"Life doesn't care about how many scenery you see, how many places you walk. It's about finding your own meaning, and this is where my meaning lies."

Wei Tu blinked.

Then she raised her head suddenly, the woman dodged in no hurry, her delicate lips seemed to be pecked lightly.

When she realized it, the boy was already lying on the ground, looking at her with a smile.

"There are many meanings, the meaning of life, the meaning of life, and the meaning of individuals... Sister Xitong is still so young, don't define yourself too early."

Mu Xitong smiled, her cheeks were pink and tender, like a girl.

"Brother...you are really bad, but my sister likes it."

She lowered her head, opened her mouth and bit Wei Tu's nose. PS: I vomited, the air conditioner was dripping... no, it wasn't dripping, it was raining, the ground was completely wet, I took it! !

69 Big things are coming

Things big and small were almost dealt with, and Wei Tu remembered one thing.

Gong Ziqi, who was on Chimei Peak, seemed to have something special to tell him after meeting him that day.

Wei Tu just felt that the current peace was just an illusion floating on the surface, so he decided to go to Chimei Peak to find Gongziqi.

Chimei Peak is the largest mountain in the entire Yuan Jianzong, and of course it also has the most disciples, men and women, and their strengths are somewhat uneven.

There are many people with high talents, and there are also many people with mediocre talents.

In the previous life, I didn't have many intersections with Chimei Peak. It can be said that apart from Su Mi's Xuejian Peak and my Xiaoyuan Peak, Wei Tu didn't bother to have any intersections with others. Naturally, Wei Tu ignored the relationship and the like.

It didn't occur to me that in this life, not only strength, but also interpersonal relationships need to be handled properly.

The disciples of Chimei Peak did not have any deep hatred with Wei Tu himself, and it was not like Qingting Peak who was repeatedly slapped in the face by Wei Tu, and it was not like Red Sandalwood Peak who thought that there was no need to bow to anyone, so he was rising like a new star. Wei Tu has deep disdain and dissatisfaction, and always feels that this young man has stolen the limelight that belongs to their senior brother.

The disciples of Chimei Peak greeted Wei Tu in a friendly manner.

The female disciples were like budding flowers, greeted shyly and shyly avoided the boy's peachy eyes.

Wei Tu inquired about Gong Ziqi's residence, followed the mountain road all the way up, and finally found Gong Ziqi who was practicing boxing shirtless in the courtyard at several isolated courtyards on the mountainside.

Gongziqi was sweating profusely, and his punches were thick and powerful, even without the breeze blowing, it seemed to make a whistling sound.

"Good punch."

When Wei Tu praised him sincerely, Gong Ziqi seemed to realize Wei Tu's arrival.

He was surprised for a moment, then smiled heartily.

"Junior Brother Wei is here! Sorry, I was punching just now and didn't pay attention!"

Of course Wei Tu didn't care about these things. He walked into the yard, watched Gong Ziqi put on his clothes, and then asked what came to his mind.

"Brother Gong likes boxing?"

Gongziqi got dressed and rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Actually, it's okay. I learned boxing for a few years before I went up the mountain. Since then, I haven't let go of my sword practice. Practicing boxing can make people vent their strength and strengthen their body. If Junior Brother Wei wants to learn, I can teach you too."

Wei Tu shook his head with a smile.

"Forget it. I'm not as persevering as senior brother Gong. I usually spend three days fishing and two days drying the net. Teach me not to make senior brother Gong angry."

Gong Ziqi chuckled, "If it is said that Junior Brother Wei also fishes for three days and spends two days drying the net, then how can us seniors with mediocre talents live?"

The two chatted politely for a while, Gong Ziqi was really not very good at this, and Wei Tu didn't bother to make excuses, so he asked straight to the point.

"By the way, what was the strange thing Senior Gong said when we met last time?"

"Oh... that's right! I almost forgot, I had such a good chat with Junior Brother Wei just now..."

Are you really happy?

Wei Tu twitched the corner of his eyes.

Immediately, Gong Ziqi sat beside her and lowered her voice, as if afraid of being heard by someone.

"Is such that……"

Gong Ziqi told Wei Tu a strange thing.

It was probably during the time when Wei Tu went to the world to do business, one night, Gong Ziqi was resting in the room, when he suddenly heard someone calling him, the voice was very like Gong Ziqi's father, As for making Gong Ziqi think he was dreaming.

