There is no more comfort, and comfort is of no avail.

I don't know how long the girl has been crying, but Wei Tu can only stand like this.

Until the girl lost her strength as if she was crying in her arms, and she collapsed limply.

Wei Tu could only look a little helpless and passively stretched out his arms to hug her soft body.

Indeed, he fainted from mental exhaustion.

But fortunately, it's not that he can't wake up.

But setting off today is definitely not possible, so Wei Tu walked through this no man's land like a dead city with Ye Bingluan in his arms under the blue sky.

He carried Ye Bingluan back to the inn. The table, chairs, and bowls in the inn still existed, but unfortunately those people had disappeared without a trace. disappeared.

He probably died too, by Ye Bingluan's sword.

All traces are there, telling the story of their existence.

Perhaps the real story has not been left, and their existence is already the most touching story.

Wei Tu carried Ye Bingluan upstairs and put her on the bed in a familiar room. After sending her a qi machine that could automatically adjust her breath, the boy sat by the window sill and looked at the sky outside the window.

The blue sky looked much more normal.

It was slowly darkening at the normal time, and there had been a rain outside.

The rain fell down the eaves and fell to the ground, perhaps it was the traces of what happened in order to wash away all this.

You can wash away the blood, you can wash away your footsteps, you can wash away all the destruction and destruction.

It just couldn't be brought to life.

Perhaps it won't be long before this land will grow lush weeds, and they will spread across the entire land with the momentum of a prairie fire.

In the coming year, it may be that the grass will be planted in Liliyuan. The houses will be dilapidated, the tiles will fall, and the courtyard walls will collapse.

And the sky has darkened.

Wei Tu lit a candle.

Then the sound of disturbed breathing was heard.

He turned his head and saw Ye Bingluan, who had opened his eyes, looking at him in a daze.

"woke up?"

Wei Tu smiled and looked at Ye Bingluan.

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu, her expression seemed to have returned, but she couldn't laugh, she just shook her head and said.

"How I wish I woke up without seeing you."

Wei Tu knew what she meant, and if she didn't see herself, she would take it as a dream, but her own existence made it impossible for her to deceive herself.

Wei Tu was not angry either, he smiled and looked at the girl's pale face, her lips seemed to have lost all blood.

It's just that this kind of Ye Bingluan has an extraordinarily delicate style, which looks weak.

"We can't tell who is whose nemesis, so don't blame anyone."

Ye Bingluan nodded.

"That's this point, I can only thank you."

Wei Tu nodded.

Ye Bingluan sat up from the bed, looked out of the window, in the same direction as Wei Tu, and then asked a little awkwardly.

"What about tomorrow?"

Wei Tu looked at the sky, which seemed to be a long-lost starry sky.

"Maybe it's riding the wind and waves, or maybe it's still covered with thorns. You won't know until you leave."

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu wearily.

"Can I rely on you?"

Wei Tu looked at Ye Bingluan, "If I refuse at this time, will it seem extraordinarily awkward?"

"...You know it too."

Ye Bingluan didn't even have the energy to laugh anymore.

Wei Tu nodded, and the girl leaned against his arms and closed her eyes slightly, not knowing whether she was looking at the starlight or slowly falling asleep again.

The two of them didn't speak, they were silent to each other until the paleness of the sky.

Dawn will break.

The rain that had stopped a long time ago made the morning air moist, as if it was the vitality bred in the soil.


Ye Bingluan suddenly opened his eyes.

She suddenly felt a little noisy, a little unreal, the sound... seemed to be coming from outside.

It seems that the hustle and bustle of every street is filled with the outside of the inn, like the atmosphere of the market.

She frowned.



The door of the room was pushed open, and she and the boy who opened his eyes at the same time looked over.

He saw Xiao Er with a smooth forehead looking at the two of them in shock.

" there any guests in this room?"

Ye Bingluan burst into tears instantly.

30 good night

"Hey, pretty girl, do you want to buy bunches of candied haws? It's so sweet that it's not sour at all."

"you do not know me?"

"Huh? That's what I said, how can an old lady like me know such a beautiful fairy like you. Do you want to buy it?"


"Buy a bunch, here, old woman."

