"That's a really bad memory."

Nangong sighed deeply, who could bear the sudden shock.

"Especially that thing looks so weird, sixteen eyes still say that eyes are delicious, I can't do it, I can't put that kind of thing in my mouth, I really felt a strong culture shock at that time .”

He still remembers the many shocks brought to him by those years, and this is just one of them. There are also raw squeezed drinks, um, the body fluids of living things are squeezed, and the living things are still wriggling.

Do you think you're drinking slime?

Having said that, Zamsha deeply understands the passage of time.

"Thinking about it now, so many years have passed, so many that you even have a daughter."

When Zamxia first found out about this, he thought he might not have woken up yet. That kind of person actually has a daughter?Is this reasonable?

To be honest, Zamxia thinks that it is impossible for Nangong to really fall in love with any woman in this life. This kind of shock feeling that the old classmates will get married and have children the next time they parted ways is too serious.

"There are all sorts of things going on in there too."

Nangong felt that it was too complicated to even mention it, so she decided not to.

He raised his right hand and drank the plant drink provided in the ship into his mouth, then showed a painful expression.

'Why is it so bitter, why would anyone call something so bitter a drink? '

The idea in his mind may be some kind of violent theory.

"Speaking of which, I'm actually going to go back and confess after I'm done with this battle."

Nangong, who was still looking pained just now, shook his hands, and the red drink splashed on his hands.

"You're the one who surprised me."

Zamsha?Confession?The one who said that he would live with the sword for the rest of his life... oh.

"Is it a female creature?"

"Hey, are you talking like that?"

Could it be a male creature?

"Just going to try to make a head-on assault. Recently, I vaguely realized that I was being fished for fun. She was definitely enjoying the fun of this situation."

Zamsha knows all too well how far someone will go for 'fun'.

"Do you have any advice for me?"

"No, how do I know."

Nangong has never tried to confess to a woman, but she has seen it in movies.

"That's right, you look frigid."

Zamxia let out a long sigh, and then the scene became a little silent. Nangong was thinking about whether there is a way to keep this plant drink from being wasted without drinking it. What broke the status quo was one sentence:

"What's the matter with you middle-aged men gathering to recall the past old man?"

Diana spoke as bluntly as ever, and she had actually heard some conversations before.

"It's so noisy. Do you think everyone is the same age as you? If you are capable, you can become an old woman and show me!"

Zamxia clearly realized that Diana in front of her was five years younger, from a mature woman around 27 years old to a 22-year-old adult woman.

"Women only want to be young, not old. You really don't understand women, that's why you are played and applauded by others."

Diana stood next to Nangong, and the two seemed to be almost the same age.


The feeling of being attacked by women for not understanding women made Zamxia feel a little self-doubt for a while.

At this time, Diana looked at Nangong, and she took the hand very bluntly, pinching Nangong's arm first, and then put her hand into Nangong's clothes to continue pinching here and there.

"Speaking of which, your body has undergone a change that makes me very curious. Let me check it out later."

The body was touched everywhere, but Nangong just showed a helpless expression, anyway, it was not the first time he was touched like this.

"Indeed, your current situation is very dangerous to anyone. Judging by the wavelength, it is very similar to the residual energy of Luluye back then. I don't look like a human-shaped darkness ruler who ran out someday."

Hearing such a voice, Masaki walked over here while holding the tablet and dragging it.

He raised his head and raised his eyebrows, then said to Diana:

"You can't get accurate data by touching alone. How about what data do you want to measure with this? Body data?"

Although it is not so uncommon for women to play hooligans on men, it is indeed very rare to see it.

"The softness of the body."

Diana responded bluntly.

"Then prepare to make a full simulation doll."

As soon as this remark came out, even Zheng Mu showed a strange expression.

"...Sorry, I came at a bit of a bad time."

Asuka who came out of the corner turned around immediately, he felt that he heard a strange topic, what the hell is a real life model?

"Don't get me wrong, selling the 'Enpater full simulation doll' will definitely earn more research funds. I have also learned a lot from the earth."

Diana smiled happily, people will give a lot of things for 'love', such as money and money and money and money.

"What about my opinion?"

Nangong frowned, and realized that something was wrong. Could it be that he wanted to collect the first copyright fee in a real sense?

"Which civilization do you think has produced the most technical power among so many people who came to look for you? Give me thanks! You have to start paying off your debts now!"

