakalu soldiers and carried them into the air.

Won't die even if mortally wounded?

Then just tear their bodies into pieces. Gatanjeh's own actions are not fast, but the Zoga it derived has become its siblings and its loyal soldiers.

Sai Luo quickly passed by the side of the battlefield filled with black fog. This was not the first time he saw monsters supporting the Kingdom of Light.

It was precisely because of this that he felt a certain uneasiness in his heart.

'There are quite a few monsters that really don't look like good things. '

This is the truest feeling of Sai Luo. Perhaps it is precisely because he doesn't know anything that he has doubts about various things.

In order to figure out what was going on, he quickly moved towards a place that exuded strong power fluctuations.

Sai Luo crossed one local battlefield after another and saw a large number of monsters. The head darts thrown out cooperated with the light to quickly rescue those in need.

And where he wanted to go, the ground was extremely clean.

Because all the Jiakalu soldiers who were knocked down were turned into ashes by electricity and drifted away with the wind.

"It seems that persuading surrender itself has no meaning."

Beria waved the gigabit fighting instrument in his hand casually, and he also heard the too naive statement to persuade him to surrender.

The Jiakalu Legion obviously has no intention of surrendering at all, and the chess pieces are still performing their duties on the battlefield.

But now that the most troublesome one has been knocked down...

Beria's gaze turned to the father of Otto who was with him, feeling this sight, the other party also looked at him.

"Belia, are you planning to return to the Kingdom of Light again?"

Otto's father also expected this in his heart. His friend did such a rebellious thing only because of the manipulation of the Lebrando star. He always hoped that this was the case.

Not only him, but others also have the same opinion, otherwise Beria would not just be imprisoned in prison.

Facing the invitation of Otto's father, Beria placed the gigabit combat instrument on his shoulder in front of his eyes, carefully scrutinizing this special weapon that can accommodate and control a hundred monsters.

A few seconds later, he handed out the gigabyte fighting device, and the father of Otto could get the weapon that had been sealed long ago as long as he stretched out his hand.

"Thank you, Beria."

Otto's father retracted his sword with his backhand, and felt a surge of dark energy the moment he held the gigabit fighting instrument with his left hand.


Beria clenched his right fist with his hands empty, and a blow wrapped in black lightning hit the waist of Otto's father viciously.


The wound that cannot heal is the brand of being slashed by the sword of the Ambella star in the past.

To this day, the dark energy belonging to the Ampera star still remains in the body of Otto's father. Now this dark energy is mobilized by the newly invaded dark energy. spread out.

At this moment, Otto's father felt that countless slender and sharp needles were constantly drilling into his body, gnawing at his body.


He couldn't even keep his balance, and the impact caused him to fall to the ground in embarrassment.

However, even so, Father of Ultra still threw the Ultimate Blade horizontally in front of him after the back roll.

The Gigabit Fighting Instrument that was thrown into the air fell into Beria's palm. For Beria who pursued power, it was impossible for him to give up such a useful weapon.

Letting go for a while is just to confuse the other party.

"Ken, you're as naive as ever."

His words were ridiculed, but also with some kind of vague nostalgia.

Lead the monster army to support the Kingdom of Light?

No, I just don’t want the Jiakalu Legion to dominate. Now that the Jiakalu Legion is retreating steadily...

The order was conveyed, and the monsters who were fighting with the security team at the last second turned against each other, inflicting heavy damage on the security team who hadn't expected this situation at all.

Whether it is the Jia Kalu Legion or the Space Guard, Beria is the enemy, but it is necessary to choose the order of defeat.

Things were just as expected by Beria, the security guards were always easy to trust strangers, even the old friend who was honored as "Father of Ultra" was the same.

"Why, Beria!"

Even in pain, Otto's father still questioned his past friends like this.

He couldn't understand the other party's thoughts. If the first contact with the Plasma Spark Tower could be explained as being blinded by power, and the second attack on the Kingdom of Light could be explained as being bewitched by the Lebrando Stars, what about this time?

Different from the second confrontation, fighting side by side like this, Otto's father understood more clearly that Beria was still the same Beria.

At the same time, it was also because of this that he didn't understand Beria's behavior. Why did he turn his sword against his hometown?

Obviously they once stood in the same position, why are they running in the opposite direction now?

It has come to this point now, and Otto's father is still so 'sluggish' in Beria's eyes

So he responded:

"Thinking about it now, the days of fighting together were like a dream, but Ken, you should have expected it to become what it is today."

"say what......"

"The Great Ultra War, no, earlier than that."

Beria interrupted the words of Otto's father. The two had known each other a long time ago. Although they formed a team together, Beria was convinced from then on that the two were completely different people.

"We did start out with the same stance, but we've been looking in different directions since then."

There was still some nostalgia in Beria's tone, and he continued:

"When you said you were fighting for your hometown, fighting for your friends, and after that, when you said you were working hard for the peace of the universe, I don't think that kind of thing matters at all."

home?partner?Peace?It's pointless.

"Ken, think about it again, why was the Kingdom of Light attacked at that time? What counterattack did we rely on to get back? Think about it again, what is the core of this so-called space guard?"

