"Siro, the enemy is provoking you!"

Red Lotus Flame yelled to warn his friends, but it was useless.


Sai Luo couldn't deny that his emotions were affected, he was never the kind of wise man who could face everything calmly.

No matter what thoughts and wills the person in front of him has, he is still hurting others, hurting many, many people.

'The other party is irritating me. '

Sai Luo's reason told him so.

'I'm going to beat you to pieces! '

Sai Luo's sensibility told him so.

This is Lucifer's purpose, and his purpose has been achieved now, to achieve his purpose with the minimum consumption, this is his approach.

At the moment Sai Luo was enraged, Lucifer pushed forward. With his own speed and the spray from the back of the wrist armor, this body was used by him.

At the same time, Hypageton's body disappeared, and he had already appeared behind Sai Luo through teleportation, and his right arm was cut off.

The next moment, the arm blade collided with the wrist armor, and the heavy fist collided with the palm.

A new existence appeared in the golden space. At this time, a golden giant appeared behind Sai Luo, and he blocked Hypagedon's slash with his wrist.


Tartaros clicked his tongue. The force that pressed him was so powerful that it made his wrist ache, and the position where he was hit had the illusion that he was about to be cut open.

On the right side of Sai Luo, Diablo stretched out his hand again and blocked Lucifer's second punch with his palm.


Diablo's body retreated due to being suppressed, and the strength he was proud of was actually suppressed?

"You are-------"

Sai Luo didn't know these two people, he only knew that these two people helped him at this time, were they new reinforcements from other universes?

"Abu Solyut, finally showed his feet."

Lucifer had known for a long time that someone in the Absolut family was worthy of vigilance, but he didn't know what the other party was going to do.

"Ultra warrior, I can't let you die here."

Tartaros swung Hypagedon's armblade away, and his counter-upcut flew into the air as the enemy teleported away again and appeared in another location not far away.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Diablo roared while exerting strength, and the next moment, his arms were hit by the blades, and intense pain was transmitted.

That's the dark blade extending from the front of Empat's wrist armor, wrestling head-on?It's just what the enemy thinks it is.

The timer on the chest glowed, and the concentrated dark energy was released in one go. The flash of the timer turned into a beam of light, and a blow proud of its penetrating power came into contact with an extremely hard sword blade, and the cut beam spread all around. overflow.

At this time, Sai Luo turned his body upside down and placed on top of Diablo. Diablo clenched his fists again and accepted the thrust of the dark blade, intending to exchange injuries for injuries.

However, very suddenly, Lucifer's fists were crushed to pieces.


Breaking it into pieces and shifting the center of gravity, for Empat, the violent dark energy that needs to be manipulated as best as possible in the overload state is not a fierce horse that is difficult to tame for Lucifer.

Most of the dark energy that constitutes the forearm is transferred, so Diablo easily crushed the fist that was wrestling with him before.

After getting rid of the restraint, Lucifer stepped back to dodge the long sword that Sai Luo cut out. As a corresponding counterattack, his arm overflowing with a blue-black light band became clear.


Sai Luo quickly swung his sword to fight, and a large number of light beams extended from Lucifer's arms, splitting and firing continuously, as dense as a machine gun.

When these lines were concentrated and unified, Lucifer's arm was regenerated again, and he moved his ten fingers.

On the other side, Diablo dropped his crossed defensive arms, pain and injury being two different things.

"Are you my companions?"

Zero asked like this, and before Diablo could answer, Tartaros gave an answer that was not entirely true:

"That's right, I am a warrior of the Absolut family, Absolut Tartarus, and I came from another universe to fight against the threat of Lucifer."


Although the timing wasn't right, Diablo was still thinking about whether the other party usually sat in Narakli's mind and thought about a deadly long self-introduction line.

"I am a warrior of the Absolut clan, Absolut Diablo."

Diablo pointed his thumb at himself, no matter what, he had to know each other's names.

"I'm Shiro."

Zero also briefly introduced himself, and now the situation on the court has changed due to the intervention of Tartarus and Diablo.

Lucifer lost the chance to kill Si Luo directly and quickly, but he didn't show any disappointment.

'very good. '

The Absoluts took the bait, that's all they had to do.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Under the emerald green sky, the interior of the Space Garrison General Base is filled with uneasiness as the vanguard led by Otto's father has lost contact.

During the waiting and investigation, the Science and Technology Bureau obtained new information:

"Although it was only for a short moment, it did capture the signal of the vanguard!"

"Perform a follow-up search immediately!"

Hikari issued an order, and the mission of the Science and Technology Bureau is to support the combat troops.

The Kingdom of Light is working on one thing with all its strength, and because of this, they failed to notice that fleets from other universes had come to this universe in the first place.

120 Chapter Seven

There are now five people and one beast in this empty universe, initially Zero and Crimson Flame, then Lucifer and Hypageton, and then Tartaros and Diablo.

The battle had been temporarily suspended, and the intrusion of Tartarus and Diablo made the battlefield quiet.

Looking at the two leading warriors of the Absolut family, Lucifer moved Yin's newly regenerated hands, and he said:

"I thought you were going to see it all over."

For Lucifer, the three civilizations that must be resolved are the Otto family, Absolut, and Drasion. With the reduction in the number of multidimensional universes, there will be battles anyway.

It is better to solve it as soon as possible.

And a long time ago, Lucifer already knew that the Absolut family had an existence who had mastered the talent of time and space. Just saying "time and space" is not rare in the exaggerated scope of the multidimensional universe. The problem is that How much ability can be exerted.

