Almost as soon as they sprang out, they directly attacked the boy in the middle of the street.


The dragon's head hit the ground.

Wei Tu jumped up high, and at the same time, he saw another earth dragon opening its huge mechanical mouth with tacit understanding and pounced towards him.

When Wei Tu tied up his long sword——


Fiery flames spewed directly towards Wei Tu overwhelmingly.


Ye Bingluan couldn't help shouting out.

The flames at this moment caught people off guard, and she did not expect this to happen.

The blazing flames at such a close distance will melt him, right?

Ye Bingluan had such worried thoughts.

And the young man who was already in mid-air held a sword with one hand, closed his eyes slightly, and went directly towards the flame!


Ye Bingluan's eyes widened. Didn't he think that instead of avoiding this man, he would face the difficulties instead?

Is this not wanting to live or...?

There is no such a big fire to collect juice!

It will be roasted... No, it will be roasted!

But soon a more unexpected picture appeared.

The boy's figure disappeared in the flames, as if he had been directly burned by the flames into ashes or smoke, but there was not even dust floating in the air.

And just when Ye Bingluan was beating a drum in his heart.


A shocking explosion resounded through the sky.

After that……




The successive explosion sounds seemed to appear out of thin air, but Ye Bingluan quickly shifted his gaze to the direction where the explosion occurred.

It was in the body of the flame-breathing earth dragon!

The order of the popping sounds was its mouth, its neck, its body, its belly, and even... its tail!

Then a ray of light shot out from the very end.

The boy who seemed to have fallen into the flames reappeared, and the earth dragon behind him froze for a moment, as if stuck.

Then, in exactly the same order as the explosion, the earth dragon shattered inch by inch, turning into fireflies all over the place.

The white jade also turned into crystal fragments and fell to the ground.

Jade, which usually looks extremely precious, is like scrap iron at this time, and it is not worth mentioning, and it can't stir up any splashes.

The hair was already a little messy, like a half-tie boy with no waves in his eyes, walking towards the other end.

His long sword provoked a faint breath.

Pointing to the earth dragon that was staring at him.

As if a node, and then the air is detonated.


With a roar, the earth dragon shot towards Wei Tu.

But at this moment, the young man dropped the tip of his sword and turned around.

The moment the earth dragon opened its huge mouth from the side as if it was going to swallow the boy whole.


In Ye Bingluan's eyes, the sword energy around Yulong's body that almost swallowed Wei Tu from the side seemed to take shape, jumping up and down.

But it is precisely the position of every organ that passes through Yulong's body.

She even accurately heard the fragmented sound of each mechanism.

When Wei Tu's second step landed, the disintegrated Jade Dragon fell to the ground, and even the whole body was not completely separated, as if it was still lifelike, but it had lost any possibility of moving again.

Wei Tu took a breath.

Breathing is a little heavy.

But it doesn't matter, what he believes in is the most direct, effective, and short-term problem-solving way to deal with everything.

It seems that more breath will be consumed in a short period of time, but this is actually more problem-solving than lengthy and seemingly easy battles.

Because the shorter the time, the better it is for yourself, and the possibility of accidents will be reduced.

Don't be surprised.

Wei Tu raised his head and pointed his sword at Baimenlou. He saw a name on Baimenlou.

Then he said loudly.

"Ye Bingluan! Do you know the name Zhao Haoran?"

Ye Bingluan froze for a moment, then immediately reacted and answered from a long distance away.

"Zhao Haoran, the lord of Nine Suns City!"

Then, from a distant direction, his voice floated over.

"it is good!"

"That's the only word for you?!"

Ye Bingluan didn't understand what Wei Tu meant.

But Wei Tu still needs final confirmation.

When there was a swaying sound, Wei Tu watched the door close, he panted, and then said calmly.

"Your masters have no time to save you. It's only you and me here. Let's fight decently before I destroy you."


The voice kept ringing, like ancient joints responding to the boy's words.

"What is this... my God..."

Ye Bingluan widened her beautiful eyes in shock as she watched the scene not far away.

Because a giant stood up in front of the two.

The translucent white jade is like a fairy stone that has fallen from the sky.

And its existence seems to be something from outside the sky.

The giant standing up under the blood-red sky is completely transparent, it has no flesh and blood, as if every piece of the bathroom covering it is its flesh and blood, and the five-angled stone tablet forms five existences that look like faces, facing each other. behind the direction but closely linked together.

And its height is already higher than the already tall Baimen Tower.

When it stood up with four thick pillars as if turned into legs, it had become a tall white jade tower.

It seemed to block out the sky and stand in front of the two of them, and the dust that was raised was lingering like a cloud.

It faced the two of them, and Wei Tu could clearly see that at the top, the young man in white with a folding fan was staring at him with a pale face.

"Even if the master is not there, when you step into this city, you have no chance of winning."

Wei Tu looked at the young man in white from a distance.

"You have to fight to know."

"Then come on. Hehe."

The young man in white smiled, flicked his sleeves and waved his fan.

The white jade giant raised its arms towards Wei Tu.


In an instant, countless jade pillars spewed towards Wei Tu. This was not an arrow to pierce the young man, but a giant hammer to crush him into a pulp!

The young man raised his sword, and the sword intent seemed to be dancing in the absence of wind.

Invisible sword energy shuttles through it.

Split the jade pillars one by one, let them shatter in the middle, and at the same time, the figure of the young man began to shuttle quickly, as if he was about to become an afterimage.

And in the afterimage of this shuttle.

Suddenly, a three-color sword light shot at the young man in white on the white pagoda.


A ray of shock directly pierced the young man in white. The young man in white was shattered in the air in a second, but it made the distant Ye Bingluan happy for less than a second.

In the next moment, he reappeared on the other side of the White Tower, reshaping whatever was broken.

He looked at the boy who started to shuttle among them, and said with a mocking smile.

"If you can't kill me, I won't die here. Your hard work will be in vain if you live. This is a dead end..."

Even the eyes above the bloody red cloud were full of smiles, as if he was very satisfied with the situation, as if there was only a slight episode for him but he was still in control of the situation.


Wei Tu found an opportunity to cut off one arm of the White Tower, but then that arm became a brand new white jade giant, stronger and more powerful than those dolls.

Its movements are also extremely fast, although there is no trick, but the strength of each punch seems to be able to smash Wei Tu into pieces.


A sword hit Wei Tu's sword, and the young man bounced back slightly.

But with this strength, he jumped up.

In the air, he jumped in front of the young man in white, looked at him, and raised his sword.

"There is no such thing as a dead end in this world. The so-called dead end is just that the breaker did not appear."


A sword cut the young man in white to pieces, but the young man in white still appeared on the other side and looked at him, shaking his fan.

"No, you won't be the game-breaker."

The moment he finished speaking, the entire white jade pagoda suddenly turned red as if it had been burned by fire.

Wei Tu felt something and immediately turned over.


The soaring flames burned together with the giant tower.

Wei Tu managed to avoid the flames and fell to the ground, but at the same time, countless jade stones with flames appeared above his head, almost covering the sky, as if the sky had fallen.


Jade stones fell to the ground like meteorites, and each one was precisely aimed at Wei Tu.

Looking at these meteorites, Wei Tu's eyes drifted a little, as if he was out of strength, but in fact he was still thinking about something.

Thinking of those eight words Zhao Haoran said before he died.

The eight words that he will say in his last life, the only eight words that can be said in the maximum rule.

Don't be softhearted...

Don't be softhearted...

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