What are the physiological activities of human beings?

"Also, when people come here, they may not be completely clean. After they play here, they may not be clean, right? Let's take a dip in this water..."

Aikawa didn't know why so many messy thoughts flashed through his brain at that moment, but when these thoughts were combined, after he realized that he was choking on water, his movements became chaotic.

There was so much traffic that everyone took a walk in the water.

If children who can't control themselves do things in the water that shouldn't be done, things that are expressly prohibited.




Two seconds later, whether it was butterfly, freestyle or breaststroke, the three of them almost rushed to the shore from the water not far from the beach.

As if falling down, Nangong rolled around on the beach, causing a lot of sand to stick to his body.

"Aikawa, damn it!"

Only this time Tachibana felt completely unbearable, what kind of mess is this bad boy talking about, isn't that what people are super concerned about!

"I'm right! If I'm not wrong, what are you doing up here with me!"

The reason why Ai Chuan didn't say this immediately was because he wanted to drag the two of them into the water for a while longer.

"People live in a dusty environment, even if they stand still, they keep filtering out the dirty things. The water in the bathing place is also the same, and even if there are dirty things, no staff has cleaned them up for a while. gone."

Nangong, who was half kneeling on the ground, was holding the sand in his hands, and the sand fell from between his fingers, with his slanted palms falling down, as if he was taking some kind of sand bath.

"If you said this in the water, I would believe you, and how many people do you think have stepped on this beach?"


Nangong stopped digging sand.

That's right, the world is full of dust, and it is impossible to be absolutely clean. Creatures live in such an environment. Even the sea is full of traces of fish life, and it is absolutely not clean.


In the cleaning room equipped with the beach, water was sprayed from three showers. Three men in the three cleaning rooms were washing their bodies, and the sound of someone rinsing their mouths could be heard.

"Aikawa, fuck you."

Tachibana is still entangled in this matter, it is better to say that he would not be here if he is not entangled.

"I just said something that everyone vaguely knows!"

Aikawa has no regrets at all.

"You, there are some things that you can't see through. You can't gain a foothold in this society like this. You can't say it so bluntly."

Nangong was cleaning his body which was covered with a lot of sand, and he rarely complained.

About 10 minutes later, the three men who had just used up the cleaning room returned to the beach again, only this time it was different.

One holds a parasol in one hand, the other a cloth.

Soon, the cloth was laid out at a short distance, and the huge parasol was pierced into the sand and fixed.

Sit down and lie down, although the world is not quiet, but the mind is quiet.

"It ended up lying here without moving."

Nangong began to think about what they were here for, looking at parasols?

"It's still beneficial to lie still, for example, to get an overview of the whole situation."

Aikawa sat under the parasol, blending in with the beach, and there was nothing special about it.

He watched people come and go, men and women, and above all, women.

Since it is a beach, it is natural to wear clothes that match here, so the femininity of women is directly displayed.

"It's none of my business that you get caught after staring at people like that."

Tachibana yawned, the mess just now did consume a lot of energy and energy.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't stare at anyone, I took a few glances at everyone."

Although Aikawa said it confidently, he revealed a very important thing.

"You're full of flamboyance but don't have the courage to have a chat with someone, right?"

Nangong supported his cheek with his right hand, and kept lying on his side, teasing the man who was sitting upright.

"Isn't it said that it can be seen from a distance and not played with? What looks beautiful may become ugly when it is actually touched."

It's not that Aikawa hasn't clicked on other news. From time to time, he can see news about how some celebrities overturned their cars, and then the comment section below will be divided into two factions to fight.

You see, stars always look glamorous, but once you really get to know them deeply, you will find that it is not the same thing.

"So your so-called love is just talking casually?"

"Things you can't get are always the best."

Tachibana's question got a definite answer from Aikawa.

"Besides, aren't there more interesting things than love?"

Aikawa waved his hand, Nangong responded with a smile:

"Maybe you just haven't met the girl who's more interesting than anything."

You will change your mind after encountering it.

"Or maybe I'll never meet him in my life?"

Aikawa shrugged, he didn't really care about such things.

