'What a faux pas! '

Why is it so natural to point fingers at other people's bodies!

"Will it grow up in the future? When Taro's horn is as big as Ultra's father, yours will grow up too... Wait, wait, I was wrong, I got it, I was wrong .”

Sai Luo's heart trembled at Sai Wen's gaze, saying that this is not a greeting between cousins?Why are you so serious?

About 5 minutes later, Seven and Tai Luo watched the strange relationship between the cousins, and what they really wanted to say was that Sai Luo was leading Tai Jia away.

A person who is not polite at all and does not care about others walking at his own pace meets a good student, and it seems inevitable that he will become what he is today.

"Let you worry about it, brother."

Taylor went to ask those two people on purpose, and then Seven agreed, because:

"It's okay. I also hope that Sai Luo can learn how to be a qualified brother. This kid's character is too out of character. How did he develop it?"

Seven was a little helpless, he was like a rabbit on the earth, bouncing around.

Chapter 34 In Different Universes

"Enpat, come out and play~~~"


Yelling in front of other people's doors, not just yelling in front of other people's doors, today is still a class day, obviously it is a class day, but now you are doing this kind of thing here, is this really okay?

It's not good no matter what you think, right?

This is skipping class, if you skip class...

It is possible that Taiga, who was skipping class for the first time in his life, was caught in a tangle. Also, how could this person next to him look like an older brother?

Is there a cousin who pulls his cousin to skip class?

Well, it does appear to exist.

"Enpat, come out and play~~~"

When this sentence was repeated for the second time, the door in front of him opened, and the person who walked out made Taijia let out a 'wow' in his heart.

Look at this face and eyes, look at that wrist armor and breastplate, you can't go wrong, this is a face that can skip class and do bad things!

Empat didn't know what Taijia was thinking, he was just amazed at one thing, that was the man in front of him, this energetic guy.

"Don't you feel tired?"

There was a big fight yesterday, and both of them felt exhausted until the end. However, under such circumstances, Sai Luo ran out early the next morning like a normal person. What's the situation?

To put it bluntly, Empat feels that his recovery is not yet complete, and he is still a little tired.

"Of course I don't feel tired."

Sai Luo scratched his cheek with his thumb and said confidently.

Injuried?exhausted?This is not a problem at all, where do you think this is, this is the Kingdom of Light, there is no disease or pain, because as long as you do nothing here, the plasma spark tower will provide enough energy.

After waking up from a good night's sleep, Sai Luo felt that his body had fully recovered, and it would not be a problem to play another game to his heart's content today.

Looking at him like this, Empat had to sigh in his heart:

'Is this young? '

Or is he really getting old?No way, how is it possible.

"So you came to pick me up from school?"

This is Empat's question.

"how is this possible!"

This is Shiro's denial.

'Wow. '

This is Taijia's heartfelt voice, he can only say that it is really thanks to Sai Luo who can deny it so categorically and without guilt.

"Didn't you say yesterday that you want to pass on your secret technique to me so that I can pass it on without permission?"

Sai Luo said enthusiastically, he would not refuse the way to become stronger.

'Of course it will hurt others or forget it. '

He doesn't like such things.

Faced with this interest, Empat did not seem to be mobilized at all. He calmly complained:

"I don't remember that I promised you that you would be exempted from everyone's permission, and I don't remember that I have opened any dojos. How do you know this word?"

Could it be that the Kingdom of Light also has a sword dojo?

"Father and master once said that it probably means to become a teacher?"

Sai Luo himself didn't know much about these words, but it didn't matter, as long as it sounded very powerful, it would be fine if he didn't use it directly.

Taiga was a little confused about the conversation between the two, but he understood part of it very clearly.

'Secret technique? '

Taiga stared at Empat, what is the secret skill that even Sai Luo needs to learn?

He actually didn't know who Empat was, because only Sai Luo was showing his power in his position, and Empat himself didn't want to become so famous, so except Empat rescued Except for those who have lived here, everyone only knows that a person with a special appearance has immigrated.

At this moment, the tablet inside the room was beeping. The moment he heard the sound, Empat turned off the 'alarm clock' directly with the connected brain waves.

"Then, it's time to go to school."

What he delivered was a statement of undeniable common sense.

"Huh? What class are you taking!"

