Simply using gold is really troublesome, it is better to exchange it for actual money first.

"In that case, you need to create a fake identity and the corresponding depositor first."

Chris said things that did not comply with the regulations very naturally, but Nangong is also used to doing similar things, as long as it does not cause harm to others, it is okay to violate some rules a little bit.

After that, the two went to various places back and forth, and bought various things back and forth.

From day to night, the lights in the city cannot reach the outside, and the moonless starlight is not so bright and bright tonight. The two people in the suburbs can confirm that there is no one around.

If anyone saw that scene, they would definitely wonder if there was something wrong with their eyes, because those two people just disappeared in the process of moving forward.

'Although I felt that way last time I saw it, but now I still feel it...'

The purple sky looks a bit gloomy, and this divided space is the application of the Meita field.

Of course, what Nangong now creates is no longer the Meita domain, but the dark domain. After dismantling the principle, a layer of blindness is constructed.

Inside, the heavily damaged spaceship and the standby machine, Jadon, were motionless.

There is an opening in the body of the robot Zedon, which is not a biological structure on the inside.

As the name of the machine Jayden is named, this weapon is a mechanical weapon with a similar appearance to Jayden, not a life in the true sense.

"Just wait, I'll fix you soon...hopefully."

Halfway through, Chris denied his own words. After all, he was not sure whether the electronic components on the earth could be adapted, so let's check first.


Watching, Nangong just watched as before, because he didn't know much about this aspect.

A person who spends 70.00% of his time in the mind of "reckless" really has no achievements in technology. Compared with studying, he is more focused on handling various affairs and rushing to various places for rescue.

Anyway, Diana and Zhengmu are here, right?That kind of thing is left to them.

So now Nangong looks at it from his own point of view:

'Ah, what a waste, hiss, disassembled, wow, torn apart. '

Fans, TVs, game consoles, light tubes, as long as there are things related to electronics, Chris has bought a lot. Now these machines that were sent here through Nangong before are disassembled without even being started.

The face of the robot Zedon shone with light and turned into a lamp.

Wires leading from the inside of that body connect to various devices.

Chris didn't dislike the dirt ground either, he looked at the taken out components.

'Speaking of which, isn't that the NS5 with a lot of premium on this earth? '

The case was taken apart, the component removed, and put together with another component from nowhere.

The engineering equipment in Chris's hand easily further disassembled the two components, as if he was planning to do something.

'Can't read any more. '

Nangong turned around, as a thrifty housekeeper, he felt a strong sense of entanglement when he saw so many furniture being treated like this.

' Then again. '

Is it a little petty to be entangled in this kind of thing as a person who has experienced various things?

Putting his arms around his shoulders, Nangong discovered that there was indeed something strange about him in a sense.

But he didn't resent this kind of pettiness, because it was a habit formed in the life of having a family.

' Started thinking about it again. '

Nangong shook his head, it's better not to think about some things all the time, and think about the things in front of you first.

For example, what is the reason for the Yabo people to chase Chris?

In the previous battle, the Liabo people obviously wanted to use the earth as a shield, which means that the Yabo people encountered this time were not very different from the Yabo people he knew.

What is there to covet in a person being chased by villains?

Nangong, who kept thinking, left from this divided space. He still has one more thing to do next.

As time passed by, there were more and more parts and wreckage beside Chris, and it was difficult to use the brand new things.

The machine Zedon's light remained, even though the outside light was becoming brighter due to the rising of the sun, the field formed by dark energy was still so dim.

'Hmm...this smell...huh?this taste? '

Chris froze for a moment, he shouldn't have thought about these things before.

When reacting, the body will not deceive people.

The signal from the abdomen is a sign of hunger, so Chris subconsciously turned to the direction of the smell.

Nangong was sitting there, all kinds of dismantled wreckage were piled together to form an unstable chair, and the other party was sitting there, with a bowl in his left hand and chopsticks in his right, sucking a stick of food in his mouth.

"Want to eat?"

Nangong, who had swallowed the earth's noodles, only asked at this time. After one night, he must be hungry no matter how he thinks about it.

In fact, it was the third hour since he bought the food, and he didn't bother just seeing Chris so focused.

Xili doesn't like to be disturbed by someone talking to her when she is serious about doing something. This is probably the same for most people, and she doesn't like others to point and interfere.

Nangong understands this, so he is only doing what he should do.

What he did reminded Chris of the past, or in other words, what he was doing now was what he often did in the past.

Disassemble the machine, transform it by yourself, forget the time, and suddenly remember it when you are hungry.

" eat."

Then the mother will appear at this time and ask if she wants to eat, but in fact the meal has already been prepared.


Chris looked at the person in front of him and overlapped the other person's figure with the figure in his memory for a moment. This sudden similarity and nostalgia for the past made his emotions worse.

At this time, Nangong gave Chris another food that should be regarded as breakfast.

