"Xuejian Peak's disciples are here too!!"

"That's... Senior Sister Bai!!"

"And Senior Sister Jiang!!"

The two most dazzling figures seem to have a silent understanding.

They danced swords and shuttled back and forth, as if they were dancing in the bright moonlight.

Every sword light is so precise, shuttling back and forth, there are screams and roars of monsters one after another.

At this moment, Qiao Zhiheng raised his long sword and walked in front of Li Hanyang, he glanced at Li Hanyang.

He didn't seem to be disappointed, but he didn't have any other emotions either. His eyes were only solemn. He was the most powerful person on the surface at this time.

So he made a move that Li Hanyang did not expect.

Raising his sword high, there was a loud sound.

"Disciple of Yuan Jianzong! I will not allow you to put down your swords! You are not at the end of your life, why say you are dead? Pick up your swords for me! No matter you are male or female, male, protect me, female disciples, you female disciples! Don't yell, listen to me, Yuan Jianzong's disciples are not allowed to die...but if you want to die, you have to hold the sword for me and die standing!!"

Li Hanyang took a deep breath, he pushed away Gong Ziqi's hand, and held the sword in his hand.

Looking down at the sword in his hand, it was the sword that Yuan Wei personally handed over to him.

His eye sockets instantly turned red, like a fragile child.

But there was a fire in my heart.

"Master would rather let us survive alone... How can I just raise my hand and surrender... How can I die here... How can I! Kill!! Kill me!! I want to kill them!! "

Among the crowd, Qin Shuangshuang, who hugged the girl who seemed to be still asleep, calmed down.

The flames seemed to be burning, and they looked like fragile teenagers, not even hunters.

But... when the will is so concentrated... she understands that even if she dies, she will not leave any regrets.

She hugged Su Mi tightly, as if to protect her belief.

Until a soft hum came from his arms.

Qin Shuangshuang was stunned, watching Su Mi in her arms slowly raised her head, and opened her misty eyes.

"Hey... where is this? What's going on?"

Of course Qin Shuangshuang knew that it wasn't Su Mi waking up from sleep, but waking up from a coma. This was the arrangement of that flirtatious young man...but at the moment she didn't feel good.

Immediately looked at Su Mi.

"Susu, are you awake? Don't talk, don't move. Something serious happened..."

Su Mi looked around and suddenly saw the noise and chaos around her.

Sword lights are everywhere, and flesh and blood are flying everywhere.

Some were the screams of his disciples, and some were the wailing of monsters he couldn't name.

She trembled slightly.

"This...what's the matter?"

Qin Shuangshuang hugged Su Mi.

"I'll explain it to you when it's safe, and adjust it first!"

However, Su Mi quickly remembered what worried Qin Shuangshuang the most.

"This... Senior Sister Bai... Senior Sister Jiang Jiang... Wait! Where's Master? Where's Wei Tu! Where's Wei Tu? Where's Master? Why didn't you see them!"

It was difficult for Qin Shuangshuang to explain, and this was what the boy was most worried about.

She faltered, "This...they have arrived at a safe place, don't worry, they will see you soon, don't worry!"

But Su Mi's intuition at this time was extremely strong.

"Impossible...he won't do this, he can only be more dangerous than me, he can't be safer than me! Let me go! Qin Shuangshuang! Let me go!"

How could Qin Shuangshuang let go of this girl who insisted on going deep into danger.

But Su Mi's state at this time is more terrifying than she thought. Her fragility seems to have disappeared without a trace, replaced by obsession, the obsession to go no matter where.

She may not know what is going on at this time, but what she knows is that there is a place she must go to, and there is someone she must find regardless of life or death.

At this moment, Qin Shuangshuang wanted to hug Su Mi, but was pushed away by Su Mi in an instant.

Su Mi didn't even look at her, picked up the long sword from the ground and was about to leave.

Go in the direction she had a hunch.

That's where he's bound to be.

"Stop Susu quickly! Don't let her go! Quick! Senior Sister Bai!! Senior Sister Jiang!!"

Bai Youwei and Jiang Ying, who instantly sensed something was wrong, both noticed Su Mi who seemed to have a strange temperament at this moment.

They rushed over immediately, trying to stop Su Mi.

Su Mi didn't care.

"Don't stop me...I'm going to find him. How can he do this! Every time, every time! I don't want to be the one who makes him worry about protecting every time...How can I let him alone People are dangerous!"

Jiang Ying is not good at words and can only hold Su Mi, even using her own strength.

But Bai Youwei said helplessly.

