She really had no choice but to fetch a pot of hot water, and then placed it at the feet of the young man who was sitting on the low couch and looking at her leisurely.

She took a deep breath.

"Master, try the water temperature..."

Wei Tu looked at the other party.

"Will you help me take off my shoes?"



"Of course I will, master, don't be angry..."

if only!Just one day!I can get rid of the bondage of the slave pattern and the life and death Gu... I must!Be sure to cut off his legs neatly!Then stuff it in his mouth! !

Ran Xinxue thought so, but the movements of her hands were at another extreme.

Lifting Wei Tu's feet very gently, and then took off his boots with a little force.

Fortunately, there is no strange smell, nor any strange colored gas.

It's still... a blessing in misfortune, it seems that I can only enjoy myself from this bit of suffering.

Then I took off the boy's socks, but there was still no smell.

It's just that the psychological effect of dyeing new snow is very obvious. She can only pinch the edge of the sock with her two fingers, as if she will be poisoned if she gets a little more exposure.

Wei Tu put his feet into the basin.

He sighed comfortably.

"Hiss...not bad."

Of course not bad!You can enjoy it like a grandpa!Of course you are good!

He said it on his lips.

"As long as the master likes it..."

"Then why don't you press it? Let me rub it myself?"

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue with a smile.

Ran Xinxue was stunned for a moment, looking at the other party's feet in the hot water, they were not ugly at all, on the contrary they looked like the feet of a large woman.

The skin is clear and the veins are visible.

But she just subconsciously felt the shame.

She can only comfort herself.

It's okay... Only by suffering and suffering can you become a master.

It's okay to suffer...bear the's okay, it's not bad anyway.

At least my own innocence still exists...

Ran Xinxue reached in with trembling hands, and then touched the opponent's feet.

The moment he touched it, Renxinxue felt that his whole body was not clean.

Innocence not only refers to whether someone has entered your body, but also refers to the ways in which the enemies who share the same hatred humiliate you.

And Wei Tu was obviously not satisfied with such a touch.

"Use a little force, those who don't know think you don't know how to practice at all."


Ran Xinxue gritted her teeth, feeling a little numb.

Squatting down in front of Wei Tu, he began to press hard on his insteps, soles, and even toes.

And the brief scene calmed down.

Wei Tu didn't think about killing them all, but looked at the woman with her hair hanging down, because she was squatting in front of her, so that her collar was open, revealing a large white chest.

Probably because Ran Xinxue is not in the mood to care about these things now.

Wei Tu feasted his eyes.

Although he doesn't have any good feelings for this woman, it has to be said that the other's figure is indeed top-notch.

The extruded shape makes people think: it must be very comfortable to sleep on, right?

He just looked at it like this, and then opened his mouth with two purposes.

"Recently in the Great White School..."


"No, what happened in Yuan Jianzong recently... No, did something big happen?"

Is this guy crazy?

What about the Great White Sect...

Ran Xinxue raised her head and looked at Wei Tu suspiciously.

Then I saw the eyes that the other party just missed.

So she immediately thought of something, looked down, and as expected, the appearance of her neckline was almost ready to come out.

If it were any other woman, she might be blushing at this moment, pulling her clothes up immediately, as if she had been insulted and innocent.

But this is Yan Xinxue, the suzerain of Yuan Jianzong who is good at playing bad.

Being threatened for a long time, and her fate is in the hands of others, her brain circuit has long been different from ordinary people.

All I could think about was how to disgust this boy.

So she didn't tighten up.

Instead, she stretched out her wet hand and gently opened the collar a little.

Said as if a little distressed.

"Master, do you feel a little hot? If it's hot... why don't you take off your clothes?"

... PS: Actually, I really don't want to write about the campus anymore, because it always feels boring.No matter how I thought the subject matter was good at first, and the writing was fine, it was always different from what the readers thought.Moreover, the campus is easy to explode and cause headaches...

47 Let me teach you top crafts (monthly ticket plus 12)

Ran Xinxue was really naive.