The young man took the candied haws in his fair and slender palm, and handed it to the girl who looked like a fairy in the old woman's mouth.

The young girl holding the candied haws walked further and further away with the boy, and the old lady couldn't help smiling when she saw the backs of the two.

But also puzzled.

"Hmm... It looks familiar, but where have you seen it?"

"They don't seem to remember, and they don't know who I am."

Walking on the overcrowded streets, how could one imagine that this city was still a dead city before today, without a single living person, like a dead city at the end of the world.

But now, it seems that everything that has left has come back. For the two of them, it seems like a big dream, as if they just woke up from the illusion.

It's just that both of them are very clear that all this happened for real, but they didn't expect such a result.

The boy walked in front of her, strolling peacefully.

"Isn't this the best result for you, and don't worry about someone knowing your decision, even though it's not a mistake."

Ye Bingluan looked at the candied haws in his hand and smiled like a child.

"Yeah... this is the best result."

Wei Tu looked at the distant horizon. In that direction, there was a smear of blood, almost connecting from the ground to the sky.

This situation is very bad, perhaps even worse than Nine Suns City.

He shook his head.

"It's not the result yet, don't be too happy."

Ye Bingluan nodded silently.

"Well, let's go."

The two walked outside the city, and several soldiers were posting obituaries outside the city.

Wei Tu and Ye Bingluan suddenly discovered that the name that appeared on the obituary was not someone else, but Zhao Haoran, the lord of Nine Suns City.

Both of them were silent.

But who would forget the man who waited for a long time in the inn, not to survive, but to wait for a suitable person and then die.

Wei Tu took Ye Bingluan Yujian and began to head towards Chaoge, the capital of the Shang Kingdom.

At night, Wei Tu lit a bonfire in a forest.

A simple floor was built with the things prepared in the Qiankun bag.

The two sat by the campfire, Wei Tu calmly cooked some simple food, including dry food bought from Nine Suns City.

Then hand it to Ye Bingluan who has been silent today.

Wei Tu took a look at this young girl who could be said to be a peerless beauty in Xianzhou or in the world.

"Still thinking about Zhao Haoran?"

Ye Bingluan nodded and did not deny that she would have such sensitive and fragile moments.

In the final analysis, she was just a girl who was temporarily pushed to a high position, only to realize her mission later.

The girl hugged her slender legs, and gently tapped her chin on her knees.

The wildfire is burning among the forests and fields, and it is not strong, and the smoke will curl up and extend upwards, penetrating into the bottomless clouds.

What is Yue'er looking at?Does it have a panoramic view of all the stories in the world?

How will it evaluate these stories, remember these stories?Will it be sarcasm, regret, joy or anger.

The moon always waxes and wanes, just like the joys and sorrows of the world.

Ye Bingluan said softly.

"I'm wondering if I'm worth it for him to do this, and if those people are really worth it. I still want to believe that when they are willing to kill me, they really don't know that they will come back alive."

Wei Tu thought about it.

Then laugh.

"Maybe some things are not as complicated as you think. For example, Zhao Haoran is not entirely for you, or not for you, anyone is fine, as long as it is the person sitting on the throne. He has the responsibility."

"Responsible? Why?"

"This is faith and responsibility. There is no reason, even if no one tells you, he will do it. So even if it is not you who sit on the throne, he will probably do it. It has nothing to do with who you are, because he It's Zhao Haoran, so he will do this."

Ye Bingluan lowered her eyes.

"I know you're comforting me."

"I have nothing to comfort you."

Wei Tu said with some amusement, looking at a shiny chicken leg in his hand.

Ye Bingluan's appetite is not very good, but she ate some bits and pieces.

She looked at the flames jumping in the campfire and said softly.

"You want to reduce my pressure. What you said just now is nothing more than telling me that they don't expect much from me. Everyone is just doing their own responsibilities. Don't expect too much from others."

Wei Tu chuckled.

"You are quite good at understanding. I don't think I really have thought so far... But it's okay for you to understand. Don't put more pressure on yourself. Changing someone may not be as good as you."

Ye Bingluan smiled, a tired smile, but still beautiful.

"But I'm still worried that I won't be able to do it. I don't even dare to think about what the imperial city looks like now. It won't be better than Nine Suns City, right?"

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