Time is like snowflakes, when you hold it in your palm, it melts in your hand in an instant.

When Artoria finished drinking the tea in the cup, put down the book in her hand, and looked up at the clock, it was already noon.

It's time for lunch at this point.

She is a heroic spirit, because it is not necessary to eat, so in order to save money, she usually does not eat breakfast directly.

After all, with her appetite, if she eats three meals a day normally, her meager salary is not enough at all.

Therefore, for the sake of long-term development, Artoria can only reluctantly cut off a meal.

Every time she thinks of this, she can't help but want to shed bitter tears for herself. When did King Arthur of Britain get into such a state?

Put on a white shirt and a blue skirt.

After looking at her own image in the mirror and making sure there was nothing wrong, she opened the door and planned to go for food.

As for why she doesn't cook for herself......

As I said before, this house doesn't have a kitchen at all, not to mention that Artoria's craftsmanship can only be said to be a little better than Guinevere's.

We have already entered the modern society, and there are so many choices of food, if you still want to eat your own meals......

It can only be said that life is not that bad, so there is no need to be so harsh on yourself.

Walking on the street, Arturia seriously thought about what to eat for lunch at noon today.

Sometimes this is the case. When there are too many choices, it is not easy to make a choice.

This may be the legendary happy distress.

Her expression was so serious that every passer-by who passed by her, while marveling at her beauty, would feel a little bit of doubt in their hearts.

Has this girl encountered any difficulties that cannot be solved?

After all, with such a serious expression, it is really hard not to make people suspicious.

Fortunately, there are very few people with mind-reading superpowers in this academy city.

Otherwise, if people know that this beautiful blonde girl has such a serious expression, just because she is thinking about whether to go to McDonald's or to eat ramen for a while, she will definitely feel extremely speechless.

While walking, Artoria suddenly stopped.

She looked forward and found that there was a circle of cleaning robots less than three meters in front of her.

Logically speaking, this is a very common sight in Academy City, and there is no need for her to pay special attention to it.

But there are exceptions to everything. The group of robots are cleaning something at an ultra-fast frequency, and it seems that there is some large-scale dirt that is difficult to remove.

But Arturia was able to clearly see the innermost scene, where a person was lying there.

Chapter 26 Oh my god, you must be an angel

This scene is indeed a bit strange.

After coming to Academy City for such a long time, Artoria thinks she has learned some common sense well.

For example, this drum cleaning robot, although it is not clear what the principle is, but its cleaning power is obvious to all.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if you mix the garbage on the asphalt road to dry together, this robot can uproot you.

This shows how strong its cleaning ability is.

However, that person was lying in the middle of a group of cleaning robots, and was being cleaned up as garbage so vigorously that he didn't even respond to it in the slightest.

If it weren't for Artoria's ears to be able to hear the other party's breathing, she almost thought the other party was dead.

Without any hesitation, she walked in that direction as soon as she turned her footsteps.

Being treated like this by the robot and lying on the ground without saying a word, maybe the other party is in some trouble, if possible, she hopes that she can help the other party.

Isn't it natural for a knight to lend a helping hand to those in need?

The distance of three meters is a matter of two or three steps.

Artoria stretched out her hand and pushed the robots aside, she glanced down, and when she saw the image of that person, she couldn't help but a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Silver and white, when people see her for the first time, they will notice the distinctive clothing and hair color.

It was a very beautiful silver-haired girl.

But this is not the point of Artoria's surprise, the point is the clothes worn by the silver-haired girl, which is a nun's costume that is incompatible with Academy City, which advocates science.

this kid...

Is it a nun?

She thought carefully about the memories in her mind, but she couldn't think of any church nearby.


Suddenly, a weak sound from the ground brought her back to her thoughts.

The girl on the ground looked very bad. She clutched her belly tightly with her left hand and opened her eyes with difficulty.

The situation of the other party made her look terrified. Could it be that her stomach is uncomfortable?

Thinking of this, Arturia quickly squatted down, pursed her lower lip, and said to the other party in a hurried voice, "Please cheer up, I will call an ambulance right away!"

As she spoke, she quickly took out the terminal from her pocket. In such an emergency, there must be no delay.

But just as she turned on the terminal and was about to enter the emergency number, the silver-haired girl stretched out a hand tremblingly and grabbed her skirt.

"Excuse me, what's the matter? Is it almost unbearable?"

This move of the other party made her body tense up even more. Could it be that the girl's condition has deteriorated?

