At this moment, the sound of the door lock twisting was heard. When the door opened, the man stretched out his hand and turned on the light.

With a click, the darkness of the night was dispelled, and the electricity obtained by human wisdom flowed into the small light bulb.

In the light, the four eyes met, and the two had actually met each other several times.

"You are......"

"Nishimiya, Nishinomiya Ryo."

Is it fate or a coincidence that the handsome young man introduced himself like this?

It was none other than Xigong who brought Nangong home.

The night covered half of the earth. At the same moment, at the same time, in the base of the TPC Far East headquarters, Dagu's vague consciousness became much clearer.

Feeling the body he could control, he opened his eyes, and after a blink, the blurred vision became clear.

"team leader?"

Standing on the side is the intermediary captain.

"Dagu, are you alright?"

As soon as these words came out, she suddenly realized that she seemed to be showing too much concern.

Fortunately, Dagu didn't notice this, he just remembered everything that happened before.

"Captain, what about the others? Where's Empat? Where's the enemy? By the way, there's also the girl from the universe and the person who notified the victory team!"

If you look at it this way, Dagu is still the same Dagu, unconsciously, Junjian realized this.

Reverting back to the captain's identity, she smiled.

"Don't worry, Empat wiped out the enemy at the end, and the enemy's battleship was also destroyed by unidentified aliens. The alien girl was taken to the base for protection. Ye Rui is trying to analyze and understand what she said. spoken language."

Hearing this reassuring news, Dagu immediately relaxed.

Suddenly, his expression became a little distorted.

"Are you okay?"

This reaction made the intermediary captain nervous for a while, and soon, Dagu took a deep breath.

"It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

He said a poor excuse, fought as Tiga, ate Empat's Zapelio Ray, was so injured that he couldn't even transform back into a human body, and after that, he stepped forward to protect the opponent.

Now Dagu feels like his whole body is about to fall apart, and he still has a pain like being scalded.

Looking at his appearance, I knew that the other party must be lying.

"You take a good rest. Now it's over. We're dealing with it outside. Only when you recover from your injuries can you return to the front line with peace of mind."

She gave orders to the team member, who on the outside looked like just a scratch on his forehead.

"I see."

Dagu nodded to show that he received it, and his mind was still in the previous battle.

'How's Empat? '

At that time, the body moved by itself, because the other party showed a dead silence of giving up and giving up, how could he just admit defeat like this.

The door of the ward opened and closed due to the departure of the intermediary captain. Dagu touched his arms subconsciously. After a moment of nervousness, he just bounced off the bed, and then lay back grinning.

On one side of the hospital bed, there is a spark prism on the table and cabinet.

"Don't scare me."

Reach out and hold it in front of your eyes.

Why was he chosen by this force, and why did he become Tiga?

This kind of thing can be put aside temporarily, the key is how to use this power and why to use it.

The answer is actually very simple, in order to protect those who cannot fight, just like my current job.

'I'm both Altman and a member of the Victory Team. '

This is the reason to fight.

'how about you? '

That figure flashed in his eyes, what was he fighting for?

If you want to find him, talk to him.

Unknowingly, the exhausted body and spirit made Dagu close his eyes, and after a while, he fell into a deep sleep holding the spark prism.

And in the dormitory of the base, the captain's thoughts were constantly churning.

She couldn't be sure, nor could she deny that when everyone was nervous about Dagu's situation, she suddenly noticed the small thing that Dagu was holding tightly in his hand.

It's too big to say it's a talisman, and why did Dagu appear there?

Isn't that the last place where Tiga and Empat fought?

The man who controlled the negative energy monster also said that Ultraman is human.

Therefore, the intermediary took away the spark prism when Dagu was in a coma without authorization, and analyzed it through the instrument again without anyone noticing.

It does not belong to any kind of substance on the earth today, so what is it?

When Tiga appeared for the first time, was it the giant who saved Dagu, or Dagu...