But when he got up, he found that it was not a dream, the voice that was very much like his father was still calling him.

He remained puzzled and did not say anything, but followed the sound and walked out of the room.

At that time, the moon was high in the night sky, and it looked as usual, and there was nothing wrong with it. He didn't rashly think that it was really his father's ghost calling him, but thought that some mountain spirit might have imitated the human voice to cause trouble.

So he took the sword and walked out of the room.

Then follow the moonlight to find that voice.

Arrived in a lush wilderness, in fact, Gong Ziqi also realized that he had chased a long way, but the voice seemed to have infinite attraction, so he kept going there, when he pushed away the voice, it was almost submerged Grabbing the deep grass on his knees, he found that the sound had stopped. He held the sword and searched nervously under the moonlight.

But suddenly found a place emitting a faint blue light.

Gong Ziqi swears that he sensed something was wrong at the time, and told himself that it was best not to get close to it, but when he saw the faint blue light, he seemed to be attracted, and walked towards the blue light step by step. Colored light went.

Until it's almost here.

Suddenly his footsteps sank, as if his feet were a huge trap, and he slid directly towards the cave under his feet.

At that time, Gong Ziqi felt that he might have fallen into some monster's trap, thinking that he had been tricked, and he might fall into it today, but suddenly remembered that he was still holding the sword.

So Gong Ziqi became cruel, and immediately stabbed her sword casually around, forcing herself into the soft barrier next to her.

Then stopped the figure.

With lingering fears in her heart, Gong Ziqi tried her best to climb up, but couldn't help but glanced into the depths of the cave, and found a pair of blue eyes staring at her!

The frightened Gong Ziqi crawled out out of her wits.

Fortunately, nothing came out of it and dragged itself.

Gong Ziqi didn't even dare to sleep, so he immediately called the peak master of Chimei Peak, the elder Chen Ran, and brought people together to see what was going on in the cave.

At first he thought it was a monster, but he didn't expect that when Chen Ran saw this cave, he immediately summoned his disciples and sealed off all the areas near the back mountain, and no one was allowed to approach.

Gong Ziqi asked Chen Ran what was going on, Chen Ran just shook his head and said to him, "Don't worry about this matter, you won't be able to solve it if you worry about it, remember not to get close, and don't go out if you hear any noise at night .This is not an ordinary monster. Don't make a fuss about it, you know?!"

After listening to Gong Ziqi's narration, Wei Tu also felt very strange.

Imitating Gongziqi's father's voice... According to Gongziqi, his father died many years ago. If it was from a monster, how would he know?

In other words, there are only two explanations, either the sound is an auditory hallucination during the uterus, but the possibility is very small.

Either this weirdness has a weird ability to know the most irresistible voice for a person, so it can attract people.

There are indeed many monsters who set up traps to persecute human beings, but Chen Ran's reaction is too strange. Wei Tu has read a lot of books these days, and he has never found any weirdness that fits this description.

Wei Tu asked about the womb period.

"Since Elder Chen Ran told you not to spread the word... why did Brother Gong tell me?"

This sentence is to guard against the possibility of being tricked during the uterus, and guard against the possibility of his body and mind being controlled by that weirdness.After all, in Wei Tu's mind, Gong Ziqi is honest and honest, and she listens to Chen Ran quite a bit, so it is impossible to act against Chen Ran, and she is a tight-lipped person.

But Gong Ziqi looked at Wei Tu helplessly.

"I also made up my mind not to tell the truth at first, but then I found out... that disciples disappeared to varying degrees on the five mountains of Yuan Jianzong during this period, but those elders refused to tell the truth anyway, and A few disciples who survived the catastrophe secretly told me that they encountered similar things, such as some voice calling to them at night, imitating them vividly, some adoring seniors and sisters, some deceased relatives...even Master's Calling...all."

Wei Tu frowned.

I didn't listen to others say this to me.

Either the secrecy was done very well, or some people didn't even know about it.

But they all highlighted a message, that is, inside Yuan Jianzong, they seem to have an attitude towards this matter, but they dare not take the initiative to attack, they just want to block it and wait for the matter to subside.

My master should know about it, and Ran Xinxue should also know about it, but they didn't tell me...

