'Damn it, why is the friend character not counted as a raider character! '

Mina roared viciously in her heart.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The sun outside the window has already started to turn orange. If it was said that Xi Li was teaching everywhere, now Fukaba, who is a major of other majors, is teaching.

After the class in the morning, Xi Li was staring at her mobile phone, which contained a message from Qihai.

'It turns out that you've been playing around for the past two days, right? '

In the beginning, Xi Li had such an idea, so this person just wandered around like nothing happened?

You should show more concern!

Be a little more guilty about your now-defunct suicide note that only confuses others!

Wouldn't it only make me feel more uncomfortable if I kept those things?

You are so happy to write it, I just feel like going back to the past when I read it, and I feel very regretful, okay!

Well, the above is the complaint in my heart, and the information after that is a bit...

Xi Li suddenly felt like she was keeping pets at home. After the owner went out, the pets were waiting at home, and when the door was opened, they were greeted with a 'meow meow'. feeling.

So at this time, there is a very important thing.

Xili turned her head to look at the person who was also in the dormitory. Dongyang was sitting in front of the computer desk. The huge black case was cleaned very cleanly, and there was no noise during operation.

And the 4K screen reflects the picture in the game, which is different from the "lively classmate Dongyang" seen by other students, what is presented in front of the eyes is "Polar"

"No, maybe it should be called a shrew..."

At this time, what kept coming out of Dongyang's mouth were 'idiot', 'Are you stupid', 'Come here, come here', 'Why can't you even kill a small soldier', 'If you can't play, don't play', mentally handicapped Playing a good job will only make this job mentally handicapped' and other straight-ball insulting words.

Then there are "I had a good time playing this game", "It's all thanks to everyone", "It's so reliable" and other weird words.

Every time at this time, Xili would feel that Dongyang had a second personality.

This girl who used to like to play games became more happy after going to university for free. Now she even buys the parts and assembles the computer she uses.

"Garbage game, never play again!"

I saw Dongyang took off the earphones and leaned on the so-called "e-sports chair". At this time, the earphone wires were involved in the temples of the glasses, and the glasses that were said to be "anti-myopia" slapped violently on the table.

Dongyang, who was still angry just now, quickly picked up his glasses, and he let out a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no problem.

Just when Xili felt that she could speak, Dongyang immediately said:

"Unlucky game!"

Cursing, there is nothing wrong with describing her like this, and the black and beautiful hair was also messed up because of the rough wearing of the earphones.

Xi Li has heard that girls have two faces at home and outside, and she is sure that is the case.

"Ah, so annoying, so angry, decompress."

Dongyang said so, grabbed the phone, and with the appearance of the logo, Xi Li knew that the other party had opened a new game, but this time it was a mobile game.

"Aren't you still playing games?"

Xili complained, this is not the first time, anyway, every time Dongyang scolded the 'garbage game', he would play again not long after.

"No, no, just now, it was a PVP game where people would be swallowed by anger and hatred. Now this is a PVE game that can be decompressed happily. It's different."

Dongyang seriously corrected Xili's statement, but for Xili who didn't understand the game, she could only nod in agreement and then asked:

"Actually, I want to ask you something."


Dongyang responded without raising his head.

"What does your father usually do at home?"


This time Dongyang raised her head, and she looked at Xili with a strange expression.

"Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"My dad... Nangong seems to be very bored at home, so I wonder what people of that age would do."

Complaining before was nothing but complaining, Xili still felt very uncomfortable when she thought of Nangong sitting at home alone in a daze.


Dongyang immediately became interested, she straightened her body from the seat, and a smile appeared on her face.

"It's different from before. Smartphones are very popular now, and various mobile games have emerged as the times require. So my dad is actually playing games, and my mother likes to watch various videos online."

Dongyang thinks that her love of playing games should be inherited from her father. It is rare to accept new things and play with smartphones when they are in their 40s and [-]s.

"But it doesn't have to be a mobile phone. Don't you have a computer at home? Ask Nangong to register various things, and then you can do various things through the computer, such as my game!"

Dongyang pointed at the screen, and there was still a big 'failure' engraved there.

"Who the hell is talking about garbage games just now?"

Xi Li was speechless, no matter how many times she watched it, she felt a little speechless.

"And let's forget about this game, I don't want Nangong to become a person full of vulgar words like you."

She felt very taboo about it.

"People always need a way to decompress. My way is vulgar language. It's better than the person in the United States who shot at the network cable across several states?"

After Dongyang said this, he suddenly fell silent.

"To be honest, when I saw the news, I felt that the world was hopeless."

