no wait......

Suddenly it was as if Watson had discovered a blind spot.The silver-haired water spirit paused involuntarily.

She immediately recalled what the NPC grandfather said to them before: This is the treasure of the heroes of the human race.

Terran hero? !

The Sword of Oath Victory!

King Arthur! !

A series of equations were connected in series in her mind, and the most reasonable identity of the blond girl was obtained in an instant.

"Are you King Arthur?"

The tone suppressed faint excitement.

Players are always fearless, especially when facing NPCs, they enter the house and rummage things, or jump on other people to see if they can trample them to death. Similar to this kind of coquettish operation game is everywhere. yes.

What's more, some Lsp perverts, it is said that they will lay down on the ground to check the angle of view to see if they can see the wonderful scenery inside the skirts of female NPCs.

So polite and sensible babies like the two of them are already considered scarce resources among players.

Perhaps it was because the blond girl was too intelligent, so the two sisters, who hadn't played this kind of large-scale online games, subconsciously treated this NPC like a real person.

Are you King Arthur?

What can't you admit about this question?

So generously, Artoria nodded and replied, "Yes, my full name is Artoria Pendragon, and I was also known as Arthur Pendragon when I was king. tribute."

"If nothing else happens." She paused, "The King Arthur you're talking about is me."

Chapter 50 Playing games is not as good as dancing ([-] in [-])

King Arthur turned out to be a girl.The two sisters, who were shocked by this incident, almost couldn't even speak.

Can play, really good at playing.

Designing King Arthur as a beautiful blonde girl or something, I didn't expect the planning in this game to be so understanding.

Although I don't understand this operation, I was shocked.

Having said that, there is a reason why Artoria did not leave this world.

And the cause of all this was the contract that seemed to exist all the time. She had already fully understood the cause and effect of the whole thing the moment she disappeared.

In the world of "SAO", although she doesn't want to, the fact is that she is the boss of the second floor.

Because the moment Artoria woke up in the palace, she had successfully replaced the original boss.

But because of her own particularity, there was a huge problem in the main system's cognition of her existence.

After all, this kind of existence that looks like a boss but is not a boss, looks like a player but is not a player, and is not even a human being. It is really difficult to identify her identity. The main system has just been born less than half a year ago.

Following the conservative choice, it divided the girl into a system panel that belongs to the player, but due to some strange disrespectful reasons, the actual system panel after she got it was full of garbled characters.

Presumably, if the main system has self-awareness, it will cry "wow" when it sees this scene.

It's really... It's hard for the system baby to die.

And the contract that Arturia refers to does not refer to a specific person, but refers to an ethereal group consciousness without entity.

It was born from the more than 1 players in the entire game world. Because their desire for life and dissatisfaction with the status quo are too strong, in the end, such an ignorant group consciousness was born.

Players have no idea that there is such an invisible and intangible existence beside them, and in fact, even the existence itself does not know what it is.

It is like a newly born infant, without common sense and ignorant, and what it does will only act according to its own instinct.

However, even though it doesn't understand anything, it still understands some things, and it still regards these things as its own mission to do.

Players want to be alive, want to be free, then this group consciousness wants them to be really alive, and wants them to be free.

Perhaps the desires of these more than 1 people were so strong that Artoria, who was supposed to return to the throne of the heroic spirits, was summoned halfway.

And in the end, he signed a contract with the group consciousness of the players in a daze. When things developed to this point, it seemed that everything was still under control.


The group consciousness born because of the players is too weak, it doesn't understand anything, and it doesn't have any strong power. After signing the contract, although it is clear that Arturia may be able to fulfill its wish, it doesn't know at all. Know exactly what to do.

In the end, it could only pitifully repeat itself in the ear of the blond king, repeating its prayers like a nagging old woman: save the lives of the players and let them be truly free.

However, the pitiful thing is that it is too weak.

The words expressed by this group consciousness with all their strength were indistinct in Artoria's ears, and nothing could be heard clearly.

It can only choose to float beside its contractor, as long as it catches the opportunity, it will convey its magic voice to the other party.

However, everyone is very clear about the reality, and its whispers are actually useless.

Fortunately, although Artoria didn't know what her mission in this world was, she still chose to liberate the player according to her own will.

And it wasn't until Artoria's magical power returned at the end, and when she was about to burp, that she took advantage of the collapse of the main system and the collapse of the world, and conveyed her wishes seamlessly.

This is really not easy, the group consciousness of the players is about to be moved to tears.

So what's the ending after all?

At the very end, the consciousness that was born based on the desire for life and dissatisfaction with the status quo finally came to an end with the realization of this long-cherished wish.

At the moment before it dissipated, in order to repay the kindness of the golden-haired king, it condensed its last strength into a 'silk thread', and then tied one end of the 'silk thread' to Al Toria's body, while the other end is bound to the core system of "SAO".

At this point, Artoria, who should have left, fell into a deep sleep in the core system, and the group consciousness also hid merit and fame, and finally dissipated in the entire world with satisfaction, as if it had never appeared before. , leaving no trace.

No one knows that it has ever appeared, and no one knows what it has silently paid for everyone.


About it, Artoria will always remember it in her heart, and it will never fade.

Yuuki smiled cheerfully, and even Yuri beside her couldn't help but helplessly helped her forehead with that big white tooth smile.

