It was just a sword, as if it came from the sky, no one doubted the power of this sword, and no one dared to stand in front of this sword, because when this sword stabbed out, there was only this sword in the world.

Like a dragon coming out of the clouds, life and death are judged.

I saw a group of brilliance blooming out, like a hibiscus emerging from water, graceful and clear.

The blond girl's emerald green eyes are filled with the sky, like the movement of the stars, flashing a deep light, the blade of the sword, the sun is one, calm and soothing like clear water flowing over a pond, and the blade of the sword is like a towering cliff standing thousands of feet high... …

So in the next second, as it should be, the violent king of orcs—Il, the kobold lord, was directly cut off by her in the middle, turning into white light and dissipating like dust.


Incredibly quiet! !

The originally noisy boss room suddenly fell into complete silence.

All communication, all words, disappeared in an instant.

All the players, regardless of male or female, regardless of age, were all staring at the clear figure in front of them blankly at this moment, their heartbeats almost stopped in an instant.

Chapter 12 Eternal Golden Knight ([-] in [-])

The so-called beautiful people take flowers as their appearance, birds as their voice, moon as their god, willows as their form, jade as their bones, snow as their skin, water as their posture, and poetry as their heart.

And the blond girl in front of her is just like such a beauty.

It was also this kind of girl who was supposed to be extremely delicate, but now she stood in front of everyone with a long sword in her hand, saving a situation that should have been hopeless.

The exquisitely handsome and breathtakingly beautiful face appeared cold and indifferent, but there was light in his eyes.

She wore the most ordinary clothes, but did the most extraordinary things.

Artoria didn't know how the matter developed to such a point. It should be a sure thing, but it almost fell to the bottom like a big turn.

The long passage of time has already covered her short 20 years of modern life. Some foundations are still remembered, but some things have been forgotten.

In addition, even in the 20 years of her previous life, she hadn't played games much, because she wasn't interested in it.

So the blond king didn't have the concept of head-grabbing in his mind, but was just puzzled and confused about it.

When the situation was about to settle, the blue-haired young man named Diabel came to the boss alone with a certain purpose.

Although Artoria didn't understand the significance of this move, she was not stupid, and her long combat experience was enough for her to discern the extent of the harm caused by this untimely move of the young man.

The crisis has been resolved, Artoria turned around and looked at Diabel with cold eyes.

"What were you doing just now?" she asked.

The girl's eyes seemed to be frozen for a thousand years, like an ancient ice cap on a snow mountain for thousands of years, looking at those blue eyes from a distance.

"Do you know that just because of your actions, your life was almost ruined?"


He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to justify something, but finally lowered his head under the girl's clear eyes.

"Yes... sorry."

Diabel's face was burning hot, and cold sweat broke out in his palms. He remembered the scene where he almost died at that time, and he couldn't help feeling remorse, and suddenly he didn't know where to start all the words at this moment.

Seeing that the other party seemed to know that she was wrong, Artoria paused for a moment, and under the increasingly ashamed face of the blue-haired youth, she finally let out a heavy sigh from the corner of her mouth.

"You have to know—" she told the other party earnestly.

"—Life is only once, it is fragile and short-lived, but it is the most precious and most cherished eternity in the universe."

"Everyone is a miracle in the world, so you must cherish yourself. You must not show off your bravery for a while, and then lose the big because of the small."

After saying this, she stopped looking at the young man sitting slumped on the ground, turned around and walked towards Asuna's direction.

While she was walking, just like Moses encountered the Red Sea, the players suddenly separated and dispersed to both sides, opening a thoroughfare for the blond girl in unison.

Respect, love, longing, longing......

All kinds of thoughts linger in their hearts.

Everyone watched in silence as the other party walked past them, and then they were frustrated to find that the girl didn't give them the slightest attention.

Asuna and Kirito stood at the outermost edge, watching the girl approaching from a distance, and then stopped in front of them.


Artoria called the flaxen-haired girl's name, her voice was gentle and clear, like stars rising into the sky one by one, illuminating the fog in the girl's heart.

"This battle is over here, and it's time for us to get out of here."

She said, and then held out her hand to the other party.

"We go home."

The corner of the blond king's mouth curled up into a gentle smile, as if it were the dusk that never came down at night, and the morning that never dawned. Her tone of voice was like a spring flowing from a deep mountain, and her words were like clouds in late spring.

The girl who was sharp and handsome like a sword before only released her own softness to her at this moment.

Asuna stared blankly at the other party, her peaceful heart was beating violently, like a bell tied to a red rope, shaking it again and again as if echoing, sending out a sweet and crisp reminder .


Nodding her head, she put her fine white catkins into Artoria's palm, and there seemed to be blooming flowers in her pale golden eyes, watery and clear.

"Let's go home."

Holding Asuna's hand, Arturia turned her head and gestured to Kirito, and then they left the place first under the complicated eyes of the players.

