Sunset and moonrise, after repeating this three times, he stood in front of the star gate and said goodbye to the comrades he met in this universe.

"Don't worry, I have fully memorized the coordinates of this universe, and I will definitely be there as soon as there is any problem."

Sai Luo raised his hand, facing his action, the red lotus flame also responded with the same action, and the cross symbolized entrusting their backs to each other.

"Although I want to go with you, there are still some things that need to be dealt with."

Red Lotus Flame shrugged. Although he felt a little sad in his heart, he couldn't say it or show it. Parting was always uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards, Jambert, Mirror Knight, the two of them are Emerana's knights, and it is naturally impossible to leave their princess behind in an unstable period. This is the insistence of being a knight.

"I'll see you, then, when I've settled the matter. Good-bye, Emilana."

"I'll miss you, Zhu Xing."

Up until this point, Emilana had used this title because it was the only one she knew.

On Jambert's display screen, Emerana's palms faced Selo's humanoid palms.

Soon, in the light of the star gate, people from other universes disappeared.

"Let's go."

Jambert's tone was a little sighing, it was an incredible encounter.

"Then, it's time to prepare for diplomacy with the Kingdom of Light, princess."

Mirror Knight said so.

"Oh, and this hand!"

The red lotus flame clapped his hands, and a small flame floated out.

"Mechanical Knight, Mirror Knight, is Your Royal Highness interested in taking another Flame Knight?"

After saying this, laughter echoed.

Star Esmeralda, now that there are no special minerals left on the planet, can it no longer progress?

No, the visitors will assist in planet building, which will only begin now.

At the same time, inside the star gate, Leo looked at the silent disciple beside him.

"What? Are you going to cry?"

His teasing tone made Sai Luo immediately retort:

"No! How can a man cry over such a trivial matter! It's not impossible to meet again!"

Men should hide their tears!

"It's nothing. Tears are not necessarily a sign of weakness. Tears with emotions are another matter."

Leo shook his head, his tone was gentle.

People meet and people part, and it is not shameful to shed tears for this.

At this moment, when Sai Luo wanted to say something, he subconsciously turned his head and looked in one direction.

But soon, that feeling disappeared again.

"what happened?"

Noticing his abnormality, Seven asked immediately.

"...Ever since I got the Palaji Shield, I always feel that it wants to guide me where to go, but I can't be sure."

Sai Luo touched the ultimate bracelet on his left hand, and the vague feeling is still vague now, but it is indeed clearer than before, that is to say——is something from other universes calling him?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The mechanical weapon that is extremely similar to Zero is the Dark Lopes.

Of course, the similarity is only in the appearance, and the strength is very different.

This large number of planets, this entire civilization, no, it should be said that this entire universe is confronting the Kingdom of Light.

'Battle of Salome's Home Planet Raiders'

This is the end of this war, and if it is suppressed, the enemy's vital strength will be disintegrated.

"People of light from other universes, the affairs of this universe have nothing to do with you, why come to obstruct us!"

A question was issued from inside a Dark Lopes. Facing the question, Max's knee bump directly smashed the opponent's body into two pieces.

"You don't want to hurt more innocent people!"

The Kingdom of Light's "nosy" has never been limited to its own universe. The Salome civilization that decided to destroy other multidimensional universes in order to solve the phenomenon of universe overlap is an existence that the Kingdom of Light cannot let go of.

Max still remembers the promise he made at the beginning, absolutely want to regain peace, in order to prevent more universes from encountering such tragedies, he will fight.

"It's now! Max, go!"

The combination of light and light opened the passage, Jeno kept the light released, led by him, some of the guards kept the light emitted, and some of them crossed their arms in front of their chests.

Mind power overlaps with mind power, and an absolutely safe passage is formed.

The next moment, the assault troop with Max as the vanguard sprinted at an exaggerated speed, surpassing the bombardment, interception, and fleet, and directly crashed into the atmosphere of that planet.

Concentrated energy calls, that is what both sides are doing.

This universe does not have a large amount of energy supply like the previous overlapping universe, so the crystal on Max's chest flickers, and the sword of light extending from his wrist makes a swift thrust.

In an instant, the energy of the explosion overflowed in all directions, and the protective shield covering the planet was being pierced bit by bit.

To resist the blow, more energy is concentrated.

Seizing the opportunity, the troops that had been hiding for a long time were dispatched to enter from the flank.

Using large-scale space transmission equipment, Ace on the left releases the ultimate guillotine, and Jack on the right throws Ultra sparks, completely shattering the shield.

For the Otto Guard, which is not that large in number, surprise attack is a tactic they have long been familiar with.

The two sides drove straight in, and a total of 55000 troops entered the home planet of the Salome civilization.

Chapter 82 A Story of a Certain Universe

The Kingdom of Light, the long-lost Kingdom of Light.

When Sero felt the fluctuation of the plasma spark tower, the feeling of going home was unavoidable, and even the perception was expanded under the increase of the spark tower.

'Ok?Doesn't it sound like...'

What I can usually feel is that the guards trained in the Kingdom of Light don't know where they are now.

