The girl knight slanted to the wall behind her, and she folded her arms and said, "Since your reason is that you want to get along with me, it's an act, and you have to act that way for me."

"I don't want my father to be disappointed, so you take responsibility for me." Mordred gritted his teeth and said in a half-joking, half-threatening tone.

"........I see."

Guinevere suddenly laughed happily, the haze in her eyes slowly dissipated, and finally became dazzling and eye-catching.

"Then, Mordred."

Her Royal Highness the Queen of Britain said in a soft and cheerful voice.

"I will ask you to teach me more in the future."

Seeing the other party's bright and bright smile, Mordred couldn't help being slightly taken aback.


She reconfirmed one thing, that the other party was really a strange woman, a completely different existence from Morgan.

After a long time, she turned her head slightly, and responded with erratic eyes. "Oh, please teach me a lot."

The tips of her reddish ears were hidden in her hair, and her tone was awkward and shy.

Leave of absence (1/2 day)

Sorry, cuties, I have to ask for leave again in the last two days.

Due to personal reasons, I have been too busy recently, I hope everyone understands, I will definitely write well in the past few days!


Just wait until after July 7th.

Before the update on July 7, I can only give you such a guarantee.

I, try, measure, will, add, oil, yes!

I also don't want to keep sending leave notes, so if I don't update before the 17th, please accept that I ask for leave.

Love you(?????) chirp?????

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The mottled time of the past is like dew dripping from the tip of a leaf in the morning, scattered on the dusty ground.

The earth turns from green to golden, and finally covered with snow. When the birds flap their wings to bring spring, another year has passed.

So many times of reincarnation, spring and autumn come, and the leaves in front of the door do not know how many times they fell.

When the time freezes, King Arthur of Britain suddenly realizes that his time is running out.

Life is like a giant hourglass.

And in the hourglass belonging to Artoria, there is very little sand left in it.

Presumably when the last grain of sand drips down, the magical era belonging to King Arthur will come to an end.

The early warning brought by somewhere reminded her that time was running out.

Artoria began to feel urgent.

She began to delegate power as much as possible, and handed over power to people she trusted.

In her spare time, she always goes to sit with her sister from time to time, and chats with Morgan in various places.

Say whatever comes to mind, and when she gets tired of talking, even if she just shuts up and stays with Morgan, she doesn't feel embarrassed at all.

She also became more attached to Guinevere.

Intimate physical contact is more frequent, and the love words that are boring to death come as if they don't need money.

Whenever Her Royal Highness turned her head, she could see her husband looking at her affectionately with those emerald green eyes.

The ardent love contained in her eyes always makes her blush and heartbeat, making her shy.

But for Mordred, Artoria has become more and more loving.

During this time, she would touch her daughter's head from time to time, then stand there and look at Mordred with gratified eyes, and finally let out a satisfied sigh from the corner of her mouth.

And the appearance of the father made the young knight always shy and want to blow her hair.

All three of them saw Artoria's change.

Although they were slightly uncomfortable with this sudden abnormality, they still chose to accept everything silently.

Because they also understand that these actions are only because of the leaf that represents King Arthur's life, and it will fall to the ground in a short time.

Fingers are wide and time is thin.

Suddenly, time flies.

On a spring afternoon, Artoria found Guinevere.


The blond king wore a pale blue lining, a silver-white armor, and a low ponytail tied behind his head with a blue ribbon.

Her faintly blue eyes are like emeralds soaked in the snow water on Tianshan Mountain at this moment, clear and pure.

"Would you like to go out with me for a walk?"

When she asked Guinevere in a low voice, at that moment, Her Royal Highness seemed to understand something in an instant.

——The time has come.

In this way, Artoria took the reins of Stallion and left Camelot with Guinevere.

They didn't rush on the road, they took a rest when they were tired, and stopped to play when they saw something interesting, just like a trip that was just a walk away.


The only difference from the kind of whimsical, instant travel is that their destination has always been clear.

On this day, by a lake deep in a certain forest.

Artoria and Guinevere were silent with each other, and the entire forest seemed to be able to read the atmosphere between them, appearing more and more peaceful and remote.

