'No no no, how is it possible, I'm only 27 years old. '

Although five years old is a hurdle...but the hurdle can be overcome!

Some wonderful encounters and separations, Nangong put the hat of the new clothes on his head, and the brown down around his face gave him a strange feeling.

Snowflakes fell, and the number of passers-by who were still walking on the street was reduced to almost invisible.

Although it looks white, the snowflakes are actually not clean.

The young man walking on the road felt that the anxiety in his heart had been relieved a lot, and chatting with others made him temporarily forget the entanglements caused by worries.

'Even if you become an Ultraman, it's still difficult for a person to live alone. '

You will feel lonely and have no way to talk about your troubles.

It's just... people can talk to others about their troubles, but who will Ultraman talk to?

With Tiga?

Soon, this idea was rejected by himself. Last time, it was proved that the two sides have very different ways of thinking, and even if they communicate, they may not be able to get any good results.

Wandering on the empty street, the night snow that fell gradually began to accumulate on the ground.

Take out the phone, the time is 22:00, ten o'clock in the evening, this time is too late for the event, it should be regarded as the end time.

Even before it was completely over, he still didn't feel anything unusual.

Sapporo is so big that it even has a very famous ski resort.

There is no way for him to monitor the entire city, and even if he monitors, he only looks at the places covered by cameras. There are no cameras in the homes of citizens.

In fact, it wasn't just him who investigated and resolved the incident after it happened, the Victory Team did the same.

After all, if it doesn't happen, how can it be called an event.


There's always that fidgety feeling, and it's so weird knowing what's going to happen and doing nothing.

Nangong knew that there was only one reason driving him to move around these days, and that was the uncontrollable sense of anxiety.

Fear of irreversible results due to his slow action, hesitation and stopping because of the inability to distinguish between good and evil forces, only the pressure is gradually accumulating.

Once I started thinking, my head became a headache again.

Shaking his head, he wanted to put these things behind him.

Looking at the night sky with falling snowflakes, the next moment, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

It was a sight that surprised him at a distance that ordinary humans could never see clearly.

Snowflakes fall, and on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus will ride a sleigh pulled by elk to deliver gifts to children who have been obedient throughout the year.

Just now, a sleigh passed through the night sky.

'What the hell is...'

Turning quickly into an alley without cameras, the young man jumped up and took the wall as a relay point to climb to the top of the building.

He raised his head and looked for the abnormality in the sky. The previous scene seemed to be unreal and disappeared again.

Running, jumping up, looking for that weird figure on the roof, but couldn't find anything.

I felt puzzled in my heart, so I didn't give up looking, but kept scanning.

The target Nangong was looking for had already returned to his own base.

"Really, I didn't expect that there would be no children on Halloween this year. Fortunately, there is still a Christmas in a festival full of hopes and dreams."

Residents living in a different dimension rested for a while. For him, the appearance was just a disguise, and the seemingly benevolent Santa Claus sat down casually.

"Maybe next year, we will change the world to find a new hunting ground."

I couldn't help shaking my head, feeling pessimistic about the situation in this universe.

The reason why he has been acting on this earth is because almost all other planets in this universe have lost their hopes and dreams, and there is hardly any place where they can eat.

Even if found occasionally, the amount is not enough.

Only this earth is different. Although the level of evolution is backward and the level of technology is not high, it has retained its original culture because it is far away from disputes.

But how long can this last?

The existence from another dimension recalled the investigation due to the absence of Halloween. In this short period of time, monsters and invaders appeared one after another.

More than that.

Remembering the sleeping monsters on this planet, he still couldn't help shivering.

What kind of monster is that? Once it wakes up, the earth will instantly turn into a dark lair. It is not only the earth that is in danger.

The raging cosmic emperor may just be a slightly tougher prey for the ruler of darkness.

'Take this as the last time. '

Next, just go to other universes, there is no need to be nostalgic for this universe without a future.

Thinking silently, this Santa Claus quietly waited for the moment when the children were delivered to the door.

At the same moment, Nangong, who couldn't find the figure in the sky, saw the figure on the ground instead.

"This is......"

The falling snow fell on the thin bodies of the children. They were wearing ordinary pajamas, which could not protect them from the cold at all.

Jumping down from the top of the building, Nangong landed in front of the children.

Chapter 65 The gift he brought

This kind of thing is definitely not normal.

The faces of the children became pale because of the cold, and they didn't even wear shoes, and stepped directly into the cold snow with their feet.

