In addition, there is a prison underground in the town of beginning, which is also the place where players hold all kinds of prisoners.

Based on these two points of hesitation, she finally retracted her sword and sheathed it, then turned and walked towards the girls behind her.


"Be careful!!"

Asuna's pupils shrank sharply, and behind Artoria, several people had already stood up struggling, waving the weapons in their hands, and rushed towards the girl viciously.

It is obviously so painful, why can they still move? !

If Pendragon is hit by them......

Asuna's face turned pale. She wanted to save the other party, but found that there was a distance between them, and there was no way to arrive in time.

As if the blade is embracing, the dangerous breath has already pushed behind him at this moment.

Seeing that the girl was about to die here, Artoria suddenly moved.

The slender waist twisted to the side at an inconceivable angle, and the sword in her hand was unsheathed again. With the trembling sound of the blade, she swung the sword in her right hand upwards, the inertia was like a sharp flowing wind, without the slightest hold back. Slashed towards his rear.

And this one turned around and completely killed the player named [Red-eyed Shasa].

In an instant, the sharp sound of the sword's edge resounded, followed by another blow, and the sharp long sword was swung airtightly by her. The broken light that filled the sky dissipated in the wind.

For this kind of person who has no bottom line, Artoria is really angry at this moment.

You have obviously been given a chance to live, why don't you cherish it?

The girl who has been trying her best to look like an ordinary person in modern society has finally revealed her side as a 'king' at this moment.

Those players have exhausted the king's kindness, so they must have the courage to bear the anger from the king.

Arturia's aura is as sharp as a sword, with iron bones and green branches, proudly performing her own domineering.

Those who offend Wang Wei will surely pay the price with their lives.

"I said........."

She cast her eyes on the last member of [Smiling Coffin], and walked up to him with a sword in hand.

The blond king's cold eyes fell on the man, "...your guild is called [Smiling Coffin], right?"

She took the sharp long sword in her hand and stabbed it fiercely, just like that, it wiped the opponent's ear and inserted it on the ground behind him.

Although I don't know why this man didn't rush up with his companions, maybe it was because of fear, maybe it was because of the pain that he didn't dare to move......

But either way, he was lucky enough to grasp the last ounce of King Arthur's mercy.

So Arturia didn't intend to kill him, but instead planned to send this guy to the underground prison.

Presumably after this death game is over, the laws of the real world will impose final sanctions on him.

"I swear here in the name of Arthur Pendragon."

It is as if the ordinary pool water has been illuminated by the setting sun, and it has become a sea of ​​gold in an instant.

The girl's voice was clear, like the stars, like the sun, like the sea, and I could only hear her saying it word by word.

"I will definitely find out all the members of your [Smiling Coffin] guild, and make you pay a terrible price for your actions!"

Her voice is resounding, and her words seem to contain surging sea waves and majestic mountain shadows.

That was the wrath of the king, the domineeringness of the king.

Everything she says will become absolute.

Chapter 21 The sense of disobedience in girls (two in one)

In the face of this death game, the laws in the real world seem to have little influence at this moment.

There is no police here, and there is no judge who can judge criminals. The only basis for people to tell whether a person has committed a crime is the blinking cursor of different colors above the player's head.

Red names and orange names, the meanings they represent are chilling.

But even so, even if it is a player who has killed someone, it just dyes the diamond-shaped mark representing the player another bright color.

Ironically, this layer of color can even be artificially removed through tedious tasks.

Mental breakdown, emotional amplification, and players' lack of punishment for criminals, or the criminals themselves are anti-human and anti-social personality.

All these reasons were superimposed together, and those players who had already taken this step began to slowly become unscrupulous.

Whether he voluntarily kills someone or is forced to kill him, he won't be punished anyway in this world, right?

They will not feel guilty, nor will they be restrained by the so-called moral thoughts. Over time, these people's hearts will eventually fall into the boundless sea of ​​​​evil, and slowly start to kill for fun.

And for these cheerful murderers who despise the law and despise life, even if Artoria herself is not a king or a knight when looking at this issue, if she only looks at it from the perspective of human nature If you think about it, these players are actually enough to arouse the most primitive anger in a person.

After that, she asked a question from the other party that Asuna had always wanted to know.

'Analgesia' - that's the name of that prop.

As the name suggests, it can be seen from the literal meaning that it can temporarily reduce the player's pain sensation to zero percent, and the effect can last for 3 minutes.

Now the truth became clear, the reason why those unlucky bastards suddenly exploded was because of the existence of this prop.

So why didn't he just use 'analgesia'?

Perhaps it was because he forgot, or it was because he didn't have this item, but no matter what, no one would care about this answer at all.

"I'm sorry, both of you."

After giving the lucky one a shot of powerful paralysis and the drowsiness buff, the blond girl turned around, and then walked slowly to Asuna and the little girl who had been shocked into a wooden stake shape at the moment. beside.

"...... Please forgive my mistake, it was my fault for letting you see the scene just now, I hope you don't have this incident and feel shadowed in your heart."

Although she was apologizing, there was indeed an emotion called remorse in her green eyes, but the flaxen-colored long-haired girl understood one thing very clearly at this time, that is, her remorse was only limited to letting The two of them saw that they had killed themselves.

