'Boy, it seems that you are very proficient in how to kill people, do you want to fight for me? '

Remember what the man I saw at the end of the rebellion said, and then naturally swung the sword at him, no one can stop the desire for 'freedom'.

After that, lying on the ground without seeing anything, the man laughed and said:

'Just do what you want, it seems that the flame in your heart has not been extinguished. '

Going further...it's very fun, especially when killing all the Muzhen people I met, regardless of gender, age or age, I feel very happy.

"Employment and slavery are two different things."

Alan said in a low voice, he wants to change the status quo of this planet and turn slavery into employment, but he can't raise another monster like him.

'There must be no threat to His Majesty. '

Chapter 56: The Secret of the Ore

Noah, the name has an unusual meaning in this universe.

It is said that in the very distant past, when the darkness of deep space eroded everything, the savior of light who tore the darkness came to this universe.

The silver figure is extremely sacred, the red crystal on the chest is a symbol of invincibility, and the special wings prove that it is from a different world.

It's like the descending of the gods, and the Emmenal ore that is scattered all over the universe is said to be the remnant of that battle.

Just listening to it like this feels like a boring legend of fake big space, but what if such legends are circulating in the entire universe?

No matter what race or civilization, there are such myths circulating. Doesn't this wonderful consistency have a feeling of 'the savior did exist'?

"Noah, the legendary giant, is said to be the first emissary of light in the universe. He was already guarding the warrior of the universe when the concept of the universe was formed... There is also corresponding information in the kingdom of light, but it is not true. Little is known about it, and bluntly no one has ever seen the savior."

Zhu Xing could only say a few things he knew. Since he was the savior, he must have corresponding strength. It was precisely because of this curiosity that he read the materials that basically said nothing.

If it is said that the Otts are 'ultimate people' in the eyes of other races

Then the existence of Noah is the "ultimate person" in the eyes of the Ultra Clan

Know it exists, but have not actually seen it.

"So why talk about such a myth all of a sudden?"

Zhu Xing was a little puzzled by this, and then found that the red lotus flame was circling him.

"Just the silver body doesn't match, and the wings are even missing. The only thing that matches is the crystal on the chest."

"You don't think I'm Noah, do you?"

The words of the red lotus flame made Zhu Xing couldn't help complaining, if he is really that Noah, what's the trouble, just go straight to get Belia three times five times divided by two, and then solve the crisis of the multidimensional universe Finished?

Then again, the legendary giant is not really just a legend, right?Now that the multidimensional universe has fallen into such a crisis, you should come out and show your face to help, where are you fishing?

Only he knew what Zhu Xing was complaining about in his heart, and the red lotus flame scratched the top of his flaming head.

"The origin is unknown, the giant possesses an incomprehensibly powerful power. When Beria first appeared, he was indeed associated with legends. Moreover, once people have nowhere to go, it is easy to pray to gods and worship Buddha, and I am no exception. "


"To put it bluntly, under the current circumstances, resisting the Galactic Empire is basically tantamount to seeking death yourself. I hope that you are really Noah, and then smash the Galactic Empire to pieces."

There was pessimism in Honglian Huoyan's words, which actually made Zhu Xing curious, so he asked:

"It seems that you don't think the situation is optimistic. If that's the case, why do you want to help us?"

Saying and doing are two different things, this is the contradiction shown by the other party.

"In life, we always have to do things that are not against our will. I hope to be the kind of person who can proudly talk about the past to young people in the future."

Red Lotus Flame shrugged, not going against his will was what he pursued.

After listening to his words, Zhu Xing noticed one thing, that is:

"What are you called a pirate?"

Pirates are the kind of people who plunder everywhere. This person is far from the so-called pirates in both manner and speaking style.

"It's more powerful to be called a pirate, and the righteous pirates sound like the only one, right?"

Red Lotus Flame smiled happily, it doesn't matter what you call it, the important thing is what you do.

"You are really an interesting person."

"Be with each other."

Zhu Xing and Hong Lianhuo, these two people can be said to have met eyes as soon as they opened their eyes.

At this moment, Morohoshi turned his gaze to Emerana.

"Emerana, can you show me that Emmenal ore? I want to know why Beria wants this thing so much."

He was already interested in it, and he was even more curious about what this 'Noah's remnant' was.

Emilana nodded and called out to her knight:



The interior of the entire spacecraft is under the control of Jambert, so when the desktops in front of you are opened, the ore in the warehouse rises, which is an emerald green opaque irregular crystal mine.

Zhu Xing's eyes widened when his energy was undisguised in front of everyone.

"This is......"

He stretched out his hand to touch the ore. The reason why this ore is opaque is that there is a special energy flowing inside it, and this energy is something he has never felt before.

The Plasma Spark Tower...is very close in a sense, but not the same.

Zhu Xing stretched out his left hand forward, and the three energy batteries stored in the Alt bracelet exude a light blue color, and the high-purity energy and the Emmenal ore complement each other.

"The same high purity, but what is this energy?"

He touched the surface of the Emmenar Ore with his right hand and tried to use his own light energy to communicate with the energy inside. The high-purity energy that was neither light nor dark gushed out as if it had found a carrier.


Zhu Xing quickly withdrew his right arm, even so, there was still emerald green light wrapped around his right arm, not only that, his original skin turned blue, and what appeared there was the original posture, that is, Sai Luo's right arm.

"Are you OK?"

The sudden situation made Emilana ask with concern, and Zhu Xing's left hand grasped his wrist tightly, digesting the energy pouring into his body.

"I... all right?"

Neither light nor dark, the special energy is superimposed with its own light energy and its nature is changed.

