"Time is passing by slowly, and the boy is growing up day by day, but no matter how expensive medicinal herbs he drinks, his body still hasn't improved."

"Sounds sad doesn't it?"

Even though he said so, there was no sympathy on the face of Yuya Ubuyashiki.

"However, a sad person must have something to hate. If he can really die so peacefully, then there won't be so many tragedies in this world."

"All the turning points of things came from a kind doctor..."

The warm tea in front of the table had an elegant aroma, but neither of them thought about tasting it.

"The kind doctor spared no effort to heal him, but what the doctor didn't expect was that he would become the protagonist in the story of the farmer and the snake."

Obviously he is an extremely gentle person, but there is a sarcastic smile on the corner of Miyashiki Yoya's mouth, it can be seen that he hates the sick boy in the story.

"Even if the doctor tried his best to treat him, if a terminal illness can be easily cured, what is it called a terminal illness?"

He sighed with emotion, and he didn't know if he thought of himself from it.

"Boy... No, it should be called a boy at this moment." He smiled wryly, "As the boy's condition continued to deteriorate, he finally turned his anger on the doctor and killed him with his own hands."

"But it's ridiculous that the teenager discovered that his medicine was effective after he killed the doctor."

The blond girl, heard an unheard follow-up from the youth.

"...Under the doctor's treatment, the sick boy gained a strong body and super regenerative ability, but because the treatment was not over yet, the boy had complications such as being unable to walk in the sun and craving for human flesh .”

"And this... is the world's first ogre, and his name is Mumai Tsuji."

Despicable people are still despicable even if they have power, and this will not change no matter what era they are in.

"He didn't have any psychological struggle in the process from repaying revenge and killing people to cannibalism without any scruples. He naturally accepted his transformation from human to ghost, and he didn't have the slightest regret for what he did. It can be said that he is selfish. The two words are interpreted to the extreme."

Shaking his head, Yoya Ubuyashiki lowered his eyelashes.

"And for the next 1000 years, his behavior was still based on selfishness. In order to find the doctor's last prescription "Blue Bana", the ogre began to create his own servants, and continued to turn people into ghosts. .”

"Gimai Tsuji's evil not only directly affected the safety of human beings for thousands of years, but also directly caused his relatives to be cursed."

He picked up the slightly cold tea and took a sip before turning the topic back to himself.

"The family leader of the Demon Slayer Squad is from the lineage of the young boy, and because of the appearance of a monster like him in the family, the bloodline was cursed by the gods, and all the newborns died young and almost wiped out the family..."

It's really not an interesting story.

"...In desperation, we can only rely on marriage with the priests, and this is the only way to pass on the blood with difficulty."

With a wry smile, even the tea in his hand seemed bitter.

"But the children of the Ubayashiki clan still can't live past the age of 30, and in order to atone for their sins, our family took on the important task of eradicating Onimai Tsuji. This...is the origin of the Demon Slayer Squad. "

In this indifferent world, the miserable people who have been implicated by ogres can only carry the lamp of "redemption" from generation to generation, marching in the darkness where they cannot see their way forward.

And this... is all the truth that Arturia wants to know.

Chapter 5 Inheritors, since the future is confirmed, don’t look back (two in one)

Artoria finally chose to stay.

Whether it is to avenge the master, or to minimize the tragedy caused by the ogre,

No matter how you look at it, joining the Ghost Killing Squad is a good choice.

And she also needs a place to stay temporarily.

When she followed the returning butterfly and left, Artoria glanced back at the Japanese garden behind her.

The old house structure, the long corridors, and the bamboo tubes falling into the water in the yard, all have a heavy sense of history here.

Such an exquisite small courtyard stands majestically in time.

And the figure of Yasuya Ubuyashiki in the distance has long been flickering under the light, making it hard to see clearly.

The room suddenly felt extraordinarily empty, empty, and made people's hearts feel empty.

But the house was not really that big, what made it bigger was the shadows, the symmetry, the long years, and the solitude that she knew.

Artoria turned her head away silently, and followed the pace of the black-haired girl unhurriedly.

Inheritors, since the future is confirmed, don't look back.

Take your time, take your time.

There are some things in this world that cannot be rushed.


In the early spring morning, there is still the chill of being stranded in winter.

By the corridor, Artoria was holding hot tea alone, squinting her eyes, feeling the spring breeze blowing comfortably.

Misty spring, sunshine on the porch.

Facing the wind with thin sleeves, the small courtyard is as clear as water, and even people's hearts are as clear as a mirror.

The exclusive enjoyment of sneaking in from a busy schedule makes people feel poetic and picturesque.

It has been more than a week since I came here and followed the butterfly into the butterfly house.

The place where she is now is the medical facility of the Ghost Killing Team managed by the current Zong Zhu Butterfly Ninja, which specializes in providing treatment and rehabilitation for injured team members.

After all, for a high-risk non-governmental organization like the Ghost Killing Squad, if it is injured, it is not easy to show its face in a hospital or other places, so the existence of Butterfly House is very important.

Time passed quickly, and after this period of exploration, she had a deeper understanding of the current situation of the Ghost Killing Squad.

As Yuya Ubuyashiki and Butterfly Shinobu said, aside from the complicated relationships that have been entangled for thousands of years, the Demon Slayer Squad is just an organization that simply kills ghosts.

