'I could sense that something unprecedented was about to happen. '

Maybe it was intuition, or maybe it was just a feeling, Ultraman felt uneasy.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Ah! No way! I'm so annoyed!"

Opening his arms, he fell back paralyzed, and Sai Luo lay in a large font on the green grass. He looked at the clouds in the sky, and the feeling in his heart...had not been relieved.

Three hours had passed since the beginning, and even the sun in the Kingdom of Light had moved directly above, but he still hadn't made any substantial progress.

"This slimming approach just doesn't work for me."

Not only do you have to manipulate your own energy, but you also need to use your mind to provide detailed assistance.

Now there is a feeling of guiding the lake water, if it develops further...

Sai Luo felt that he was very good at directing the flood water in one direction, but it would be too nonsense to push the flood water back and lock it up and then use it in batches, not to mention that it was in a battle!

"You inevitably get emotionally charged in combat, and that's the crux of the matter."

Nangong who didn't know when opened one eye said this, Sai Luo turned his head and looked at his cross-legged meditation posture that has not changed from before to now, and wanted to complain, "Have you turned into a stone?" '

"Is it still called a fight if you don't get excited when you fight?"

Sai Luo enjoys the fun of fighting, and also enjoys the process of using power.

"I wouldn't get excited."

Nangong replied calmly, because he neither enjoys fighting nor likes fighting.

"That's why your fist is so empty."

Sai Luo made a complaint and then turned around again.

"I don't know whether you are a clear mirror Zhishui or just an empty head."

He once heard Leo talk about such a state, where the still water reflects everything like a mirror, that is, to face the battle with a candid and undivided heart, without being disturbed by emotions, so he can react naturally.

"At first I thought it wasn't for me."

Selo turned over again, put his hands behind his head and sighed.

When fighting, he becomes passionate, and when he is passionate, he exerts stronger power. This is him.

"If it's true that the mirror stops the water, I won't be me."

Turning his head, Sai Luo saw Taijia who was as calm as Nangong.

"Taijia, are you in a daze or something?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Taiga suddenly shook, and opened his eyes as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"What's the matter? Is it going to be night?"

"Ha ha!"

Sai Luo just laughed a few times, and before he could say the words 'you are asleep', he saw intertwined light spots on Taijia's raised palm.

The faint light and swaying trajectory seem to be like fireflies playing with each other, and like stars chasing each other.

At this moment, Nangong, who opened one eye, clearly saw Sai Luo's expression change from a smile to a daze, with his mouth half open and eyes half open. If he had a mobile phone, he would definitely take a picture of it and use it as an emoji.

"It still can't mimic various shapes with just one finger like Mr. Empat."

Tai Jia shook his head helplessly. Although he tried hard, he still couldn't do it.

How to start?Going too far is definitely getting twice the result with half the effort, so start from the most basic.

Before Taiga closed his eyes, he was actually observing the light energy in his body and manipulating it.

"It must have been like this in the beginning, you are very talented."

Nangong knows that encouragement is also very important, and it is true. The reason why he can get started so quickly is because he has really exploded, so he is very clear about the situation, and his body has memorized the way energy works.

Unlike Sai Luo, who has a detached personality, Taiga, a top student, is used to doing something seriously.

Looking at the harmonious relationship over there, Sai Luo felt a sense of distance for a while.

"What's the matter with this atmosphere where only I can't do it?"

Straightforward, he expressed his feelings directly.

"Because you really can't, can't you? Isn't that true?"

Nangong pointed out the reality.

"Did the corners of your mouth turn up just now?"



"Then do you have evidence?"

Nangong is used to the verbal battles with Sai Luo. Now that he is used to it, he will not lose. After all, he has gotten along with many people with very strong mouths before. Recently, he recalled the nostalgic back and forth .

"Don't do it, don't do it!"

Sai Luo stood up straight from the ground. He aimed the rag at the air and swung his left and right fists continuously, and his body became hot.

"I'm still suitable for this kind of practice!"

He strode forward quickly, rolled out palms, high knees followed by jabs aimed at the abdomen, and jumped back and kicked to chase.

Once he moved, the irritable expression on Sai Luo's face disappeared without a trace, and he kept moving his body with an expression that seemed to be smiling.

Every attack set off an air current, driving the surrounding grass and distant branches.

Looking at Sai Luo like this, Nangong had the same thought in his heart:

'Indeed, this suits you better. '

Just now he did go to watch the other party's situation, Sai Luo's expression gradually changed from impatient to impatient, it was really too much for him to sit like this.

Although Nangong didn't know what 'fist conveys emotion' was all about, but he knew how to get along with people.

Sai Luo is the kind of person who will arouse the emotions of those around him and make everyone laugh together.

So it is still the way it is now, and the way it is moving at its own pace is more suitable for him.

Like him, Taiga is also looking at Sai Luo, looking at his cousin who makes him feel unwilling.

I want to find out the secret of the other party's strength, but I can't find anything, I just saw it, I saw a simple person without hesitation, without confusion.

Unlike a person like him who thinks about everything, Sai Luo doesn't seem to be thinking about anything, or he only thinks about one thing, which is why he is so strong.

The pure man has a certain power that others do not have.