The gigabyte fighting instrument was raised slightly, and then dropped heavily, as if to emphasize the seriousness of the words.

"It's power. It's because we're seen as powerless that we get attacked. It's because we show enough strength that we can fight back. It's power that decides everything. The Kingdom of Light will continue to exist only if it has enough power to repel the Ampera Stars."

Only strength is everything. Beria has been pursuing strength since earlier, but he realized this more clearly in the Ultra War.

"The current universe maintains peace and order, but what maintains these? It is not human character, nor morality and self-consciousness, but because of the existence of the cosmic guard, which deters everything with absolute power and destroys the so-called evil. "

His words are not nonsense, in fact, there is indeed a corresponding truth.

After the end of the Ultra War, the Space Guard was established, and there were several wars after that. The Kingdom of Light finally reached its current state after overcoming various crises.

It is not a problem to say that "strength" determines the outcome of a war.

"I still remember when the Space Guard was established, you said that you wanted to end the era where only power can determine everything, but isn't this very contradictory? In the end we are still on the path of pursuing power, Ken, don't you think this is both Is it difficult to answer the contradiction?"

In order to end an era where power can determine everything, so use power to end this era, and then use power to maintain a new order, then in the end, it is still "a stronger power to end the old power"

Such a twisted road is rough and inexplicable.

Beria denied the Kingdom of Light's choice from the most fundamental point, and the silence of Otto's father ended here.

"I know this path may be difficult and contradictory, but..."

The grip of the sword is so clear.

"I have seen many smiles on this road, even if it is such a road full of contradictions, it is still better than before, Beria, no one knows who is right and who is wrong until the end, we can only believe yourself and move on.”

Even relying on the deterrence of power, today's world still allows many people to live smoothly.

"Since this is the case..."

The lingering sound of the words has not disappeared, and everything seems to be as false as a mirror.

The positions of Father of Ultra and Beria changed, and the red and black dark energy particles overflowed briefly on Beria's body. At this time, the ultimate blade that spun and fell pierced the ground, and Father of Ultra fell to the ground. his back.

"As expected of you, Ken."

During the momentary confrontation, the Otto dumbbell emitted a glare, briefly affecting Beria's sight, and it was also at this time that Otto's father threw the Ultimate Blade.

A weapon capable of fighting on an equal footing with the Gigabit Fighting Instrument was thrown out. The reason for doing so was because Otto's father judged that his state at this time would be useless even if he held the Ultimate Blade, and high-intensity fighting would only Let his physical condition decline rapidly.

At the moment when the Ultimate Blade collided with the Giga Fighting Instrument, Father of Otto formed an L-shaped beam of synchronized bombardment, successfully hitting Beria's body.

But at the next moment, Beria endured the direct light. He exerted force with the gigabit fighting device, and the electric whip he threw entangled the wrist of Otto's father, and pulled him to the front of him while the interference line was launched.

Beria first bombarded the enemy's abdomen with a giga-fighting instrument, and then used it as a spear to throw the opponent into the air. The second thrust followed by the bound electric whip, he smashed the father of Otto on the ground. On the ground behind.

The father of Otto made the best one among the limited choices, and it was for this reason that Beria praised him.

Now Beria turned around and held up the gigabit fighting instrument and said:

"Don't worry anymore, because the road to the Kingdom of Light ends here."

A blunt weapon capable of crushing a monster with a single blow.

Chapter 22 Two Sides in the Mirror

Only power is everything, the truth of the universe, this is what people who only pursue power say.

And just as Beria said, he now has the top power in the universe, and is planning to destroy the Kingdom of Light.

Why destroy the Kingdom of Light?

About this, perhaps only he himself knows.

But for Sero who only heard part of the conversation, so much is enough.

He is the same on the point of 'pursuing power', and he also pursues the so-called strength, otherwise he would not have contacted the plasma spark tower at the beginning.

But here's where there's a divide, Beria's quest for power doesn't mind destroying anything that gets in his way.

Sai Luo had a strange feeling, the black Ultra warrior in his eyes was like another self in the mirror, very similar.

But since it is another self in the mirror, there is naturally the opposite.

'At least I...'

The "self" in his eyes raised the Gigabit Fighting Instrument in his hand, Sai Luo quickly touched the head dart with his hands, and then the undisguised sound of breaking the wind attracted the opponent's attention.

The sparks exploded, the collision clanged, and the flame-wrapped Sero focused all his heat on one blow. The advantage brought by the surprise attack was brought into play, and Beria, who was blocking with the Gigabit Fighting Instrument, was directly repelled hundreds of meters .

Nianli pulled the head dart, Sai Luo clasped it tightly with both hands, crossed in front of him, and assumed the posture of attacking.

At the same time, Beria, who rotated the gigabit fighting device for a circle, made one point clear.

"...Boy, report your name."

He never memorized the names he didn't know how to remember, but the red and blue mixed-race boy in front of him was different. Although he was attacked by surprise in the brief confrontation just now, he was repelled by such a long distance. Are your hands trembling?

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