Sai Luo refused. He felt that he was better at remembering with his body than with his brain.

'surprising! '

Taijia looked at Empat in surprise. He thought that the person who became friends with Sai Luo must not be very serious, but he never thought that the person in front of him was a normal person.

How should I put it, it can only be said that it did not violate the fierce but steady appearance.

"Anyway, I'm going to school."

Empat's speech at this time was simply a good student. Hearing what he said, Sai Luo's original excitement evaporated directly. He shrugged his shoulders and could only give up.

Otherwise, where would he go alone?Go swimming?

"Tsk, it's boring, don't you think Taiga?"

When Sai Luo raised his head, he found that the two people who were still here before had disappeared.

"I'm Empat, hello."

"My name is Taija, hello."

"Hey, why are you ignoring me so naturally and running away!"

Sai Luo hurriedly caught up with the person who was walking towards the school over there. He didn't care much about looking at him. Anyway, he has almost gotten used to it after a while, and everyone will be fine after they get used to it.


At the corner of the road, Zeta probed quietly.

'What should I do if I can't find a chance to talk to you at all? '

What should we do at this time?Is it like in the comics, holding a drink in your hand and then 'bang' bumping into each other's body from the corner?

With such strange thinking, Zeta stepped forward and followed.

You don't need to feel it very seriously, time always starts to pass naturally.

Today's Empat is also listening carefully in school. He used to send his children to school, but now he is going to school by himself. I have to say that the world is amazing.

"No, I think you are more amazing."

Sai Luo can clearly see that the book Empat is holding in his hand at this time is undoubtedly "Let Children Learn Languages ​​Easily"

What's this?Parenting books?

"Who do you think is going to have a child so soon? But considering the age of 3000 million years old...have a child at a very old age! Old and old can have children!"

"A dog can't spit out ivory, you..."

Empat realized again that Sai Luo's mouth was too exaggerated.

"It's something I'm learning by myself."

He explained in this way, and in exchange for Sai Luo's shoulder-embracing gesture, the dog continued without ivory:

"Your educational level is that of a baby?"


Can't speak, Empat really can't think of the day after many years that he will be so choked that he can't speak.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"I'm just trying to expand my knowledge base, so that I won't be unable to think of anything when it's time to use it, so I can only ask someone to ask, that would be too shameful."

"Oh... wait, are you talking about me?"

When Sai Luo thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong, because he was very self-conscious about what he listened to half of the class and didn't listen to the half.

"Hey, I didn't say that, I just aimed at those who didn't attend the class."

Empat immediately denied it.

"Don't take your seat right."


Sai Luo also began to think about the words of counterattack in silence, it is not his style to be unilaterally said like this.

But before he could speak, Empat suddenly pulled out the class tablet.

"Speaking of Sai Luo, I don't understand here, can you explain it to me?"

A long list of alien icons appeared on the screen.

"You don't even know this!"

Saima immediately responded with a haha, but Empat, who had no response to this point, pointed to one of the aliens.

"I remember that the culture of the Kym people is very special, Sai Luo, please help me see."

"Oh! The Kem people! The Kem people are that or something! That's the one! Don't you understand!"

I can't figure it out, might as well say this is a Kym star?

"Sorry, I made a mistake, this is from the Jadons."

Empat suddenly denied what he said before, that is to say——didn't you see it?

Dark yellow and faint blue, the two pairs of eyes looked at each other in silence.

Taijia began to think about whether to do something. What is the atmosphere of this imminent fight?

"Okay, I'm not joking, but does this classroom tablet still have this function?"

It's too childish to get angry because of such a trivial matter, and friends usually don't take it seriously when they joke around.

Sai Luo suddenly felt that he had found something to do in the future.

"You don't want to play with it in class..."

Empat thinks this possibility is not impossible, just like when some people feel bored in class, they will turn to the later things to read.

"Of course that's impossible."

Sai Ma immediately denied it, and how could this kind of thing be possible to play.

After that, in a large number of lessons after that, Empat looked forward and found that the other party had kept his head down and seemed to be doing something with his right hand.

'I'm not listening to the class either. '

At this moment, Sai Luo gave up listening to the class, he found that there is a software on this tablet, that is 'copybook'

One stroke at a time, the dropout began to exercise his handwriting.

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