Before, the ground below him was shattered, but now the ground below Saruus turned into dust.

The heavy blow hit the head of this ultimate super beast, and Empat, who was floating in the air, twisted his body, and the whip legs driven by it just shredded the flame.


What matters in combat is intelligence, and that couldn't be more true.

Saruus is a super beast and has no pain. The blow just now failed to cause damage to his functions, so he moved forward quickly without being affected by the pain. distance.

The reason why he doesn't need to describe it as running away is because Saruus's direction is extremely clear. Compared with the destructive flash that doesn't know where it will fly, he chooses to rush to the blue planet because he feels a lot of life.

Ultra warriors have obvious weaknesses, and innocent lives can be exploited.

Without time to communicate with Baxter, Empat accelerated his flight again, and the interception immediately came in front of him, and the missile that was very similar to Bellocken was launched from Saruus' body, with a distinct The trajectory strikes.

Before the thought power detonated it, another thought power struck, and the starry sky in the eyes of others distorted again, and Empat clashed with the Yabo people's thought power in Saruus.

If the missile cannot be detonated, it can only be avoided.

Empat's body quickly evaded in different directions while maintaining the general direction, rolling sideways, panning, climbing, and diving. The missile passed by different positions and then turned to chase after it.

And in the gap between the missiles, the purple ball of light and the red thunder are either shooting straight or strafing horizontally.

Compared with Saruus's angle towards the earth, his four tentacles moved towards Empat as quickly as if they were alive.

Compared with the last time, the Yabo people have more experience and are better able to exert the power of this ultimate super beast.

The missile that Empat avoided exploded in the rubbing of the purple light ball, and the red thunder blocked the route, and the chain explosion formed directly swallowed Empat's figure.

'It's not called ultimate for nothing. '

Thinking this way in his heart, the destructive heat flow wrapped around his body still clings to his body, causing pain and damage.

What is needed in order to get out of this situation?

light?If it is fired in the air, it will hit the earth directly.

One hit kill?Yes, but opportunities are rare and must be seized.

In order to achieve this condition, what is needed is further speed and more violent lethality.

Empat crossed his arms in front of his chest, and his wrist armor still wore the red color that symbolized the dark attribute. Whenever he used this weapon, there would always be a feeling that he didn't know how to describe.

The crossed hands slid down to the left and right sides and collected at the waist, and the red and dark stream gushing from the back of the wrist armor was the tail flame.

In an instant, faster than the purple light bullet that detonated the light ball, faster than the red thunder that blocked the route, Empat narrowed the distance between the two sides with terrifying acceleration, ten thousand meters?But that's all.

He concentrated his strength on his right arm, and turned his body sideways with his left arm in front, which was a movement of accumulating strength.

The passing missiles on the left and right sides failed to react, and the four shaking tentacles had just realized something, and everything was already moving from the beginning to the end.

Empat's straight forward path draws a considerable arc and climbs upwards. His right arm is bent, and his elbow is facing the diagonally upward corner. The dark energy ejected from the tail of the wrist armor is now a distorted shape. ’ rather a ‘serrated’ potholed blade.

In the past, he fought in the way of "cutting" and developed a further divine speed slash.

The booster behind Saruus is still spraying, but the balance of his body has completely collapsed.

The ultimate super beast that was divided into two large pieces on the left and right rotated unbalanced, and his exuberant vitality prevented it from dying directly.

So Empat stopped climbing and turned his body along the movement of the arm blade slashing. During this process, the remaining red and black dark energy wrapped around him like a whip, and then released it because of his waving right arm. .

Like a red-black tsunami, waves of dark energy bombarded the wreckage of Saruus, vowing to completely destroy it.

The moment it touches the enemy, the dark energy turns into a sea of ​​flames, igniting the enemy's body.

Empat floated there, watching as the enemy's body was quickly burned until there was nothing left.

'finished? '

Empat, who was thinking like this in his heart, was a little uncertain, after all, he also knew how difficult the Yabo people were.

Based on his perception, he really didn't notice the other party's escape, so he can feel at ease for the time being...probably.

'And then again...'

One thing Empat realized was that he was now in front of the camera, and the satellite orbiting the earth captured his posture.

Of course, this is not an overly important thing, the more important thing is:

'By the way, why is it Earth again? '

He began to feel that he might have a special connection with the earth, or that the earth might be cursed, and it seemed that any universe would encounter major events.

In front of the artificial satellite, Empat nodded, then turned around and left quickly in the distance.

Next he has a very important thing to do, which is to move the moon back to its original orbit.

Besides, there was another important thing waiting for him on that satellite.

Time passed slowly, and Baxter on the surface of the moon inspected his severely damaged spacecraft.

"The shell of the power furnace was damaged. The emergency closure temporarily controlled the energy leakage, but it would definitely blow up when restarted. The hull was completely blown to pieces. The loss of system AI data is not serious."

At this moment, Baxter, who was thinking of escaping quickly, received a message from the robot Jayden.

He hurriedly turned his head, and the giant who was 54 meters tall just now is only 1.85 meters. For Empat, the height is not something uncontrollable, but in order not to bring too much oppression, it is still...


In Baxter's eyes, Empat, with super fierce eyes, has become a...well, don't judge the other person's appearance if they are of different races.

Not even needing a spacesuit, Nangong stood on the ground of the moon and slowly recovered his bottomed out energy.

"Thank you for your help just now."

Baxter was a little stunned by his words, because in Baxter's perception, he didn't help much, and it wasn't bad at all.

", I have to thank you for saving me..."

Baxter didn't know how to respond for a while. Compared with the decisive and fierce performance before, the person in front of him didn't comment on his appearance, at least his way of speaking seemed too quiet and completely inappropriate.