Diana is very rude


Nangong gasped, this woman started right away, as always, she really didn't miss any chance.

"Don't worry, I will give you dividends, as long as you can use it on another earth, you can take it at any time."

Diana winked at Nangong, but after not seeing her for a while, everyone changed a lot.

"Wait, does anyone want a Dyna doll?"

Asuka immediately raised his hand.

"I also wouldn't mind earning some new money to start new research."

Masaki said something that was actually not serious.


Zamxia is still struggling with the evaluation of "doesn't understand women's heart". Since he doesn't understand women's heart, could it be said that his previous speculation was also wrong?

"No one would want your simulation dolls, have you heard a sentence? First love is always beautiful. For everyone, the first Empat to recognize is the best, and things are rare. For the most expensive, as long as one product is enough.”

Diana's words angered Asuka.

"What are you kidding! Me too! I want to walk down the street and hear people say 'dyna is cool'!"

He clenches his fist.

"Then is there any new way to get money quickly?"

Masaki immediately gave up and thought about a new approach.

'Perhaps it is possible to use the power of Terra Noyd to find unclaimed minerals in the universe?Seems like a good idea. '

He realized that being in the lab all the time seemed to ignore the usefulness of power.

Every time you talk to me, this corridor becomes a bit noisy.

In this corridor, Nangong looked at the other person walking over there.

Like this with friends, friends are noisy around.

Dagu nodded, and the two faced each other with smiles.

The outside scenery is no longer a starry sky, and the universe is neatly arranged in different positions.

Which of the so many universes will go back?

This point has already been answered, as Diana said before - another earth.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Five years is enough time to turn a baby into a child, and a child into a teenager.

The most important issue facing Nangong now is how to deal with people who have changed from girls to women.

"I also felt at a loss at first, but my family will tolerate me like this."

In his mind, he recalled what I said in my dream when he said goodbye before. After he disappeared from this universe, many things happened to the earth. The most important thing is that everyone survived.

What will the world look like five years from now?

To be honest, although he walked on the streets of Tokyo, he didn't know the city at all. Where is this?

You can see Ultraman's toys in the store, not only that, but there are many languages ​​​​in the store.

For example, English, Russian, Chinese, German, and French, the five permanent languages ​​in the world, were not like this before.

And now Nangong can still clearly see different countries walking on this street. The news on the other side said that at the recent UN meeting, the five permanent members emphasized the danger of war and promised not to start a war again, as if they wanted to develop into a unified government a feeling of.

The world has changed really big, really very, very big.

Of course, the biggest problem is the big problem before us, which is...

"Really, where is this place?"

Nangong had the feeling of a country bumpkin entering the city. Tokyo seemed to have undergone a major reconstruction. Reconstruction after the disaster was a matter of course, but it was a bit unfriendly to him.

I put my hands in my pockets, and I don’t even have a mobile phone. What can I do in this situation...

"Police officer!"

The guardian of the earth, the traveler of the multidimensional universe, the person who faces Lucifer, and the member of the ultimate Zero Guard reserve team (Sero claims)

People with many titles waved to the patrolling police over there.

About 5 minutes later, the uncle patrol next to Nangong kept talking:

"Brother, your luck is really good. If you came earlier, you would have encountered that super monster, but compared with the monster, what is more exciting is that Ultraman has returned to the earth. You can rest easy no matter what happens!"

Actions have consequences, and Ultraman's desperate struggle brings people's trust and aspirations.

At this moment, Nangong blinked and stopped.

"Sorry, just wait a minute."

Next to it is a shop, and he still has an important agreement to complete.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

From another universe, the father's friend has left, and they promise to find that person.

Can you do it?

Xi Li didn't think about this possibility, no matter what, it was much better than the previous situation where there was no news at all.

Once there is expectation in her heart, her mentality will be different, so Xili is thinking like this with a relatively good mentality now:

"Fukaba, I actually said that I forgot to put something in the shopping list after I walked 500 meters from the supermarket. You wait for me, and you will see it later." '

Xi Li was already used to this kind of rough and tumble relationship, she looked forward and saw a patrolman she had never seen passing by, which made her a little strange.

'What happened recently? '

With such doubts, she continued to move in the direction of home.

Chapter 160

"Greetings from Jiu Shu."

Is it a little too distant?And a little more formal.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Is it a little too natural?And a little too careless.

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