The girl who is as clear and bright as the spring breeze, as bright as the morning sun, is very calm after killing someone, as if what she just killed was not a few lives, but a few vegetables and fruits by accident Sparse and ordinary.

No......, the word 'calm' might not be the right word to describe it.

Asuna raised her head and looked into the eyes of the other party. She seemed to see a raging fire deep in the clear green pupils. The flames were flying around with the wind, unscrupulously devouring all the evil deeds the blond girl saw.


The world was silent for a moment, and she was also silent for a moment.

Suddenly, a group of birds of unknown species flew up from the woods. After circling a few times around the rising sun, they flew away as if fleeing for their lives.

Asuna didn't care about Artoria's killing of those people just now, because in her heart, she knew very well that the death of these [Smiling Coffin] members was not a pity.

The girl thought like this, 'If these guys die, they will die. Even if I was in the same situation at the time, I might have made the decision to kill them. '

What's more, the situation at that time was so urgent. Under the situation of either you die or I die, even Asuna couldn't help but think that it was great that they died in the end.

The only thing that entangled her in this matter, and the key point of her silence is: Pendragon has already killed someone, even if she killed a heinous and unforgivable criminal, there is still one thing that makes people feel very strange, that That is, why Pendragon was able to behave completely calm about the murder.

I just feel awkward......

The blond girl didn't seem to care about this behavior at all, or it gave people a feeling that she was completely used to it.

This kind of feeling is similar to: I don't care about the fact that you killed someone by mistake, but after you kill someone, you behave like a habitual criminal. This kind of thing makes people feel a little concerned.

So at this moment, Asuna suddenly realized something.

Although she had a premonition a long time ago, she always felt that it didn't matter and chose to turn a blind eye to it.

——The sense of disobedience that exists all the time in Pendragon.

Just standing there naturally and calmly exudes an indescribable elegance and nobility.

Strong and gentle, strong and brave, polite, respectful, modest and prudent, these are all the little things that the blonde girl shows in her daily life.

The blond girl has a special temperament that modern people don't have in this highly developed era.

However, such a beautiful and dazzling girl, after killing a few villains, the first thing she turns her head to care about is whether the two of them are scared by her...... ..

I don't know why, but I always feel like complaining.

Not an idol, not a singer, and even less likely to be an actor, maybe Pendragon's true identity in the real world is a bit special.


For example, on the surface, he is a public figure, but behind his back, he is a vigilante who is active at the forefront of the dark world. In order to fight crimes, he will occasionally strike criminals hard.

She, Asuna, understands this very well, you know, it's played like this in TV and movies.


Although I feel that the truth of the matter is not like this, but let myself think so for the time being.

'......Hey, as expected, forget it. A long sigh overflowed in her heart, and the flaxen-haired girl chose not to pursue the truth of this matter any more.

Not looking at anyone with a worldly perspective, this is a very commendable point in Asuna's dealings with people.


"...No, I'm not intimidated."

Shaking her head, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she said something half complaining, half joking, "Really, am I so fragile in your heart?"

"Sorry, of course I didn't mean that."

Of course Artoria could tell that Asuna was joking with herself, so she also laughed, that smile was as gentle as the leaves of vines in Yueming's garden.

"I just.........."

She seemed to want to say something, but she opened her mouth and swallowed it back.

Sighing, Arturia habitually reached out to touch the soft top of her hair.

But as if he remembered something again, the half-stretched hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

After a pause, she calmly wanted to retract her arm, but Asuna, who was standing opposite her, saw through this idea in advance.

Closing her light golden eyes, the girl sighed indiscernibly.

She suddenly took a small step forward, and with her probe, she spontaneously sent her little head into the palm of the opponent's face down.

That appearance looks well-behaved and lovely.

The flaxen-haired girl's usual attitude made Artoria slightly taken aback.

"Pendragon is Pendragon, no matter what happens, you're still the knight idiot I know."

As she spoke, her thick eyelashes trembled twice, as if a butterfly had settled on them, and then flapped its wings and flew into Artoria's heart.

"So don't be afraid, because I know it's not your fault."

No matter what, no matter what kind of secrets Pendragon has.

This blond girl will always be the brightest hero in Asuna's heart.

No one would be afraid of their own hero, right? However, if someone really shrinks in fear because of this, that guy must be the stupidest, most stupid fool in the world.

Obviously, Asuna is not a fool.

When it comes to being smart, it's not that she brags about herself. The girl still has high confidence in her own intelligence.

not to mention...........

"——It's very handsome."

She stared at the man who seemed to be in a daze, her gentle expression became softer, and said with a smile, "Such a handsome Pendragon, please continue to maintain it in the future, don't relax."

The girl's gentle voice was like a seed sown, making Artoria unconsciously open the window in her heart.

Looking over there with the probe, the sown seeds are not just sprouts?

Like emerald green scars, it even spread to other people's gardens.

So in an instant, Artoria's original serious and tense temperament softened instantly.

'that is really good........'

The king, who has been working hard and wants to behave like an ordinary girl, can't help but express this feeling in his heart.

"It's really nice of you to think so."

Her hand gently caressed the top of Asuna's head, as usual, this time there was no hesitation in her attitude.

The little girl who was holding Asuna's clothes all the time raised her little head to look left and right, and there was deep doubt in her big black eyes.

She really didn't understand why the atmosphere between the two big sisters went from good to bad.

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