The moment his figure was revealed, everyone was stunned.

"Another... giant?"

Corresponding to the brown-black giant is the red giant, which is covered with delicate 'armor'

The chest, shoulders, and wrists, the silver base color combined with the golden 'carved patterns' give people a special feeling.

The correspondence between the two highlights the impression of "good and evil".

From the perspective of the red giant, blue dots lit up inside the red eye sockets of the brown-black giant for the first time.

'Data search, verification, confirmation, the warriors of the Ott clan and the red clan. '

The computer's data flow was returned and received, and the expression of the existence ordered behind it changed.

"The Otto family...Lops, start collecting new data immediately."

Dark Lopes, this is the name of the brown and black giant, and the red giant is named 'Max'

He came from another distant universe, and when he arrived in this abnormal universe, he was separated due to a force majeure accident.

"who are you?"

Max questioned the Dark Lopes in front of him like this, because Dark Lopes has an overly unique shape, which is unique in that it is [-]% similar to the young warrior named 'Zero'.

what happened?

Why is there an existence so similar to Cyro in another distant universe?

Just like Sero and Empat who don't know where they are now, Max is also thinking about the status quo, but before going deeper, he sees the 'Earth' and notices the strangeness in it.

A planet without white clouds seems too barren, the blue ocean has disappeared, and the bare planet is uneven.

Max, who once guarded the earth in another universe, was shocked by this abnormality, and then when he felt the destructive energy, he shot light from space and threw the sword of Marcus for long-distance interception.

But now, he is facing the attack of Dark Lops.

Without the slightest reply of words, Dark Lopes just followed the instructions of the commander, and threw two head darts at the moment of advancing.


The moment the battle broke out, Max threw out the head dart in his hand again, but the dart was shrouded in afterimages.

The shadows spread around, and one head dart turned into ten head darts, and the difference in numbers was completely reversed.

Dark Lopes immediately changed his movements, its one-eyed brilliance expanded in the skyrocketing, and the dazzling light swept quickly, quickly knocking down two head darts.

And Max didn't have the slightest fear, he sprinted forward directly, closing the distance between the two sides.

After all, the light beam released from the eyes of Dark Lopus was not fast enough, or Max's speed was much faster than imagined.

The two head darts that were about to collide with the sword of Maxum in the last second were retracted under the pull, and Dark Lopes gave up the eye beams, and the two head darts it held tightly began to spin crazily.

Purple knife light flowed inside the whirlwind, Max's remaining six-headed dart failed to pass through, and was directly bounced off.

Now the top-like Dark Lopes is like a dangerous meat grinder, but Max didn't have the slightest fear, and he launched his palms to bombard the enemy with his thoughts.

The sudden disturbance disturbed the balance of Dark Lopus, but its reaction was fast enough, and the two head darts were thrown out together with inertia and strength.

Without waiting for Max to pursue, the head darts surrounding the opponent in a ring quickly passed in front of him.

Before the second head dart came, Max's body emitted a soft red light, and he advanced at a further speed.


There was a loud noise, and Dark Lopes barely had time to defend, and a heavy punch landed on its arm.

'A quick fix. '

Max wasn't sure who the other party was coming from, but he knew one thing, only living people could spit out information.

The several collisions just now created the illusion of you coming and going, but at this moment, the illusion was broken.

Before Dark Lopes could react, the shocks that made it unbalanced came one after another.

Max, whose body became brighter, attacked at the cost of greater consumption, and the increase brought by his high-speed movement allowed him to continuously suppress attacks.

Chest, abdomen, chin, after the three combos, Max aimed at the floating enemy and stepped on his right foot, left, right, left, right, and the wind was raised just by punching, and the shadow of the fist all over the sky directly blew the dark Luopu away. Swamped.


The sound of metal cracking came, and Max clearly saw the electronic parts in the dark Lops body.

'Is it a machine?In this case! '

In an instant, Max elbowed Dark Lopes's abdomen as if he was about to continue beating him. He quickly reached out and grabbed the opponent's shoulder and right leg, lifted it over his head and smashed it to the ground, leaving nothing behind. The sympathetic trampling hit Dark Lopus' waist.

This is just the beginning, Max, who squatted down, grabbed the opponent's neck and smashed the 'monitor' in the eye with a heavy fist

One blow, two blows, and the city reverberates with the clatter of metal and the crackling of metal.

If Dark Lopes feels like a ruthless Grim Reaper, Max feels like a crazy and rough monster.

Finally, the entire head of Dark Lopus was smashed to pieces, completely stopping its activities.

Only then did Max let go of his hand and stood up, his last posture reflected in the database was 'a madman enjoying sadism'

"The Ultra Clan..."

Although possessing incredible power, it seems that his brain is not very normal.

'Got you. '

In the far corner, Max stood up from the city, and just as he turned his head to look at the army, he saw many people retreating.

' Scared them. '

Max smiled wryly in his heart, it seems that his acting is really true, but that's okay, if it is not true, there is no way to deceive the other party.

mad Men?That's it.

Each blow is actually to shoot light particles into the opponent's body, and follow the data flow to find the opponent's manipulator.

Since it is a machine, there is naturally a person who gives the order. Max deliberately acted in order to find the other party.

In order not to startle the enemy, he didn't rush directly into the opponent's base.

