Only a fat, bearded shopkeeper was fiddling with an abacus at the counter.

Wei Tu sat over, but the other party didn't respond, not even raising his head.

Until Wei Tu said.

"Shopkeeper, are there any guest rooms?"

The fat man slowly raised his head, and looked at the handsome young man blankly.

He nodded.

"Upstairs please, Xiao Li, pick up the guests."


Compared with this lifeless shopkeeper, a voice that appeared immediately behind Wei Tu was extraordinarily crisp and full of vitality.

More importantly, Wei Tu didn't even feel the aura of the other party's previous existence.

As soon as Wei Tu turned around, he saw a shrewd young man with a radiant face and long sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, smiling and appearing behind him, with a rag on his shoulder.

He laughed, but showed a mouthful of yellow teeth that looked disgusting.

Wei Tu frowned but said nothing.

"Let's go, officer!"

Xiaoer with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks urged with a smile.

Wei Tu nodded, turned around and prepared to leave with the other party.

But before leaving, the lifeless shopkeeper behind him suddenly said something.

"Xiao Li, take him to the room, don't make a mistake, remember to go! Go!"


Xiao Er said so with a smile, and then walked forward.

After Wei Tu turned around, he turned his head and took a deep look at the fat shopkeeper.

But he didn't expect the shopkeeper to raise his head and look at him.

Then he grinned.

Not small, but said a word.

This mouth shape is very clear.


Then he quickly lowered his head, Wei Tu also turned his head and followed Xiao Er up the stairs.

Wei Tu asked casually as he walked behind Xiao Er.

"Xiaoer, why does it feel like there are so few living people in this city?"

He deliberately mentioned the word "living person" to see how the other party would react.

Xiao Er showed a bright smile.

"Young Master, what did you say? Isn't it true that the living and the dead are mixed? The weather has not been good these few years, so it's normal that there are fewer people. Besides, once countries fight wars, they will have to recruit soldiers. Wouldn't there be fewer people?"

Wei Tu nodded with a smile.

As Xiaoer walked into a room marked as above, the room was nothing special, with a bed, a screen, and a bathtub in the back.It seems that the upper room is actually no different from the ordinary room.

Wei Tu looked at Xiao Er, and sat on the stool casually looking at Xiao Er.

"Why don't you have any guards in Nine Suns City?"

Xiao Er Xiao Li said with a smile.

"Isn't this a major event in the imperial city? A lot of people have been transferred."

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal?"

Wei Tu asked pretending not to understand.

Xiao Er said casually, "It's strange that many generals died in the imperial city, and they didn't know what happened. It was said that some evil spirit was causing trouble, and His Majesty the Emperor couldn't sleep, so he dispatched the local army to go Escort, you say this is a mess, how can there be so many evil spirits in the blue sky!"

"That's right. The sky is bright... By the way, Xiao Er, if I want to walk around your city, is there any place worth visiting?"

Wei Tu continued to ask.

Xiao Er thought about it, and then said excitedly.

"Young master, you can go to the Baimen Tower to have a look. In the center of Jiuyang City, where the five avenues converge, there is a tall building made of white jade. It is so beautiful! There is also a statue of our national teacher on it, which can be called a heroic figure." People! If you go, say yes!"

"Okay, thank you."

"The young master told me to call me deliberately. I will deliver the food in two hours. Remember, young master, don't walk around when it's dark. The world is not peaceful."

Wei Tu looked at Xiao Er with a smile.

"Okay, my biggest advantage as a person is to listen to advice."

"Hey, this is a rare good character!"

Xiao Er said, then slowly exited the room and closed the door.

But the moment he closed the door, his face turned completely gloomy.

He turned around quickly, and the hideous face looked straight at one direction.

He walked down the stairs quickly, and then came to the counter.

He reached out and grabbed the ear of the fat shopkeeper.

Drag the shopkeeper out directly.

It was dragged all the way to the firewood room at the back of the inn. The strange thing was that the fat man, who was clearly the shopkeeper, didn't resist at all, his expression was as lifeless as before, until Xiao Li closed the door of the firewood room.


Xiao Li kicked the fat shopkeeper directly to the ground, and the shopkeeper let out a muffled groan.

And Xiao Li picked up a stick from the firewood room, and hit the chubby shopkeeper head-on and face-to-face.


The fat shopkeeper groaned.

But Xiao Li's face was ferocious, but he lowered his voice and said viciously.

