"It is precisely because of the stability of the world that the "pillar of light" like the Holy Lance is needed to suture it. Just like the king's tent we are in now, if we want to keep the tent from being blown away by the wind, we must need A number of pegs to drive into the ground to hold the ropes and the bottom edge of the tent screen."

"The Holy Lance is the 'anchor' of the star." Merlin continued, "These anchor points, that is, the pillars are very important. If these pillars are disintegrated, then the "skin" of the world will be peeled off from the planet."

"According to you..." Artoria thought thoughtfully, "Wouldn't it be very dangerous to entrust such an important thing to me?"


Arturia squinted her eyes, and glanced at Merlin with a complicated expression, "I'm still somewhat self-aware. As a little king of Britain, why can I hold the Holy Spear that is the "Pillar of the World"?"

This had to make her feel puzzled. Although she boasted about herself and was indeed called a hero, she wasn't strong enough to hold the 'Pillar of the World' or the 'Anchor of the Planet', right?

Regarding this question, Merlin gave an answer.

"Don't underestimate yourself." The Flower Magician smiled and shook his head, then shrugged casually, "Normally speaking, it is indeed as you said, but Britain is not in a normal situation."


"Why is that?" she asked aloud.

"Because Britain is a remnant of the Age of Gods." Merlin touched the back of his head and said helplessly, "Britain can also be said to be the navel of the planet, the boundary between the Age of Gods and human civilization.

The existence of King Arthur is to protect Britain as the king of Britain, so it is actually guarding the world. "

The amount of information was a bit large, she took a breath, her bewildered mind was like a blank sheet of paper.

'.......what is this?The boss is actually me? ! '

Wow, I am really NB. (°△°〃)

"Such a powerful weapon..." Arturia opened her mouth, and said with difficulty, "Using it should be the same as the holy sword, and you need to pay a price, right?"

She remembered the curse of immortality on her body, which is the same with holy swords, not to mention the holy spear that is the anchor of the planet.

By analogy, I always feel that this holy gun named Rungomigniad is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"There is indeed a price."

Sure enough, Merlin gave an accurate answer.

"The price of using it is your humanity as a human being."


Is this gun such a dangerous thing? !

Artoria's eyes wandered for a moment, and she suddenly felt that this gun was a hot potato.

"Pull out this holy spear, and you will be eroded by the divinity of Rungomigniad. You will lose your identity as a human and become a god."

"That's not bad, isn't it?" Merlin smirked, "Becoming a god is something that many people can't even dream of."

Hearing Merlin's joke, she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Yes, becoming a god is indeed good, but the price is too high.

The thought of losing one's character as a human being is repulsive.

This is a typical conundrum of the century: am I dehumanized, is that still me?

Maybe it's me?Or maybe it's not me?

This is really mind-boggling.......

Artoria lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, then said, "Give me the Holy Spear, is that what you mean, Merlin?"

The inner meaning of this sentence is: Can I refuse to take this gun?


Merlin scratched his head in embarrassment (pretending to be) and showed an innocent look, "I'm just a little magician, and the Pillar of the World is not something I can easily take away."

Well, I get it, there are people above you, right?

So who is it?

Is it the fairy of the lake?Is it a god?Or... the will of the planet?

Arturia sighed softly, feeling that she was so tired now, never had she been so tired from fighting.

"I understand." She said with a look of lovelessness, "You must have brought it here, then give me the holy gun."

Anyway, after getting it, whether to use it or not is my business.

"It's right here." Merlin took out a strange-looking spear from the void. The front of the spear was in the shape of a spiral, and the whole body was silver-white, but it exuded a dazzling brilliance.

As expected of a star anchor, it looks like the special effects are very powerful.

Arturia reached out to take the gun, and a huge amount of magic power flowed from the gun into her body, making her feel refreshed for a while.

Ah, speaking of...

Artoria turned her head and turned her gaze to Merlin, "Since this Rungomigniad is so powerful, can this holy gun be used to save Great Britain from its demise?"

Don't get me wrong, she was just asking out of curiosity.

After all, as the king of 007, she wanted to be laid off a long time ago.

She didn't want to continue the fate of Britain, which sounds troublesome.

To be able to peacefully and steadily follow Britain to its established destiny is the ending she has set for herself.

"what are you thinking about?"

Merlin said helplessly and surprised, "The Holy Lance is the anchor that stabilizes the modern physical environment, and the more stable the modern physical environment is, the faster the Age of Gods will disappear, and Great Britain will naturally be closer to destruction, which is very good Understood..."

He said: "Using the Holy Lance to save Great Britain is like drinking doves to quench your thirst."