'what happened?Is that Santa doing the trick? '

"Hey, wake up."

Putting his hands on the boy's shoulders, he shook them vigorously. During the shaking, the boy turned his gaze to Nangong and stared at him.

One second, two seconds, as if he suddenly woke up, he froze for a while.

"It, here...it's so cold!"

Hugging myself because of the cold, not only is it cold, but my feet hurt as if they are about to split.

"it hurts!"

Unable to stand firmly, he was supported before falling down, and slowly sat down on the ground.

Noticing that the outside interference was working, Nangong quickly looked in another direction.


His eyes widened in surprise. If there were only a dozen children just now, the number has increased to hundreds now.

Children who were supposed to be sleeping at home in the middle of the night walked out into the street with their own will not even fully dressed.

Hands, feet, and skin were all red from the cold.


How many children have become like this?

When the awakened child diverted his attention due to the pain, Nangong quickly ran into the side alley.

No cameras caught him because the cameras weren't even working.

This is the last time I came to hunt, so of course I have to eat and eat. With this in mind, the visitor from another dimension, Kiranbo paralyzed the cameras in the city, making it difficult for people to perceive the current situation, but he ignored it. one thing.

Inside the alley, the young man clenched the spark prism in his hand.

Its wings spread out, and the crystal in the center emits light.

The only sane boy was attracted by the brilliance, and the giant rose from the ground and appeared inside the city.

It is out of tune with the surrounding tall buildings, as if surrounded by them.

"It's Ultraman!"

His words were not heard by anyone, and everyone walked around like a walking dead, ignoring the wounds on their bodies.

When the brilliance dissipated, it fully showed its posture.

Empat lowered his head and scanned the bottom with his blue pupils, and his perspective ability came into play.

Go through the obstacles of the building and look at different streets and alleys.

The children here are just the tip of the iceberg. On different streets, even if there are cold snowflakes on their bodies, they don't respond, they just move in one direction.

Mentally confused, physically damaged.

The giant folded his hands in front of his forehead, gathering strength.

A bright blue light flashes in front of the timer when his hands are pulled down with his left hand.

With the other as the center, the temperature and unique fluctuations spread out in all directions.

The moment they were illuminated by that light, the children who were still walking blinked their eyes, and then fell to the ground in pain as if they had just woken up from a dream.

With a clatter, it fell to the wet ground.

The temperature in the whole city is no longer subzero in winter, but has become 28°C, which is close to summer.

The ice and snow melted due to the temperature, and the cold no longer hurt the children.

At the same moment, he was still waiting for Kiranbo to stand up suddenly in his own base. He could feel that the power exerted was cancelled, and none of the children who were still close could feel it now.

'Well, what the hell is going on here? '

Realizing something was wrong in my heart, two figures flashed quickly in my memory.

'was found? '

Damn Ultraman, even this last meal is coming to hinder me!

Getting annoyed and agitated, even so, without being carried away by it, Kiranbo walked around his base twice, with a decision in his mind.

Even if you can't eat in this universe, you can go to other universes. There is no need to fight with each other here.

What's more, even if they fight, they may not be able to win.

Once a decision is made, things become easier.

Immediately activated his own base, poured energy into it, and prepared to return to his own different dimension.

An abnormal magnetic field appeared, like a depression.

At this moment, I felt it, even my body was trembling, and even the entire base was giving out warning sounds.

The snow is so deep that the snowflakes falling from the sky also cover it.

The blue-eyed giant fell from the sky, and the cables hanging around it supported the passage of the cable car.

This is the Sapporo Teine Ski Resort, and the employees who work here are so scared that their hearts are jumping out.

Most people in this world have only seen the so-called Ultraman on TV, on the Internet, or through videos. When he really appeared in front of them, they realized how huge it really is.

The cables for hanging the cable car were not as tall as his height. When he squatted down, his hands suddenly fell down, and even the ground shook.

It came faster than expected, and the base was seized before Kiranbo escaped.

"What?! What is that?!"

The man watching the night watched in shock as the giant pulled out of the snow, covered in pure white wooden house, its size was not much different from a large stadium.

I don't know how much weight it is, but it was directly lifted high.

Is there such a thing hidden under this ski resort?

Before he could react, the wooden house that was the same size as the stadium was thrown out.

Before it even had time to fall, the spurting Spathum rays hit it, and the high temperature burned and destroyed the inside.

'How can I let you escape so swaggeringly. '

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