He raised his right arm, staring at the 'sword blade' spreading out from his arm

Feeling the incomparable strength in the past, even the energy of Emenaar spreading around is pouring into his body without hindrance.

The bridge across the universe is divided into emerald green and rainbow, one goes down and the other goes up.

As the visitor said, the Emenar ore was transformed by the alien beasts purified by Noah, and these alien beasts were born by Lucifer.

From the surface of the ore, the alien beast Arc Beria awakens.

From within the ore, the Palaji Shield selects the user.

What was left inside the Emmenar Ore was not just pure destruction, but also another kind of power.

"The Shield of Palaji..."

Sai Luo didn't know why he knew the name, maybe this force told him.

Armor and sword, but the name is 'shield'

This may also prove the sadness in the silver giant's heart. Why is the road seen before accompanied by light and darkness, life and death?

Because even the savior of light still has things that he can't do, the guarded ones turn into light and life, and the lost ones sleep in darkness and death.

That path may be...

'It's my future that may or may not be. '

Sai Luo's thinking was temporarily suspended here, and he didn't stand up again just to experience his own sentimentality.

Most of it has been shattered, it cannot be said to be a planet, but it can only be said to be a huge fragment of wreckage. The atmosphere that has not been completely stripped is warming up again, and the breath of Arc Beria attacks.

The attack that can even rival the power of a supernova explosion doesn't need to be hit, as long as someone gets too close, they will die.

"Quickly avoid!"

Someone yelled, and they understood one thing, that is, the previous arc Beria was just playing with them, if they used this trick earlier, no one would survive.

While keeping the distance, someone grabbed the mutilated corpses of their comrades-in-arms. Even if this happened, they were unwilling to leave important people behind.

In the turmoil, there was only one person who did not move, while a large number of eyes focused on him.

"Emerana, end it here now, I don't want to lose anything anymore."

"...Me too, let's go together."

Emilana responded after a short silence, and the Eminar energy that flowed into Sai Luo's body, which was greater than ever before, became docile through her manipulation.

The situation of 1+1>2 is vividly displayed by the two of them at this time.

Facing the more powerful breath due to constriction, Sai Luo just made one movement.

Raise the blade of the right hand high, and swing it from top to bottom.


The visitors were looking forward to Sero's performance, but they were also shocked by it.

That was not a rough way of using "one-cut confrontation", but a one-cut cut open the space, and the opened gap directly swallowed Arc Beria's breath completely.

This is just the beginning, Sai Luo doesn't need any teaching, and he doesn't know why he has such a fighting style, but this fighting style is engraved in his instinct.

The vertical slash opened the entrance, followed by the random slash to create a new opening and a new diversion.

The cracks that were originally difficult to bear the aftermath suddenly became stable because more entrances were opened, and more exits were also opened.

In an instant, the falling Arc Beria realized that it could no longer see the enemy it hated, because its own Dissum light blasted on its face.

Not only the face, but the whole body, aiming at the twenty openings on the back of the body's head, limbs, and blasting out is its own attack.

In Kingdom of Light, no one can use space to this extent, but Sai Luo did it.

He moved forward quickly, and then his entire body disappeared from its original position.

With a random opening, Sai Luo walked out of a spiral forward route around the straight Dessum light. When the silver light flickered, Arc Beria's body was cut open again with a huge wound, which went extremely deep.

This is just the beginning, Sai Luo's movements are not the so-called 'fast'

He keeps appearing and disappearing, swinging the blade of his arm in different positions.

The wound was inscribed crazily, and the falling Arc Beria had already suffered a lot of damage before it even landed.

In order to get rid of this situation, it calls and releases its power, which is no longer a concentrated attack method like breathing, but an all-round blast.

The ore-like crystal behind the arc Beria exploded a real arc in the brightness, and that violent force directly shattered the surrounding space.

No matter how difficult it is to maintain the crack opened by Sai Luo, the electric field surrounding it constitutes an absolute field that cannot be entered.

In the next instant, Sai Luo appeared [-] meters away without the slightest injury. He ignored the instability of the space as nothing, and easily jumped back to dodge the attack.

If Empat was here, he would definitely realize that it was the same situation as 'Winged Zaki', that kind of manipulative power cannot be mastered by talent alone.

"Defend and hunker down when wounded...you've turned into a total beast, Beria."

Sai Luo held his left arm in front of him while talking. This action seemed to trigger a certain mechanism. The Palaji shield originally equipped on his body fell off naturally. There was no conversion mechanism at all, but it directly turned into a radiance. Fall into the palm to complete the transformation.

Palaji's Shield was originally a weapon of light, and it wasn't even composed of metal.

Now, the two peacock feathers spread up and down, and the blade of the right arm rests on the bow.

Originally, the sense of disobedience that saw Sai Luo's arm equipment was answered. It was not a simple sword. In essence, Sai Luo used the 'arrow' as a 'long sword'.

The bow and arrow finished aiming, and the creepy feeling of being locked made Arc Beria open its mouth the moment it landed. In an instant, all the emerald bridges formed a line and were all absorbed to the crystal behind it.

On the opposite side, Sai Luo holds the bow in his left hand and draws the string in his right hand. The golden lines are torn apart, and rainbow bridges converge on both sides of his body.

"This, this is..."

In the eyes of others, this is simply scrambling for the same resources, and Emenaar's energy is frantically pouring into this space and being absorbed.