'Then what exactly is pure? '

Taija thought about this, and then continued to focus. He is good at focusing. This may be because only when he is focused, he will not be troubled by his own contradictions.

Chapter 37

Although there is no way to achieve a clear mirror and stop water, it can still be done with pure concentration.

After finishing the excitement of returning to the Kingdom of Light, Sai Luo returned to his original form, that is, the self-motivated desire to become stronger at any time.

Two head darts were rapidly circling around him at this moment, the left hand caught one of them and swung it forward from the lower left corner, and the other head dart caught by the right hand didn't even stay in his hand for half a second before it came back. was thrown out directly.

With its own power plus the increase in mental power, the silver light, which was twice as fast as before, flew away quickly.

At this moment, another remaining head dart was also thrown immediately. Sai Luo quickly took a step forward and took off, kicking the high-temperature flames entangled with light energy, smashing the opponent in front of him with one blow.


The spirit became calm again, and after finishing a virtual training, there were no enemies in front of Sai Luo, and he returned to the real 'reality'.

At this time, what was pressing on him was twenty times the gravity based on the gravity of the Kingdom of Light. The exaggerated weight was not comfortable even for him, but it was this feeling that made him feel extremely comfortable.

"That's the way to go!"

After not resting for a long time, Sai Luo stabilized his body and moved his heavy and slow body under 25 times the gravity.

'It's hard work...'

Taiga, who is a reserve, can naturally be active in this training ground. Since three days ago, they have stopped going to other planets, because for Sai Luo, he is not good at the kind of training that is very boring to him. train.

So now Sero is sitting on the training disc and pressing himself with gravity, thereby squeezing his body and spirit.

For Sai Luo, this feeling is even more excessive than the previous training armor. Gravity does not only restrict a part, but oppresses all aspects. What he needs now is this kind of oppression.

I haven't even seen the mountains on the way forward, and there is no need to stop and think.


The two head darts in front of Sai Luo cut at a slow speed, and the power of Otto was also fighting against gravity, and the current scenery was caused by the influence.

For Taiga, he saw some of Sai Luo's characteristics clearly in getting along.

Although usually careless and not very in tune, Sai Luo has a pure desire to win and be self-motivated. He understands what he is after very well, so he pushes forward vigorously.

So for Taiga, what exactly is he pursuing?



This is the second time someone has seen through him like this. Taija turned his head suddenly, and Empat, who was still doing some meditation training before, arrived by his side at some point.

Empat wasn't unaware of this, or rather it was too obvious, because Taiga would always look at Sai Luo from time to time.

Anyway, Empat is already a certain age person, who has seen many things, young people can guess a little bit.

Seeing his appearance, Taija decided to ask his own question after hesitating for a while, that is:

"Why are you so strong? If Sai Luo became stronger for the sake of becoming stronger, what is it for you?"

Taiga didn't think he would follow the same path as Sai Luo, because his own urgency was not so much impatient because he couldn't become stronger, but more impatient because he didn't know what he wanted.

Now Taiga needs to know some reasons. In the previous chats, he also knew that Sero had lost to Empat. That person was not disappointed in his defeat at all, it was just a one-way difficulty to overcome. cheer up.

Although it seemed strange to say that, Taiga always felt that the person beside him was somewhat different from him.

Hearing Taija's question, Empat confirmed that this is the confusion about the future that young people will have after reaching a certain period, and it is exactly this age.

"The reason why I am strong is because I was lucky in the battle and did not die."

This is Empat's own thinking. After trying his best to succeed, this may also be because of better luck.

"As for becoming stronger... I just feel that I have an obligation to become stronger, and it may also be because I am afraid that one day there will be enemies that I cannot deal with."

If he falls down, what will happen to those lives and people who must be guarded?

Just thinking about it makes me feel restless.

"But this may be putting the cart before the horse. This world is really full of contradictions."

Empat shook his head. He remembered what Xili from another time and space had said to him—always talking about the only 'correct' reasons.

That sentence is indeed a complaint, an accusation. He hopes to be strong enough to protect the people he wants to protect, but in the process he has to stay away from the people he wants to protect. It is really contradictory.

"In order to deal with stronger enemies that may appear..."

Taiga repeated a sentence in a low voice, and he also noticed another contradiction in it.

"Just keep pushing yourself forward for a possibility, and don't even give you time to rest. As long as the possibility of an enemy appearing in the future is not zero, you-"

"That's the way it is."

Possibilities, even subjective possibilities, this kind of thinking makes Empat unable to just let go of everything.

In the words of Diana and Zamsha, it is the 'ascetic or martyr's way of life'

I remember that before, it was Nangong who once chatted with Xingzi, discussing whether immortality is a good thing or not.

The world will continue to develop, there are countless novel things, and there is no need to suffer from illness and aging. Isn't immortality the best blessing in the world?

If you want to say, it is indeed the case, but there is a premise here-enjoyment.

Don't worry about pain, death and aging, and enjoy the happiness and development of the world non-stop. Such immortality should be a blessing.

But what if there is a premise added to it?

There is a person who lives forever, but he neither enjoys nor is interested in glory and wealth. He just keeps doing the same thing, either fighting or going to fight.

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