Such is the case in this world where resources are divided.

After speaking, Lucifer turned around and prepared to go back to the research room.

"Please, Lucifer."

As if praying for something, Qing Ge's tone was very weak.


Lucifer stopped.

The starry night, the evening breeze is cool, and the firelight brings warmth. About a few hours passed.

Lucifer drank a delicious dinner, the strong tiger licked Qingge's cheek, its tail wrapped around Lucifer's calf, it seemed to know who helped it.

Chapter 130 Six Past Events

The sunlight changes its position along with the swaying leaves. Qingge is moving in the forest, and she is very close to the tiger next to her.

Unlike her, the tiger at this time was putting its nose close to the ground, sniffing for something.

"Xiao Huang, do you think you found it?"


The tiger known as 'Little Yellow' raised its head and responded in a low voice, then continued to lower its head and slowly follow the smell, which meant that people could follow.

No matter what, Qing Ge couldn't forget what he saw at that time. It's one thing for a pack of wolves to have their eyes glowing at night, but I've never seen that kind of wolf with blue eyes shining in broad daylight.

There is definitely a problem, common sense tells Qing Ge that there is a problem.

However, after telling the story, God’s response was still so unreasonable:

"Naturally, the law of the jungle preys on the strong."

If these wolves are really hunting, it means that other predators are too weak, and the weak ones will be eliminated.

So Qingge could only run out by himself to find some clues and the like.

"If only I could come in handy."

Her tone was a bit disappointed, the previous idea of ​​"I can do everything as long as I wear this" was completely shattered.

How many wolves are there on this planet in this forest?

Just relying on wolf footprints to track is like finding a needle in a haystack.

So Qing Ge hoped to use Xiao Huang's nose. It is obviously abnormal for a predator to kill a predator.

"Your task should be fighting rather than tracking. Xiao Huang alone can't find it, but you can't find it at all. If you combine it, you can find it and solve the problem. Isn't that great?"

At this time, the ball still floating beside Qingge comforted the lost Qingge, and these words made Qingge very useful.

At the same time, the ball's AI received a message:

"how is the situation?"

"There is no danger yet, I will notify you if there is any danger."

There will be no one else to communicate with. Lucifer in the laboratory is staring at the screen. He is thinking about one thing, one thing that should not be done.

What exactly is the soul?

If you can figure this out, you might be able to find the secret of death.

But souls are not things that can be seen everywhere. Their appearance is accompanied by death. It is too much to kill someone for this matter.

In addition to this, there is another way, that is 'cloning'

Lucifer has prepared everything during this time, whether it is the original body or the materials are very sufficient.

The problem lies in this question. If he cultivates another Qingge now, who is this cloned Qingge?

That's too bad a question for cloning, is it really going to be done?

Is it really good to create an innocent person just for your own desires?


Lucifer closed his eyes, and he leaned back on the seat to calm his thoughts.

Just then, a strong wave caught his attention, and he raised his head to see the object appearing through the ceiling.

"Spatial response detected."

This hint came from the armor Qingge was wearing, and its AI gave a hint, so Qingge also raised his head.

Unlike her, Xiao Huang simply felt the wind and heat.

On the originally blue sky, a disc-shaped spaceship appeared, and this spaceship arrived at this planet through space transmission, so the wave was transmitted.

"Why does it seem to be falling?"

Qingge said suspiciously.

"It's just about to fall."

The ball gave an affirmative answer after calculation.

Not long after, the rickety spaceship drew an arc, and soon the ground shook.

The violent impact caused an earthquake-like phenomenon. The spaceship that hit the open space kicked up the dirt and grass, and pushed out a small mountain of dirt. Its inertia disappeared due to the buffer.

Time passed by, the bushes shook slightly, and Qingge pushed aside the branches and walked out of the forest.

This piece of grass has been completely destroyed, and there are still some green grass floating in the air.

The air was filled with the smell of burning, and around the spaceship was the heat generated by the high temperature.

"what is this?"

Qing Ge was a little puzzled by this. She did not arrive at this planet by means of transportation. For Lucifer, only one teleportation is needed to travel between different planets.

"It's a spaceship, a vehicle for traveling between different planets."

The ball explained the situation, and as soon as it finished speaking, a person covered in clothing walked out from the open hatch of the spaceship.

The other party jumped down from the hatch, then staggered and knelt down on the ground.

Noticing the situation over there, Qing Ge ran over quickly, and her action was naturally detected.

