On the side of the commander-in-chief of the fleet, the visitor said:

"I can't let it survive! This is the strongest alien beast I have ever seen. If it survives, let alone one or two galaxies, the entire universe will be eaten up!"

How could a mere creature threaten the entire universe.

Although reason was telling, the commander-in-chief held his trembling left hand, knowing that his body was afraid of him.

"High energy response!"

There was urgency in the subordinate's words.

"Evade immediately!"

He turned the steering wheel before he could finish his sentence, but it was still a bit late.

Breaking through the atmosphere from the earth's surface to the universe, the extremely compressed Dessum's light is now like a dark sword that pierces the sky.

"this is------"

The protective cover was defeated, and the evasion continued, but the hard outer wall of the ship did not play a role.

Even if it wasn't hit directly, it didn't make any sense, the wave of destruction crushed one side of the ship, and from the cracked marks, one after another red current drilled in.

At this moment, before the protective door was lowered, a large number of electric currents traveled along the road, turning the crew into coke at the moment of gathering the crew, and destroying them completely at the moment of flowing through the mechanical structure.

A few seconds later, even though it was not hit directly, one side of the ship exploded continuously.

And what about the ships that were hit directly?There wasn't even an explosion, because there was nothing left after the Dessum's light blast.

From the planet's surface, the blow swept swiftly and ripped apart the fleet.

How can this be?

Yet that is the truth.

Arc Beria on the ground suffered a little bit of damage from the shelling salvo. This little bit of damage is meaningless under the recovery power of the alien beasts, not to mention those who are gathering on this planet. Emenaar energy is still replenishing it.

The behemoth looking up to the sky destroyed the fleet with just one breath. Is this some kind of nasty joke?

The shaking of the planet continued, and the military of the empire received a new communication. Even if they were unwilling to accept it, some visitors manipulated it to accept it forcibly.

The people who appeared on the screen outraged the Imperial military.

"Baltan! What the hell have you done!"

"We didn't do anything, but we can be sure of one thing, that is, if you don't find a way to get rid of that alien beast on your planet, the whole universe will be finished."

"You mean alien beast?"

The name that has never been heard makes people hesitate, and at this moment, perhaps because the military of the empire is indeed standing on the surface, closer to Arc Beria, so they feel that their hearts have been stepped on, A strong sense of suffocation came.

"The huge energy reaction starts to move! The straight line is Alok City!"

"Immediately guide the citizens to evacuate through the teleportation device! Damn it! What the hell is going on!"

The imperial military is quickly sorting out the situation in front of them. The paralysis of all the imperial hunters has caused them to lose a group of elite troops.

"At the same time, send drones to investigate the front line, contact the commanders of the major legions to request support, contact the immigrant planets to build transmission channels, and abandon this planet if necessary!"

Such a decision was too cowardly, but no one had any objections to it. If reason still existed, the soldiers felt that they might run away.

At the same time, the Hongqiao, which still existed even in the universe, was torn apart from the center. Inside the wormhole was the fleet that rushed over, and what appeared in front of them was a tragedy.

Unlike the previous information, the number of the Baltan fleet has been reduced by half, and there are still a lot of wreckage floating in the air.

But there is no trace of the enemy's existence in the surrounding area at all. What destroyed them?

"Imperial Star, it's too late."

The communication was connected, and the commander of the Imperial Stars tightened his fists.

"Who is the enemy? This enemy even makes me... tremble."

"The ultimate monster bred by the Emmenar Ore is on this planet."

The commander-in-chief of Baltan responded that the pilots inside the surviving ships drove their cars to attack one by one. They broke through the atmosphere and fell downward.

Above the surface, the advancing Arc Beria is surrounded by tricolor flames.

"Try this!"

The new green flame, the indigo flame, and the vermilion flame, the three of them drew a flame-like trajectory to release their power, and the terrifying high temperature bombarded Belia.

Facing the raging fire that was enough to temporarily resist the offensive of the Imperial Jaegers, Arc Beria stopped and turned his head left and right as if he was unresponsive.

'Is it slow? '

Thinking like this while the Indigo Flame launched an attack, the opponent's huge hill-like figure is not false.

'The attack actually worked? '

The new green flame drew closer, and the raging fire he swayed burned the opponent's skin, peeling off the opponent's flesh and blood, leaving charred dents.

'What's wrong...'

Vermilion Flame knew the effectiveness of the attack, and it was precisely because she knew the effectiveness of the attack that she felt strange.

They could see the previous round of shelling very clearly, but the enemy remained intact after the shelling was interrupted.

"Three, please leave our attack range!"

That was an instruction from the fleet suspended in the universe. The next moment, more bombardments fell with the momentum that seemed to penetrate the entire planet.

The bombardment hit, and a large number of fighter jets descended with the bombardment. They moved swiftly under the pilot's control, and the missiles and light cannons they carried fired wildly.

Unlike the Baltan civilization, which relied on external objects, the Imperial star civilization did not just drop fighter jets. The special troops became huge when they fell, and the light blasted from the inside of their open claws to attack together.

In an instant, the pressure from all directions fixed Arc Beria in place, the shelling from above seemed to make it kneel down, and the surrounding salvos locked its footsteps.

"Keep attacking!"

Bombardment, bombardment, and bombardment again, the data obtained from the radar system indeed proved the effectiveness of the attack, and the energy level of Arc Beria was declining.

"Go to hell!"

"watch out!"

"Turn me into ashes!"

