"I think it must be."

The sudden appearance of this voice was not beyond Lu Qingyan's expectation.

When Helian Yehu slowly appeared, Lu Qingyan's eyes did not change at all.

It's just that this time Helian Yehu didn't appear alone, with his appearance——

"what is this?"

"There is something strange..."

Both Lin Ruoyin and Xie Jin keenly sensed the existence of something. They looked around, and found that on the surrounding cliffs, one after another was crawling with terrifying and distorted monsters. They had heads like vicious dogs, but they had human-like bodies. The limbs and eyes exude a strange blue light!

Lu Qingyan squinted her eyes at Helian Yehu.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Helian Yehu separated from the crowd, and his tall and straight figure seemed to walk into the battlefield without any scruples.

"So what if you know? Now...you and your disciples have no chance of escaping..."

Right here, the gunpowder is filled with smoke, as if the battlefield of the army is at the same time.

On the other side... a stormy sea has already set off.


The Baoguang Hall is crumbling.

There was a dull sound, but a figure shot out from it, as if fleeing.

It's not a figure... but a young man with a beautiful young woman in his arms.

Ran Xinxue was in Wei Tu's arms, as if she was in danger and didn't know it, she said with a smile.

"So you are so powerful?"

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue in his arms angrily.

"I'm really convinced, you are a suzerain who can't forget anything, and now you still want to deceive people?"

As soon as the voice fell, the two people who landed on the front lawn heard a rumbling sound coming from the Baoguang Hall.

The tall Yao Xiang pushed open the dilapidated door.

Appeared in front of the two.

The aura all over his body was like an evil spirit descended from the sky. Although he was unsmiling and not angry or irritable, this gloomy aura seemed to keep all the dark tides in his heart.

Ran Xinxue glanced over there, then suddenly raised her head and kissed the boy's cheek.

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue in astonishment, but Ran Xinxue smiled seductively.

"This is an encouragement for you, you have been strengthened, hurry up!" PS: There are only two updates today, and my stomach is very uncomfortable. Well, a new book will probably be published on October [-]st, so I will tell you then.As for some things that you don’t understand, you can read the previous chapter carefully. Many things have been explained clearly. It should not be difficult to understand. Thank you for your support~

84 Have you ever heard that immortal emperors are afraid of looking at gods?

Wei Tu slowly put down Ran Xinxue from his arms, don't expect this woman to be of any help at this time, although she is also a woman from the Dragon Slaying Realm, she is in front of the Divine Hope Realm.

There is no difference between one dragon-slaying realm and two dragon-slaying realms, not to mention that this woman's dragon-slaying realm is all realms. In terms of killing methods, perhaps Lu Qingyan will be much better here at this time.

But I don't expect Ran Xinxue to do more. It's a miracle that she is here.

In the original idea, this woman should have left with them.

It's just that there is no need to say more about these words now.

He looked at Yao Xiang whose shoulders were covered with dust, and every step was like a whisper piercing through the eardrums.

"Actually, you can leave earlier, so you won't be in a dilemma like you are now."

Yao Xiang's hands were placed calmly, as if it wouldn't make people think of how powerful a fist can be.

And this is the fist of Wangshen Realm...

Wei Tu looked at Yao Xiang, holding a long sword in his hand, straightened his waist, no matter what his level was, at least he would not lose his momentum.

"If they are all gone, what will Yuan Jianzong do? Who knows the truth of this matter?"

Yao Xiang looked at the sky with emotion, the moon that seemed to be about to appear outside the clouds was just a silhouette now, the faint light seemed to be densely covered.

"If you know it, there is nothing you can do. You don't know what kind of chess game we are trapped in. Who is in charge of this big game? If you think it is just Ruoyuan's manipulation, you are still too naive .Even I... just thought about it, but I can't verify it."

Yao Xiang looked at the moon as if expecting something, which gave Wei Tu a hint of inspiration that he wanted to catch.

But it is still unable to catch.

Wei Tu thought for a while and said calmly, "You can stop all your plans now. If there is a backhand left by Ruoyuan on your body, as long as she is still in the dead zone, I can find a way to help you get rid of it. It is not difficult to break through the God-watching realm."

Yao Xiang laughed heartily, looking at Wei Tu and Ran Xinxue.

"I know you have some skills, at least you can destroy Ruoyuan's first-layer arrangement together with her, and let her survive... This is indeed very good, you can be regarded as a young hero. But you don't know, this is her The last hole card involves more than just her, how can it be so simple to put effort on me? If you say that you have no choice but to stay here, then I have no choice but to appear here. "

Wei Tu narrowed his eyes.

"You're saying that this is not just Ruoyuan's scheme, but other people's help. Who is it?"

Yao Xiang shook his head.

"Not to be said."

"There is nothing to say, you just dare not say it."

This can't be said to pull Wei Tu's thoughts far away at once...

Yao Xiang nodded and admitted frankly.