And it happened that I didn't look for them during this time.

So it is possible that this matter has only intensified in the recent period and has a trend that seems to be out of control.

Wei Tu did not act hastily, but looked at Gongziqi.

"Senior Brother Gong, you said you saw its eyes at the time, but did you see any other features? The outline?"

Gong Ziqi shook her head and said regretfully.

"At that time, I was in a state of despair... I just thought about how to escape, and I didn't have the courage to investigate carefully, and I didn't know what the sect's countermeasures are now. I think...it's not good. So I told you, Junior Brother Wei, in advance. On the one hand, I want to remind you to be careful when encountering such things in the future. On the other hand, I think that you are the smartest disciple of our Yuan Jianzong, Junior Brother Wei, so I want to ask if you have any inspiration."

Wei Tu thought for a while.

He didn't find any inspiration for the time being, but he felt very bad in his heart.

Because Wei Tu would combine any weird situation in Yuan Jianzong with Yinlong Tianjun's divination at that time.

Could this be an omen?This is what Wei Tu is worried about. Of course, these things cannot be told to Gong Ziqi because it will only increase panic...

and many more.

Increased panic?

Why didn't those elders say anything, just blocked it, is it also out of their own considerations?

Wei Tu doesn't know now, and can only come to a conclusion after asking Lu Qingyan and Ran Xinxue.

Wei Tu wanted to stand up here.

"Today's matter, including what we said, please brother Gong don't reveal it, and don't talk to other people, okay?"

Gongziqi nodded subconsciously.

"Brother Wei, don't worry, of course I won't say... um? Why do you speak so much like my master?"

Gongziqi scratched his head, why do these people seem to understand something... but they have experienced it themselves and still don't know anything?

Wei Tu smiled.

"Don't think too seriously, it might just be a false alarm. If something really happens, those elders and sects will deal with it in time."

"Okay... Brother Wei, have you really thought of something?"

"It's hard to say, because I just thought of the possibility, but I don't know the exact one. Maybe... something big will happen recently." PS: I got up late today, but it was really tormented. Do you know how much torment it is?At night, the air conditioner kept dripping water, and I couldn’t sleep at all. I had to turn off the air conditioner, and then turn on the fan to the maximum. I was so hot that I couldn’t fall asleep. My body felt like I had a fever, and I threw up. !woo woo woo.

70 chain reactions with two possible

Wei Tu left Chimei Peak.

The first place to go is naturally Xiaoyuan Peak where Lu Qingyan is.

This matter cannot be put aside, since the strange omen has appeared, it cannot be treated as if it did not happen, and with Wei Tu's character, it is even more impossible to use the reason that this is a coincidence to deceive himself.

He does not lack the courage to face the problem. The most fearful thing is that you will not know the crux of the problem until the end.

When walking on the suspension bridge, Wei Tu thought of the Yinlong Tianjun. The evil dragon's essence and blood had been completely fused. He was not missing the gift of the treasure, but felt that the Yinlong Tianjun would know something about this strange omen. What does it represent.

It seems that Yinlong Tianjun's spirit and soul are all gone, but Wei Tu knows that the other party can't be so hasty, and he gambled everything when he invaded his consciousness.

So there must be some left in the dead zone under the suspension bridge.

However, as Yinlong Tianjun himself said, probably most of his consciousness and body were sealed underneath. As for the specific identity of the other party, Wei Tu still has no clue.

The existence of the name Yinlong Tianjun must be fake, it was constructed and shouted out to deceive himself, because Wei Tu also went to the Cangjing Pavilion to read many books during this period, and there was no one named Yinlong Tianjun People, and names have never appeared.

Is it possible that he just got this name and hasn't had time to carry it forward?

That would be a bit too sad indeed.

I should also have a name that is famous all over the world, lest people don't know what to call me when they record me.

What should it be called?

Wei Tu, who was indeed a waste of a name, thought hard for a long time, and arrived in front of Lu Qingyan's attic on Xiaoyuan Peak.

He opened the door, and saw Lu Qingyan sitting cross-legged in the hall on the first floor, as if she was meditating with her eyes closed.

Lu Qingyan had a lot of time to practice swords, but usually very early, and she got up even earlier, basically from early morning to the time when the sky turned pale.

Wei Tu once asked why Lu Qingyan chose such a time.

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