I didn't move the slave pattern just now!What's your name!


Ran Xinxue apologetically supported Wei Tu to stand up straighter, and then said, "I'm sorry...something went wrong in my practice recently, and it may be a bit of backlash now."

"Really? That sect mainly pays attention to the body, you are the pillar of our Yuan Jianzong..."

Huh, pillar?

Isn't this palace your slave? !


Wei Tu took a step back after picking up Ran Xinxue.

Ran Xinxue wiped the sweat from her forehead, then opened her mouth.


He threw himself directly on Wei Tu, without any foreplay!

It belongs to the acting skills that have no skills at all and are all emotional.

I didn't move!Didn't move!

What's the matter with this woman? !Make a show, right?

it is good!you send!

I let you send it!

Wei Tu rubbed his fingers fiercely.

Ran Xinxue, who was originally enjoying making Wei Tu sick and making Lu Qingyan think about it, suddenly felt an unprecedented electric current pass through her whole body.

It is no longer a focus, but everything!

"Ah...! No, no...!"

She hugged Wei Tu's shoulders, her body trembling violently!

The legs leaned together fiercely, then separated, and then twisted unnaturally, the knees separated and rubbed together again.

As if restraining the extremely aggressive feeling in his body.

For Wei Tu and Ran Xinxue, it might just be a loss for both sides, disgusting each other.

But Lu Qingyan felt unprecedented anger.

She is a fool and understands something.

She scolded directly: "Dye the new snow!! Wei Tu is my apprentice! What are you doing!"


PS: Go to sleep first, and check if there are any changes after waking up.Don't waste the monthly pass at the end of the month~

9 Master, it's time to exercise (monthly ticket plus update~)

Dyeing new snow is indeed unmanned.

But it doesn't mean she is blind, she is a fool!

Some things can be understood even if they have never experienced them, such as the little ambiguity between men and women.

But what about these two?

It's not something that can be fooled by a little ambiguity, right?

Who would spray tea all over their body if they were scalded by tea?How can you throw yourself into your arms if something goes wrong in your practice? !

Do you think my cultivation, Lu Qingyan, is for nothing?Or do you mean this is a new way of cultivation? !

Lu Qingyan was furious.

He stood up directly, maybe he didn't realize why he was so angry.

Obviously also know that Wei Tu, Jiang Ying and Su Mi all have some undeniable ambiguous and youthful friendship.

Those Lu Qingyans could pretend not to see it, maybe they thought it was logical.

But when Ran Xinxue made a similar move to have intimate contact with this boy, Lu Qingyan's heart burst into flames.

She even felt that identity was not the biggest problem. If a disciple had an affair with the suzerain, it was not her own disciple's problem. It was simply this Ran Xinxue. The suzerain was so old that he had no shame in seducing his apprentice!

It's like it's unbearable.

Seeing Lu Qingyan's demeanor turn cold, Wei Tu immediately cursed inwardly: You bastard!I really fucked up!

Then he quickly pushed away Ran Xinxue in front of him, not daring to touch the slave pattern again, not because he was afraid that the other party would continue to pester him, but because he was worried that Lu Qingyan would see something.

He still cared a lot about his image in front of Lu Qingyan.

He can be a little misbehaving, he can appear disrespectful, but he must not let Lu Qingyan misunderstand that he is a person who likes to play with women without sincerity.

But Ran Xinxue, who was let go by Wei Tu, didn't seem to be afraid at all.

She looked a little embarrassed, but the color of her cheeks was so alluring that even a woman's heart would be moved when she saw it.

Ran Xinxue, who sat back on the bed again, blushed so delicately, then stretched out her hand to brush her temples, tidied up the somewhat messy hair just now, and looked at the cold Lu Qingyan with a smile.

"Ah... why is Qingyan so angry?"

"I asked what you were doing just now!"

Lu Qingyan looked at this woman who was still pretending to be stupid, and was furious, as if she found out that her child was eaten by an old woman and old cow.

Although Ran Xinxue is not considered an old woman, she is also very young, and she is also beautiful and enchanting.

Many disciples in the mountain gate took Ran Xinxue as an object of fantasy.

But she doesn't like Ran Xinxue very much, he is scheming, and sometimes he only wants to order others when he does things, and his desire for power is not like a person who cultivates immortals.

And Wei Tu, his proud disciple, is not only amazingly talented, but also the company commander's body and even his sense of responsibility make Lu Qingyan quite satisfied. How could such a good disciple let you, a bad woman, eat him up?


Ran Xinxue looked at Lu Qingyan pretending to be puzzled.

"What...is to ask Wei Tu to help, nothing happened, right?"

How could Lu Qingyan be so easy to be fooled, she frowned and said, "Nothing happened? Ran Xinxue, you are the master of a sect, how can you throw yourself into a disciple of a mountain gate like this?!"

Ran Xinxue looked at Lu Qingyan in feigned surprise.

