"Don't think about it, at least I haven't given up on you yet."

Well, now... Well, she only has now.

I don't know if it was the next day, but it was still dark when I woke up.

Wei Tu went out and went shopping again, so Ye Bingluan also practiced repeatedly in the room the cultivation method Wei Tu gave her.

It's not really for the purpose of cultivating strength, the child is too boring, and in order to prevent her own will from collapsing first, she must do something to divert her attention.

Wei Tu went out three times like this.

The two of them slept on the same bed, sleeping from dark to dark, without embracing each other and without any flirty behavior.

Some are just the usual small talk and the intersection of clues that have not made any progress.

It wasn't until the third time Wei Tu came back that he saw Ye Bingluan sitting cross-legged on the bed exuding a vague aura all over his body.

He frowned.

Ye Bingluan looked at him with some doubts.

"What's the matter... what happened?"

Then I saw the young man striding forward, walking towards him with a different aura than before.

Ye Bingluan looked calm, but he was a little nervous inside.

Could it be that this young man is going crazy, and he is going to do something to himself?

If you want to say that you can't refuse, you can't refuse, because the strength is not as good as the other party.

But if it really happened, how should we face all this afterwards?

The girl thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only way to go.

This is what seems sad, doing these things under such circumstances, Ye Bingluan is sure that she will not get any pleasure, not even comfort.

But he didn't expect Wei Tu to come over, take her arm, and put his fingers on her wrist, as if he was feeling the pulse.

Ye Bingluan didn't know what he was doing, but instinctively felt that this young man must have felt some kind of change in himself that could not be ignored.

So he let him feel his own pulse so carefully until he finally let go of his hand.

Then he looked at himself with deep eyes, with unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

"who are you?"

Ye Bingluan froze for a moment, then answered as usual.

"Ye Bingluan, Great Shang Emperor Ye Bingluan."

Then she saw the young man folded his hands and stood up, muttering to himself while bowing his head.

"Are you kidding... three days at most... three days to build a foundation... what kind of terrifying talent is this! Are you kidding..."

"Am I weird?"

Ye Bingluan couldn't help asking.

Wei Tu looked at her and nodded.

"You are not strange, you are simply against the sky."

"...I always feel that it is not a good thing to say."

Wei Tu didn't bother to explain so much.

Then narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Bingluan carefully, from top to bottom, from head to toe.

Seeing Ye Bingluan, he felt a little embarrassed and twitched.

I always feel that all parts of my body are exposed to the other party's sight.

"You...don't look at it like that, what are you looking at?"

Wei Tu shook his head and closed his eyes.

"I kind of understand why I chose you..."


"Some understand, but not fully understand, still have to read."

"You are so interesting!"

Ye Bingluan said angrily, why is this young man talking nonsense?

To her, this is nonsense, but Wei Tu knows that there are some things that cannot be told to her for the time being.

For example... with this woman's talent... she is very likely to be the reincarnation of some great immortal...

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the shocking talent of the other party. In Xianzhou, building a foundation in three or four days can be explained by extraordinary talent for the time being, but... this is in a world that lacks aura!

And this woman is not young anymore, the older a person is, the more barriers to practice, and she is still building foundations at this speed...

Wei Tu could hardly think of any other reasons.

Then things got weird.

For example, to seize a ray of heaven... Is the purpose of the interception the Lord Shangque, or this girl whose talent is rare in thousands of years?

And just as the room was eerily silent.

Wei Tu stared out of the window blankly, but noticed an unusual change.

Ye Bingluan also noticed it.

"The sky...why is it red?"

Wei Tu frowned, jumped up from the window, and landed directly on the roof of the inn, looking at the sky.

A piece of blood red, like a sea of ​​blood.

The cloud cover also became clearly visible, completely red.

Like blood-stained cloth.

He frowns looking from east to west.

But suddenly... a pair of deep and strange eyes were seen in the clouds.

I am looking at myself carefully!

Wei Tu didn't waste time looking at each other, he jumped down, went back to the inn room, and pulled Ye Bingluan up.

"what happened?"

Ye Bingluan frowned and looked at Wei Tu.

Wei Tu shook his head.

"I'm running out of time, I have to get out."

"You know how to get out?"

The maiden had a glimmer of hope.

Wei Tu shook his head cruelly.

"I don't know, but I know, they don't plan to give us time, if we don't go out, we won't be able to get out."

... PS: I feel hungrier after having breakfast today than without breakfast!I threw up and ate something quickly, I couldn't take it anymore.

26 Fourteen states with a sword of light and cold! (Monthly ticket plus 6 more!)

A handsome young man in white clothes wins snow.

Leading the girl in the red dress behind her all the way down.

This combination is almost impossible to hide, no matter where it is placed, it seems to be extremely conspicuous.

And a gust of wind swept from upstairs to downstairs.

The inn was full of puppet-like people, they looked at the two dully without any reaction.

Xiao Er, who was still nailed to the pillar until now, shouted in a panic.

"God's punishment is coming! God's punishment is coming!!"

"To shut up."

Wei Tu casually picked up a plate that one person hadn't finished eating, and threw it at Xiao Er.


The plate was stuffed into Xiao Er's mouth exaggeratedly.

His entire mouth was stuffed, and the upper lip and lower lip couldn't close at all, the eyeballs were exaggeratedly widened as if they were about to fall out, and the saliva leaked all over the floor.

He could only make a hesitant but meaningless sound.

Still holding Ye Bingluan's hand, Wei Tu came to the counter and looked at the chubby shopkeeper whose face remained unchanged.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Ye Bingluan looked in surprise at the young man who was questioning such a shopkeeper who was neither human nor ghost at this time.

But his hand is still in the opponent's hand, and it seems that he has no right to raise objections.

Does this count as life and death?

It doesn't seem romantic. Sure enough, the stories are all deceptive.

I was only nervous, and my palms began to secrete sweat.

The shopkeeper glanced at the calm young man in front of him.

"Don't be soft-hearted...don't be soft-hearted!"

After he said this, his whole body began to steam.

The heat was so hot that Ye Bingluan couldn't help but take a step back, but his palm was lifted.

Only then did she remember that the other party had never let go of her hand, nor had she left in front of the shopkeeper.

The fat shopkeeper began to struggle violently.

He looked at Wei Tu in horror, as if he was about to use up his last strength.

"Don't say...don't say! Ah...!"

He burned into a pair of slime.

And on the white gate tower in the center of the city, the first name appeared.


Xiao Er began to struggle violently.

The entire inn began to be turbulent. The group of people who seemed dull just now suddenly showed panic on their faces, as if they were very afraid of something happening.


Wei Tu pulled Ye Bingluan out.

Ye Bingluan asked suspiciously.

"Why did he become like this just now?"



"The current rules of Jiuyang City, that is to say, they may overthrow the words they said to you before, and now those words are not credible, and the real reason, what they are really going to do, the shopkeeper knows, is because he I know, so he can't say it."

"He didn't say it, it's already like that..."

Ye Bingluan still felt a little creepy when he thought of the scene just now. A fat man who was alive turned into a pair of fleshy flesh in an instant. What else can't happen in this purgatory-like town?

Wei Tu shook his head.

"He should have tried his best to give the answer that is closest to the secret, and this answer is the key to our going out."

"Why would he know... who the hell is he?"

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