It is actually not accurate to say this, and it is more accurate to say that the single universe and the universe that has already overlapped have overlapped for the third time, that is to say, two universes have actually been destroyed in the process of fusion.

According to the Ikars civilization, their 10 people were only lucky to avoid the initial conflict when they were building in the fourth dimension.

The overlap caused the situation of "two-two collision". The parent star of the Ikars civilization and the parent star of another universe that had never given birth to any life collided at a speed that people could not react to at all.

Think about it, what terrible force is produced by the collision of two planets with the same mass?

In just a split second, billions of lives were lost, and none survived.

This is not bad, because even if they survived, they have to face the expanding stars after fusion. The 10 people who happened to escape in the four-dimensional space can only see the fragmentation caused by the impact and the gravitational force after leaving. The torn remains are finally lost in the light of the stars.

This is the original disaster. The closer the two universes are, the more stars are overlapped together. The entire universe is facing the same disaster. The billions of people in a single civilization are nothing more than a fundamental exclusion in the entire universe. Unnumbered numbers.

The surviving Ikars civilization escaped continuously through the particularity of the four-dimensional space, and finally arrived at the vicinity of the earth, which is far away from the overlapping point.

Because of the arrival of the Ikars civilization, the theory of parallel universes is confirmed, but no one is happy about it.

The present Earth is only spared because of the distance from the 'overlap point', but what if the overlap continues to advance?

So 7 months ago, the two civilizations officially launched their self-help plan.

Now that the theory of parallel universes has been confirmed, it means that it is possible to escape to other universes. The Ikars civilization claims to have such a technology, and hopes that the earth can provide corresponding materials and manpower.

Six months ago, the Unified Earth Government officially launched the 'genetic transformation project' and 'mechanical transformation project' that should have been slowly implemented in ten years

In order to allow human beings to at least have some strength in the face of disasters, the purpose of the transformation plan implemented by the whole people is to get rid of their weak bodies and not die due to trivial things such as suffocation and radiation.

However, the reason why it needs to be implemented slowly is precisely because the technology is still immature. To sum it up in realistic and harsh words, it is "the objects of human experiments are inexhaustible."

After paying a heavy price, the transformation of the whole people was completely completed, and people had to do this, because no matter how time passed, supernovae, black holes, and stars with mass explosions could still be observed every day.

The "habitable planet" that can be observed in the astronomical mirror has disappeared, and there are even records of it being completely torn apart by the huge gravitational force, and there are also records of two stars colliding.

It was a race against death. Four months ago, the two civilizations finally completed the so-called 'Noah's Ark'

Then the Ark left by itself, or in other words, the Ikars civilization itself did not intend to leave with the earth, because there is no way to build a giant ship that can accommodate billions of people in a short period of time anyway.

However, it is naturally impossible for the earth to take no precautions, so the ship disappeared in the continuous collapse. Where did the Ikars civilization escape?

Not sure, but at least Earth got the technology to do it.

However, one month ago, that 'giant' appeared, at first it was a ray of light, followed by a large amount of magma gushing out from the inside of the penetrated surface, and the tsunami engulfed the coastal cities of island countries and various continents.

It is constantly destroying the entire earth. The existing weapons on the earth cannot resist at all, and the manufactured ships are destroyed first.

"...I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Liu Ning's tone seemed very strange.

"The number of supernova explosions we have observed today is 7, and there may be more in the universe that we cannot observe. Now we really have enough resources to create enough on this devastated planet. Is it a ship? What about after a part is manufactured?"

Who can get on board?Who can go to heaven?

In the face of destruction, everyone is equal, power, money, and status are all meaningless, law and order can only be maintained by high pressure, and everyone's spirit has collapsed to the limit.

Hearing Liu Ning's words, Max remained silent, and he understood why the tone of the person in front of him was so calm.

The machine that imitated the appearance of Sai Luo took so many lives, and now that it is destroyed, there is no such thing as joy in the barracks?

That's because it's already numb, and perhaps what many people think in their hearts is 'quickly end'

The reason why they are still in action is because of their sense of responsibility as soldiers and the remaining will to survive.

According to the Ikars civilization, the third universe that is currently merging, the previous first universe and the second universe have already been overlapped together.

Can no one in the three universes resist destruction?

Because they didn't 'know' this in advance, and one only needs to listen carefully to what the Ikars civilization says to understand why this is the case.

A sudden planetary collision is enough to destroy the vitality of a civilization, how to avoid the engulfment of the stars in that case?


Max suddenly had a not-so-good association, which made him, who had always been calm, a little out of control.

'Observing the multidimensional universe itself is a high-end technology. Different universes have different ages. Perhaps some universes have not yet completed such technology, so they don't know about dimensional shocks and the destruction of multidimensional universes. '

If you don't know, you can't investigate, and you can't resist.

The Ikars civilization in the parallel universe did not notice it in advance, and they survived entirely because they were not present, which is different from the Ikars civilization in the Kingdom of Light universe, which was the first to discover the universe was destroyed.

In other words, the three universes that overlap now may not have developed the technology to observe the multidimensional universe at all, if this is the case...

If that previous machine had anything to do with the current state of the universe...

'Did you deliberately choose the irresistible universe for the fusion between universes? '

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The hard ice was no more than that between Bemenstein's sharp claws, it forcibly shattered the ice, and stuffed the metal inside into the mouth of its abdomen.

Soon, the surface of the metal became distorted, and the gas stored inside was sucked in a large amount.

Bemonstein eats quickly. It must feed itself and leave enough food reserves so that it can escape across a long enough distance.

Unlike it, which is constantly accumulating strength, Sero is currently operating in the frozen city, and the strange scene is really incomprehensible.

