They all have rosy faces, and all have blurred eyes touching together.

Luo Beihuang didn't know what to say, but felt very shy, and wanted to move away as soon as his eyes touched.

But the boy reached out and pulled the young woman's face.

Let her look into her own eyes.

"What do you feel?"

Wei Tu asked with a smile.

Luo Beihuang was a little unbearable, but replied weakly.

"I always feel... bad."

Wei Tu smiled.

"This kind of thing is really bad, and it's not something any man or woman can do. Would you want to do it with someone else?"

Luo Beihuang shook her head as a matter of course.


"Why not?"

"I...I don't know, I's okay with you, but I can't imagine what it would be like to be with others...I...maybe I hate it."

"Well, so that's not bad."


"Because you can only be like me."

Wei Tu said with a smirk.

However, Luo Beihuang could see the rare possessiveness and dominance in this young man's eyes.

She chuckled, her face pink.

"It's like I'm yours..."

Wei Tu thought about it.

"I think... you're mine."

Wei Tu spoke the truth, as if the things that were restrained too deeply in the previous life are now emerging without restraint.

For example, I have suppressed a lot, but I actually like this girl from the bottom of my heart.

I really like it...but I am such an asshole, even the last time we met, I begged her to kill me.

Instead of being cruel, it is not so much compensation and recovery as it is a kind of redemption.

Luo Beihuang was stunned for a while, as if it took a long time to understand the meaning of this sentence.

She stared blankly at the boy who supported her side with both hands, his cheek was directly above her but the moonlight was behind him.

"You and I……"

Wei Tu understood her panic at this moment, so she said softly.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm just telling you first. The days ahead are still long, and it won't be too late for us to talk about it when you understand the meaning."


But Luo Beihuang wanted to make it clear that she wasn't particularly sure whether she liked it or not.

It's just... It's the first time that she doesn't hate this kind of contact, but reluctance.

Wei Tu looked at her flawless face, and lightly touched her cheek with his fingertips, a blood-red color appeared wherever he passed.

Maybe it was a little itchy, and when she was a little unbearable, she would even tremble slightly.

Wei Tu thought she was very cute.

It's just that he doesn't want to do more things, even though she may not know how to refuse, but he knows that that kiss is branded in her heart, and that's enough for the time being.

"I... am going back in the morning."

The girl said softly, and she didn't know why she said this sentence.

Then she saw the boy's slightly narrowed eyes.

So she understood why she said it, because she wanted to get his reluctance.

It seems that this proves something.

Wei Tu then nodded slowly.

"Well, I see. Will you tell your mother-in-law what happened here?"

Luo Beihuang nodded honestly.

"What about the things between us?"

Wei Tu asked.

The girl blushed pretty, and then replied weakly: "If the mother-in-law asks... she will still say it."

"That's a bit of a headache."

Wei Tu couldn't help sighing, he actually didn't know that mother-in-law's temperament, she must be very kind to Luo Beihuang, but what would it be like to "deceive" Luo Beihuang and even cheat her first kiss? manner……

Damn, could it be that the mother-in-law rushed in with a sword to destroy the family that the Yinlong Tianjun said about Yuan Jianzong's disaster?

That's outrageous when you think about it.

"Hee hee hee... so you are also afraid?"

Luo Beihuang smiled happily.

Wei Tu pouted and looked at the girl.

"After all, that's your mother-in-law, not my mother-in-law. What if you cut me with a sword?"

Luo Beihuang said with a smile.

"Since you are afraid, how dare you treat me like this?"

Wei Tu looked at Luo Beihuang as a matter of course, "Didn't you kiss me first?"

"Eh... is it?"

Wei Tu narrowed his eyes and looked at the confused girl.

"You won't be acting stupid at this time, will you?"

Luo Beihuang's nimble eyes rolled, and she immediately said it as a matter of course.

"You're talking nonsense. I didn't take the initiative. It was you who wanted to kiss me. I couldn't resist... Well, I'll just tell my mother-in-law that way when I go back."

Wei Tu blinked and looked at Luo Beihuang, trying to torture the girl's conscience with her eyes.

The girl also looked at Wei Tu like this, blinked her eyes, and the expression in her eyes was: I am not afraid.

Finally, Luo Beihuang burst out laughing.

"Don't worry."


Wei Tu thought things were turning around.

Then I heard Luo Beihuang thinking about it.

"Mother-in-law doesn't use a sword, so you will never see a mother-in-law with a sword."

"...You said it as if you didn't say it."

Wei Tu let go of his hands helplessly, and then lay down, beside Luo Beihuang.

As soon as the two opened their eyes, they could see the same starry sky covered by moonlight.

The sky is dotted with stars, but the fireworks on the ground are gradually extinguished.

"The world is actually quite beautiful."

Luo Beihuang said softly.

Wei Tu nodded.

"Well. In fact, maybe being a mortal doesn't have so many troubles."

"Are you still troubled?"

Luo Beihuang was very curious.

The boy smiled and said, "Of course, people will have troubles, no matter whether they are mortals or immortals."

Luo Beihuang frowned slightly, "Really...but I hate trouble."

The slightly turbulent girl felt a hand holding her soft palm.

She turned her head to the side without pulling it out, but looked at Wei Tu who happened to turn her head too.

The boy looked at her with a smile.

"If you have any troubles, you can tell me, whether it is now or in the future. If something happens, you can come to me if you have no idea. I will share half of you. Whether it is loneliness or troubles, I will take it all."

The girl looked at the boy with reddish cheeks.

"Will we meet again in the future?"

Wei Tu nodded.

"Of course, you are in Jisun Tiangong, and I am in Yuanjianzong. We know where the two are, why can't we meet?"

Luo Beihuang remembered something and said softly, "But mother-in-law said that no matter how firm the agreement is, it will be betrayed. Sometimes the person who made an appointment to meet next time may never see him again."

Wei Tu shook his head firmly.

"If you miss me, come to me. If I miss you, I will go to you. The purpose of parting is just to make the next meeting more ecstatic."

Luo Beihuang may not fully understand it yet.

But she felt that such a conversation put her in a good mood.

Will there be a later encounter?

Will we meet again?

Since he said he would... so be it.

The two people lying on the tower, the moonlight shines on them.

No one can hug forever, but they can meet several times.

"It's okay to retreat."

"Long live my emperor!!"

In the huge palace, the mighty officials withdrew respectfully and cautiously.

There was sincere relief on their faces.

It seemed that she hadn't thought about how this young empress managed to quickly stabilize the situation between the government and the opposition.

Eliminate the remnants of the former imperial division, open the treasury to repair the facilities of Chaoge City, and quickly send rewards to the soldiers on the frontier as the new king.

This series of measures reassured the ministers below.

It seems that she is completely different from the previous empress who only knew the correct play and did not raise any objections.

Of course they don't know that there are really two people.

Some memories exist, but some memories are erased forever.

Only the woman in the dragon robe clearly remembered all of this. She left the hall and returned to the bedroom, but she couldn't wait to change out of the dragon robe, and instead put on clothes that looked as simple as a commoner.

The maid smiled and looked at the Empress.

"Your look like this, that fairy teacher must be drool-worthy."

Ye Bingluan frowned.

"Don't talk nonsense, I've never seen any woman from Xianzhou... Maybe there are fairies. Zhen... In his eyes, at most, he is no different from ordinary women."

But the maid said.

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