"My name is Nangong Lan. If you don't mind, can you tell me why the Yabo people chased you before? What happened? Has anything abnormal happened in this universe recently?"

Nangong didn't forget why he came here, it was all because of the oppressive feeling and eyes that made him feel terrified.

Perhaps it was because the crisis of the multidimensional universe made him feel a little anxious. A series of questions made Baxter a little anxious. After a few seconds, Baxter replied:

"I'm not too sure either."

He answered like this, how should I put it, considering the actions of the Yapo people to erode the machine Jayden, Nangong felt that it might not be true.

Do you want to force the other party to speak out?

After hesitating for a while, Nangong still gave up on this approach. At this moment, Baxter spoke again:

"My name is Chris, if it's ok...I just said if it's ok, can you help me fix my ship?"

The Baxter star named Chris was betting that the person in front of him was a good person, because the other party had indeed heard his shout just now.

"no problem."

Nangong nodded immediately, just in time, if he could gain the other party's trust, he might be able to get some information.

In addition, in fact, he also wants to go to the earth. What does the earth in this universe look like?I'm really curious.

Empat Chapter 85 Trackers

From the feudal era to the new century, new things that were unimaginable by humans in the past are being manufactured and developed one after another.

We have survived wars and divisions, and now it is the early 21st century. In the period of rapid technological development, people's minds have also begun to burst out various new viewpoints.

Ever since they recognized the universe, people have always had a strong curiosity about the earth under their feet and the sky above them.

So science fiction came into being, but those things are almost idiotic dreams, depicting horror or beautiful future and stories, but there has been no evidence to prove its truth.

Compared with the illogical things like reality, what is told by imagination is simply too gentle.

Science fiction has described alien civilizations with extremely advanced scientific levels, but most of the time they only describe alien civilizations with extremely advanced scientific levels. What kind of novels should such huge aliens and monsters be considered?

Of course, everyone's views on science fiction may be different, but how does it feel when humans actually observe two terrifying monsters fighting fiercely on the moon?

Fortunately, the terrifying monster was killed before breaking into the earth, but unfortunately, human beings did recognize such a thing.

In ancient times, there has always been a saying that the tide is related to the moon, and the anomaly of the seawater in the past came from the change of the moon's orbit.

For the satellite that has been with the earth for a long time, the moon has always had various legends, but what I see now is not a gentle thing like the moon rabbit Chang'e.

The alien and the monster disappeared after a fierce battle, leaving fresh scars on the moon.

The first country in human history to land on the moon was the United States, and the flag planted there at that time disappeared completely.

The space rover launched to that satellite was destroyed after film-like footage was captured.

For the top leaders of various countries, this is simply a fantasy. This matter is not known to ordinary people, but they have heard a few rumors.

The folks have never been short of astronomy fans. What they saw with their astronomical telescopes that night was the moon that was inexplicably shifted in the lens.

Abnormalities are spread as Internet rumors, and everyone regards them as ordinary conversation materials. After talking and laughing, they are forgotten, and maybe one day they will be remembered again to continue talking and check. This is the norm.

Besides, can ordinary people still fly to the sky to conduct investigations?Can't do it at all.

In ordinary cities, the accumulation of snowflakes makes people not want to go out.

Apart from innocent children, the only people who can enjoy this kind of snow are people during the holidays.

The sky still looks very gloomy, but no one knows when the next snowfall will be.

It happened to be the weekend, and young people in college took to the streets to pursue fashion. After all, this was the first snow in winter in this city.

In the Internet age, as long as major merchants make such publicity, there will always be trendy young people taking to the streets, and they have the possibility of consumption when they take to the streets.

So there are always some weird festivals that have no history and no related culture are created. Some people enjoy it, while others dismiss it. It all depends on the individual.

"Look at that person over there, he has been staring at this place for a long time."

A young woman said this to her friends who went out together. What she was referring to was a young man leaning on a public seat some distance from the store.

The other party's clothes were not that fashionable. A black down jacket paired with black trousers was a completely careless choice.

"Isn't it also very good?"

The friend replied like this.

"Maybe I'll come up to strike up a conversation later."

They were laughing, not so angry about it, if you want to ask why... after all, the guy looking over here is a handsome guy, right?

Anyway, the other party didn't take pictures with a mobile phone camera or anything bad.

The store is lively, and the first cup of hot tea in winter is on sale, but the price seems to be much more expensive than usual.

Staring at the storefront, Nangong blinked and raised his head again. Even if they have the same name in different worlds, they are not actually the same place.

For example, in the store I saw just now, although it is for drinks, the people who run it are different.

The coffee shop he used to go to is now a beverage store, and he is using consumption strategies to attract people to spend this winter.

There is nothing to say about making a wish and enduring a wish, but... the feeling of familiar things disappearing is indeed not so good for people.

'Time, time. '

Really cruel stuff.

This gloomy sky also affected people's mood to a certain extent, and his silent waiting finally came to an end.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, it took me a lot of time to collect human facial data."

Some neutral voices came from the side, Nangong turned his head, and what he saw there was a...neutral...male?

If I really want to say it, it really feels like this, with a height of 1 meters and a thin body, black hair covering half of the back of the neck, and brown eyes are common eyes.

Baxter Starman Chris, he mimicked after collecting a large amount of human appearance data.

Of course, this is not his original ability, but the appearance created by the multifunctional combat suit he wears.


In the silence, Chris suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, because the person in front of him was looking at him intently.

"Where did you make a mistake?"

In order to break the awkward silence, he asked again.

It was only at this time that Nangong came back to his senses and looked away, shook his head and replied:

"It's perfect, I just lost my mind."

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