Inside the countless solid ice is one creature after another, they are dead, that's for sure.

Sai Luo is very aware of the devastating damage that "extreme cold" can bring to living things, and also understands how unsuitable this planet is for survival.

He turned his head, the store was empty, there was nothing.

He looked at the street again, no one was here, what happened to the girl he saw before?


Before he knew it, he walked to an open place, where Sai Luo once again saw a large amount of ice.

It's just that what you see in the ice is not a complete body, but a 'coke' whose face can no longer be recognized

On the frozen shelf above were corpses with pitch-black skeletons, and the same was true in the ice below.

Cyro used clairvoyance to walk through the ice, watching all kinds of death.

This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable. This was the second time he had recently seen a 'frozen' planet.

Across the plaza and into the spacious place, in the ice was some sphere he had never seen before, and it seemed to be some kind of special movement.

Go forward, go forward, there is no one left in the whole city, Sai Luo's figure was captured by the camera in the ice, at this moment, he vaguely heard a certain voice.

In an instant, Sai Luo moved forward at an exaggerated speed, following the direction of the sound, and heard a tune that could be regarded as cheerful.

Transmitting sound requires a medium, without an atmosphere...

'Is it coming from underground? '

Sai Luo looked at his feet, and his ability to see through allowed him to see some kind of 'holding place'

Continuing to scan and move forward, he finally found the downward passage and entrance.

In front of that gate, there are traces of ice everywhere like other places.

Sai Luo pressed his palm against the door, and the hot steam was accompanied by dripping water.

"Hello, is anyone around!"

The spiritual wavelength was sent out but there was no response. Sai Luo didn't like this scene very much. It can be said that he was touched by the scene. This planet is like a real dead kingdom of light.

"'s here."


Faintly, I heard a response.

"Come in... please come in..."

The next moment, Sai Luo's body disappeared, turning into pure particles and passing through the gate directly. Inside the sealed container, Sai Luo didn't see the light, nor felt the heat.

One, two, three, different from the natural ones, one after another is a real ice coffin with calm faces inside.

There was neither life nor warmth in it, just biting cold.

"Outsiders, welcome."

Where the sound comes from is the frozen 'screen'

It wasn't anyone who analyzed Sai Luo's telepathy and communicated just now, but this huge machine.

"What the hell is going on here! What happened!"

Although he had already expected that this would not be an easy task, before his body was exhausted, Sai Luo felt the mental impact first.

'People shouldn't die like this, want to save them. '

This kind of thinking is meaningless in the face of reality. Sai Luo understands one thing, that is, he cannot always descend from the sky, just arrive and deal with all the enemies.

In a world where everything was frozen to death, he experienced a sense of powerlessness that had nothing to do with power.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

'No, no, no, nothing. '

Empat kept moving forward, and even though he had traveled hundreds of light years, he still couldn't find anything.

All he saw was an empty universe, one star after another, and one black hole after another.

There is not even a trace of the planet's past existence, not even a bit of debris left.

What happened to the overlapping universes?Who made such a thing?

Following a certain wavelength of perception, Empat finally saw an 'artifact'

That small hull seems to be carrying some special mission and passing by.

Without hesitation, Empat immediately moved towards the satellite-sized artificial object. His right hand touched the surface of the satellite, and the internal system was still faithfully performing calculations.

In the incomparably vast universe, why did he meet this thing so just right?

When Empat injected his own dark energy into it as a data stream, he saw a large amount of data hidden inside.

This is a warning, the satellite's defense mechanism makes it actively avoid all galaxies, and at the same time sends out corresponding signals.

Such an approach may never collide with other civilizations, but the civilizations that collide must have the ability to travel between stars.

If you can't even do this, it will only increase your troubles, because what is displayed inside the satellite is the phenomenon of overlapping and destroying the universe and the universe.


Empat remembered the words of Gilbaris, and realized that the existence of abnormalities would act in their own way.

Chapter 43 The Made World

The Salomeians are civilizations that have long been able to travel among the stars. Even so, they are only confined to their own universe.

One day, they received a communication in deep space. The source of the communication made them feel incredible, because it belonged to their parent star.

It speaks the same language, records technology that has never been developed, and no matter how you investigate it, the results are the same.

The principle of this new technology is related to the theory they are researching but can't prove, but it is sent from Salome's home star.

Out of curiosity, the Salome civilization manufactured the recorded equipment with technology and materials that only the Salome civilization had. It was a machine like some kind of observation mirror.

Then on that day, they saw countless starry skies like crystal balls, or in other words, the interior of the crystal balls wrapped the starry sky. Some of these crystal balls were arranged neatly, while others were in disorder.

At the same time, as if some mechanism was triggered, the Salome civilization received an interdimensional communication from another Salome civilization.

All the puzzles have been solved. This technology is originally Salome's own technology, but the Salome civilization in another universe is more advanced.

After the two parties got in touch, many doubts were answered.

Why do you want to do this?

So another Sameiro civilization responded: The technology was handed over to another civilization for the sake of inheritance.

The communication with them is just the last AI left by civilization, the universe will be destroyed due to overlapping, people in other universes have to find a way to stop it no matter what, if they can't do it, they will escape.

What follows is the end of the universe. Countless celestial bodies are shattered, expanded, and collapsed in the collision. Finally, the entire universe is filled with nothingness, and nothing exists anymore.

This scene is too frightening, so the Sameiro civilization also felt a certain sense of impatience.

believe?Do not believe?

After that, the Sameiro civilization once again carried out a new lookout with the observation mirror, and at the same time, the acquired technology was also quickly produced.

After all, this is a technology from other universes, and the Salome civilization also has a little understanding of it. After they tried to start it, everything had already started.

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