"Go! Go! I want you to talk! I want you to talk! Don't drag me if you want to die! My wife and son are all here! You want us to be buried with you?! You bastard! Why don't you die! You are so great! Why don't you die!!"

While the shopkeeper was being hit with a stick, he had no intention of dodging, but just endured it silently, like a dead body.

There were tears in his eyes.

dripping to the ground.

... PS: It should be good to write the main story like this, quite clean and neat, absolutely not mixed with a meaningless character, to ensure that the plot is coherent, extremely smooth, and not too esoteric, but it must pursue an extreme coolness!I'll have a meal first, and then continue to update!

21 A dead city (ask for tickets at the beginning of the month~)

Wei Tu didn't eat the meal given by Xiaoer, but just went out for a walk, the sky in Nine Suns City was very dark.

After only two hours, it felt like the sky was going to get dark.

The dark clouds in the sky seem to create a sense of oppression that the black clouds are overwhelming the city.

The facilities in Jiuyang City are complete, there are pharmacies and vendors, but it seems that there are not many shop assistants, and there are no customers in those empty shops.

Wei Tu went into several shops, but there was nothing worth buying.

Then along the street, he saw the white gate building in the middle of the five streets.

It is indeed made of white jade, although there is no sunlight, but under the weak light, it looks like a jade wall, brilliant and brilliant.

No one is going in or out of the White Gate Building now, and the door is closed, so Wei Tu naturally has no reason to go in.

Just looking at the five directions of the Baimen Tower, three directions are blank stone tablets, and the remaining two directions are the statues of Shang Guoguoshi that the clerk Xiaoer said.

It looks unremarkable, but it is actually carved with a bit of righteousness.

Wei Tu is ready to go back.

When he turned around, he suddenly saw a pair of bloodshot old eyes staring at him!

Wei Tu's pupils shrank.

It was found to be an old woman, with a worn square scarf on her head, and no blood on her wrinkled face!It's like a mummy.

And Wei Tu looked at it for a while before confirming that this was indeed a living person.

It's just that the qi and blood are very weak, as if he will die at any time.

The old woman looked at herself with a strange frenzy in her eyes.

She opened her mouth.

It seemed that he wanted to say something to Wei Tu.



There seemed to be the sound of some mechanical operation, and then Wei Tu found that the old woman's opening of her mouth stopped abruptly, and a terrified expression appeared on her face.

Wei Tu felt a strange aura. He turned his head, but found all the pedestrians in all directions, but they all turned their postures suddenly.

He stared blankly at himself.

Looking at myself from every direction.

Like an ancient stone formation, these people are all sculptures, turning around or turning their heads in strange postures, their eyes are empty, exuding an extremely strange and aura of awe.

There was no blood on their faces.

As if time and space were all still, they were like dolls with flesh and blood but no soul.

Wei Tu took a deep breath.

"Grandma, what's the matter with you?"

The old woman didn't respond at all, she just turned around and left blankly.

Then the pedestrians on the whole street continued to walk, aimlessly and lifelessly.

Wei Tu walked back to the inn across the street.

And the inside of the inn was still the same, the fat shopkeeper was still fiddling with the abacus, but this time he didn't raise his head to look at himself, he didn't stand inside the counter, but sat inside.

Pushing open the door and walking in, Wei Tu took a look at his room, as if it was exactly the same as when he went out...Huh?

Wei Tu closed the door, walked to the table, and then lifted off the ordinary tablecloth. The tablecloth had some traces of being moved, which was very concealed and hard to find, but the folded corner revealed a flaw.

Wei Tu opened it a little, and found a line of words engraved on the table.

"Either run away, or come to Baimenlou at night."

Wei Tu frowned at this concise sentence.

"If I didn't guess wrong, when I entered the inn, the fat man in the inn said that he was going to the room to imply that it was the best plan for me to go...I have to go, hehe..."

But Wei Tu didn't leave. He opened the window and looked at the sky, which gradually darkened.

The sky of Nine Suns City darkened faster than I imagined, as if it had reached the night quickly without even an hour.

There is a moon in the sky, although it is bright, it is so pale.

Then Wei Tu noticed that the lights of Wanjia suddenly lit up outside the door.

The young man raised his sword and took the Qiankun bag with many things hidden in it.

Then he opened the door calmly.

When I reached the stairs, I heard the sound of chopsticks touching plates from below.

He walked to the stairs and looked into the living room of the inn.

But he suddenly saw a full figure.

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