"You're not a man?"

Mu Xitong glanced at Wei Tu, and glanced at the parts below Wei Tu's waist and abdomen very expressively.

Wei Tu coughed and sat up straighter.

"Of course I am. By the way, what was the starting point?"

"What did the ancestor tell you?"

"Oh, it's really nothing, that is to say, I am the star of the future, the hope of Yuan Jianzong, the only person who has both ability and political integrity in the five immortal continents, and my existence... Hey, sister Xitong , I haven't finished talking yet, why are you going?"

Mu Xitong got up and walked to his bedroom.

"I'm going to vomit, you continue to talk."

"……Good for you."

Wei Tu shook his head amusedly and continued to tinker with this broken medicine stove.

And in the Baoguang Hall at this very moment.

"Sect Master, the burial can be carried out tomorrow... Do you really want all the disciples to pay their respects to the ancestor's body?"

Yuan Wei, who was below, looked at this woman who seemed to have not changed much and was as cool and beautiful as ever.

A trace of irritability flashed across Ran Xinxue's heart.

Still paying homage to the remains...how to pay homage?Heads are blown!Let people see the headless female corpse?Not afraid to scare the little ones...

She shook her head.

"That's not necessary. The ancestor's wish is to keep everything simple, so there is no need to make a big show. It is enough for you elders to be present, and then a proper burial is the best mourning for the ancestor."

"En... Got it. By the way, suzerain, there is a letter from the country of Shang, specially for suzerain to read it in person."

"Shang Guo...?"

Ran Xinxue flashed a trace of doubt.

Yuan Wei nodded.

"The letter says it is urgent. It may be that Shang Guo has encountered a problem that extraordinary people can solve, so you need to read it yourself."

Ran Xinxue nodded, and took a letter from Yuan Wei.

Then opened it, and saw a few lines of beautiful handwriting.

Can't help frowning slightly.

"Witch Gu..."

Ran Xinxue quickly put away the letter.

Yuan Wei was a little confused by this battle.


Ran Xinxue seemed to be in a daze with her hair lowered, but her eyes were constantly changing.

She is thinking of many things.

Then gradually brought back a smile.

"It's okay, I understand, this is a trivial matter, just let the disciples of the sect go there."

Yuan Wei was stunned.

"This... is an urgent matter, just let the disciples go?"

Ran Xinxue nodded.

"Of course, not only that, I have even thought about the candidate."


"Wei Tu."

"Ah Qi!"

The boy rubbed his nose.

A look of disgust.

"Is this yin and yin grass so aggressive?" PS: Add more, add more~ This chapter is actually a trailer, and it is one of the main plots of this volume, but there are still a few chapters that are excessive and will not connect So fast.Let's have a daily routine first.Take it easy.

2 disobedient slaves

"Are you comfortable?"

"It's okay, your skills are getting better and better."

"It's not because sister Xitong is good at teaching. A man's technical progress cannot be separated from a woman's careful cultivation."

"It's nice to say, but you've made me famous for putting such a heavy hand on me..."

"This is pure injustice. Sister Xitong, your skin is so good that it will look rosy with a little force. It's not my fault at all. It doesn't matter who you call it."

"Oh, it doesn't matter who you call? Then who do you want to call... um... it hurts, you keep saying that anyone can do it, but I can't stand it anymore?"

"Of course, whether it's a man's selfishness or a good brother's sense of responsibility, how can I have the heart to let others do such an errand?"

"Let go."

Wei Tu let go of his hand and stopped dredging the opponent's meridians.

With Mu Xitong's current physical fitness, it is best to maintain this kind of dredging of the meridians once every seven days.

It doesn't matter if her body is more compact, the main reason is...it's easy for her to be overwhelmed, and sooner or later she will be hollowed out!

Dredging the meridians requires too much breath. If it wasn't for a monster like Wei Tu who has a strong inner breath and doesn't care about the limitations of the realm, it would be someone else who would have exhausted his energy... No, he would have turned into a mummy long ago.

But as soon as Wei Tu let go, Mu Xitong fell limply into the boy's arms as if he had lost his bones.

Her body was dripping with her fragrance, it wasn't a bad feeling, on the contrary, the fragrance in the other party's body was permeated.