"You have to believe in his decision. Going at this time is just causing him trouble. Although he is a bit dangerous, he can always save the day, right? Do you want to cause him trouble now?"

Su Mi took a deep breath and shook her head.

"I don't want to..." Then he raised his head suddenly, his eyes burst out with indescribable strength and paranoia, "but I won't cause him any trouble... let me go, I'm going to find him, I've already decided ...I will accompany him through the most dangerous time."

"Su Mi!"

Jiang Ying even used the suppression of the realm.

But soon, Jiang Ying discovered an almost impossible thing.

The breath of Su Mi in front of her almost soared into the sky.

For a brief moment.

Bai Youwei was even more astonished. It is impossible for her not to know such a situation. This is...

"Dragon Slaying Realm!"

Qin Shuangshuang stopped in astonishment, and even Jiang Ying couldn't help letting go.

They suddenly discovered that this was the weakest and most favored girl among them.

At this time, her hair fluttered slightly, and her back looked so tall.

A pair of beautiful eyes exuded an indescribable brilliance, but her aura at this time... told them without any deviation.

Under such circumstances, this girl suddenly broke through from the Fusion Realm to the Dragon Slaying Realm.

How many steps did she take?

How many words did you say?

What the hell is she thinking?

Why can she...

There were too many words to say, but Su Mi held the sword and walked out of the crowd.


A monster found an opportunity and rushed towards the girl who seemed to be in a daze.

But in an instant, everyone only saw her move the sword.

Blink again.

The monster in the air split into two and fell beside her, but she still walked.

The voice is stubborn.

"I don't want to be protected...I just want him to live."



The collision of the blades was so crisp and sweet.

A look of great enjoyment appeared on Helian Yehu's face.

In the instant of breaking up, he looked at the cold and beautiful woman in front of him.

Every move seems to be blooming youthful, extremely pleasing Lu Qingyan.

"Lu Qingyan...your sword is different from three years ago."

Lu Qingyan narrowed her eyes and looked at Helian Yehu.

"Everyone will improve in three years, but you don't seem to have changed at all."

Helian Yehu laughed.

"Although your sword intent has changed, I can tell you responsibly that your path is wrong. Before, I was a little excited and appreciative of the straight forward and indomitable progress, but now... your spirit is full. No, tell me what is left of you? This smooth sword cannot defeat me... Lu Qingyan, letting you die here may be the best ending, anyway, you will be lost in the end anyway... ...why bother?"

Lu Qingyan looked at the sword in her hand, but she had no doubts at all.

She would even think of the soft words that that boy whispered in her ears day and night.

Think of all the pain and almost torn pain I went through.

She shook her head, the expression on her face becoming calmer and more relaxed.

"This is the way of the sword he let me find... You deserve to be evaluated? Responsible... Hehehe, you deserve to be responsible too?" PS: I can't take it anymore, I'm so pissed off

88 This is my sword! (Monthly ticket plus 22!)


The two swords collided, wiping out the fierce sparks, as if the entire sky was lit up.

They separated quickly, a man and a woman looked at each other, and the grass under their feet was hit hard again.


This time, it was the staggering of swords, making an even more deafening sound.

Every strike seemed to make Lu Qingyan's jaw go numb.

What a tyrannical force this is.

Lu Qingyan stroked the hilt of the sword a little, feeling the remaining power carefully.

She looked up and saw Helian Yehu's smiling eyes.

"To be honest, Lu Qingyan, I have some sympathy for you."


Lu Qingyan didn't speak, but felt the scenes of these swords carefully, trying to capture some mysterious and mysterious feelings from them. She had a premonition that this would be the feeling she needed most to break through the realm. The environment is a bit wishful thinking, but there is no doubt that it will go further.

But Helian Yehu, who is comfortable and doesn't worry about time, looks at this beautiful woman, and it is very likely that this rare woman in this life thought of something.

It reminds me of the first time I saw this woman.

It was at the Dragon Slaying Meeting in Southern Sword State.The first time I saw this woman, it was a woman who surprised many people.

Helian Yehu had no interest in women at first, and felt that women were stumbling blocks on the road of practice, and becoming a Taoist couple was just to find an escape direction for his own practice path.

However, he never expected that this woman would be so amazing when she appeared on the stage.

Helian Yehu said with some nostalgia.

"At that time, your sword was so good, straight forward, all the way forward. From rigid to fierce... It is not an exaggeration to evaluate you as a genius who is once in a hundred years. I also thought... If it was a woman like you... ...It is also acceptable to be a Taoist companion."


Lu Qingyan looked at Helian Yehu strangely.

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