Xi Li sighed helplessly, even if there were no alien beasts, monsters and invaders, people would still hurt each other for some inexplicable reasons.

"And this kind of thing... what's wrong with you?"

In the middle of speaking, Xili found that Dongyang, who was talking so eloquently just now, suddenly became unresponsive.

After a few seconds, Dongyang said with a serious face:

"You are right. I think I should avoid cursing people on the Internet in the future and be a civilized person."

"You're just afraid."

I was afraid that someone would come along the network cable and shoot several times.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The sky began to change color, and with the ingredients in his hands, Nangong ignored the weight of the ingredients and took out his mobile phone as if nothing happened.


In the message is a link, which was sent by Xili.

After clicking on it, Nangong blinked and read out the noun:


The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

"Clap clap clap."

There was no response, like a puppet whose mind had been taken away.

"Clap clap clap."

There is a reaction, no matter how you put your hand in front of the other person's eyes and snap your fingers, there will definitely be a reaction.

This is the crux of the problem. For Aikawa, the situation in front of him is still very miraculous. Where is the miraculous?

It's amazing that his former captain is different from the past, from not long ago to now, he has been holding his new mobile phone, which looks very new from the outside, and pressing it back and forth.

Actions like this make it seem like what's being said in the news about 'video games poisoning the spirit' might actually be true.

"Huh? Where are we now?"

At this time, Nangong suddenly asked such a sentence as if he had just realized it. He moved his eyes to the phone screen while speaking.

There are so many things to do in it, so many daily routines to complete, and so many plots to advance.

"If you look at it again, your eyes will be glued to it."

Ju on the other side complained, the moment Nangong heard that sentence, the movement of Nangong's hands stopped slightly, and he recalled that he was talking nonsense not long ago.

What are you talking about?

I really don’t understand why some people hold on to their mobile phones all the time, even walking on the street with their mobile phones, looking at them while walking, aren’t they afraid of accidents?

'Now I can understand. '

Nangong stared at the picture on the screen of the mobile phone and thought, the battery of the mobile phone is 81%, and he has seen the number of 81% more than once in the past two days.

To put it in a bad way, what I saw when I looked up before was the morning sun, and what I saw when I looked up the second time was still the morning sun.

His physiology is so different from that of humans that he directly ignores things like fatigue and hunger.

This is a game, this is a video game.

"There is such a magical power..."

Nangong felt that he almost made a big mistake, but why did he fall into it so easily?

"By the way, why did you fall into it so easily?"

Aikawa asked curiously, his past life prevented him from being exposed to such things.

Regarding this question, Nangong sorted out his experience so far and answered:

"After one task is over, there will be a new one, and after the end of the plot, there will be a new one. The equipment will always be eliminated, and then you will see that others have better equipment. I want to get it, so I keep playing.”

No matter what people do, they will have a goal, and the game strings these goals together and continuously upgrades slowly.

"Then after spending a lot of time, there will be sunk costs, and it has become a kind of mentality that I have spent so long playing and now it is very bad to abandon the pit."

"Oh, I've heard of that too."

Tachibana took up the topic, and he remembered what he had seen on the news.

"Especially those who spend money in the game, the more they spend, the more reluctant to let go, and then unconsciously put in more money, knowing that it is data that will disappear one day, but there is no way to let it go. "

At that time, I will think again, 'I should have abandoned the pit immediately at that time'

"Speaking of which, how much did you krypton in?"

Ai Chuan asked such a question with the mentality of watching a joke, but unfortunately, Nangong shook his head.

"No, I didn't spend any money. The current UP is said to be a T0 character. I used the resources given by the story mission to draw it out."

It's much easier now.

"By the way, it also draws out, that is to say, a lot of first-line characters are distorted. This game doesn't seem to be so money-hungry."

As he said this, he still turned off the phone screen.

"I think this should be your illusion."

Tachibana is very calm about this, and people like this are generally referred to as 'dogs' on the Internet

"So having said that, where are we now?"

Nangong raised his head, whether it was the sign in front of him or the billboard that was extinguished, it told him that this place should be a dance hall and bar that only opens at night.

"I wanted to sing about life, but it seems that the door doesn't open during the day."

Aikawa clicked his tongue unwillingly, this period of time was enough for him and Tachibana to finish dealing with the other side's affairs, so they were going to go out together today.

What can three old men do?

God knows, anyway, come out and hang around first.

"I am now looking for my true heart."

Ai Chuan said so, so Nangong nodded, and he took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

"If we have nothing to do, let's find a place to continue playing——"

"Forget this."

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