Tender, soft and smooth.

"There are more beautiful things in this world than you think..."

"You still want to persuade? Say these nonsense?"

Ye Bingluan frowned slightly.

Wei Tu shook his head.

"But, there are some things that you think don't exist in the world until you meet them. It could be me, or it could be you."

Watching Ye Bingluan laugh, showing a little smug expression.

Wei Tu would think.

How much do you like this woman?not necessarily.

It's just that he sensed her specialness, and he was willing to let the story develop naturally.

There is no need to part with each other. When you see a flower stamen, you feel that you are not worthy of her blooming?

No, you will wait for her to bloom.

44 Your master is back! (Monthly ticket plus 11)

"Your Majesty's Imperial Book! The positioning of the year title: Shenque. Wei Tu was named the Grand Master of the Great Merchants, and he will enjoy the title of title forever. I hope that the great merchants will be prosperous and prosperous. All the people and ministers are united. Let the great merchants live forever and let the great merchants live forever." Merchants intimidate the world. Do this!"

The sun shines through the depths of the clouds and rolls down the glazed tiles. Under the flickering colorful light, there are thousands of ministers and soldiers.

There are civil servants in court uniforms, and military officials in armor and armor.

In the majestic imperial city, there is a solemn and solemn scene.

And the woman who was always sitting on the dragon chair, but wearing a golden dragon robe, wore a crown for the first time in her life.

When the golden light shines down, the entire spacious front of the hall is paved.

She stood up slowly in front of all the men who bowed their heads.

The people below are all men, all men with gold under their knees.

But at this time, the only one standing in front of all of them, standing at the highest point as far as their eyes could see, was a young girl in a dragon robe.

It's just that no one thinks there's anything wrong with it.

Even when the woman stood up, they shouted in unison.

"Long live my emperor!!"

Shouts resounded across the entire Daping.

And Ye Bingluan just raised his head slightly, looking at the clouds, as if there was something there, attracting his gaze.

In fact, nothing can be seen, and the person who should leave has already left.

She knew that for a long time, she would feel lonely, the loneliness of being an emperor.

She will not have any close friends, because here, they are all animals full of desire for power.

They fight for power, they are eloquent, and they use all words to influence themselves.

If there is no truth, there will be no truth. Maybe everything is to cater to myself, but... I can't feel a little happiness after all.

The days will go on boringly.

It is more lonely alone, this so-called palace looks more like a cage.

It is said to be unbreakable, there are guards everywhere, and no assassins will be allowed to sneak in, but why not imprison yourself deeply in it?

After thinking about it, Ye Bingluan smiled.

It doesn't matter, there are so many constraints in the world... Just wait.

I will grow into an appearance you can't imagine at a speed you can't imagine, maybe who will be stronger at that time, my immortal master.


Adhering to the principle of going back wherever he came from, the young man led a white horse.

The first to arrive is Nine Suns City.

Everything in Nine Suns City was as usual. During the day, there was an endless stream of peddlers selling goods and businessmen coming and going. It seemed so full of life.

Holding candied haws and braided girls, they ran down the street with a smile on their faces.

"Hey! Let me tell you, this inn, don't brag, it's okay for the immortals to come! Look at you, try the special crafts of this inn!"

Wei Tu stopped at the entrance of the inn and looked at the inn, which was also overcrowded.

The hall on the first floor was full of people eating.

There was also a monkey-cheeked man with a plate and a towel on his shoulders walking back and forth.

I also use my eloquence to make customers laugh from time to time.

Wei Tu looked at the man, and the man seemed to have noticed Wei Tu, and he immediately came to the door with a smile.

"This one is objective, do you stay at the top or stay in a hotel? There are still guest rooms, but there are not enough seats for dinner, hehe."

Wei Tu looked at each other with a smile.

"Are you the second child here?"

Xiaoer nodded and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's fine for this young master to call me Xiao Li, that's what they all call me."

Wei Tu thought about it.

"Where is your shopkeeper?"

"The shopkeeper? Isn't that the one who made the plan? What's the matter? Say it in advance, if you seek revenge and collect debts, my lord...it has nothing to do with me, I'm just a waitress!"

Wei Tu ignored Xiao Er's wisecrack, but looked in the shopkeeper's direction.