New Green Flame, Indigo Flame, and Vermilion Flame, the three also joined the offensive, and the temperature in this area rose to an exaggerated level due to the extremely concentrated attack.

The sky is the one that launched the attack, and the reconnaissance plane recorded all the scenery.

The military of the empire looked at the alien beast on the screen and didn't know what it was like at this time. Is this their majesty?

But... what's going on?

Like, but completely different?

In the next moment, something strange happened.

"What's going on with this energy?!"

The soldier's unbelievable shout was stronger than any moment detected before. The arc Beria, which was still consuming energy before, suddenly exploded with further force like a spring rebound, and this force was even non-stop. enhancement.

Closer than their monitoring, the captain of the Imperial Stars on the front line was stunned because he saw the movement of Arc Beria opening his mouth.

It was this action of opening the mouth that changed everything. No matter where the bombardment was, the light, missiles, shelling, and flames were all gathered at one point.

The mixed energy in Arc Beria's mouth was completely transformed into dark energy, and the Dessum's light completed the energy storage.

The surrounding area of ​​the extremely compressed red and black thunderball was still absorbing different attacks, and in an instant, the breath splashed.

Everything was dyed red and black, not a concentrated bombardment, but a spreading wave of energy.

With Arc Beria as the center, the spreading breath is like a huge tsunami, engulfing everything in front of it.

"how is this possible------"

Perhaps by luck, fighter pilots outside the attack range saw the sight.

This is indeed a tsunami, just a red-black tsunami formed by dark energy, until now it is still going left and right, and the tsunami expanding upward is like an indestructible wall, pushing forward crazily all the way.

Whether it is the earth or living things, it devours everything.

At this moment, the surface of the earth was evaporated, and as the blow continued, the unobservable tragedy on the surface was reflected in the eyes of the space fleet.

If the whole planet is regarded as a 'circle' on the drawing board

Then this blow is equivalent to an eraser, just a light wipe, and a part of the complete circle is missing.

Yes, one-fifth of the surface of a planet is left with nothing, no land, no living things, no sea, only the magma gushing out from the deep ground due to this tragedy.

Just like the initial breath, at this time Arc Beria stood in front of the deep pit he had constructed, lowered his head, the depth was bottomless, raised his head, and the flames were soaring into the sky.

A large amount of magma gushes out like a spring, and the dark fog rises into the sky, mixing with the emerald green of Emenar's energy, forming a strange scene.

High temperature, dust, and scalding rain, this planet has ushered in an absolutely inevitable doomsday.

At this moment, the entire universe was shocked, and no matter where it was, the burst of energy could be felt.

Before the instrument detected it, people curled up and sat down subconsciously.

The monsters screamed in fear and became uneasy before they saw it.

"Hey, what kind of monster is this..."

The hot magma fell on the new green flame, and he would not be injured, but the fear was gradually reaching its peak.

Sai Luo Chapter 77 Life and Death

At this time, the new green flame understood why Arc Beria was not injured in the first attack, and also understood why the opponent suddenly erupted such a terrifying blow.

"The nature of Emmenar Ore is all..."

He heard such words, not far from him, the red lotus flame was lying on the scorched ground, and at the moment when it was about to be completely hit, the red lotus flame only had time to save the new green flame.

At this time, the red lotus flame remembered the words of the visitor, saying that Emenaar energy can be transformed into energy of any nature, which is what Arc Beria did just now.

It's not that the opponent is unable to evade or defend, it's just deliberately receiving the attack, and after understanding the nature of the attack, it absorbs the energy in turn.

Thick fog, magma, earthquake, and the remaining fighter jets in the sky opened fire, but this time, neither the missiles nor the light cannons played a role.

It wasn't the kind of defensive performance that bounced off after being hit, but it was swallowed into Arc Beria's body without causing any ripples.

It has fully understood the nature of the attack, and borrowing this understanding, it directly absorbs the attack and makes it its own, just like the way Zero's twin rays were absorbed by it.

'Can't win. '

This is the first time Red Lotus Flame had such an idea.

"No, there's still hope, if you can wipe out that alien beast in an instant with a blow of sufficient strength——"

He supported himself with his right hand and wanted to stand up, but then he fell to the ground in embarrassment, his face buried in the soil.

This is the only hope, suddenly, he found something.

"my power---"

The new green flame watched in disbelief that the flame energy that made up his body was constantly being stripped away, all because the giant beast opened its mouth.

Arc Beria has already understood the nature of the Red Lotus Flame Clan. Facing such an energy life form, it opened its mouth and absorbed it without any disguise.

The new green flame stabilized his own body, but it couldn't play a role. His body was being divided, and a large amount of flames were drawn away.

This is the case for him, so what about the other person?

"red lotus!"

The new green flame wanted to stretch out his hand, but the moment he stretched out his hand, the palm of his hand turned into scattered flames, pulled away by the traction force, and his left arm disappeared completely.

At the front of his line of sight, Red Lotus Flame's entire body began to be torn apart. Red Lotus Flame, who was already seriously injured, had no remaining strength to resist this suction.


The sky, the end, the enemy of life, the beast that devours the world.

The red lotus flame didn't have a revolving door, and there was no need to recall his original intention, because he had always remembered why he became a pirate from the beginning.

Men, romantic people, always have a dream in their hearts, even if that dream is very naive.

I still remember when I was a child, I always shouted, one day I will be a hero, I will save the world and so on.

"Heroes should die calmly in the end, that's probably what happened."

Faint, but bright.

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