"That's right, with my current status and strength, I really don't have the guts to say it. There's no need to laugh at it. What position a person does, what kind of thing and what kind of vision all match. For example, based on your status and strength, you can only Seeing the truth on the surface, you can't see how many people and powerful forces are manipulating everything under the surface. In short, it seems that every step you take seems to be unexpected, and you feel You are going against the sky, destroying many predestined plans. But what you don't know is... what you destroy is only one of the choices.

They have more, more irresistible and cruel backhands than you can imagine. "

Speaking of this, Wei Tu also knew that Yao Xiang really had a lot to say, but he couldn't.

But just relying on these Wei Tu suddenly connected a vague line in his mind.

own rebirth.

Ruoyuan's death.

Lord Shangque of Shang Kingdom.

Why did the mother-in-law of Jiri Tiangong arrange for Luo Beihuang to appear in front of her when she shouldn't.

And now Ruoyuan's backhand.

behind the forces.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Yao Xiang.

"I'll ask you one last question."

"You said."

"Sorcerer God... is also in these plans, right?"

Yao Xiang narrowed his eyes, then nodded with a smile.

"It's really clever... I have deduced these things for more than ten years, and there is no conclusive evidence, but I still found some clues. You can combine them in such a short period of time... But still that sentence So, you know, so what?"

Wei Tu laughed.

"If you say that, I probably know what the forces you mentioned may be..."

"Is it?"

Yao Xiang didn't say much, because he knew that neither he nor Wei Tu would reveal each other's existence at this time.

And Ran Xinxue, who was next to her, was already confused, and looked at Wei Tu suspiciously.

"Why is the witch god involved again? Isn't this... that old bastard Ruoyuan did it!"

Wei Tu shook his head.

"You don't understand too much now, and this Master Yao won't give me so much time to explain clearly to you, but I have a hunch that tonight... will definitely come. And what I can tell you now Only... this seemingly scattered accident, the various incidents that occurred, are actually connected, how to connect? It's not so close, it's just that after one plan failed, another plan was launched, and these things were not promoted by one side. It's a conspiracy about power and dominance."

"Who did all this..."

Ran Xinxue couldn't help asking.

But Wei Tu didn't answer, he just pointed at the sky with one finger.

Ran Xinxue looked up, only the dark clouds were covered, and the moon was looming.

She seemed to suddenly understand something, tremblingly said, "God?!"

In the concept of Ran Xinxue, only gods, illusory gods, can do all this, right?There are so many plans planned, so many things to do, so many accidents... But if it is a god, it is already supreme, and the god who has no desires and desires is doing all this for what?Just to tease the world? !

And the ground began to tremble.

Wei Tu sighed.

"There is no time, your work has been done, let's go first."

Ran Xinxue looked at Wei Tu, but blinked her eyes recklessly.

"Why are you leaving?"

"I'm not joking with you! You don't know how to die at that time! Or you will be crushed to death by him casually, or the sky will collapse, maybe some ghost will swallow you up! Are you thinking of me? save you?"

Ran Xinxue heard Wei Tu's rarely suppressed angry words.

Her smile disappeared too.

"How can I, a cheap slave, expect to be rescued by you? Don't worry, no matter what, I will die later than you. Even if it's just one bite, I will bite you hard before I die."

Wei Tu slipped his tongue for a moment, and Ran Xinxue, who stood up in the swaying ground, seemed to be a rare sword in the eyes of Wei Tu in this world.

It turned out to be the first time I saw her wielding a sword.

Under the gloomy sky, on the trembling earth, her hair was flying.

She looked at Yao Xiang who was silent in front of her, and held the long sword in her hand.

She said in a deep voice, "Wei Tu, you always say that I have some choices but I don't choose them. I think I don't have a choice so I choose that. Now you see, is this a choice?"

After saying this, dyeing new snow was like an arrow leaving the string, and Wei Tu seemed to see flower petals rising in the air.

She was like an afterimage, the sword didn't have any strength left, it was the full strength of the dragon slayer, the wind seemed to be roaring along with her figure.

Ran Xinxue only had the sword in her hand in her eyes, and she knew where Yao Xiang was based on the direction she felt.

She knew that the last arrangement that the young man behind him could make was to leave here safe and sound, but she refused to accept it.

Really dissatisfied.

He could never understand what the choices she had faced in the past were life or death, and she felt that she would do anything to survive.

But who wouldn't want to be a good person if he could live a good life? !

Why can he understand the sufferings of the world so sanctimoniously, but never know how many struggles and entanglements he has experienced in front of him?

In the sea of ​​darkness and light, being stirred up and almost sinking, what kind of person is he?

She knew that this sword might never come back, but it didn't matter, she wanted to let him know that this was the truest self, and that she could be reckless, as it was to make up for all her mistakes.

Cruel schemes that aborted if they didn't work out.

Also let him know that she can choose to dye Xinxue like this!Why does he underestimate himself so much!


The radiant sword shot out.

But Yao Xiang didn't move, he even took a look at the woman who arrived in front of him.

Then make a fist and punch.


"I've said it all... It won't help if you join together."

"You know shit!!"

Ran Xinxue said angrily, and stabbed his chest fiercely with the long sword.

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