In the world, there are giant birds that feed on the energy of time and space, and there are golden dragons that maintain the world of time and space. They are just ordinary powerful creatures.

However, Tartarus is different. He is an intelligent life and at the same time possesses such an ability. If he is left alone, who knows what will happen.

Everyone in the world has an affair, but what will happen to a person with the ability to trouble if the affair overflows?

Don't talk about this, people who master the power of time and space are initially qualified to fight Lucifer.

"You should know what it means for you to appear in front of me, right?"

Lucifer crossed his arms and raised his cheeks slightly in contempt.

"You have no escape."

Faced with this declaration, Tartarus was not provoked or swayed. He had seen enough since just now.

Not only does Lucifer possess enormous power, but his long life allows the other party to master the power of 'language', which alone can shake others.

The content of those words is nothing more than "you who have been running for your life, now muster up the courage to stand up and die, you don't want to go anywhere"

What Lucifer said was only partly true.

"You seem to have made a mistake. I didn't hide to escape, but to fight back. Unlike you, a coward who likes to play tricks, I never hide behind others."

Tartarus also used words to fight back. The confrontation was not limited to fighting, and now the fighting had already begun.

The two parties understood each other's situation and gave up useless verbal attacks.

"Sero, right? It looks like the body that Lucifer snatched is your friend? How about giving him to you? Diablo and I are going to deal with another monster."

Tartarus's proposal hits Sero's heart, his friend is not equal to the other party's friend, it is better to let him take responsibility, which is very good.

Unlike Zero, Tartarus thinks more:

'This is another favor sold. '

After this battle, Tartarus turned to the Kingdom of Light. Although there would be no future without overcoming the immediate danger, it would be good to start burying some advantages in advance.


Zero thanked and moved forward, while Tartarus and Diablo also turned to face the rigid monster that had no words, no self-will, and seemed unresponsive.

"Want to save your friend? What a noble thought."

Lucifer opened his hands loosely from left to right, and he looked at ease.

"But can your thoughts be conveyed? What's the point of your one-sided friendship? The person I'm occupying now doesn't have the slightest intention to regard you as a friend. To him, you are just a noise It's nothing but a pretentious brat."

Words are like knives, and Lucifer personally practiced this word.

In the next instant, his figure disappeared from the original position, and there appeared briefly Sai Luo wearing the ultimate armor. It is not surprising when the long sword is swung out.

Sai Luo's thinking is very simple, I will not believe even a word the enemy said, first beat you half to death before talking about the next thing.

Those two clashed at an exaggerated speed, and after receiving the order, Hypagedon on this side also focused its sights on its target.

When the golden radiance was released, Hypagedon disappeared from its original position, Tartarus clenched his fists tightly, and the red gemstone on the back of his hand gleamed.

A special space called Nalak is formed, but that space contains the red lotus flames that have temporarily lost their fighting power.

"Hey you-----"

Diablo's words were interrupted in the middle, because Hypagedon, who appeared directly in front of him, had already swung down his arm blade.

Wrists, sharp blades, when the two collided, what exploded was the sparks produced when hard objects hurt each other, and golden ripples followed.

'Tsk! '

Diablo knew the reason for this, it was because of the purple flame ignited on Hypageton's body at this time, the corrosive energy wanted to burn him, so the energy in his body also carried out a resistance.

The confrontation between the two has already begun, and Hypagedun's right arm swept across, and the other arm blade passed in front of Diablo, who was leaning back.

'Being passively beaten is not my style! '

Diablo thought so, but before he continued to attack, another black shadow was drawn on his face, causing a lot of sparks.

Hypagedun turned around after sweeping and drove the slender tail. The barb on the top was equivalent to the blade, and it slashed directly on the enemy's face.

It intends to directly use this to cut the opponent's head in two, but it is not that simple.

Diablo's head was twisted at an angle due to the impact. The pain was indeed pain, but there was still some distance from the injury.


Sparks sparked from the slash, and Diablo's body was pushed forward by the impact.

Before he could turn his head, a new vertical chop hit his shoulder.

The battle has just begun, and Diablo has already fallen into a disadvantage, because at this time, the siege that has nothing to do with speed is constantly attacking beside him.

Hypagedon did not rely on speed to approach from the very beginning, it only used the most basic ability of Jayton - teleportation.

And now, it is still using this ability. It observes Diablo's movements every time it attacks, and uses the opponent's body movements to predict which direction the opponent will counterattack.

Appearing and disappearing, slashing and stabbing, a series of movements mixed together, now Diablo felt that he was surrounded by a large number of enemies, and those enemies swarmed him with sharp weapons that could cut his body.

"Go away!"

Diablo's body exploded with golden fighting energy. This fighting energy protected him and at the same time formed a lava-like coat of arms. The boxing technique he mastered was named after 'ox', so the coat of arms naturally did.

It's a pity that Hypagedon, who had been surrounding him for melee attacks before, had disappeared, or in other words, he hadn't engaged in any more melee combat, and the opponent was still repeating the cycle of appearing and disappearing.

For Hypageton, teleportation was just a kind of breathing instinct, and after a short time of three seconds, Diablo found that his surroundings were covered with fireballs.

Some of the flying fireballs hit huge, and some suddenly split into more small fireballs. Haipajedon launched attacks from different positions every time, and the dark fireballs shot crazily, hitting the Diablo's body.

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