And the delicate skin was right in front of his eyes, as if delicious food had been served, but Wei Tu couldn't directly open his mouth to taste it.

Mu Xitong needed to rest, she was panting heavily, and seemed to have no strength to speak.

Wei Tu just sat there quietly, without any other offensive actions.

Until Mu Xitong stood up, came out of Wei Tu's arms, and walked behind the screen.

So Wei Tu could see the looming figure behind the screen.

She couldn't see the delicate skin and her blushing face at this moment, only the graceful shadow could be seen.


She took off her dress, and the shadow bent over to take off her obscene pants, and the clothes she took off would appear on the screen one by one.

Wei Tu always felt very tormented, he could indeed go out immediately to escape this silent temptation.

But I really can't bear to appreciate it.

The figure of the woman who took off her clothes is actually the same, but because I know she must be naked now, I have a strange emotion in my heart. It is an impulse that makes Wei Tu want to stand directly. Behind the screen, but he couldn't do that.

The relationship between the two seems to be very delicate, and it seems that they have had a lot of intimate contact, but it is not the situation with Su Mi and Jiang Ying at all.

This kind of temptation is not so much a hint as a test. As for why there is a test... God knows, women just like to test men.

Finally, Mu Xitong's perfect and alluring figure finally entered the bathtub, and Wei Tu heaved a sigh of relief.

This stuff is too challenging.

After calming down, Wei Tu and Mu Xitong said a few words across the screen, and then Wei Tu left each other's bedroom. It was true that they couldn't stay any longer, otherwise when Mu Xitong came out of the shower, Wei Tu wouldn't know what he was doing. Can you still be a person.

But not long after sitting alone outside the Yaowang Pavilion——

"Senior brother."

Wei Tu turned around by the lake and looked at the girl standing under the maple tree.

Just like every time I see it.

She is like a weak grass, alone in the desert, as if she was the only one lonely and weak, but she survived tenaciously, her existence did not seem to carry any other subsidiary meaning, she Being is just being.

Like a snowflake falling alone in summer.

It is the most unique existence in this huge world.

And every time he saw her staring at him, Wei Tu felt as if he was embraced and loved by another independent world.

This is a kind of flattering happiness. Every time he thinks of having such a senior sister, Wei Tu feels as if he has a secret that he doesn't want to tell anyone, but only wants to keep it alone.


Wei Tu smiled.

The girl who still looked expressionless stood in front of the boy and looked up at him.

Then tiptoe.

He tried his best to reach out to touch the top of Wei Tu's head, but it seemed a bit difficult.

So Wei Tu squatted down a little.


Jiang Ying touched the boy's head as she wished.

Then he said with some relief: "The younger brother has grown taller again."

Wei Tu couldn't help but laugh.

"Sister, do you want to do this kind of thing?"

Jiang Ying shook her head.

"No, Master asked you to go to Baoguang Hall. She and several elders are already waiting for you there."

As soon as Wei Tu heard this sentence, he probably guessed it.

"It's not the master's decision, is it the suzerain's?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be."

Jiang Ying replied.

So Wei Tu guessed that there was something to be entrusted to him... But what must be entrusted to him?

It is estimated that it does not have to be handed over to oneself, but someone wants to torment himself.

Wei Tu couldn't help but sneered.

Don't dare to retaliate, so I think of ways to disgust myself and torment myself, right?

Do you really think you have a good temper or do you feel that you have no way to torment her except to kill her?

The boy's expression was very calm, but Jiang Ying could tell that he was thinking about something, and he was not in a good mood.

"Doesn't Junior Brother want to go?"

Jiang Ying asked softly.

Wei Tu shook his head.

"No, I just go later, I don't want to go now."

"Why? Is there any difference..."

Jiang Ying didn't know what the difference was, but she saw Wei Tu looking at her and smirked.

"Of course there is a difference. I'll be able to bully my baby sister first."

"Well, will it take too much time?"

Jiang Ying blushed subconsciously but did not resist, but worried about whether the boy's procrastination would arouse the dissatisfaction of the elders of the sect.

After all, although his junior brother is excellent, he is only a disciple now.

It's not good to be arrogant, at least not in the eyes of others.

Wei Tu shook his head, but frivolously stretched out his hand to pick up the girl's chin.

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