"Then again, I suddenly discovered a very important thing."

He withdrew his gaze from various women and looked at Nangong beside him.

"You seem to call everyone a girl?"

It's an old-fashioned way of addressing young people.

"How old are you?"

Hearing this question, Tachibana, who was still drowsy just now, opened his eyes. He was also quite curious about it.

How old is it?

Nangong doesn't really care about his age, but if he really wants to answer...

In fact, all he inherited was Empat's light and a few remaining memories.

The so-called 3000 million years old is actually pure ridicule, just like a person wakes up after 50 years of frozen sleep, his physiology remains at the level of 50 years ago, his mind and cognition are the same as 50 years ago The same as before, how can it be said that he lived for 50 years?

So what I want to talk about now is the years that 'Nangong Lan' passed through.

The age obtained by adding up all the time you have been conscious is:

"92 is old."

That's right, this is the time that this man Nangong Lan has really spent with his own will from birth to now.

"92 years old......"

Aikawa recounted that age once, and then looked at Nangong's face at this time.

That doesn't look like the face that a 92-year-old should have, let alone a 92-year-old, the reverse 29-year-old doesn't have it.

"real or fake?"

Tachibana felt unbelievable about this.

"You're old grandpa, old man, old... hiss, is this culture shock?"

Aikawa gasped, isn't there a saying called "Summer insects can't speak ice"?

People on earth can't imagine what kind of a menstrual cycle an Ultra warrior is.

"Okay, that's the end of this topic. I don't think it doesn't matter if I don't know about the next thing, and it's useless to know."

Ai Chuan immediately cut off the topic, and Nan Gong also nodded and stopped talking.

Reminiscing about the past like this really makes people wonder how to evaluate all this.

It should be light, but it turned into shadow, and now it has completely turned into darkness.

It's a strange feeling to live in this world without knowing what will happen in the future.

But as long as there is no problem, there should be no problem, right?

'I'll leave it here and leave it here. '

Nangong sat up again, and just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt something.

Head off and the ball flies by.


Aikawa's forehead was hit by the volleyball, and he fell backwards, hitting Tachibana's abdomen with the back of his head.

"It hurts!"

I saw the volleyball bouncing and hitting the parasol. I don't know if it happened to touch something. The whole umbrella automatically retracted and fell down to let the sun shine.


Is this something like a comic unfolding?

Nangong couldn't help but fell into deep thought, while Aichuan held his forehead and was pushed aside by Tachibana.

"Go, go, get up and go."

This smashed all the drowsiness away.

"Sorry, our ball hit you."

Hearing such a voice, Nangong turned his head to look, and there was a young woman standing there timidly.

'Is this some comic-like unfolding? '

At this time, this kind of thought arose in the woman's heart. Before she had time to remind her, she saw the smashed volleyball bouncing towards the person over there, and then there was a wonderful scene.

The man with his back turned seemed to have eyes on the back of his head and turned his head to avoid the volleyball. The subsequent development... I have to say, is this a cartoon?

"Oh, I've always been generous with women!"

Aikawa compared his thumbs, although he didn't see what the other person looked like, but he still wouldn't get angry over such a thing.

"I'm not that generous with men."

Tachibana narrowed his eyes, he did not forget the moment when he was nibbled just now, the human abdomen is the weak point.

"Please, it's not my fault! Oh, I certainly don't mean it's your fault."

Aikawa felt that he had said something wrong again, and at this moment, a new voice came:

"Sorry, I hit the ball this way."

Another woman came, and what she immediately said was also an apology, which would ease people's mood no matter what.

"it's okay no problem."

"it does not matter."

"After all, it is a public place, and this kind of thing is inevitable."

The three of Nangong expressed their indifference, and at this moment, just as Ju yawned after the pain was relieved, the second woman suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, do you want to play beach volleyball together?"

Just as men like beautiful women, women don't reject handsome men.

She thought that instead of being approached by a man who felt good about himself who came out of nowhere like before, she might as well find these three men with good manners, good figure and good looks, especially the one wearing a top, a model?


Aikawa was the first to nod in agreement, without even thinking about it too much.



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