Maybe it was a premonition, someone shouted like this.

This hunch was correct, Arc Beria took the lead in pouring all the energy into the breath, and the red and black undercurrent completely disintegrated half of the planet under its feet at the moment of launch.

Countless fragments flew around, as if all the light was completely absorbed and disappeared, and the only light was completely swallowed and disappeared.

'lost? '

I can't see anything in the dark world, is it because I lost?

'No, that's not the case. '

The visitor knows this is not the case, the power of Palaji's shield has been fully demonstrated just now, the color of the rainbow is transformed into silver light, and in the silver light is the person who draws the bow.

At the same level, what determines the outcome of the battle?

Tactics, thinking, strategies, in other words, brains.

Arc Beria has no soul, it is just a newborn animal that obeys instinct, and it has been less than half a day since its birth.

Sai Luo is different, he has a soul, and his soul is driving him to act.

Even though the space was chaotic, even though the passage was uncertain, he still appeared at the oblique upper corner of Arc Beria, and jumped out of the space passage that collapsed once he left.

The bow has been pulled to the extreme, and the strongest arrows are blasted out along with the ejection of the bowstring.

Yes, it can't be described as shooting out, because Sero no longer has Palaji's shield in his hand, and the entire shield is fired as an arrow. The wrapped silver light expands rapidly after it is released, and it pounces on him like a giant bird with wings spread. beast.

Arc Beria's attack was interrupted, and the arrow of light bombarded above its head, and penetrated crazily.


He wanted to scream, but he couldn't, because Arc Beria's head was blown apart the moment he was hit, and there was nothing left.

From the head to the neck, and from the neck down, but stuck.

There is a limit to the regenerative power of the alien beast, and the regenerative power also requires energy. Coincidentally, there is a lot of energy here.

"Is it struggling?"

Someone asked such a question, regeneration and destruction were repeated in front of his eyes, even so, the arrows continued to penetrate.

The visitor also watched, thought, and then realized one thing, that is 'a characteristic of the alien beast'

"No, it's not struggling! Cyro, it's going to launch its own body!"

Just as he said, the Emenar energy originally stored in Arc Beria's body began to spew out like a spring.

It's not pure energy, the inner 'alien beast' side has been awakened, to use a simple term to explain it, that is, the alien animal factor.

A huge amount of alien beast factors spread out from Arc Beria's body.

'Alien Beast'

Sai Luo knew this term, and he had also heard of Noah's battle in this world long ago.

After realizing that he was irresistible, Arc Beria divided himself into countless fragments, trying to launch himself into every corner of the universe.

"How can I let you succeed!"

Even Sai Luo couldn't quickly eliminate the factor of tens of millions, billions, and there was only one thing he could do.

If the alien beast factor is a mutation of Emenaar's energy, then it should be able to absorb this power.

In an instant, with Sai Luo's open palm, the alien beast factor that was originally surging in other surroundings began to gather in his direction.

Factors that can erode even light and darkness broke into Sai Luo's body without any hindrance, and in an instant, an incomparable sense of hunger and thirst began to flow out.


Incompleteness, hunger, pain, longing, as a living body of light, Sai Luo experienced the "hunger" that only normal creatures have

But that hunger mixed with the madness of eating everything.


The consciousness is still clear, Arc Beria's body is being decomposed and destroyed by Palaji's shield, and the alien beast factor released by it is no longer scattered, but actively breaks into Sai Luo's body.

Even if this current body is destroyed, it doesn't matter, if it can corrode another body, it's also very good.

Sai Luo, who had felt the surging power in his body before, now felt as if he was being pushed into the water, being beaten by the stormy waves, submerged constantly, unable to float ashore.

Enduring this chaotic and suffocating feeling, he felt that his perception had become very weak, so weak that even the passage of time could not be clearly defined.

Nothing can be seen, nothing can be felt, and even the existence of self has become thinner.

The people who want to save the universe are now gradually transforming into beasts that destroy the universe, and the gradually thinning consciousness is crumbling, and it is only crumbling.

"Not yet, it's not over yet."

At this moment, there is still one person in Sai Luo's body, and that is Emilana as a human body.

There is another possibility, if you can hold on to that possibility tightly, it is not over yet.

Emerana found the answer to things that even the visitor didn't know, and whenever Selo absorbed Emenaar's energy, his situation became abnormal.


Because there is still an incredible power hidden deep in Sai Luo's body, Emerana can see the buried possibility when integrating and rectifying to assist Sai Luo.

However, it was as if the door was tightly closed, no matter how hard you hit it, you couldn't push it open.

Is it not enough strength?

Sero doesn't have the energy to do this, and Emilana alone can't do anything, it's just...

'Those who use power indiscriminately will be backlashed by power. '

This is the ancestral motto of the Wang family. Emerana raised her crystallized arm, not just her arm, her face could no longer make other expressions because of the crystallization.

Corresponding to this is the part on the left that is blurred and engraved with strange light spots.

Slowly, its body fell down and shattered into countless pieces before hitting the blue door.

Sai Luo Chapter 79 What Is Abandoned, What I Get

Quiet, quiet and empty, in such a quiet place, I feel like I have to wear away myself.


I heard a strange knock on the door, is it hallucination?


The sound is so small that it can hardly be heard, so there is no need to worry about those things.

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