Concealedly tugging at the corner of the other party's clothes, she reminded her sister that it's better to restrain herself.

After receiving the reminder from her sister, the purple-haired girl closed her mouth cooperatively. However, not long after, she touched her chin, which was as clean as jade, and still couldn't help showing a bright smile.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more trouble she will bring, not to mention that the blonde girl in front of her is the legendary King Arthur.

In real life, presumably most people would not like to be in trouble.

But in the game, that is another scene.

Trouble means tasks, tasks mean props and experience, and this is what most players have been pursuing in the game.

To put it bluntly, as long as the experience or gold coins are given enough, some players can even kneel down and call the NPC father on the spot!

They like trouble, like all interesting and interesting things, and their thinking is unconstrained, and their actions are completely unconstrained by the rules of reality.

After all, the title of the fourth natural disaster is not something that was blown out.

The blond girl NPC who claimed to be King Arthur in front of her was so beautiful, the more Yuuki looked at it, the more satisfied she felt.

Very good, since she looks so beautiful, she must have a lot of troubles on her body.

The sight of the purple-haired girl made Artoria feel a little strange, while Yuri beside her felt a little helpless.

Her stupid sister's eyes were so undisguised that she was almost blinded.

So she hurriedly coughed lightly, opening her mouth to break the somewhat weird atmosphere among the three of them at this moment.

"So, King Arthur... Your Excellency?" When she said this, her expression was a little subtle, as if she was not used to this address.

So understandingly, she gently nodded to the silver-haired girl and said, "Miss, you can directly call me Pendragon."

After hearing this sentence, Youli breathed a sigh of relief visibly, she nodded towards her with a relaxed expression, and then replied softly, "In that case, you can also call me Youli directly. Can."

"Yuuki, you can just call me Yuuki." The purple-haired girl waved her hand cheerfully, and followed her sister to add this sentence.

"Then—" her eyes were bright, with a bit of joy, "——Pendragon, is there anything you want to ask us for?"

She is euphemistically asking about the mission, and generally speaking for NPCs, when the player asks this kind of question, it means that the mechanism of the mission has been triggered.

But for the girl's question, Artoria gave her a confused look.

"No, I don't have anything to ask of you." After she finished speaking, the girl's face became clearly depressed.

Arturia saw that the pretty little girl showed such an expression because of herself, after being slightly taken aback, she suddenly changed her words, "Ah, I suddenly remembered."

Seeing that she had attracted the other party's attention, she bent her fingers calmly and said: "I do have a question I want to ask you, if you can help me, it will really help me a lot. "

The trees are lush and tall, and the sisters can smell the fresh air in the forest, and occasionally hear the melodious birdsong in their ears.

"I want to find someone." The blond girl smiled slightly, "I wonder if the two of you know a girl named 'Asuna'?"

"Asuna?" Yuri repeated the name to herself, and after quickly going through it in her mind, she was frustrated to find that none of the NPCs she knew was named Asuna. This name.

What about Yuuki?

Does Yuuki have any impression of this name?

It should be impossible, because generally speaking, both of them do missions and act together.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously turned her head to look at her younger sister, and as expected, she saw the same confusion as her own in her eyes.

Ah, it's troublesome now.

She was thinking slightly annoyed, and seemed to want to complete this hidden task.Certain conditions must also be met.

All in all, I can't continue this task at the moment. Next time, I'd better pay more attention to the names of those NPCs, and see if there is a fairy named Asuna among them.

After a moment of silence, she sighed softly, then shook her head and said, "Sorry, there is no one named Asuna among the people we know."

There's none?

After hearing this, Arturia couldn't help but frowned slightly, with a hint of melancholy on her face.

This answer can be said to be unexpected and expected.

After all, she didn't see the girl when she opened her eyes, and she was already mentally prepared for it.

Maybe there is something delaying it, she thought of it as a matter of course.

"Is this Asuna important to you?" Yuuki asked curiously.

As for this question, Arturia just smiled suddenly.

"Of course." Her tone was determined, but her expression was a little hazy. "Asuna is my best friend in this world."

She only sighed slightly, and when Artoria spoke again, it became another topic.

After explaining to the two little girls what a Heroic Spirit is, she told them how important the Command Seal Yuuki held was.

"So." The purple-haired girl's face was thoughtful, "This thing can force you to do anything, am I right?"

She tilted her head slightly, and said in a gentle voice, "Probably so."

Hearing the other party's affirmative answer, a trace of excitement flashed across the little girl's face.

"Is it really okay to do anything?" Yuuki asked this question again rigorously.

"Yes, anything is fine." Arturia replied more solemnly to the other party's repeated confirmation.

In order to express the credibility of her words, she even nodded seriously for a self-affirmation.

"very good!"

Her voice raised slightly, and a look of eagerness suddenly appeared on her face.

"In that case, let me verify it now."

Artoria: "???"

In the unbelievable expressions of her sister and the blond girl, she imitated the movements that Pendragon taught her just now, and said loudly with great interest:

"My Servant, now I command him with a command spell, Saber, now dance me to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"


Yuri gasps, contributing to the global warming of this world.

My younger sister likes some strange things. Some time ago, I was excitedly watching some sand sculpture videos on the Internet, and I also understood many Two-dimensional popular stalks, and the Pure Land of Bliss is one of the knowledge points.

Good guy, it's really you.

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