Rather, he is not the kind of person who confidently thinks that he can solve everything by himself, not to mention that he has other goals in coming to this universe.

The red giant in the city disappeared in the transparency, and the people in the army looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

Red giants, brown and black giants?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

This is a corner of the universe, and it is also the flashpoint of the conflict. The moment Chimaira attacked, Bemonstein immediately counterattacked, and it exhaled cold air from the second mouth in its abdomen.

Fog and cold air, the two gases collide.


Sero was surprised by this. Bemonstein's physical condition is not good, but he still participates in the battle.

In the next instant, the two streams of gas were torn apart, and two crescent-shaped red blades struck quickly, which was Herberos' attack.

This is just the beginning, more purple light beams leave trails like missiles and then fall.

The continuous attacks were extremely dense, but the restrained energy cutting failed. Sai Luo's sweeping left arm directly slapped it to pieces, and at the same time he retreated, he directly hit Hull with the Aimelim cutting shot from the headlamp. A large number of sparks popped out of Bellos' head.

Zero paid no attention to Herberos, who was in pain, because Chimaira, who was attacking, was attacking at high speed.

Before the attack, Bemonstein's open abdominal opening played a role again, and the powerful suction directly changed Chimaira's trajectory.

Since the trajectory is fixed, it is naturally an offense.

Bemonstein moved quickly, pulling the opponent's abdomen to drive the enemy. It passed the purple light bullet released by Herberos, but Chimaira was not so lucky and was forcibly taken into the bombing area Within its range, it was instantly torn apart.

'This monster...'

Zero, who avoided the claw attack of Herberos, realized that the Bemonstein he had just rescued was not simple, and seemed to be used to being besieged.

Seizing an opportunity, Sai Luo quickly whipped his leg to complete the counterattack before the enemy hit him. The strong force caused Herberos' body to shift. In order not to be counterattacked, the horns on Herberos' head released a red thunder , let Sai Luo dodge.

Just then, a blue light suddenly appeared.


Faster than ever, seizing this moment, Bermuda, who had not participated in the battle, slammed into Bemstein's side fiercely from the side.


Blood spat out of Bemonstein's mouth.


Sai Luo was distracted the moment he wanted to catch up, his right arm was tightly entwined, it was Chimaira's long tongue.

The scarred monster was still going to attack until now, so it died.


Sero was shocked by the situation in front of him. Herberos, who had attacked him fiercely before, suddenly changed his target, and the tail with the sharp blade directly penetrated Chimaira's body.

Immediately afterwards, Herberos's tail quickly wrapped around Chimaira, and he fled away without thinking.

At the same time, on the other side, Bemonstein opened its belly mouth again, and the tingling sensation was clearly conveyed, and the zero-distance sprayed flames from Bermuda combined with the photosphere energy.

It was hot and painful. Due to the close distance, the mouth of Bemonstein's abdomen could not swallow all the energy immediately, and its already scarred body endured continuous burning.

Life is being consumed, but consciousness is still very clear.

So Bemenstein's roar simultaneously released yellow destructive rays from the sharp horns of its head, and the bombardment was entangled with it, turning into a strangely shaped blue light ball due to the continuous absorption of energy.

The two entwined at an exaggerated speed released yellow and blue lights, and it was unknown how much distance they had advanced, and Bemonstein's pain eased.

The remaining energy was completely swallowed by it, and the other mouth of the abdomen was scarred, and even charred pieces of meat could be seen.

In contrast, Bermuda's face disappeared completely, with only a large hole, and the competition of endurance was Bemstein's victory.


After making a call that only he could hear, Bemonstein pecked at the food with the beak that he hardly used normally, that is, the 'beak'.

Not long after, Sai Luo who arrived felt that he could actually come a little later.

"Wow take it easy..."

Should it be said that it came too fast or too slow?

What appeared before his eyes was Bermuda whose body was roughly torn apart and eaten, and Bemonstein whose face was covered in blood.

After noticing his arrival, Bemonstein tilted his head, then lowered his head again, tore off a large piece of flesh and threw it to Sai Luo.

"No, no, I don't need it..."

Siro didn't touch the so-called 'food', and sent it back with his mind, and although he didn't understand his words, Bemonstein still understood that Siro didn't need food, so he continued to bury his head in today's big meal inside.

Looking at such a picture, Sai Luo began to think about the previous things.

'Is it a food chain...but...'

He looked again at Bemonstein.

'Bemonstein's staple food shouldn't be meat. '

Chapter 41 The Scene of Destruction


It was destroyed, it was too late, there was nothing left here.

The so-called solar system is a galaxy centered on the sun, the star, and the habitable zone is the earth. From here, it spreads all the way to the spherical cloud called 'Oort cloud'.

The distance between the sun and the Oort cloud is nearly a light-year, but the scene has long since collapsed.

The celestial bodies that once existed around the sun have completely disappeared without leaving any traces. The mass of the sun has doubled compared to before, so the gravitational force generated is enough to swallow up all the so-called 'eight planets'.

How did it all start?

Is it a slow process or a fast process?

If the end result is destruction, the instant death brought about by the latter is much better than the irresistible despair of the former, but there should be no destruction.

Empat stood where the Earth's orbit should have been, and there was nothing left of it.

There are no wrecks, no traces, the solar system at this moment is like no planets have ever existed, only the sun is rotating, eating up the celestial bodies that can be drawn from nowhere.

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