The man raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Qingge.

"Who are you!"

After the language module was translated, Qing Ge stopped when she heard this. Of course, she could feel the other party's warning.

"I am...the one who lives here."

After hesitating for a while, Qing Ge can only say this, otherwise what should she say?

She didn't know how to explain it. She didn't even know who she should be. Is she a sacrifice to God?

At first she really thought so, but now it is different, because the god who took her was very gentle to her, even though he spoke harshly.

"My name is Qingge, you don't have to worry, my God will——"

"God? You said God!"

Qingge couldn't finish his words, and the tone of the shipwrecked man became very fierce, almost can be called 'gritting his teeth'

"I send you to meet your god now!"

The other party wanted to pull the trigger angrily, but at this moment, everyone present heard a voice:

"If I were you, I would definitely think twice before doing anything."

The person who spoke out has arrived.


Not seeing it at all, not detecting it at all, the victim looked in shock at the man who did not know when he appeared in front of him.

Is it crazy that the other party is blocking the gun with his body like this?How can flesh and blood deal with guns?

It is this kind of abnormality that makes the victims feel strange. How did the flesh and blood suddenly appear?



Qingge's call stunned the victims, who is the god?Is this man a god?What a joke!

"Don't call me God, call me Lucifer."

Lucifer didn't bother to care about how many times he had revised it, anyway, he had to correct it every time, endlessly.

It was also at this moment that he raised his head and saw the shattered space.


It was like a flesh and blood disk with hands, feet and two faces, and the ugly posture made people feel puzzled.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, what he felt was not just the breath of rage, but what made it rage.

'Is that what Noah said? '

He quickly thought of the piece of information that 'made the monster go berserk'.

So in the next instant, the monster's body was pulled directly, and Lucifer, who jumped into the air, just pushed forward with his palm that was no different from an ant in proportion.

The impact force brought by the palm strike exploded, and the monster's body vibrated, and the blue spray from its back was not blood, but a certain breath.

With Lucifer's left hand, the blue breath was suppressed, and finally stored in a dark blue crystal.


The victim didn't know what to say, he couldn't even react to the situation.

The monster that had been chasing him to tear him apart fell back on the ground powerlessly, motionless.

And in his opinion, an incomprehensible existence floated down from the sky, holding a strange crystal overflowing with mist in his hand.

Chaos, this is what Lucifer feels, this is a concept, it is simply to crystallize the concept and then implant it into the body of other creatures. The concept that is forcibly added corrodes the consciousness of the creature.


A huge voice came, and that voice was not a beastly roar.

"I...I can't hear those voices anymore."

Lucifer turned around, and the body of the monster he shot down just now gave off a soft light, and that light slowly shrank, and finally turned into a white jellyfish.

"Thank you, kind man, for freeing me from the curse."

Hearing that voice, the victim has completely fallen into a state of shutdown. Is it a certain intelligent life form chasing him?curse?Is there anyone who can directly overturn a monster tens of meters high?No, is it God?

"Who are you? What is this?"

Lucifer asked bluntly, he was not interested in hiding anything, if the creature in front of him was also hiding something about his benefactor, there was no need to continue the conversation.

"My name is Dean, and I'm one of the Mezzards."

This is how the white jellyfish introduces itself.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In this universe, there is a constant spreading chaos. The blue mist, this special energy in the form of mist is eroding regardless of race, it is simply some kind of terrible vicious virus.

The beings corroded by the blue mist will completely forget themselves and become lunatics, constantly attacking everything around them.

If it is a virus, we can still find ways to conduct research and develop specific medicines, but these are different now.

If you touch it, you will be infected, and the isolation measures will not work. At this moment, a person appeared. He claimed that this is God's divine punishment, and it is a symbol of punishing sin.

If you want to lift God's punishment, you must surrender to him and make corrections from the bottom of your heart.

Things like words can easily reveal their true thoughts, what is God's punishment, what is punishment for evil, it's just a lunatic who wants to rule the universe.

But no one can resist him, because no one can resist the erosion of this special energy.

The Mezard family is a family that has studied spiritually. Because of their sensitivity to the spirit, their family was quickly corroded into monsters and pawns.

If it continues, the entire universe will become the plaything of the wicked.

"I beg you to make that god change his mind! It won't be only a few people who will be hurt if this continues. Desires will never stop expanding. After tasting the taste of power, the other party will only go too far!"

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