After finishing speaking, she turned her head and glanced at the monster that was beheaded by herself and lay dead on the ground.

What she said was true.

Since the departure, in just a few days, there have been as many as eight tragedies of death due to monsters alone during the journey.

This is what she saw, and she was able to help out.

If the big is seen from the small, and the vast territory of Great Britain is considered, at this very moment, how many people have died and their families have been destroyed?

Artoria knew it, she who came from the future was actually well aware of the current situation.

The age of the gods has come to an end, and the mystery will eventually disappear, and the next will be the age of man, all of which have already been predestined by fate.

However, when times change, it is always dark, the magic power of the earth has already begun to become chaotic, and the magic power factors in the air are also restless.

Such a chaotic environment gave birth to many monsters, which were brutal and disorderly, wantonly killing all creatures except them.

Coupled with Britain's external and internal troubles, foreign races are eyeing each other and frequently wage wars, and domestic princes have frequent conflicts for their own interests.

The people of Britain live in dire straits all day long, which is enough to be called the people's desperation.

At this time, there is an urgent need for someone to stand up and end all this.

And Arturia was the one chosen to break the deadlock.

Because of its particularity and significance, King Arthur can weaken the chaos of magic power in the country as long as she is on the throne of the king, thereby greatly reducing the number of monsters.And other natural and man-made disasters caused by the chaos of magic.

The age of the gods will still disappear, and the age of man will eventually come.

As a symbol of the last age of the gods, King Arthur is an indispensable and important factor for the smooth transition of the era.

Therefore, it was not King Arthur himself who chose Britain, but Britain who chose King Arthur.


Artoria couldn't help but let out a long sigh, feeling an unprecedented heavy heart at this moment.

Together with Kai, they dragged the corpse of the monster to a distance to bury it, and then they turned and walked towards the campfire.

"Give you."

After receiving the dry food and water bags from Kai, Arturia put the long sword across her knees and began to deal with tonight's rations.

He chewed dryly the hard lump made of beans and miscellaneous grains in his mouth, and swallowed it with difficulty.

"It's unpalatable..."

Kai complained about the food in his hand with a bitter face, and Artoria fully agreed with this sentence [-]%.

"Secondly, no matter how many times you eat dry food, you can't get used to it."

No matter how complicated and heavy the mood is, it will shy away from such an annoying dinner.

The rough fiber rubs against the soft mouth and esophagus, and apart from the salty taste, only the fishy smell of the bean itself remains, and the weird taste is unbearable.

However, food means physical strength, so no matter how difficult it is to swallow, Arturia and Kai just complained a few words, then continued to frown, carefully chewing the food with a taste like sand, swallowing it well into the stomach.

After finally finishing their meal, both of them let out a long sigh of relief.

"....... If there is no accident tomorrow, the nearest village to us is only half a day away by horseback riding. It is really not easy. It would be nice if we can take a good rest in the village."

"This is also something that can't be helped. Too many things have happened along the way, and there is nothing to do if you are physically and mentally exhausted."

"It would be nice to have a good night's sleep, your brother and I are in a bad mood right now."

Leaning on the bonfire, the two of them chatted one after another, slowly killing time.

For a long time, it was late at night.

Drowsiness welled up, Kai yawned lazily.

"Al, I'm going to bed first, call me when the replacement is over."

The bonfire at night can easily attract some malicious beings, but after all, Kai and Artoria have martial arts, and self-protection is absolutely more than enough.

Sleeping in the wild, it is right to be careful in everything, so they all take turns to watch the night to spend the long night, and today is no exception.

Perhaps it was luck, but nothing unexpected happened that night.

As time passed, the distant sky slowly turned white, the orange-red sun rose slowly, and the sun once again shone on the earth, and the morning of the next day came.

After they were sober enough to wash up with the water in the water bag, they mounted their respective horses and headed towards the village mentioned last night.

Half a day's journey passed in the blink of an eye, Artoria was riding on the horse, and was lost in thought alone, when suddenly, she seemed to hear something in her ears.

The voice is a little far away, intermittent, and it's not very clear.

Arturia felt a little weird in her heart, so she hurriedly stopped Kai who was walking beside her.

After reining in the horse, she tilted her head and listened carefully for a moment, the expression on her face gradually became serious.

Suddenly, Artoria's face changed suddenly, and she hurriedly turned her head to explain the situation to Kai.

"Someone is calling for help!"

Although Kai has a carefree personality and a bit of a dissolute personality, he is undoubtedly a true knight.

Neither Kai nor Artoria could turn a blind eye to the call for help.

They looked at each other, and without speaking too much, the two turned their horses' heads in unison, and galloped away in the direction of the cry for help.

Following the sound of calling for help, they rushed all the way, and under the whip of the horse, the two rushed to the scene in a short time.

"Help..., help!"

Gert rolled and crawled all the way, terrified and trying to escape from the monster that was chasing after him.

The clothes on his body were already tattered during the chase and escape, and his body was covered with scars.

