Is the erosion of the xenobiotic beast factor irreversible?

That's not the case, the earth that Empat arrived in the past once produced the anti-alien beast factor, which can reverse the process when the creature is eroded by the alien beast, killing the alien animal factor.

Everything is based on the premise that the creature has not been completely eroded.

So has this universe been completely eroded clean?Of course not.

The sub-towers have established a connection with the core and obtained each other's coordinates.

In the next moment, in the distorted space were the spit-out warriors. With the father of Ultra holding the core as No. 1, the vanguards were continuously taken away from the space.

"This, here is..."

Taro, with red light shining on his chest, felt that the energy in his body was being continuously filled, and this place was undoubtedly the Kingdom of Light.

The problem is that he can still feel the gaze, the whole universe is looking at him with appetite, and this is still the universe where Lucifer is.

Then why is the Congress of Light here?

"This is the Kingdom of Light."


The moment Taro heard that voice, he immediately looked at the past, the same blue color as before, and a different appearance from the past.

"Tregear, you——"

why are you here

"Captain, please give me the core!"

When Sophie called, Otto's father handed her over to his trusted subordinate and adopted son without even the slightest hesitation.

After receiving the thrown core, Sophie directly arrived at the main tower of the Spark Tower with teleportation, and put the core back inside.

Other than him, there are others here.

The left side is red which symbolizes the earth, and the right side is blue which symbolizes the ocean, and what they symbolize now is just the concept of 'planet will'.

At the moment when the core of the Plasma Spark Tower returned to its position, the entire Kingdom of Light erupted with even greater light.

At the same time, Lucifer pushed his palms forward, and the dark energy spewed out from his palms was like a flood. How did that small body release energy that would almost engulf the entire planet?

The light is obscured, and the light bursts out again.

At different locations in the Kingdom of Light, members of the guard released their strongest blows, and almost a million rays of light gathered together to form a colorful rainbow.

The two forces clashed and confronted each other, and the light resisted the attack enough to destroy the entire kingdom of light.

So far it is still within the plan, and the next step is the most important part.

Gaia and Aguru, who stood facing each other, calmed down, and they released their will.

The planet has life, so does the planet in the Kingdom of Light have life?

The two communicated with the life of this planet, and their will spread out along with the light.

There are different stars all over the universe, and the light released by these stars fills the entire universe. Light and light are intertwined, as if they are in some kind of communication.

"Stars, hear our voices!"

The will of the planet is spread out, and the voice of the star spreads in this universe.

Rocky planets will be devoured and alienated by alien beasts, but what about gaseous planets?Those burning stars?

They exist in this universe, but the number is too small compared to the rocky planets that have been alienated.

The stars heard the voice of the stars, heard the call of the stars.

This universe is about to die, but there are still forces of resistance remaining in the universe.

The stars release their own light and heat, they are not dead yet, they try their best to burn themselves.

At this moment, a large number of alien beast factors were burned to ashes.


Lucifer felt this, it was not one or two places, but a phenomenon that kept appearing in the entire universe.

At this moment, the universe that was originally completely dark due to the alien beast once again lit up with starlight, red, blue, white, yellow, and radiant.

That was the moment when the stars responded to the voice of the stars and sang their own voices.

The plan is this: Gaia and Aguru are the will of the planet, and they call other planets in this universe to gather the power of the entire universe to fight against Lucifer.

In order to realize this plan, the will of the planet in Kingdom of Light was awakened, and the light of the plasma spark tower was used as a bridge to transmit the will, and the voice of the stars was used to arouse the resonance of the will of the planet, and then use this resonance to destroy the alien beasts existing on this planet.

Empat could see a sky full of stars, brighter than ever, driving the darkness to form a nearly empty Milky Way.

"Are you OK?"

Zamxia who rushed over asked this way. From the moment the battle started, Zamxia knew that he could not intervene in that battle, so he didn't go up to hold back.

"This is?"

Empat vaguely sensed the familiar energy, but he wasn't quite sure if he felt wrong.

Hearing that question, Zamsha put his palm on Empat's shoulder.

"We followed the path you walked, and saw that what you did will not disappear, what you left behind, and what you protected must be meaningful."

Zamxia can be very sure of this point, and the connections between people will become more and more extensive, and even the dimensions can be surpassed.

"Everyone can do together what one cannot do alone."

Under the advice and leadership of Tregia, Empat's home universe discovered the energy of the planet and applied it, awakening the resistance of the planet's will and destroying the alien beasts, and this power healed and awakened Noah .

Noah brought information about Lucifer and the alien beast, and pointed out the trace of Empat.

They moved forward and searched all the way, and finally arrived at the universe where Empat had fought, where they saved another earth that Empat wanted to protect, and wiped out the alien beasts.

Later, under the guidance of Diana's scientific research team, and with the help of the people 'Nangong Lan' met, they found the Kingdom of Light.

Takayama Gamu, Fujimiya Hiroya, Gaia, and Aguru, who not only mastered the power of the planet, but also scientists, and the Alchemy Star team on the earth have integrated the technologies in the two universes.