"Ultraman...Ultraman is human..."

Not gods, but people.

And it's in the closest place.

Difficult to sleep tonight, the room captain stared at a corner of the room, as if he had lost his mind.

Knowing the identity of Di Jia, there is one more person.

At this time, in a city quite far from the base, the teenager who knew Empat's identity squatted down, and what he picked up was a black spark prism.

For ordinary people, it is just a prop with a very strange structure and a different kind of beauty.

"Is this your thing?"


Nangong nodded, he stretched out his hand, before taking the spark prism handed over by Xigong, his right hand shrank subconsciously.

It took another half a second before he finally grasped it.

Just holding it, he can feel the echo of the two, the echo of the inside and the outside.

Nishinomiya's eyes couldn't help but widen, it wasn't an illusion, there was still a black mist floating around the disappearing spark prism.

Instinctively looking at Empat's youth, his expression looked a little painful.

"It's okay!"

Hearing the concerned call, Nangong shook his head.

"Please take care of me, I'm leaving...uh..."

Just when he stood up from the bed, he was powerlessly half-kneeling on the ground, the raging darkness in his body was constantly flowing, what made him up was not flesh and nerves, but pure energy.

This energy is equal to his life, but it is difficult to control.

It is difficult for people who are entangled in darkness to escape, Nangong now fully understands this point, he can even be said to be caught in the abyss now.

Watching him like this, Nishinomiya's expression gradually changed from confusion to firmness.

"Stay at my house first."

Hearing these words, Nangong immediately turned to look at the speaker.

"Can you move now? Is your injury healed? Is there any inescapable battle?"

What Nishinomiya said was correct.

The wounds left by the fierce battle, the erosion of darkness in the body, and the overdrawn physical strength.

Insufficient energy, even so, Empat was active on the earth for nearly 10 minutes, all in exchange for overdrawing his physical strength.

Nangong closed his eyes and opened them again.

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It should be me thanking you. I've always wanted to thank you face to face like this."


Instead of asking, to confirm whether the weak young man was the giant, Nishinomiya helped him onto the bed.

"Shall I get you some food?"

"No, I don't need to eat."

"Really... good night then."

For a moment, Nangong was in a daze.

It seems that it has not been said or heard for a long time.

Because sleep is like torture.

"......Good night."

He responded, and then, Nishinomiya turned around, walked to the door, and turned off the light.

The surroundings became dark again, and the door was gently closed.

Nangong retracted his gaze and looked at the ceiling.

Dark, dark, do you want to sleep?

Feeling hesitant, he didn't realize a trace of fear in his heart.

His eyelids became heavy, and his eyes closed. After a while, his expression became relaxed.

With the sinking of consciousness, the surging black mist in the body became active again. In the center of it, two small balls of light, blue and white, exuded dim brilliance. They rotated with each other, guarding the last light. .

Vaguely, Nangong had a dream.

In that dream, it was the mad giant of darkness and the peaceful giant of light.

The silver Empat continued to attack, venting his strength.

The red Empat's steady defense stopped the opponent.

Inside the door is a sleeping youth.

Outside the door was a young man in a daze.

"Ultraman is also human..."

The so-called human does not refer to the human race.

Nishinomiya understood this, he saw injured, tired people.

Empat, Ultraman, and Tiga, none of them are absolutely invincible gods, they will suffer from fighting, and they will fight for their own reasons.

They have feelings that belong to them and change from gods to people.

Maybe it's luck, or maybe it's misfortune, Nishinomiya has seen different sides of Ultraman.

The tenderness and warmth when saving lives.

Rage and violence in anger.

Exhaustion and pain when injured.

'Is there anything I, we humans, can do? '

What do Ultraman hope to see in human beings? Why do they want to protect human beings?

Thinking about this matter, but can't get the answer.

Nishinomiya turned around and walked down from the second floor.

No matter what, the most important thing to do now is to help the other party recover from their injuries.

"Brother, how is he doing?"

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