'After all, who is the client who wants to take these children away? '

Zhu Xing felt a little uneasy about this, and at this moment, the two parties also formally met.

"Okay, I've already brought you guys, and there's no surveillance around here, so whatever you plan to do next is none of my business."

The Balki star shook the dagger-like weapon in his hand, he turned his back to the stars, and ran away quickly with another companion.

It was also at this time that the communication from Red Lotus Flame came over:

"Sai Luo, let everyone get together and stand up. We can directly use the teleportation light to bring them to the boat."

"I'm not good at this kind of thing..."

Zhu Xing scratched his hair, then looked at the boys and girls who were blinking at him.

"Next! We're going! A great new place!"

After a while, Zhu Xing couldn't make up anything to say at all, the expression on his face was a bit funny, the right side of the open mouth was a protruding cheek, it seemed that the tongue in his mouth was moving restlessly.

"In short, line up first, and soon you will be able to see the beautiful stars and the black sea."

The moment he finished speaking, Zhu Xing heard a young voice:

"Then I'm the first! Line up from me!"

The boy raised his right hand high in a '1' gesture.

"Oh! You are very clever!"

Zhu Xing gave a thumbs up to the curly-haired child, and the neat queue was quickly completed under the leadership.

Sai Luo Chapter 59 The Peeper

"Alright, Guren, it's time for you guys to start teleporting."

After seeing the complete queue, Zhuxing raised his head and said that even above the surface, he can see the hidden ship floating in outer space through special vision.

The children in front of him didn't quite understand what he meant, they just looked at each other.

Do you want to trust this person?

At least from the children's point of view, Zhu Xing not only looks exactly the same as their family, but also has a smile that seems to have no melancholy and a strange sense of warmth on his face.

At this moment, the big brother in their line of sight looked at them again and clapped his hands to attract attention.

"Do you know birds? They are creatures that can fly freely in the sky. They can look down on the earth from a high place and see the beautiful scenery in their eyes. You can see this scenery after a while."


Someone repeated a sentence in confusion, what is flying?

In the next moment, he understood this point, but he felt flustered when he understood this point. The feeling of weightlessness made him flustered. What he saw in his sight was the land, the sea, and the clouds that kept going away. Arrive at the scene.


The child opened his mouth and stared blankly at the front, not understanding what was going on.

At this moment, companions he either knew or didn't know suddenly appeared by his side one after another.

The angle of view shifted, and Xiaozhi on the ground stared blankly at the place that became empty after being swept by the 'light'. What kind of magic is this?

When confronted with the incomprehensible, both curiosity and fear arise simultaneously.

He subconsciously turned his gaze to Zhu Xing, only to see that the previous smile on the other party's face quickly disappeared.


Before Xiao Zhi could do anything, he found that his body became light, because his whole body was hugged.

The brilliance that was going to sweep him passed by from one side, and the only two remaining on this planet moved quickly, and the surrounding scenery receded crazily.

"Don't look."

Zhu Xing quickly covered the corners of Xiao Zhi's eyes, and what gradually expanded and unfolded from behind him was a strong radiance, just seeing it was enough to burn the retinas of ordinary creatures, and if it was hit, it would evaporate into a gaseous state in an instant .

Ten meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters, the explosion caused by the earthquake and the mountain swaying continued to expand, the turbulence rushed, the heat rushed, and after a while, a huge crater of nearly 300 meters was formed, like a meteorite falling down .

Zhu Xing stopped, and he raised his head immediately after rushing nearly a thousand meters in just two seconds. The moment he sensed the danger, the connection between the two sides was temporarily cut off.

"Honglian, Honglian, how's the situation over there!"

No response was heard, because the universe was empty at this time, and Jambert, who had previously performed the mission of the transport ship, disappeared, replaced by the fleet that had just left from the inside of the wormhole.

"Did it hit?"

"Confirmation in progress."

Dark Gona's question got an inaccurate answer, and he squinted his eyes and stared at the screen.

It is impossible to have that kind of space transmission technology on this extremely backward planet. To put it bluntly, they are not worthy of having it yet.

What the Galactic Empire needs are completely loyal slaves, and the pursuit of backward civilizations is actually very simple, that is, to have enough food and clothing. As long as this is satisfied, it is not a serious problem to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire.

The empire does not need to spend much resources to cultivate a group of loyal soldiers, and the physical ability of soldiers is not important, as long as they can use the equipment.

It doesn't have to be soldiers. Things like slaves can be experimental materials or biofuels. Anyway, after the thought transformation is completed, they will happily accept their fate. This is a good plan.

People's cognition depends on their own environment. People who hold galaxies look down on prosperity and wealth, and lowly and hungry people will pick up and eat even dirty bark. That's the same thing.

For Anu Star and backward civilizations similar to Anu Star, the Galactic Empire is equivalent to gods, culture?inherited?That kind of stuff only has time to think about it when life is abundant.

Why would there be fluctuations in space technology on such a slave planet?

While his subordinates were scanning, Dark Gona received a new communication. After connecting it, a familiar face was reflected on it.

"Gona, I have special information to share with you."

Located in another galaxy, Alan thinks the report he has now is very meaningful.

"On the Esmeralda planet, the registered residents have disappeared. It is abnormal to think that they can disappear under the surveillance of the empire."

Since the reform is to be done well, of course the investigation of the current situation must be carried out well. It is an inevitable result for Yalan to obtain information, but this result just coincides with what happened to Dark Gona.

"Rather than disappearing, it might be better to say that someone took them away. The Anu star also investigated the abnormal space transmission fluctuations just now. If these two things are related..."