It turned out to be a thin man in his 60s and [-]s with a white beard.

Wei Tu nodded, and he waved his hand.


"Guest officer, don't you want to try the taste? Hey, someone left just now, and there is a seat! Hey! He doesn't eat or stay in the shop just to see the shopkeeper? This person is really strange!"

Leaving Nine Suns City, the scorching sun was in the sky.

A boy on a white horse rides across hillsides and desolate fields.

Finally, we can see the villages with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the connected villages spread along a stream that seems to never dry up.

Cooking smoke curled up, laughter and laughter.

It also has the purity that belongs to this village alone.

The big yellow cattle by the paddy field are flicking their tails casually, slapping the mosquitoes on their buttocks.

In the field, there are simple farmers who are facing the loess and their backs are planting rice seedlings. Even though they are sweating, they seem to enjoy it.

The man with a simple and honest face straightened his waist and smiled at the woman who came by the field to deliver food.

"Daughter-in-law! I expect a good harvest this year!"

The woman smiled softly.

"Isn't it because the new His Majesty has ascended the throne, but please bless us with good weather..."

"Hey, it's still a girl. It must be a good weather, I predict, such a good season, it must be a wise gentleman!"

Wei Tu smiled and passed by, as if no one noticed him, or there were too many people just passing by like him.

It's not surprising.

But soon, the sound of gongs and drums sounded from across the road.

The sky was covered with yellow paper.

Wei Tu looked over, but it was a team of brides, with a big red sedan chair, and a weeping girl was sitting in it.

Wei Tu stopped and looked at them.

Until suddenly a pair of officers and soldiers caught up from behind.

"Stop! Stop! You troublemakers don't stop!"

The procession of picking up the bride stopped immediately, and the sound of musical instruments stopped abruptly.

They turned their heads suspiciously and saw the leading official standing in front of them.

"Are you engaging in ghost marriage again? Are you engaging in it again! You didn't read yesterday's notice, did you? Stop it for me and put the girl back!"

The leading man was stunned.

"My lord... this is the tradition of our Niutou Village... this is the ghost marriage of the eldest son of Zhang Yuan's family... can't it be convenient?"

The official looked at him with a sneer.

"I don't care about Zhang Yuanwai and Li Yuanwai, that is, Yuanwai! Do you know that our Majesty issued an order three days ago? In the Dashang area, no one can engage in ghost marriages! This will kill your head! Are you trying to make me uncomfortable? How about giving you two choices, either let the girl go back, or go to the imperial city to lose her head in a few days?"


A group of people dispersed.

Those who sing musical instruments scattered and fled with their things.

The young woman who finally got off the sedan chair thanked the official with tears all over her face.

And the official said with a smile.

"Thank you for what we are doing. If you want to thank, you can thank His Majesty in Chaoge City. He is a good emperor, you know?"

The woman immediately knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of Chaoge City, weeping with joy.

None of them noticed a young man on a white horse passing by leisurely.

Wei Tu smiled and walked through the fireworks and dust.

He crossed hills and meadows, and dismounted, unbridled and saddle the white horse.Remove the hooves of the white horse as well.

Then he patted the white horse on the head.

"Okay, just send me here, you can go wherever you want."

The white horse stamped its hooves, then neighed loudly.

Then, as if he understood Wei Tu's words, he turned around and rushed into the mountains and fields quickly.

It's like a lush grassland.

And it can survive freely.

The boy who let his horse go back to the mountain decided to walk the last long road alone.

He came all the way to the seaside. At the seaside, he saw a little girl dressed in animal skins and with a crown of feathers on her head, standing on the edge of a cliff and throwing stones into the cliff.

Wei Tu walked over curiously.

"Little girl, who are you hitting on?"

The little girl froze for a moment, then turned her head to look at Wei Tu.

"I... I was thrown into the sea."

Wei Tu asked suspiciously.

"Throw it into the sea? Is this a means of fishing?"

"No, no, I just... want to fill up this sea!"

"Filling the sea? Such a big sea, you throw stones like this, when will it be filled..."

The little girl said with great determination.

"I don't care! But I just want to fill it! Throw so much every day, one day it will be filled by me!"

Wei Tu asked confusedly.

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