"It was me who ignored the body's reaction, and the visual effect was exchanged for the stimulation of the brain——"

A series of professional terms such as factors and reactions came out of Chris's mouth, and Nangong was also listening. He just felt that the other party's "it's nothing to do with me, it's a problem with the brain and body" was in line with that. The appearance of sex is quite cute.

"Do you want to do it again?"

An evil question from Nangong directly blocked Chris's words. After a few seconds, Chris replied:

"An amusement park is a wide entertainment place, and there must be more than one facility, so there is no need to waste on one facility."

Well, that's the thing, it's all about efficiency.

"Then let's go to the haunted house. The brochure says that the haunted house in this amusement park is very famous."

Nangong picked up the manual he had obtained when he entered the park to enhance his persuasiveness.

Chris, who quickly searched for information on the Internet, frowned.

"......you do this delibrately?"

He asked the question like this, and then got a sentence from Nangong:

"Sorry, I want to go and have a try. Can you please accompany me? Let's go."

Nangong walked out directly.

"Hey, I haven't agreed to go yet!"

Chris got up from the bench and hurried to follow, he didn't want to be left alone because he had to admit that the extra person beside him made up for his thinning sense of security.

"Don't you want to visit all the facilities? Don't worry, I will protect you."

Nangong said with a smile.

"That's not the right phrase to use when doing something like this."

Chris responded quickly.

The two just acted in the amusement park, and their figures were reflected in the camera.

Enpater · Chapter 89: Things Attacking the Earth

The sky of the earth is a very beautiful scenery, blue, gray, cloudy, cloudless, different due to different weather, today's weather makes the unchanging sunset dye the clouds red.

"how do you feel?"

Nangong asked like this, the weekend is a good day, because it is a day of rest, and couples, family members, and friends can go to the amusement park together to play.

Although this will make the entire amusement park crowded, but looking at it from another angle, isn't this lively?

For Nangong, he didn't hate this kind of noise.

So what about Chris?This young man from other civilizations, even from other universes, hesitated for a while before saying:

"Entertainment is almost stimulated through vision, in a relatively primitive——"

His rhetoric reminded Nangong of a person, and Diana of Baltan also liked to speak in such a winding way.

It's just that she didn't do it to cover up anything, she just liked to see Nangong put on a confused expression of 'what the hell are you talking about', simply speaking, she was looking for trouble for nothing.

Probably because of overlapping the two figures, Nangong directly interrupted:


The things in the middle are different. Anyway, in a series of words, usually only the last paragraph is important.

So Chris's original talk was interrupted, and his conclusion was:

"Raw but effective."

After all, everyone relies on the brain to control the brain.

After giving his own evaluation, Chris raised the plastic cup in his right hand and took a sip of the hot tea he bought at the stall. Drinking hot tea in winter, you can't lick an ice cream on your hand, right?

After hearing this comment, Nangong began to feel curious, and remembered something that he had never thought of before in this rather special situation:

"What's that unprimitive form of entertainment?"

He really doesn't know what it is, is it a super cool virtual network community?I've heard of it, but haven't used it because I don't have much time.

Nangong used to go to friends and family during the holidays.

At this time, Chris also answered that question:

"For example, bathing, putting special materials in the bathing area can experience the feeling of being massaged and relaxing all over the body, and the special swimming pool uses a special modified water source, which allows tourists to move freely in the water without worrying about breathing. .”

The advancement of technology is exchanged for the upgrading of entertainment facilities, that's all.

"Take a shower..."

Can bathing really be called entertainment?

Nangong, who fell into this kind of thinking, recalled that 11-year-old Xili could stay in the bathroom for more than an hour and not come out, and when she came out, she would point her fingers Zou Baba.

'Bathing should really be entertainment. '

That's right, at least for some it's entertainment.

Thinking of this, he also picked up the plastic cup in his hand and took a sip of his hot coffee.

"There will be garden activities and stage plays in the evening. Do you want to find a place to have dinner first?"

Nangong has already memorized the content of the guidebook. It is said that this is the [-]th anniversary of the construction of this amusement park, so there are many activities, and there will be fireworks until ten o'clock in the evening.

His suggestion made Chris hesitate for a while, and after struggling for a while, he agreed.

"it is good."

Lively, crowded, things that I used to dislike or even hate, I actually enjoy now, probably because I have been away from these things for too long.

Things that were taken for granted in the past are only found to be precious after they are lost. It turns out that being able to communicate with others is such a joyful thing.

One person moves, one person hides, and the only one who can talk is the robot Jayden, talking to it non-stop.

Today's Chris is too lazy to think about what to eat. Anyway, the person next to him seems to be free to find food, just ask him.

"Then what do you recommend today... What's wrong?"

Halfway through the question, Chris saw with his own eyes that the man beside him turned his head, his calm expression turned serious, and stared at the dusk.

Looking in the direction, the field of vision of the battle suit quickly zoomed in and reflected the abnormality. An object with extremely high mass was falling through the atmosphere.

"this is---"

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

'Earth is really a nostalgic planet. '

Here you can see the shining will and heart, and know the vision for the future.

What will humanity become?Will it become an existence that endangers the universe or a new explorer?

