Because after a week........

The brown-haired female knight was discovered by King Arthur who happened to come to inspect, and then packed her into the knight order.

What a joy, a joy.

Chapter 87 Going through the back door is so confident

In the empty conference room, King Arthur and her round table knights sat around a round table.

"Everyone, do you have any opinions?"

Arturia sat on her chair, looking down at the knights beside her.

She cleared her throat and said.

"As I said just now, because of Mordred, our round table knights have lost one member."

"It has to be said that this is a very regrettable thing."

Arturia watched the knights nodding, and then continued.

"But this doesn't stop us. Since one knight is missing, we just need to make up for one more."


Agguwen frowned, and he looked at King Arthur helplessly, "It's true, but where can we find qualified knights?"

"Yeah, it's not easy to find." Gao Wen beside him echoed.

"It's nothing."

Arturia knocked on the round table in front of her, and said to the knights, "I don't know if you have heard of the famous Aurora Knight in the Knights recently?"


Bedivere lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, my king, I have heard of her name."

However, except for Bedivere who said he knew her, the other round table knights all looked at each other in blank dismay.

They said helplessly that they did not know this knight named Aurora.

This scene is also expected.

Arturia stretched out her hand and pressed down, signaling to everyone to be calm.

"Bedwell, since you know, then tell everyone about this knight."

She turned her head to her court steward, and ordered him to come and explain to those present.

"Yes, my king."

Then, the handsome young man with beige hair stood up, and then turned to face the knights of the round table.

"The Aurora Knight."

He paused, "It was a young female knight who joined the Knights two weeks ago."


Gareth's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to ask Bedivere.

"Yes, Lord Gareth."

Bedivere smiled, then nodded.

"That would be really nice."

Gareth clapped his hands happily. You must know that she is the only girl among the knights of the round table. Although she doesn't care about it, she will be lonely occasionally.

'Maybe we can be friends, not necessarily...'

'It would be better if she had a better temper, not as bad-tempered as Mordred. '

Gareth looked forward to it with starry eyes.

"This knight seems to like to challenge others very much. In the past two weeks, all capable people in the entire knight order have lost to her."

"That's not ladylike at all..."

Katie shrugged exaggeratedly when she heard this.

"Is it true that girls who choose to become knights are all so cruel?"


Gareth was not happy to hear him say that. She slapped the table with her little hand and gave Kay an angry look.

"I'm still here, be careful what you say!"

Kai made a grimace at Gareth, then clenched his fists begging for mercy and shook them up and down twice.

"Okay, don't make trouble."

Artoria helped her forehead helplessly, and hurriedly stopped this little farce.

Seeing that everyone was quiet again, she turned around and nodded to Bedivere, "Go ahead."

"I respect Wang's decision."

The beige-haired young man stroked his chest with his right hand and bowed slightly, then continued, "All in all, this knight has been very high-profile these days."

"According to the news, Aurora once told others that her goal is to become a Knight of the Round Table, so she worked so hard to improve herself and challenge others."

"The above is what I know about this knight."

Having said that, he looked at Artoria.

"Very well, sit down."

The blond king nodded and let him sit back.

"It's just like what Sir Bedweed said."

"I also went to observe her practice, and found that this knight of Aurora does have the potential to become a knight of the round table."

Having said that, she paused, and then glanced at everyone present.

"Just a few days ago, I had already moved my mind and wanted her to fill the seat and officially become a member of the Knights of the Round Table."

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Although King Arthur asked so, all the knights of the round table knew that when the king said so, it meant that he had made this decision a long time ago.

"Of course no problem."

Tristan was the first to say so.

As soon as these words came out, all the knights began to nod in agreement as if a switch had been pressed.

"I'm fine."

"No comment..."

"In that case." Arturia nodded in satisfaction, "Then, at noon tomorrow, I will let this Aurora knight come to the training ground, so don't be late."

"Will any of you be willing to end and meet this lady knight?"

"Ah this..."

The male knights looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they were all knights, they were men after all. If they ended up at that time, would they be suspected of bullying?

Watching them falter, no one is willing to take this job.

Artoria rolled her eyes silently, and immediately began to reach out and roll her name.

"Kay, Bowes, Tristan."

"It's just the three of you, and you will be her examiners when the time comes."

Now that King Arthur has spoken, he dare not disobey the king's order.

So the three knights of the round table looked at each other, finally nodded, and accepted the job.

"I have a question, my lord."

Suddenly, Awen Qiqi spoke, "This knight named Aurora, do you know her identity?"

This is indeed a problem, because the knights of the round table are the king's confidantes, and it must be ensured that there are no malicious people among them.

"I've done some research on this matter."

Artoria froze for a moment, then smiled at him.

"Please rest assured that her background is very innocent."

While talking, Artoria said silently in her heart.

'What's the point of innocence? Aren't you all artificial humans made by Morgan, and then they all packed up and stuffed here. '

"all in all....."

Artoria stood up from her chair, making a final summary of the meeting.

"Everyone, let us look forward to the arrival of tomorrow. I hope that this knight of Aurora can live up to everyone's expectations and join us."


As she spoke, she waved her robe, turned around and left.

And all the Knights of the Round Table behind them were all in order, kneeling respectfully on one knee and saying, "Here is my respectful farewell to my king."

Chapter 88 The beautiful young lady is so fierce that she can knock out her teeth

Noon the next day.

Arturia raised her head to look at the sun above her head, which was particularly eye-catching in this spring.

"My lord, the time has come."

Bedivere whispered in her ear.

Nodding her head, Artoria retracted her gaze, and then moved her gaze to the center of the training ground.

On the empty training ground, all the knights of the round table had gathered at this time.

All of their gazes more or less fell on the brown-haired knight girl standing in the middle of the training ground.

The young girl was beautiful, even in front of the king at this time, she still smiled brightly, without showing the slightest fear. (I am so happy to see my father.)

She has a freshness that is different from others.

After seeing her for the first time, all the Knights of the Round Table nodded in their hearts. At least this first impression was good.

"The Aurora Knight."

Arturia cleared her throat, and said loudly.

"Just like the notification you received before, I affirm your strength here. At this stage, there is a shortage of one knight of the round table. If today, you can get the approval of nearly half of the knights of the round table present, then... …”

King Arthur's voice was loud and solemn, "You will be appointed by me, the new Knight of the Round Table."

As soon as this sentence is said, it is obvious that Aurora's face has a surprised expression (pretend).

"Your Majesty, I am delighted to have this opportunity today."

A very bright smile appeared on her face, "Please believe me, my performance will not disappoint everyone present."

Very good, very spirited.

Artoria nodded, then turned to look at Cavalier Kai.

"In that case, it's not too late."

She stretched out her hand, then pointed at the righteous brother among the knights who was trying to shrink his existence.

"Let Kaiqing make a good start for this first competition."


It was obvious that he could hear the sound of his stepbrother smacking his tongue, but Arturia didn't care about it at all.

Based on his understanding of Kai, he just found it troublesome.

Sure enough, Kai sighed softly, then took the long sword in his hand, and walked to the opposite side of Aurora.

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