The will of the planet, the power of the planet, the anti-alien beast technology, and the integrated technology have achieved results. They once again crossed the universe and arrived at the Kingdom of Light. With the assistance of the Kingdom of Light, they made a little modification to the Plasma Spark Tower .

So far, the information has been pieced together, and the technology and personnel of the three universes have worked together to integrate the obtained technology and successfully made such a feat.

If there is no Tiga and them, the development and application of the power of the planet will be lacking, and the earth where Gaia is located will also disappear due to the ravages of THE ONE.

Without Gaia and them, the plan to use the voice of the stars to awaken the resistance of the stars cannot be achieved, because only they are the giants who transmit the will of the planet.

If there is no Kingdom of Light, there will be no carrier like the plasma spark tower to transmit the voice of the stars, and it is impossible for the voice of the stars to be transmitted to the entire universe.

Three universes, three routes intersect, all connected by one person's footsteps.

The one who saved his own universe, the one who fought for the others, the one who now stands in front of the ultimate enemy.

Everyone knows one thing, if that person is still alive, then he must be here, because he is the one who rushes to the front every time.


Empat stared at the light in silence. The plan to integrate the technologies and ideas of the three universes has now been achieved. Lucifer was hit by the direct light, and his palm shattered the cluster of light.

Sai Luo, who was half dead before, stood up now, his spirit was exhausted, but his body recovered due to the existence of the Kingdom of Light, and the timer was filled with blue light.

The Xenobiotic Beast Universe - Lucifer's home field has completely disappeared.

The stars far away in the sky seem to be close at hand, that's because the wills of the stars are connected together, they made a resistance in order to resist the coming of destruction, releasing light and heat to destroy the large number of alien beasts.

The activity of alien beasts is decreasing. If the universe was "extremely dark" before, it has now been transformed into "aurora".

As the giant of darkness, Lucifer felt a force, he turned his head, Nexus raised his right hand high, and the blue light gushing out of his palm spread out and disappeared.

It seems to be disappearing, but in fact it is not.

The ability called 'Meta Domain' is formed by borrowing the light of the entire universe, and the endless starry sky is exactly the Meta Domain.

Lucifer felt that his power was suppressed, and the activity of dark energy in his body dropped a lot.

This can be regarded as good, the alien beasts can even be said to be difficult to move in this aurora environment, and the home and away games were reversed in an instant.

The new multidimensional universe since the original universe always repeats sorrow and pain, and the killing will never end.

But death is opposite to rebirth, and light is opposite to darkness. In such a world, there is also dazzling light.

Now, that light is blocking Lucifer's front, and behind it is not only light, but also darkness.

In order to change the world, a large number of innocent people died, and in order to get rid of evil, even goodness was destroyed.

What Lucifer did can be summed up in objective terms as 'massacre'

To end all suffering, so first give suffering.

To end all kills, so initiate the final kill.

Was the original world beautiful?

Sai Luo has seen that world in the fragments of memory, it is indeed very beautiful, it is the world that Kingdom of Light wants to create, where everyone can live happily.

But to kill everyone in existence for this?

Empat told about Lucifer's memory with his own eyes, and he could understand what the other person was thinking, but who was that person after all the peers were unified?

Can it be seen as sacrificing many people in exchange for only one?

The other party is now trying to regain their own past, and for this purpose wants to destroy the future of others.

The Meita domain has been formed, and the Ultra fighters are ready to fight. Under the light of the Kingdom of Light, they regained their energy, recovered from their injuries, and replenished their consumption.

Lucifer scanned everything present, the number of enemies... millions, not much different from what he had expected.

"I think this is the final battle for you."

The words are meaningless, and the final curtain is drawn here.


Sai Luo called that name, he straightened his body, but unfortunately the ultimate bracelet on his wrist is still damaged, this does not affect his will.

The light in the multidimensional universe and the darkness in the original universe, the time for a decisive battle has come.

"I'll be here..."

Lucifer uses his own dark energy to release it to the maximum.

"End everything!"

The primordial darkness is surging.

"It's time to put our future..."

Cyro uses his own light energy to resonate with other warriors.

"It's back!"

The light of resonance is released together.

140 Chapter Four Alienation

The parameters are abnormal, and the extremely dark universe that should be full of alien beast factors has been completely changed.

It's a good thing that the universe doesn't have normal life alive today, such exaggerated stellar activity is enough to kill all life.

If the universe has its own will, if the stars have their own will, is this their last resistance in this dead universe?

Whether that's the case or not, things are pretty dire these days.

"damn it!"

Chris now understands why Lucifer has to prepare so much, once things start it seems that anything can happen.

From home to away, the enemy did put up a strong resistance.

But it doesn't matter, the mechanical weapons in the bit star will not malfunction or be damaged due to the conversion of light or dark.

Besides that, there are——


The short sound is the proof that the door has been opened, and now there is only one person who can move freely on this mechanical planet.

"Jet, you immediately go to the coordinates of Lucifer and activate the Jadon Legion."

As long as the main body is still there, the legion that can continuously regenerate is enough to be called high-end combat power.

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