What's more terrible is that his right arm was scratched by the sharp claws of the monster, and he was bleeding profusely at this moment.

The situation is really too bad. If it weren't for the fact that Gert is a hunter with a strong body, he often hunts in the mountains on weekdays. He is familiar with the surrounding terrain and can deal with the slightly bulky monster. Otherwise, he would have been buried in Huangquan long ago.

"Come..., help me!"

He couldn't last much longer, the wound on his right arm was too severe, and if he didn't take care of it, he would bleed to death immediately.

The monster behind him was close at hand. Hearing the roar in his ear, Gert was full of despair.

He was not reconciled, his wife who was sick in bed was still waiting for him at home, as long as he hunted prey and exchanged it for money, he could afford medicine to treat his wife.

However..., however...

Thinking of his wife's gentle face, feeling the strong wind driven by the waving claws of the monster behind him.

He staggered suddenly and fell to the ground.

It's over, it's over.

Gert closed his eyes unwillingly, quietly waiting for death to come.

Right now.



what is this sound?

Am I not dead yet?

In the darkness, Gert, who had his eyes closed, suddenly heard such a passage in his ear.

"Please open your eyes, you have done a good job in facing monsters, please leave it to us."

The crisp voice is like a clear spring, flowing into the heart that has long been filled with despair.

Gert opened his eyes in response, and what caught his eyes was a scene that he would never forget in this life.

In front of him was the blond boy with a gentle smile like sunshine.

At this moment, he saw the god who saved the world in a trance.

Chapter 5 Tragedy

The collision of the blade and sharp claws made a piercing scream.

It looks like a vicious dog crawling out of hell. The monster, which is as tall as a person, grins its mouth to reveal fine fangs, and its eyes are huge and blood red.

It set off a gust of wind with its claws, and swung it fiercely at the uninvited guest who blocked it in front of it.

Kai stepped forward to stop it, and raised the long sword in his hand, defusing the fatal blow to the ordinary people.


A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the enraged monster, and a hungry tiger pounced on its hind legs. Its big mouth, which was still stained with blood and minced meat, bit Kai's head.

There was a sneer on his face, and Kai's hands holding the sword were as firm as a rock.

He held the sword high above his head, and only heard a shout, and a raging killing intent burst out from his body.

With the momentum of Mount Tai pressing down on the top, the long sword streaked across like a silver light.


But in one breath, the mighty monster that opened its teeth and danced its claws was split into two halves.

Sheath the sword.

With a sigh of relief, Kai turned to look at Orion's foster brother who was still comforting Orion.

"Al, how is he hurt?"

Arturia frowned, looked at the injury on the man's body with serious eyes, and quickly came to a conclusion.

"It's a bit tricky. His right arm is severely scratched and needs urgent treatment."

Hearing the serious voice of the savior in front of him, Gert finally recovered.

"I have! I have wound medicine with me!!"

After narrowly escaping from death just now, the energy that he had been raising in his heart also vented.

Gert reached out to touch the small leather bag slung across his waist, and while trying to adjust his breathing, he took out the wound medicine from the bag and handed it to the blond boy.

As a hunter, he has been hunting in the mountains all year round. In order to deal with various emergencies, he always carries wound medicine to stop bleeding in his bag.

Arturia hurriedly reached out to take it, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She and Kai traveled lightly and didn't bring much medicine with them, and the battle some time ago had already exhausted the medicine.

Just now she was still struggling with the problem of stopping the bleeding. After all, this place has nowhere to go, where can she find herbs that can stop the bleeding.

In order to divert the attention of the wounded, Arturia chatted with him while helping him treat the wound.

"My name is Arthur. The person behind me is my righteous brother Kai. We came here when we heard your cries for help."

It turned out to be the case.

Knowing the cause and effect, Gert was extremely grateful to the two of them.

He hurriedly said: "The two benefactors can just call me Gert. I am a hunter. I live in the village at the foot of the mountain. I am really grateful to the two of you for saving my life. If you didn't come in time, my this Fate is..."

Speaking of this, his voice could not help but choked up.

The following words can no longer be said.

After a few minutes.

Arturia briefly bandaged the wound, and she raised her head and asked in doubt: "It's not peaceful around here recently, why are you here by yourself?"

Gert sat leaning against a big tree, his brown beard glued into strands due to blood.

Hearing the benefactor's question, he raised his eyes to look at the two young men in front of him.

The clean armor and lingering demeanor on their bodies made it easy to see the status of these two knights at a glance.

Gert couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face: "You two knights, why don't I know how chaotic the world is now... But there is no way, my wife is sick in bed, but the family has There is no money to buy medicine and treat illnesses.”

Speaking of this, deep unwillingness and helplessness appeared on his face.

"I am a hunter who makes a living by hunting, and in order to collect money to buy medicine, I can only risk my life into the mountains and forests.

Thinking that as long as the prey is caught and sold for money, the wife will be able to hold on a little longer.

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