It was already afternoon, and the sky outside the maze was still bright.

Asuna turned her head sideways and looked at the silent girl who was walking beside her. She had a pensive look on her face, and she didn't quite understand what Pendragon was thinking at the moment.

She wanted to know, so she asked.

"I was just thinking, thinking about everything that happened today."

Artoria walked frankly under the sunlight, her eyes as clear as a lake saw the flaxen girl's figure, those emerald green eyes were extraordinarily clear.

"Asuna, can you answer my doubts?"

"Of course there is no problem." Asuna has always been willing to dedicate her strength to Artoria's request, so she nodded happily and agreed, "Say it, I'm listening .”

"I've always been puzzled." Artoria's eyes showed doubts, "That young man named Diabel, what is the purpose of his actions?"

Yes, she doesn't understand.

Of course, she could see that the other party's actions were purposeful, but she couldn't figure out anything more specific.

"Is there any benefit?"

She questioned her companion.

As expected, Arturia got a positive answer from Asuna.

"Giving the final blow when the boss has residual blood is for the large amount of experience and the rare items that fall."

Twirling her long hair that fell to her chest with her fingers, there was a little emotion in her pale golden eyes.

"In the strategy meeting before, he once said that for this boss battle, all the money gained will be divided equally among all members, the experience points will belong to the team that defeated the boss, and the items will belong to whoever drops them... ...."

"So if it wasn't for you, Pendragon, to save him, that guy would have paid for his own greed with his life."

So this is ah........

A flash of understanding flashed in Artoria's heart, but after understanding, a little melancholy rose in her heart.

She wasn't angry, she was just sad about something, something.

The word 'knight' has always been a sacred word in Artoria's heart.

Selfless, noble, helpful......

She strives for this goal, and therefore strictly demands herself.

Although she is King Arthur, she is also a knight.

So when that blue-haired young man called himself a knight, Artoria was delighted.

Because of the intimacy aroused by these two words, although it is inexplicable, it is taken for granted.

The knight is always humble and honorable, fighting for justice and justice, helping all those in need, and treating all those without malice gently, that kind of figure is just like a dreamy creature made of ideals.

Artoria likes such creatures, and thus became such an existence.

So even with Asuna's reminder, when she knew that the other party might not be a competent knight, she subconsciously had some expectations for Diabel.


When the final result was drawn, the feeling of disappointment was unavoidable.

Perhaps seeing through the melancholy in the blonde girl's eyes, Asuna spoke softly from the side.

"...In the final analysis, Diabel is just an ordinary person compared to a knight."

Yes, he is neither a good guy nor a bad guy.

The essence of the blue-haired youth is just a member of the masses, ordinary people.

It seemed that frost and snow had fallen on the cool lake, Artoria's eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally she sighed softly.

This matter was dropped.


Time does not speak, it is only responsible for the question.

In order to submit the papers, some people plagiarize, some give up, and some are the same, but there are also people who work hard for this, and will not admit defeat until the death.

When Artoria saw Kirito again, she gave Kirito the black dress she got after defeating the boss on the first floor, and thus indirectly achieved the name of the black swordsman.

It was a men's costume, neither Asuna nor Arturia were actually suitable for wearing it.

Although the blond king told her roommate and companion very seriously at the time, she didn't mind wearing a men's clothing at all.

But the flaxen-colored long-haired girl disagreed with this.

"No, absolutely not!"

Asuna's attitude was firm, she frowned and said righteously, "Pendragon, you are obviously a girl, why do you have to wear men's clothes?!"

Her light golden pupils were full of resistance,

Are we poor?Can the poor not afford even a single piece of clothing? ! "

When a lady expressed dissatisfaction in this way, although she still couldn't understand it, she still followed the girl's wishes.

In fact, things are not as simple as Arturia thought. Under the superficial appearance, Asuna still has her own selfishness.

There's nothing wrong with a girl wearing men's clothes.

But if this girl is Pendragon, then there is a big problem! !

Really, no self-awareness at all.

She glanced at the other party unhappily, and her heart was full of complications.

He was already so handsome, but it would be worth it if he wore men's clothing.

The girl did not forget that when she first met the other party, it was because she was wearing men's clothes that she mistook the other party for a boy.

However, she couldn't blame her for getting the gender wrong.

after all..........

Pendragon is so handsome and gentlemanly, but also so bright and fresh, like the morning sun, like the moonlight.

Such a person is enough to dazzle other girls even knowing that she is a woman.

What if she dressed up like a man, other girls accidentally mistook her gender like she did at that time.

If that kind of thing really happened......

She gave a slight "tsk", and when she thought of this, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart for no reason.

It's sour, like drinking lemon soda.

So under her strong request, Artoria finally transferred it to Kirito.

"Take it, you need it more than me, don't you?"

That's what she said at the time.

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