Now I completely understand.

Arturia nodded, raised her hand and stuffed the holy spear back into the void.

This gun is useless.

Chapter 56 Will the father die too?


Mordred hurried to Arturia's side, but her face was full of panic at this moment, who was always full of energy.

How could she not panic, her father was covering his bleeding abdomen, half kneeling on the ground weakly.

The armor on Artoria's body was already in tatters at this time, there was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, and there was a deep mark on her slender hand, the skin was cracked, and the pink flesh color inside could even be seen.

The injury on the abdomen was very bright red, and the blood left there was shocking!

Blood droplets have been falling into the ground in a meandering manner, and it is impossible to tell whether it is red or black.

"Are you all right...?"

Mordred's eyes were staring, her lips were trembling, she was startled and frightened, even her strong legs, which could have kicked a lion to death, began to tremble slightly at this moment, as if they were not in control.

Arturia raised her hand and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth vigorously, then turned her head to look in the direction of Mordred upon hearing the sound.

The daughter's expression was too terrifying, as if it wasn't her who was hurt, but her.

"Mordred, come to me."

Artoria endured the pain and raised a smile. She called Mordred's name and watched him walk to her side step by step.

She stretched out her hand, wanting to help Artoria up, but the outstretched hand stopped in the air again, not daring to move forward.

As if treating a precious and fragile object, Mordred looked at Artoria in fear, as if something was in his mouth, and trembled for a long time without saying anything.

Although he knew that he had frightened the child, Mordred's appearance was really funny.

She subconsciously wanted to chuckle out loud, but as soon as she tried hard, what came out of her mouth was a violent cough.

"Cough...cough cough."

Gan!It feels like my lungs are going to explode.

"Woo!!" Mordred let out a scream of frightened little animals.

Father!You don't want to die! ! "

She was so scared that she was about to return to the west, she directly abandoned the worries just now, and hurriedly squatted in front of Artoria, wanting to help her father at a loss, but didn't know how to do it.

bad boy!Can you speak? !

Mommy, I was injured more seriously this time, and I was 800 years before I died? !

She waved her hand towards Mordred, coughed, and stood up feebly.

"Go and pick up my sword." She said to Mordred who was stunned.

Even the king has to be careful, the sword can still be used after being reforged.

".....Oh well."

Mordred nodded stupidly, and after realizing the reaction, he immediately turned around and picked up the broken sword on the ground.

Since the holy sword was broken, she has no weapon at hand, and has been using an ordinary soldier's long sword in battle.

However, for Artoria, who has the blood of the red dragon, ordinary swords simply cannot withstand her magical power.

The swords were broken one after another, obviously they were very useful swords in other people's hands, but they could only be used as consumables for her.

Seeing my silly girl holding the broken sword in her arms, then trotting obediently to my side and standing still, coupled with that wet expression of crying or not, she is just as pitiful as a big dog that no one wants .

Don't make such an expression with that face like mine......

She shook her head helplessly, Artoria's voice was incredibly soft.

"Mordred, my daughter."

"I just suffered a serious injury and it's not life-threatening," she said.

"So." Arturia turned her head to look at Mordred, with a gentle smile in her green eyes, "Please don't worry too much, after all, these injuries just need to be recuperated for a while."

She tried her best to raise her hand to touch her daughter's hair, and then said with a smile, "It's a dereliction of duty as a father to make my child look like he's about to cry."

"Oh..., Father~"

Good guy, it was okay not to persuade him, but the corners of Mordred's eyes turned red when he persuaded him, and tears began to glisten in his eyes.


Forget it, just cry.

Arturia shook her head helplessly, then changed the subject.

"...Come quickly and help me."

Hearing his father's words, Mordred wiped away his tears, and gave a soft 'huh'.

She gently put Artoria's arm on her shoulders, just like that, and the two of them walked back slowly together.

On the way, Mordred changed from his usual carefree temper, and suddenly became a little silent.

Artoria glanced at her side face, feeling a little puzzled in her heart.

After all, it's rare to see Mordred looking so serious, and I feel strange that I'm not used to it.


Suddenly, Mordred called Artoria.

"Why didn't you draw your gun then?"

Her voice was serious and puzzled like never before, and it could be heard that she was really confused about this question.

"Although I was a little far away at the time, I saw it."

Mordred explained in a deep voice, "Your sword broke when you killed the first person. You obviously have another weapon. Why do you continue to fight with that broken sword?"



Arturia lowered her head and lowered her eyes, allowing the dusty hair on her forehead to cover her eyes, making it difficult to see her expression clearly.

After a long time, she replied in a low voice.

"I just don't want to lose my humanity."

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