She actually thought that such a thing could really disgust this young man.

Wei Tu was indeed a little disgusted.

It was quite strange to say that the more Ran Xinxue resisted, the more normal he felt, and even the happier he felt.

The more he had to act like he would rather die than surrender, he felt: Well... that's how things should be.

But once she reacted differently from her own thoughts, Wei Tu felt that this woman was a bit too lowly, and she could even make such compromises.

Many times he will restrain his evil thoughts, but it doesn't mean that his sense of this woman can also be improved.

For example, now, Wei Tu felt that it was a kind of naivety that the other party wanted to disgust him with such words.

So he smiled and looked at Ran Xinxue.

"Okay, help me change my clothes, just help me press my shoulders."


Ran Xinxue was stunned for a moment, then stared at Wei Tu with wide eyes.

It seems that he didn't expect the other party to say that.

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue's astonished eyes with a smile.

"You didn't suggest it? You see, my master is so kind-hearted, I even listen to the slave's advice. There is really no one else."

"Yes, yes...but..."

"You proposed it yourself, and you want to deny it?"

"Ah... no no no... Nunu is just afraid of the master's wind and cold..."

"Dye Xinxue, don't be ridiculous, a person who cultivates immortals, or a dragon-slaying realm, do you think I will be cold?"

"When, of course not..."

"Stop talking nonsense and change your master's clothes."


Ran Xinxue knew that the other party would actually climb along the pole, so she didn't say anything. It's better to wash her feet silently and see what new tricks he has.

He didn't expect that he would actually provide him with new tricks.

So Ran Xinxue bit her thin lip and got up.

Slowly, very hesitantly, he came to Wei Tu's side.

Looking at the neatly dressed skirt of the other party, he took a deep breath.

"Master... are you going to take it all off?"

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue with a smile.

"Yeah, isn't it convenient for you to massage?"


I really... I really am! ! !

Ran Xinxue wanted to give the other party a hard bite on the shoulder.

But she couldn't, she could only take off the boy's clothes with trembling hands as if she was hiding in the abyss step by step.

Then Wei Tu's strong upper body was exposed.

Now Wei Tu only has this pair of underpants left.

In Ran Xinxue's eyes, the boy's upper body undoubtedly... has something.

Just like men are obsessed with women's figures, women also pay more or less attention to men's figures.

For example, this boy has solid shoulder muscles, and he looks a little thin in clothes, but he never thought that there would be such a beautiful body under the clothes.

His muscles are not exaggerated, but the lines of his muscles are very smooth.

The muscle groups on the shoulders are well-defined, but they don't look too greasy and fat, and what surprises Ran Xinxue is the delicateness of his skin.

It is even more exaggerated than a woman, just like his beautiful hands, with fair complexion and delicate texture, like jade.

The key is that this man doesn't have any smell of sweat yet, just like his usual breath, it's the warm smell from the sun.

It made her breathing involuntarily disturbed, as if the temperature on her cheeks was rising.

"Not yet, or do you want to serve me in other ways?"

"No... Nunu will start immediately..."

Ran Xinxue bit her thin lips, and began to press the opponent's shoulder with a blushing face. When her fingertips touched the opponent's muscles, an unprecedented strange feeling permeated the woman's heart.

It's just that Wei Tu didn't work hard to humiliate the other party at this time, but asked about the previous things.

"Is there anything important in the sect?"

Ran Xinxue shook her head.

"There's nothing..."

"Has Bai Youwei left the customs?"

Ran Xinxue was stunned. Of course, she would instinctively suspect the relationship between the other party and Bai Youwei. Anyway, she wouldn't find it strange that any beautiful female disciple in the sect had an affair with this young man.

Perhaps the only one that was clean... was probably Lin Ruoyin, the peak master of Xuejian Peak.

But that woman really doesn't get close to anyone, she only wants to cultivate, and even the disciples under her seat seem to have few kisses with her.

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