The scans on the screen yielded a large amount of data, and one type after another of the planet's native creatures was scanned to generate body data, but there was no human form among them.

"Land down on Anu Planet, I want to conduct a detailed investigation."

Dark Gona's order caused the fleet to break into the atmosphere, and the high temperature generated by the friction turned the sky red.

On the ground, Zhu Xing held a white umbrella in his right hand, and the props transformed from the Ultra bracelet made him successfully avoid the scan. The problem is...

'What's the situation now? '

Are the fallen ships all of the enemy?If there are still ships left on it, he won't be able to leave safely.

'No wonder Honglian didn't respond, they should be hiding now. '

No matter what, it is impossible to force a war while the children are still staying in the ship, in that case...

"what happened?"

Xiao Zhi asked uneasily, no matter how smart he is, he is just a child, and the heat waves from the shelling in the distance are still rolling around.

"Don't worry, it just looks like we're going to take a long detour today. How is your physical strength? By the way, what's your name? My name is Zhu Xing."

No matter what, he couldn't lose his composure in front of the children, and Zhu Xing returned to his usual confident face.


After Xiao Zhi introduced himself, he got closer to Zhu Xing. The two set off from this wilderness, where are they going next?

'Think about it on the road. '

Two figures, one big and one small, came into the eyes of others. Even Zhu Xing didn't notice that someone was watching them. That special existence was like a phantom that didn't exist in the world.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Someone suddenly came just before the last step, what terrible luck!"

Honglian Huoyan raised his right hand unhappily, and when he wanted to smash it down, he stopped his action, because he remembered that the ship was a living ship and stopped.

If Jambert hadn't detected the arrival of the enemy fleet at the first time and fled immediately, they might have fallen into the enemy's formation, but the current situation is that Sai Luo was left alone.

"Why did the empire come to this remote planet with its army? Are there any major fugitives here?"

Emelana asked puzzledly, but Red Lotus could only shake his head. He had never heard similar information. In fact, for such backward civilization empires, they had established 'education stations' and sent candidates, and they never came back. There is too much attention, and no one can imagine such an abrupt situation.

"Now we can only wait for a while, waiting for a time when Sai Luo can leave."

Zhanbert's statement seemed quite passive, but they were so passive, insisting on rushing over could not be called breaking out of the encirclement, it could only be called seeking their own death.

The hall in the ship suddenly became quiet, and at this moment, Emerana suddenly raised her head, and she looked in the direction of nothing in doubt.

This sudden movement made Jambert a little concerned:

"His Royal Highness? What's wrong with you?"

"...I just thought that if the mirror knight was here at this time, I wouldn't have to be so passive."

The strange feeling disappeared, Emerana said the name of another person, the person called 'Mirror Knight' has a special ability, and is particularly good at sneaking and hiding himself, the same as Jambert He is the guardian knight of the royal family.

It's just that after the home planet was captured, the mirror knight disappeared to nowhere, dead or alive?

Unbeknownst to the three of them, a special existence floated and peeped.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The side of the sky turns red, and the sun behind the clouds is no longer visible. The birds return to their nests under the call of the night, flying over while singing, and the cool wind blowing makes the layers of clouds slowly change their appearance. Location.

The special and beautiful scenery makes the stars stop, and such a picture cannot be seen in the eternally bright Kingdom of Light.

"Zhu Xing! Zhu Xing! Don't stand there just watching! If we don't find a place to build a fire, we will definitely be cold to death tonight! It will be very dangerous if we don't just drive the beast away!"

One pat, one pat, one pat, Xiao Zhi urged Zhu Xing, who was halfway as immobile as if he was in a trance.

Hearing such a call, Zhu Xing also came back to his senses and asked:

"You seem to be familiar with such things? Will there be beast attacks in the city?"

"Of course not in the city."

Xiao Zhi shook his head and continued:

"But I don't live in a city."

He lives in a small settlement with his elder brother, his parents and a family of four. Hearing such an answer, Zhu Xing continued to ask in puzzlement:

"What does it mean?"

"If you want to hear the story, you have to wait until you find a place to live!"

Some strange conversations make people wonder which of the two is older, and Zhu Xing follows Xiao Zhi, because he is completely unclear about the safety of the wild, and the people of the Ott family lie down and do not move. Some creatures don't even think they're alive.

So it's better to follow professionals at this time, but it's okay to start a fire.

Zhu Xing's eyes kept moving, and the bare branches reflected in his eyes were directly broken and taken by the power of thought, and there were more and more.

Slowly, Xiao Zhi's footsteps stopped, he nodded in satisfaction and said:

"Okay, let's spend the night here tonight, don't be too far away, just find some... twigs around here?"

Turning around, Zhu Xing was holding a large pile of branches that even covered his own face.

Crashing, these branches are scattered all over the ground.


Xiao Zhi's eyes widened, he had no idea when the people behind had collected these things.

Immediately afterwards, the stars in his eyes quickly piled up some branches, and the index finger of his right hand touched one of them, and the ignited flame began to spread rapidly, illuminating the darkness surrounded by the coming of night.

"After that, just add the fire slowly."

Zhu Xing nodded, and then sat down on the grass casually.

"You, what the hell are you..."

Even Xiao Zhi knew that it was impossible to start a fire from a finger.

"I am an Ultra warrior from a distant universe, and to put it simply, I am a very powerful person."

Zhu Xing explained his origin with simple and easy-to-understand words that felt like he didn't say anything, but Xiao Zhi's eyes widened when he heard these words.

"Ultra warrior? An Ultra warrior like Noah?"

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