Perhaps because of the high rate of battle damage, most of its members, 20/[-]% are young people in their [-]s.

The young man is full of vigor and will risk everything in order to kill the ghost.

Even though they have different personalities, they are essentially a group of admirable children.

Overall, Artoria still likes this organization.

Taking a sip of her tea, she recalled what she had seen and heard during this period, and secretly made a decision in her heart.

The information collection is almost done, and it's time for him to act.

Thinking of this, she put down the teacup in her hand, then got up and left.

The wisteria blossoms for the soft breeze.

In the open space not far from the courtyard, a girl in a butterfly feather weaving was concentrating on honing her sword skills.

The clear wind blows slowly, slightly curling the ends of her hair at the temples, and the gentle Lin Tao in the distance.

Every time the knife is swung, there is no perfunctory.

His figure is as nimble as a butterfly flying every now and then, making it elusive.

Arturia walked closer and stood aside watching, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Because every time she cuts out, there are one after another soft, dreamy butterflies fluttering from the light of the knife, breaking away from the dust net, they circle around the girl's slender ankles, slender legs, and heavy Return to heaven and earth.

And in the sword dance, there is a girl with delicate and charming appearance.

The graceful dancing posture, the butterflies are not as light as her, and the flowers are not as gorgeous as her. Every inch of the arc of her hands and jaw is dazzling and fascinating.

Murderous intent is revealed amidst the beauty, and what the girl dances is a dance of death and rebirth.

Artoria didn't step forward to disturb, but chose to watch quietly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Butterfly withdrew the knife and put it back into its sheath.

This dazzling and moving knife dance that contains death comes to an end.

Seeing this, Artoria sighed softly, "Butterfly...forbearance."

Just because the girl in front of her is as good as her name.

The sigh next to her ear attracted her attention, only to see Butterfly Ninja turned her head in a little surprise, only then did she realize that at some point, the blond girl had come to her side.

And the vigilance she had honed in life and death didn't have any effect at this moment.

It can be seen from this that the opponent's ability is definitely above his own.

.......It seems that I still need to work harder.

Sighing in her heart, she looked at Artoria with a gentle smile on her face.

"I didn't even notice your arrival. When did you come here?"

"About half a quarter of an hour ago." Artoria replied.

"So long?" Blinking in surprise, Butterfly couldn't help but smiled wryly. "Since you came so early, you should have called me."

"I'm really sorry, but even if I do it again, I can't interrupt your practice."

The blond girl smiled in the endless brightness of the spring.

"After all, it is so beautiful." She admired from the bottom of her heart, "Although murderous intent is everywhere, it is so gorgeous."

"To be honest, I couldn't even blink at that time, and I seemed to forget to breathe."

Although it was an exaggerated smile and joke, but because the admiration in her eyes was so sincere, it made people feel a little shy for no reason.

In Butterfly Shinobi's eyes, people like Pendragon are very real.

Like is like, hate is hate.

She said that her sword skills are beautiful, which means that the other party really thinks so.

I always feel... the heat on my cheeks was instantly ignited.

"....Thank you for the compliment."

She replied dryly.

"But I'm suddenly a little curious." Artoria suddenly talked about another thing that she thought was more interesting, "Compared to the worm column, I think the title butterfly column is more suitable for you."

After all, the girl's figure is so beautiful, but she is called the word 'worm'......

After all, she felt a little subtle every time she heard it.

After being stunned for a moment, Butterfly couldn't help laughing softly.

"So that's the problem."

She pulled Artoria to the far steps, and then sat down gently.

"Actually, the answer is very simple. I am not very strong."

The black-haired girl wrinkled her nose lightly, feeling a little helpless, but she talked about her shortcomings without being sad.

"No matter how hard I exercise, I can't use an ordinary sun wheel knife to kill ghosts, because my strength can't even cut off the heads of evil ghosts."

Tilting her head, she sighed.

So I can only settle for the next best thing, using a special sun wheel knife, combined with the poison of wisteria to kill ghosts. "

"All kinds of poisons, combined with my original worm's breath—" She paused, and then read the name of the sword skill to Artoria word by word, "——Butterfly Dance, Teasing, the dance of the bee teeth, the real drag, the dance of the dragonfly, the hexagonal compound eyes, the dance of the centipede, the belly of a hundred-legged snake."

"...Through these tricky ways, I was able to get to where I am today step by step."

They sat on the edge of the steps talking and laughing, and the hut on the mountain was warmly illuminated by the sun.

"So you see." Spreading his hands, Die Die restrained his brows and eyes slightly, "Whether it is in terms of breathing or poisoning, it is not only 'Butterfly' that makes up everything, is it?"

"So when I was choosing the title, I chose the word 'worm', because it is more suitable for me than 'butterfly', isn't it?"

So this is ah.......

There was a flash of understanding in Artoria's eyes.

It looks like I made a little joke out of ignorance.

She touched her nose, then smiled shyly.

"It turns out that there is still this layer. It seems that I have taken it out of context."

"However..." She looked at the other party seriously, "...It's very powerful, the self-created breathing method really deserves to be Shinobu."

The girl's fair side face, with a faint smile on her lips, was full of firm approval in every word.

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