Heartbroken, he gritted his teeth and continued to speak, but this time there was an obvious tremor in his voice, "His Majesty the Emperor wants you to pay offerings to the Roman Empire, and also said..."

"What else?"

Artoria leaned her back on the throne, she sneered lightly, and motioned for the other party to finish speaking.

".......It was also said that Britain was a vassal of Rome a long time ago. If you are unwilling to obey the will and orders of His Majesty the Emperor, Rome will definitely send troops to impose sanctions on you and this land, and I will also use you as a typical example to warn all kings and princes."

Although his lips were still trembling, he spoke very quickly, as if he would be decapitated if he spoke a little slower.

But it can't really blame him for being timid.

You know, the anger in the eyes of the knights and nobles around him almost burned him to ashes.

If it weren't for King Arthur's suppression, they would have died and returned to the kingdom of heaven by now.

"Are you finished?"

Arturia asked lightly.

"Say...it's over."

The envoy lowered his head, his eyes stared straight at his toes, as if by doing so, he could escape from reality.

Like an ostrich that deceives itself, that appearance makes people laugh.

"Now that I've finished speaking, let me share my reply."

She stopped tapping her fingers on the armrest, and then stood up slowly.

"Go back and tell your emperor."

Her eyes, which were originally as clear as lake water, are now as deep as the sea, and the icy and stinging frost is reflected in them.

"I, King Arthur, have no obligation to bow to him. As for the tribute you mentioned, it is even more ridiculous."

"Also, remember to tell that Xia Lushi about it."

Arturia has completely abandoned her honorific title here.

"I will lead the strong and mighty British army on an expedition to Rome, and prepare him to be beaten like a dog."

After saying this, she stopped looking at the twelve envoys who were as frightened as quails.

He flicked his sleeves vigorously.

Directly opened the mouth and ordered, "Come here, throw them out of me, and let them leave my British land forever."

"Yes, my king!"

Mordred's eyes lit up, and she rushed out immediately, holding the long sword in her hand and waving, driving them out like driving a flock of sheep.

Of course, she also kicked a couple of times in the middle of the chaos, and cut their clothes and skin with the sword, causing them a little injury.

As for this trivial matter, ignore it.

You know, she, Mordred, is very vengeful.

And all of this was seen by Artoria, she shook her head helplessly and funny, and then pretended that she didn't see anything.

"...What is it all about?"

Sighing softly, she muttered to herself.

After the envoys from Rome were kicked out of the palace by them, Artoria sat back on the throne again, and looked at her courtiers with probing eyes.

"Everyone, you heard what those people said just now. Britain has been underestimated to such an extent."

The majesty of the king was provoked, and under the burning anger, her eyes were stained with vermilion.

"from now on."

Artoria said word by word, "Food, supplies, military supplies..."

Since they want to punish Britain, let Britain punish them first! "

King Arthur raised his voice, and everyone who heard it could feel her fighting spirit and anger.

"The war has begun. As I told them before, our British army will crush Rome."

Chapter 70 The King's scabbard is lost again! (Why should I say again?)

Artoria has been in a bad mood all day today.

She walked up and down the room a little restlessly, sometimes pacing, sometimes sighing, she just felt like there was a raging fire in her heart, and she couldn't find an outlet to vent it.

This state has been going on for two hours.

Although she tried very hard to calm her boredom, but the results were somewhat ineffective.

In the room.

Accompanied by waves of erratic footsteps, what surged through Arturia's uncalmable emotions was the hot air that was about to swell into balls of heat.

When she was finally tired from walking, she stopped and raised her head to look at the distant sky.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the time was already approaching dusk.

In the sky, thick black clouds were rolling up and down, covering up the scarlet eyes just now, as if they were about to fall down, depressing as if the whole world was silent.

"Have I thought about it that long?"

Artoria's eyes were in a trance, and she suddenly had a feeling of time travel.

The indifferent wind shuttled fiercely, causing occasional exclamations from people in the palace.

roses, lilies, tulips......

The weak little flowers and grasses have already surrendered to the ground tremblingly.

This is exactly when the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!

The weather at this time seemed to correspond to the haze in her heart, making her mood even heavier.