In this universe, Sero cannot be supplemented by the energy of the stars, and his recovery after the battle is very slow. However, at that moment just now, the energy inside the Emmenal ore changed into pure light energy in his body.

The consumption has been replenished a lot at once, the problem is...

"Part of the internal energy has been consumed, have you used it to replenish energy?"

Jambert accurately measured the condition of the ore, and this question made Emerana look at Sai Luo in surprise. It was the first time she had seen someone other than the Wang family who could control that energy.

It's not used as an energy core like Jambert's, but it is used for his own use in the true sense.

But doing so also has a corresponding risk, that is——

"It's not to replenish energy, but this ore intends to turn me into a part of it. Such dangerous things are distributed in every corner of the universe? Are you kidding me?"

Zhu Xing expressed his truest feelings. The energy that supplemented him with light energy essentially wanted to swallow him up, but it was defeated by the comparison between quality and quantity, so it was reversed. becomes light energy.

This is enough to explain the danger of Emmenar Ore.

"If you can use this power for your own use... the moment you have this idea, that person has been captured by the ore. If someone really sucks the energy of this ore without restraint, the result will only be be turned into new ore."

Zhu Xing is very aware of the danger, he can feel the light energy in his body is active, they are cheering and wanting to have a full meal, this phenomenon is generally called 'addiction'

"I'm beginning to believe that this is the remnant of Noah's battle with something. It's a wonderful and sweet trap."

Supplementary strength?You can't do it, it's an idiot's thing to do to prove that you don't get addicted.

If you want to talk about Zhu Xing's perception of Emmenar Ore, it must be "this thing is very dangerous"

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Emmenal ore is dangerous, and what the high-purity energy inside is still unclear.

The only thing that can be identified is that that energy is the only one in the universe, and nothing else can reproduce it.

It can be used as a kind of energy, but it has a kind of assimilation.

As judged by the stars, this ore will assimilate those who use it indiscriminately into the same substance.

In the emerald green pool, the jet-black body is wrapped in brilliance, and the gorgeous-looking picture is essentially a dangerous move.

Beria, who is now honored as the "Emperor Caesar", was soaked in the liquid of the Emmenar Ore, and he was constantly absorbing the energy in it.

No light, no darkness, no attributes, just a single 'existence'

Because of this, no matter whether it is light or darkness, no matter whether it is water or fire, no matter what attribute exists, it can absorb the power of it and become stronger.

The next moment, Beria's body began to deform and swell, and the same emerald crystal as the Emmenar Ore burst out.

A few seconds later, this vision disappeared without a trace, because the raging power was suppressed and swallowed again.

'I've got enough in my body. '

Beria thought in his heart, from the moment he came into contact with this ore, from the moment he knew that the legendary giant Noah had fought something in this universe, he vaguely realized that it was not simple.

If the Emmenar Ore is essentially the remnant of that battle, then what exactly is the energy inside the remnant?

There are no attributes, but there are attributes that can be adapted to anything. This is simply the original combination of 'existence and non-existence'.

Standing up from the emerald green pool, Beria's robust body has returned to its original nature.

"Your Majesty, how is the harvest?"

Someone asked this way, he knew that it was not actually a simple 'absorption'

Instead, he was looking for the nature of that energy in the process. Beria didn't absorb the power of Emmenar Ore much in essence, he was just looking for the hidden things in it.

"Graciai, how was the universe born?"

The sudden question made the Baxter star named Gulasiai start thinking quickly, and he quickly answered:

"According to the Big Bang Theory—"

"I'm not asking that."

However, he was interrupted before he finished speaking, and Beria was wiping his body with a towel. At this moment, the distorted swelling appeared on his right arm.


In Gulasia's horrified sight, Beria's sharp claws on his left hand directly crushed his right arm, and the energy that spewed out from there was the turquoise color of Emenaar Ore.

After a while, the re-extended red and purple lines were like blood vessels intertwined, and finally formed a new right arm.

"It looks like the erosion is getting worse."

Beria talked about his situation in a nonchalant tone. This is the result of years of exposure to the energy of the Emmenal ore. His body is undergoing some irreversible transformation.

"But thanks to that, I can feel something...primitive."

He sneered, and then continued the previous topic:

"I'm asking about the birth of a multidimensional universe. If every choice would create a new parallel universe, the dimensional slit would have been overwhelmed by countless universes. It's impossible for me to be the only Beria, and it's impossible for there to be only one light. country."

After establishing the Galactic Empire and observing the phenomenon of cosmic overlap, he ordered his subordinates and he himself was also concerned about the observation of the multidimensional universe. At least the observed universe did not split every minute, in other words, it was not the so-called 'One choice makes a difference' in such a simple and brutal way.

"According to the Big Bang theory, the birth of the universe requires a terrifyingly strong force, so does the creation of parallel universes also require a corresponding force? Here we go back to the very beginning."

Beria raised his index finger.

"At the very beginning, the most primitive point of time, everything was still chaotic, empty and nothing existed. Even the universe, the concept of time and space did not exist. For some reason, a big bang gave birth to the original universe .”

That universe is the ground zero of the multidimensional universe.

"Starting from the only universe, countless universes began to be born and continued to increase. The original universe brought concepts such as time, space, light and darkness, life and death, and this is the key point."

Beria turned around and looked at the Emmenal ore.

"If all the concepts were mixed together before the birth of the universe, what kind of nature would it be? Is it like the energy inside the Emenar ore, which is both present and non-existent, and can become any property."

If we think about the 'legend' at this time...

"The origin is unknown, the age is unknown, and everything is unknown. There is only Noah, the original giant who is said to exist in each universe. Don't you think this situation is very interesting?"

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