At this moment, the person who came out to greet her was none other than Otto's mother.

"Welcome back, Shiro."

"Oh! I'm back!"

Sai Luo raised his hand in response. Compared with usual times, the Kingdom of Light has become a bit deserted.

"Speaking of which, where did the others go? Where's the father of Ultra?"

He had just come back and noticed the difference from usual, his perception was indeed sharp enough.

Mother of Ultra responded to this question:

"Ken is recovering inside the main tower of the Spark Tower. Beria's blow brought back the injury left by Ampera in the past, and the injury added to the injury, so the recovery is even slower."

Why did the two people in the past come to where they are today?Perhaps no one can fully explain this point.

"The others went to another universe half a year ago, preparing to stop the plan of the Salome civilization."

For Sai Luo, it has been half a year in the Kingdom of Light in less than half a month. The difference in time flow is certainly shocking, but what shocked Sai Luo even more was what the other party said.

'Salome civilization'

For him, this refers to only one civilization, that is, the Salome civilization that is going to survive by destroying other universes.

No one can deny the legitimacy of living beings for survival, but if you intend to sacrifice others for this, then the victim also has the right to resist.

You are doing evil things to others, so why blame others for not understanding?

At the end of that battle, Sero, Empat, and Max were all involved in the dimensional storm released by Dark Lops Zero, and he was thrown into the universe where Beria was. What about the other two?

It was precisely because he was worried about this matter that he immediately set off to return to the Kingdom of Light.

But what the mother of Otto said now was unbelievable to him, because he felt that there was a high probability that he would not be able to find the other party's lair. The three overlapping universes had already begun to be destroyed, and there would be no clues left. down.

"What about Max and Empat? Are they back too?"

Compared with the reason, Sai Luo cared more about the two comrades in arms at that time.

"Let's change places."

Sophie temporarily interrupted the conversation, she couldn't just stand here with a group of people.

So, a group of people went to the general base of the Space Guard. During the process, the current captain, Sophie, also explained what happened after that.

First of all, after the three of Sai Luo went to another universe, they had been tracking the signal of the Ultra bracelet, but when they finally confirmed the location of the signal, they saw two overlapping universes merging and merging at an exaggerated speed light picture.

How to stop it?

At least the Kingdom of Light has not been able to stop it, and this is the first time that the Kingdom of Light has personally observed the phenomenon.

At this moment, King Ultra appeared.

Even Wang couldn't observe so many multidimensional universes, so at the moment of observing the destruction this time, he took action to change the status quo.

The universes that were forcibly overlapped were not destroyed, they merged together in a stable manner.

The lost lives cannot be retrieved, but at least there are still lives preserved, and Max was saved at that time.

After that, the Kingdom of Light investigated the newly merged universe and found the universe where the Salome civilization was located.

But at this price, the King of Ultra is missing, or ubiquitous, this situation is really confusing.

Before King Ultra could save the dying universe, he delivered a message via Astra.

'The primordial darkness is about to destroy all life. '

This is the last message of the King of Ultra, and now he is scattered in every corner of the overlapping universe. According to the speculation of the Kingdom of Light, this is probably a side effect of the ability of 'integration'.

It's just that compared with the Ultra family who saved a certain life through integration, the King of Ultra saved the three universes through integration.

What exactly does the original darkness refer to?

Although Kingdom of Light doesn't understand, they still know what they should do first.

Stop the Salome civilization, otherwise more universes will be destroyed by the arbitrariness of the Salome civilization before the original darkness takes action.

It was for this matter that the Space Guard was dispatched to another universe.

The Salome civilization, unwilling to give up, naturally resisted, and a new war broke out.

Fighting for people they don't know at all, even if they do this, they won't know or appreciate it. For the Kingdom of Light, this is something they have long been used to.

To sum up, the King of Ultra saved the universe by fusion, Max in the space-time storm was rescued and returned to the Kingdom of Light, and then participated in the battle against the Salome civilization, and Zero was thrown to Belia The universe that destroyed the Galactic Empire now returns to the Land of Light.

Zofi, Seven, and Leo didn't participate in that battle because they wanted to support Sai Luo. After all, the Kingdom of Light didn't know what happened to Sai Luo in the strange universe.

Maybe it was waiting calmly, or maybe it was a crisis, no one could tell.

The only person missing is Empat.

How to do?Things are naturally done one by one.

"Where are the coordinates? Now that I'm back, there's no reason to stay, and I'll go support right away."

"There's no need for that."

Suddenly hearing a familiar voice, Sai Luo and the others, who hadn't even entered the main base of the guard, turned their heads. The person who descended from the sky didn't wear a cape, and most of the decorative things in actual combat would only get in the way.

"Taro, you're back!"

Sophie's tone was not as calm as before. No one could tell what would happen in the war. Everyone parted with the consciousness of meeting for the last time.

"Everyone, I'm back!"

Taylor nodded, with a little joy in his tone.

"Sero, long time no see."

He turned his attention to this nephew who had been missing for a long time, but now he seemed to be in good spirits and seemed to have no problems.

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