Then a few gusts of wind oncoming...  

After a long time, Guinevere said, "...Al, why did you bring me here?"

In response to his wife's question, Arturia couldn't help clenching her hands into fists.

She took a deep breath, and finally answered Guinevere's question with difficulty, "I came here to throw my sworn victory sword into the lake."

When she uttered these words, her eyes shifted nervously, and her body was as stiff as steel.

Artoria really didn't know how to face her wife, at this moment, any words were so feeble.

Because not long after the end of this journey, she once told Guinevere one thing: —— When King Arthur returned the sword of vowed victory in his hand, it meant her fate It will also come to an end.

The expression on Her Highness the Queen's face when she heard those words is something that Artoria will never forget.

What kind of sadness is that?

It's like a person standing in the barren desert, looking around, his eyes are full of desolation.

It's like you rush forward with full of hope, but finally find that there is only a cliff at the end.

It's like a plump and bright flower that was bent by a sudden storm and its petals were decayed.

At that moment, the starlight in Guinevere's eyes shattered with her words.

And now......

The great King Arthur will cover the starlight with black mist and mottled again with his own hands.

This was not what she wanted to see, but it was something she had to do.

The power of words, the sword of action.

Artoria is about to use her words and actions at this moment to stab the invisible sword fiercely into Guinevere's beating heart that loves her.

"...Are you leaving me?"

Her Royal Highness turned her head, the azure blue pupils were filled with mist, like the most beautiful and delicate glass flower in the world, her voice was trembling but calm.

"You and I came out of Camelot and came all the way to this lake, in fact, to throw the sword into the lake, right?"

Using the most flat tone and speaking the most desperate words, such a wife made Artoria feel unbearable.

Taking a deep breath, she mustered up the courage to stand beside Guinevere.

"The magic factor on the earth is getting less and less, and today, the mystery of the whole of Britain has dissipated."

Artoria opened her mouth, and continued with a difficult voice, "The existence of King Arthur has become a burden to the current world..."

She was silent for a while, the emerald green and the azure blue faced each other, and the forest collided with the sea.

"Therefore, there is no need for King Arthur to survive."

After the last word of this sentence came out of her mouth, Artoria clearly saw two rows of crystal clear teardrops flashing across her wife's face.

.........she cried.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Guinevere didn't want to cry at first, but emotion is not something that can be controlled if it can be controlled.

Even if she knew the fact that her husband was going to die a long time ago, even if she felt that she had already made up her mind about it.

But when the real thing came to an end, she realized that all the psychological construction she had done before was crushed like thin paper.

Like bubbles and mirages, everything is unreal.

"I know........."

Guinevere tried her best to calm her trembling voice, but it was in vain.

"I'm not trying to mess around, it's just, just..."

His lips twitched several times, but he couldn't speak the next sentence.

just what?

She knew very well in her heart that she was just very sad and reluctant.

There is a kind of weather in this world called cloudy days, and there is a kind of feeling in cloudy days called loneliness and loneliness.

Although the sky above her head was warm and bright now, the sky in her heart was covered with long leaden gray clouds.

Guinevere's world is now clouded over.

"Gui Ni, I'm very sorry."

The blond king lowered his brows and eyes, his heroic and delicate face was full of sadness.

"This is the ending I chose. From the moment I drew the sword of choosing the king, my fate was already doomed."

Tears blurred Guinevere's eyes, and under the refraction of the tears in the sunlight, she saw the lake-colored eyes of her husband who was close at hand.

Arturia reached out and gently wiped away his wife's tears, then cupped her cheeks with both palms.

"Please let me see your smile, you know, your smile is the most precious treasure in this world to me."

Her husband's palm covered half of her face, and the warmth from his palm could be heard clearly, making Her Royal Highness feel so sad that she wanted to cry.


Be strong.

At least at this moment, she didn't want her husband to only see her crying face in the last time.

So you have to smile.

Thinking of this, Guinevere stretched out her hands and slowly covered the back of Artoria's hands.

Although the eyes are still surrounded by spring rain, although the face is still pale.

But she still raised a bright and eye-catching smile towards her husband.

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