Just when she was considering whether to hug the girl directly and run all the way to the hospital, the other party suddenly opened her mouth and said weakly, "Hungry..."


Her extraordinary hearing allowed her to clearly hear what the other party said, but it was precisely because she heard what the other party said clearly that she felt so unbelievable.

"...I'm hungry,.... rice...."

That extremely weak appearance made people feel that she was about to ascend to heaven in the next second.

Poor and funny.


For two seconds, Artoria really didn't know what kind of expression she should use to face this ridiculous scene.

She lowered her head speechlessly, and she fixedly looked into the other person's eyes.

No wonder it is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Those green pupils, which are the same color as Arturia, expressed their true inner thoughts even though the owner did not speak, 'Please give me food. '


Sighing helplessly, Arturia resigned herself to helping the little silver-haired girl up

Even though she is cash-strapped now, she can still afford it if it's just a meal.

Taking a sneak peek at the other party, this young girl really doesn't look like much food.

Even if she can eat a lot, it is still a normal person's appetite.

after all.........

It can be said that there are very few people in this world who have the stomach of a red dragon like Arturia.

"Are you ok?"

She paused with some hesitation, and then continued, "If you can still get up, I can treat you to a meal."

As soon as the words were spoken, the other party straightened up and stood up.

In Artoria's stunned expression, the silver-haired girl held her hands and looked at her excitedly as if there were little stars in her eyes.

"You want to invite me to dinner, is it true?!"

With such a lively appearance, there is absolutely no way for people to connect with the girl who was paralyzed on the ground a second ago and who is extremely weak and is about to ascend to heaven.

I always feel like I've been lied to...

However, Artoria is a person who keeps her word. As a king, she is responsible for every word she says.

Although the nun seemed to be a liar, she probably promised herself this meal, and she would keep her promise no matter what.

And the most important thing is that this young lady really doesn't seem to eat a lot.

If you just go to eat ramen, your wallet can still withstand it.

Thinking of this, Artoria put away her surprised expression, nodded solemnly, and said loudly.

"It's true, I can treat you to ramen."

"My God, you must be an angel!"

Hearing her affirmative answer, the silver-haired girl's expression became even more excited. She let go of her hand, closed her eyes, folded her hands together and began to pray.

"Lord, thank you for your kindness, allowing this unknown girl to appear in front of me, so that I can fill my stomach and not starve to death, amen."

With such a devout look, Arturia seemed to be able to see the holy light shining behind her.


However, why should I thank the Lord, obviously I was the one who invited you to dinner, okay? !

Shouldn't you be thanking me? ?

A heavy sigh overflowed from the corner of her mouth again, and she even wondered if she shouldn't ask for leave today...

Standing up, Artoria straightened her wrinkled clothes with her hands, and then she turned to glance at the silver-haired girl.

"...Since you are so hungry, let's go quickly."

Chapter 27 British Puritans come to check the water meter

The blond girl walked in front of her.

The upright back looks elegant and graceful, and the blue headband pulls up her long hair behind her head, reflecting each other with her fair neck.

Gold, blue, and white, these colors also happen to be the impression left by girls.

Gold is noble, blue is mysterious, and white is pure.

The girl walked on the street, leaving the brightest color for this summer.

But in the eyes of the silver-haired girl, this amazing beauty is not as important as a bowl of ramen at this time.

After all, a beauty can only look at but not eat, and no matter how beautiful she is, she can't fill her stomach. In the final analysis, eating enough is the real king.

"Hey, my name is Index, good-hearted man, what's your name?"

The girl trotted for two steps, and then caught up with the figure in front of her.

There was curiosity in her eyes, and she said to the other party with great interest at this time, "As long as you tell me your name, I will pray to the merciful Lord for you for two seconds every day."


Only two seconds?

You might as well not pray for me at this moment.

I always feel like I have picked up some big/trouble......

Sighing helplessly, she turned her head and reported her name to the girl.

"My name is Arturia Pendragon, you can call me Liya."

"Yeah, so it's Liya."

Index nodded in a serious manner, but in the next second, she seemed to think of something, and she froze in place.

The girl behind her stopped suddenly, which made Artoria, who had been paying attention to Index, also stop. She turned sideways to look at him, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you?"

However, what responded to her inquiry was a sudden yell from the other party.

"and many more!"

Index's movements were so fast that the passers-by who were onlookers only felt a blur before their eyes, and the silver-haired nun came in front of the blond girl.

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