The future is not fixed, it can be good or bad, any existence has an uncertain future, people who live in the 'now' can only choose the path they believe in.

In this wilderness, a woman in a gray dress stretched out her slender arms and touched the edge of that different space.

From the moment he came to this planet, no equipment was needed, just relying on his perception as a giant of light was enough to detect abnormalities.

At this time, what the woman saw was a spherical wall, which was composed of the pure dark energy she had felt before, and only separated the inner and outer sides.

Want to jump right in?

This invites pointless hostility.

So it is better to wait here for the return of its master, or even send a signal——


As a warrior, the perception has naturally come into contact with new abnormalities. A powerful energy is coming from the sky above this planet. At present, that energy does not contain hostility, but is simply falling.

But the combination of mass and speed is power. An asteroid with sufficient mass can destroy a habitable planet and completely destroy the life born on the planet.

Is this a natural or man-made disaster?

When the women came to the earth in their original form, they did not see any asteroids heading towards the earth.

' Think about it later. '

A badge inlaid with emeralds appeared on her palm. At this moment, someone was faster than him.

The mere leakage of energy has surpassed the objects that descended from the sky. Even at such a distance, the woman saw the giant that appeared under the reflection of the lightning and the rainbow, the giant of darkness.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Chris, find a place to hide first."

The surrounding tourists didn't even realize what was going to happen next. This earth's knowledge of extraterrestrial life forms and monsters was equal to zero.

What is this thing that is falling towards the earth?

Nangong decided to let him find the answer, so he held up the spark prism that appeared in his hand at some unknown time on the busy street.

A disquieting mist swirls around the dull lightning, a form without brilliance.

The people around him disappeared, so Chris stepped back quickly and quickly connected to the city system.

Connected, ordered, and the air raid siren rang fiercely without anyone controlling it.

For people who are used to peaceful days, this sudden alarm makes people unable to react at all.

Chris has done what he can do, and Empat, whose body is revealed in the high altitude, is flying fast.

If you look with blue eyes, you can see the 'stone statue' wrapped in high temperature is falling to the earth.

"Who are you? Why did you come to Earth?"

Empat did not attack. He took the lead in asking questions through telepathy, but the questions fell into the sea and no response was obtained.

Five seconds later, Empat, who still didn't get a response, aimed at the falling object. It might be another disaster to the extent of dinosaur extinction, so he clenched his fists and concentrated his strength.

At this moment, as if aware of the danger, the giant stone statue before had bright eyes, which were milky white similar to those of the Ottos.

After the arms of the stone statue were stretched left and right, the right hand was raised immediately, and the head, which looked like an ornament, was bent and taken out directly.

Aiming and throwing, that slash was faster than Zapelio's light, and a throwing blade with a length of more than 20 meters fell downward.

The moment he sensed the danger, Empat gave up the light attack, and he couldn't dodge, so he raised his right arm.


The sound of rubbing was ear-piercing, and the flicked long knife made an arc and flew back backwards.

At this time, the distance between the two sides has also narrowed.

There were still traces of high-temperature orange on Empat's wrist armor, and what appeared in front of him was a metal giant flashing orange in the center of his chest.

Galufas, the God of War, is the name of this metal giant. It is operated by the Tara Stars and is a giant mechanical weapon.

Following the momentum of the fall, Galufas held a shield in his left hand to cover his body, raised a long knife in his right hand, and slashed down on his head.

Faced with this menacing pursuit, Empat's movements seemed a little cowardly. He also descended hundreds of meters backwards, as if trying to distance himself.

In an instant, the Huoshaoyun, which was dyed with sunset color, dispersed due to the impact, and the red sun shone on these two huge beings.

Galuffas' movement stopped, and Empat pointed his palms forward at Galuffas, and his strong enough thought power exploded directly, fixing Galuffas' movements and whereabouts.

This was just the beginning. Empat's palm seemed to be ignited with blue-black dark energy gushing out. These dark energy expanded, like a large number of chains wrapped around the opponent's arms, legs, neck, and body.

The cooperation of mind power and dark energy allows Empat to firmly control the enemy. Galufas is a power player who can suppress the enemy with physical ability and long knife and shield. Now this power cannot be used in the air.

Empat strengthened again, and the extended dark energy is replacing the consumed thought power to erode and strangle the hard shell of the enemy, trying to penetrate into the interior.

This round of confrontation alone has proved one thing - as the Yabo people said, this is an extremely threatening and extremely dangerous obstacle.

Since it is an obstacle, it must be eliminated immediately. Now that he knows about Baxter and has contact with Baxter, he cannot be allowed to live.

At this moment, the light bullets falling from outside the atmosphere did not aim at Enpat, who was in a stalemate with Galufas, and they fell towards the continent on this planet.

Not only that, the exuberant energy fluctuations are simply making an announcement.


The dark energy wrapped around Galufas has now become something like a rope. Empat smacked his tongue and threw Galufas in other directions at the same time. , the purple palm light arrows quickly rushed in different directions.

In the air, the explosion produced by dozens of particle collisions is far or near, and the massive object that is not much worse than Galufas is falling at a faster speed. It is completely rushing towards Empa specially here.

But now it's different because there's plenty of time to aim and attack.

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