Just this morning, Arturia's scabbard was lost.

Without any warning at all, it just disappeared suddenly.

Although the king does not never leave his sword and scabbard, he still puts them where he can see them.

But this time, it was just a flash of God's effort, and when she came back to her senses, she found that the scabbard was gone.

It's almost like hitting a ghost.

Of course, Arturia knew very well that it was impossible to hit a ghost.

Someone must have used magic to steal it from under his nose.

Regarding this point, she checked the crime scene carefully after the incident, and she could indeed feel the flow of magic power.

It stands to reason that as long as you trace the direction of the flow of magic power, you can find the thief who stole things.

Although the thief used some methods to cover up his whereabouts, as long as Arturia was given three days, she could locate the criminal's traces through the residual magic power.

However, it was such a simple thing that Artoria couldn't do it at this moment.

The reason is simple, because she doesn't have that much time anymore.

Early tomorrow morning, King Arthur will set out with his army to conquer Rome.

Then it's embarrassing.

Merlin is not in the palace now, and he doesn't know where the flower magician went to wander.

And Morgan got into his own laboratory again, and he didn't know when he would come out.

As for the other magicians at court......

Come on, their standards are not as high as Arturia herself.

Thinking of this, Artoria couldn't help sighing softly.

She closed her eyes with a headache, reached out and rubbed her temples, feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

It seems that no matter what, the scabbard will not be found in a short time.


That's it, that's it.

Merlin himself can't count on it. It seems that he should put all his hopes on Morgan.

Arturia thought happily in bitterness, "... I just hope that Miss Wang, who was interrupted from her research, will have a better temper and show mercy to spare her own life." '

She needs to go out now. After all, it's not too late for this matter. If it is delayed, some bad accidents will easily happen.

If it really got to that point, it would be a big trouble.

Before leaving, she looked back at the distant sky again.


The appearance of raindrops like silk chains and the sound of raindrops falling to the ground are clear to the ears.

Before I knew it, it was raining.

Although Arturia was depressed and anxious, this emotion was only aimed at the point where someone dared to steal her things so boldly, and let them succeed.

Really very upset.

Stealing successfully under the king's nose was like slapping Artoria in the face.

As for finding the lost scabbard, she hadn't worried about it from the beginning.

Don't try to hide the evidence, because the evidence will eventually be revealed.

The criminal's hiding method was not clever, and he left a lot of clues at the scene that could be traced.

In fact, Artoria even felt that the prisoner didn't want to hide himself at all, but just wanted to delay the time.

She can swagger in and out of the palace, possesses magic power and magic that can deceive her, plus she knows the whereabouts of King Arthur very well.

Arturia squinted her eyes, and several figures flashed in her mind, and several of them were members of the Knights of the Round Table.

Who on earth is it?

And why do you want to do this?

That's really curious, isn't it.

While thinking about it, she had already arrived outside the door of Morgan's magic workshop.

Standing outside the door, she looked up and down the black door.

In fact, Arturia has always been a little puzzled. There are so many colors to choose from in this world. Why do these magicians love dark colors so much when they make magic workshops?

Wei Zai strange also.

Shaking his head, he pushed these complicated thoughts out of his mind.

Taking a deep breath, there was a trace of firmness in the green eyes.

Reach out and knock on the door.

"—boom, boom, boom."

No more, no less, a total of three.

However, there seemed to be no one in the room, only silence.

This is a normal phenomenon, and Artoria didn't expect Morgan to show up as soon as she knocked on the door.

It's not the genie in Aladdin's magic lamp, who can appear after three delays, and then fulfill all your wishes.

She lowered her eyebrows slightly, without any trace of impatience in her heart, she just kept knocking on the black door.

Of course she could break in directly, but if she did that, Morgan would definitely 'kill' her in a rage.

That kind of thing is scary to think about.

But this is really too slow. If it's just a simple knock on the door, I don't know when Morgan will notice it.

Therefore, while knocking on the door, she released her own magic power and tentatively attached to the magic workshop.

But this time, there was finally a reaction. With a bang, the pitch-black door was kicked open from the inside out.

Morgan glared around, as if there were raging flames in those beautiful eyes, and a dark and distorted air pressure exuded from his whole body.

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