I have to say that eating in a place similar to the dark field is really weird, but it is normal to be gnawed on grass roots in the swamp.

After taking a bite of food, Chris noticed something extra here.

"This is?"

Little pieces of metal lay on the ground.

"I collect natural metals from different mines. If you can't use them, then go find artificial metals."

It's not that Nangong didn't do anything. Apart from looking for metal veins, he went into the sea and entered the ground. This earth is completely different from the earth he knows.

There are no monsters in the sea, there are no monsters in the ground, and there is no such thing as the Loch Ness Monster.

In a word, it is peace, so peaceful that he is a little uncomfortable.

There is no need to worry about this planet for the time being, but this universe needs to worry.

'I should have made no mistake. '

The original attraction came from this universe, where can I find the source?

The previous fluctuations in the body have completely disappeared now, but since Chris cannot be left here, Nangong really doubts that there will be pursuers coming.

Do one thing at a time. Instead of being a headless chicken, it is better to do what you can do first.

After a short silence, Chris had only one thing to say:

"Thank you."

Why did this person in front of him help him?

Obviously they met by chance but...

'No, wait, do you mean--'

Think about it carefully, is there such a way of pretending?

Help you solve your enemy's approaching distance is actually trying to take away your things?

If that's the case———


Probably this is the sound, after all, it is metal and plastic mixed together.

The man was sitting on the ground while maintaining a sitting posture, and there was no seat under his buttocks.

"It's really dangerous. Sure enough, we should find a real chair."

Nangong got up and patted off the fragments that were still stuck to his clothes. He had to say that he must have nothing to do to put together a strange chair.


Chris felt that the person in front of him was a bit too out of the ordinary as a powerful existence that could change the orbit of the planet, out of the ordinary in various senses.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The dyed planet, the living planet, and the verdant forest have completely disappeared, replaced by some kind of creature.

The twisted pieces of flesh stood up, densely packed one after another, and thousands of tentacles swayed slightly like seaweed.

The earth is no longer soil, but a substance with a strange texture.

Suddenly, the small black hole opened, and a large amount of hot gas was ejected from the inside. It was the magma that should have flowed inside the planet, but now it turned into a dark yellow corrosive gas.

The sea, the land, all disappeared.

There is no completely spherical planet. For example, the earth, if all the sea water is stripped off, what you will see is just a bumpy land.

But this planet is different. This planet tends to be infinitely spherical, but its appearance is extremely strange.

In the swaying of the tentacles, in the spreading crack, a crimson object protruded from the crack spanning half of the planet.

The crimson streak slowly swayed, and above that, another gap appeared, but no matter who saw what appeared in the gap, they would definitely shudder and tremble because of it.

Eyes, the white side of the eye is covered with bloodshot red, and the pupil is in the center, that is, a single eye.

Below the eyes, the red object is undoubtedly the tongue.

Eyes and tongue, spherical objects, that combination is enough to make people feel uncomfortable.

But to observe this object, you have to go to the universe.

A planet, a planet rotating and revolving under the illumination of a star, has become something else. It opened its eyes as a newborn life form, and its red tongue caught the comet that should have passed by at the moment it stretched out.

The next moment, the comet was swallowed, and the living planet turned its one eye, as if observing something.

Empat Chapter 87 Focus

An unprecedented event is taking place in this universe, but it is currently unknown to human beings.

Observing the entire universe is a troublesome and strenuous task. How can we always see clearly the universe that is spreading and growing all the time?

To do this, you must have absolute technical ability, absolute patience, and absolute willpower.

Leaving aside other universes, at least this universe has not yet had such an existence or civilization.

Now people gathered in this universe are acting for their own affairs. In one corner of this universe, on a small planet called Earth, technology and economy are developing with each passing day.

Standing on the ice, the gloomy sky was covered with snow, Nangong's clothes were out of place here.

The land called Antarctica, the animals are used to the climate here and work hard to survive here, maybe there is indeed something buried in the distant past under the ice, but don’t worry about monsters or other things inside, at least Nangong uses perspective No such thing was found.

On this earth, there are no prehistoric creatures bigger than dinosaurs, and there is no powerful star light that breeds giants.

Ordinary, so ordinary that Nangong himself sighed, "So there is such a world"

It is inevitable that there will be omissions in one inspection, so this is already the fifth time he has circled the earth.

Its body disappeared in the illusion, and the passing penguins shook their bodies, as if they had some doubts about the sudden disappearance, but they quickly forgot about it and continued to focus on their own lives.

From extreme cold to less cold places, Nangong, who is not a carbon-based creature, does not need to worry about catching a cold, even if he is still covered with Antarctic snowflakes.

The dim field in front of me now is very different from a week ago, where is the difference?

The difference lies in the tabletops placed there, the surrounding benches and the single beds where you can sleep.

In addition, you can also see TVs and various electrical appliances that look a little weird.

Nangong didn't know how to do it. Anyway, Chris magically restored these things to the point where they could work again.

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