"I throw myself into my arms... no? It's just that something happened suddenly just now. But...Qingyan, I don't know if I should ask a question. Even if I throw myself into my arms, it's your apprentice who has climbed up Well, even so, it doesn’t seem to be a big problem, I’m not his master, and one is unmarried and the other is unmarried... At most, he’s a little older, but it seems like I’m about the same as you, right?”

Originally, when Ran Xinxue mentioned what Lu Qingyan said earlier, she almost thought of words to refute.

But suddenly, Ran Xinxue shifted the conversation to herself.

She was about the same age as me... indeed.But why is she bringing this up?

Isn't this the same as putting yourself in the same situation as her?Is this hinting at his relationship with Wei Tu?

All of a sudden, Lu Qingyan felt unspeakably guilty.

"You... why are you so shameless?!"

Lu Qingyan could only curse like this.

Dye Xinxue doesn't care, it's better to say that she doesn't care on her face, scolding in her heart: I'm shameless?You see whether your apprentice is shameless or I am shameless!

Lu Qingyan, this is the good apprentice you taught!

Good apprentice who turned suzerain into slave!

"Shameless? How can you say shameless? Isn't it normal between a man and a woman? Besides, we have nothing to do, but your apprentice may seduce me..."

"Speak well, what do you mean I seduce you?"

Wei Tu couldn't help but said.

Ran Xinxue looked at Wei Tu, her eyes seemed a little smug, and the smugness probably lies in: Aren't you very powerful, you think you can control me if you put a slave pattern on me?Since you are sick of Ben Gong's body, then Ben Gong will hate you to death!Disgusting with your master!

"Hehe, Qingyan, your apprentice looks honest, but you are not honest at all. Just now, you hugged me tightly. If Bengong hadn't noticed it and pushed him away, he would still be reluctant to let go..."

Wei Tu laughed.

Making up nonsense is still dyeing new snow... This kind of inversion of black and white is really nothing.

As long as anyone's eyes are a little bit useful, he can see that he was constantly retreating just now, and this flirt is actually catching up step by step!

She didn't even motivate the slave tattoo later, she rubbed against herself crazily as if she had taken medicine!

Really has her!

"Ran Xinxue, I think you are..."

"Bastard! How do you call me this palace?!"

Lu Qingyan frowned, watching the conversation between the two, she didn't think it was the relationship she guessed.

Why does it look so much like an enemy?

Obviously they made such an ambiguous move just now, but now the two of them seem to be incompatible.

"Stop arguing for now... Sovereign Master, go back first, Wei Tu... I will personally teach you a lesson. What happened today is Tu'er's fault."

After thinking about it calmly, Lu Qingyan still decided not to let these two people get entangled so unclearly.

Although she was also very curious about the relationship between the two, she was not sure that Ran Xinxue was telling the truth. Instead, she was more willing to believe that Wei Tu had an unspeakable secret.

Ran Xinxue raised her head, like the arrogance and disdain of a victor, and nodded as if giving charity.

"It just so happens that I'm tired too...Qingyan, you have to discipline her well."

Lu Qingyan nodded.

"I know this, suzerain go slowly."

Ran Xinxue walked a few steps, and as if she remembered something again, she didn't forget to turn her head and tell Lu Qingyan.

"Oh...it's so late, wouldn't it be good for you two masters and apprentices to stay together?"

Lu Qingyan was stunned, unable to think of an answer for a while, these things gradually became normal to her but she did not forget, in the eyes of others, master and apprentice... are also acts of treason.

But at this time Wei Tu looked towards Ranxin Xuedao.

"The disciples and the master are open-minded, and have not violated the rules. Naturally, they are open and frank and not afraid of outsiders' gossip. It's not like some people are spotless in the eyes of others, but they are dirty and messy in private..."

"……Ha ha."

Ran Xinxue almost grinned through her teeth.

Immediately, she saw the young man in front of her make a concealed movement, that is, put her fingers together, and then looked at herself, as if saying something.

So Ran Xinxue snorted coldly.

"Okay, don't disturb your good business, I will leave first!"

She turned around and was about to leave, at this moment Wei Tu said as if she was sending her off.

"Then tomorrow, the disciple must go to the suzerain to apologize, and the suzerain will come back tomorrow for the offense today."

Ran Xinxue froze, and her face paled instantly.

It seems that many bad memories come to mind.

Wei Tu's torment for himself does not mean that he can't bear it physically. As a cultivator, how can his body be so fragile?

It was mainly the psychological torture that really frightened her.

The other party will break his dignity time and time again, making himself a shameless existence, as if even he can feel his own humiliation and lowliness, this is what Ren Xinxue fears the most.

"No need... It's not convenient for me to see people tomorrow..."

"Hehe, it won't take long to see each other. The suzerain is easy to leave, so the disciple won't see him off."


Ran Xinxue's face was pale, and she left with some anxiety in her heart, even her steps seemed a little messy.

She is now thinking of a way like crazy.

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