"I knew you kid had no good intentions. If you didn't have nowhere to go, why would you come to me?"

"This is what you said... Sister Xitong, you really misunderstood me. Even if I have nothing to do, I am willing to come to your place for a stroll. For no other reason, Yaowang Pavilion will always be my second home."

"Pfft...you bastard."

Mu Xitong smiled and poked the boy's forehead with his finger.

Wei Tu took advantage of the situation and lay down, the medicine stove was still on, so it was very warm, and there was no need to worry about catching a cold, let alone a cultivator of this level, if he caught a cold, he really couldn't justify it.

Wei Tu was lying down, looking at the ceiling, enjoying the unspeakable tranquility. As the saying goes, sitting is worse than standing, and lying is worse than sitting.

At this moment, Wei Tu wanted to lie down and have a big spring and autumn dream.

"Sister Xitong, do you know what happened?"

he asked suddenly.

Mu Xitong supported the floor with one hand, slightly turned his shoulders, the clothes were on the corner of his shoulders, which seemed to be a tempting angle that would slip off at any time.

"I know, it's nothing more than the fact that the ancestor who supported Yuan Jianzong with one hand did not die in the end. For the sake of longevity, he would rather let the sect he created be destroyed..."

"Do you feel anything?"

Wei Tu turned his head and asked, not much can be seen from this angle, and the key parts are tightly covered by the dress.

But the round and round shape of the gauze-wrapped buttocks is so alluring, as if it is attracting the young man to try it out.

The woman raised her head slightly.

"I don't feel much... I heard it a long time ago. People die for money and birds die for food. Maybe people who cultivate immortals don't ask for money, but they will pursue other things. Compared with ordinary people, they are more fanatical. It is not the so-called Immortals are a symbol of integrity, they are just rumors in the world, what else in the world makes them covetous, but in Xianzhou... these things will be infinitely magnified."

"Don't you feel that the world is dark and the future is hopeless?"

Wei Tu looked at Mu Xitong with a smile.

Mu Xitong looked down at Wei Tu.

Then he lowered his head and turned sideways.

Her collar dropped slightly, as if she could see the shape of a hemisphere, which was beyond beautiful.

The seductive delicate color seems to be emitting fragrance.

She looked at the boy with deep eyes, and then smiled, as warm as a sister.

"No matter where you are... there is always a place where the sun doesn't shine. Should we blame the world for being too dark at this time?"

Wei Tu shook his head.

Mu Xitong stretched out his hand and gently loosened the hair on the young man's forehead, revealing his smooth forehead, looking into those peach-like eyes.

"That's right, I firmly believe that what I am doing is the right thing, and I am walking on the right path. If there is no light, I will become the light." PS: Well, the daily wave you want is here, and I still want to ask for it at the beginning of the month A ticket~ There will be fewer updates these days, but it doesn’t matter, it will return to normal updates on the [-]th or [-]th, and even more updates will be added, so let’s vote for the monthly ticket first~~~ If you are interested in the new book, you can read it. The name is "My Love Game Is Full of Hatchets", with sufficient manuscript deposit guarantee, and I feel that the writing is in good condition.

100 Everything About You~ (Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month~)

Will it be a beam of light?

Maybe I am not so persistent in wanting to be a light that shines on everyone. The sun is indeed extremely important to people, but who really wants to be a light that shines on others, living brilliantly on top of everyone’s head and overlooking all beings all day long? Woolen cloth.

It must feel good to be praised, praised and even enshrined, otherwise there would not be so many people chasing fame and fortune, but Wei Tu has heard too many stories about this kind of story, and the cases of how it started and how it fell are even more innumerable enumerate.

From the very beginning, Wei Tu never thought about being a god-like figure, how brilliant the halo would be at the beginning, and how dim it would be after falling.

The boy now only had a wry smile lying on the floor.

"I've always been the one carrying the torch."

Mu Xitong looked at the young man's familiar, pretentious appearance with a smile.

In fact, a young man doesn't know what it means to be sad, but it is indeed annoying to say that he is sad for new words, but not everyone feels like this, such as how this young man feels for himself and what he has done , it will make people understand that a teenager who bears responsibility can also become a man overnight.

"Okay, don't worry about the spring and autumn, do you want to sing the first burial song?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Wei Tu laughed.

This woman understood what she was thinking, but Wei Tu really didn't need more comfort, and now it seemed that comfort was useless, and he never lived on comfort.

Mu Xitong gently patted the boy's cheek.

"Okay, get up and cook after you exercise your will. Everyone will starve to death."

Wei Tu looked at Mu Xitong aggrieved.

"I'm almost becoming a hero who saves the world, why do I still need to cook?!"

Mu Xitong looked at Wei Tu as a matter of course.

"Don't forget who was raising you in the past, and you still don't want to cook? How about I make a special hero sign to hang around your neck?"

"...Forget it then."

This picture is too beautiful to imagine.

Wei Tu still made a meal, the little fox ate with relish, and then ran into the forest, happily running wild.

It may also be that Wei Tu has said that he is fat too many times, so that he has begun to pay attention to body management.

The matter here in Yaowang Pavilion has been dealt with temporarily.

In the afternoon, Wei Tu went to Xiaoyuan Peak.

Although Xiaoyuan Peak received much less vibration than other mountains, and there were few ground sinking places, it was still affected.

For example, in my own small yard, a large piece of the roof of the house collapsed.

A lot of things inside are a little damp.

Wei Tu took a while to move things out to bask in the sun, and some were really irreparable or smashed, so they were simply thrown away.

As for the repair of the roof, don't try to fix it in a day or two, the boy still can't come back to sleep.

Whenever thinking of this, Wei Tu felt very sad.

"Master, look, it's not that I don't want to come back, it's that there is really no place to sleep, or I can sleep in your room."

"...What are you thinking about!"

Lu Qingyan glared at the young man angrily, and then looked outside in fear, but no one passed by at all.

Jiang Ying also went to work with Su Mi and others, and now she is not at Xiaoyuan Peak at all.

But Lu Qingyan couldn't help but felt a feeling of guilty conscience.

"If someone finds out, how can you be a human being?!"

Wei Tu froze for a moment, looking at his flushed master.

"What...is it okay if no one knows?"

Lu Qingyan was also stunned, only to realize how easily misunderstood she said.

"You have a good idea! Being a teacher doesn't mean that!"

Wei Tu squinted his eyes to look over, and turned his body slightly. It was just a very simple movement, but Lu Qingyan felt a lot of pressure inexplicably.

From a man who wasn't exactly a teenager.

"Isn't it true?"

"Of course, what are you thinking about, I'm your master!"

"That's a kiss too."

"What kiss...you...you are going to die!"

"Hey hey hey."

Wei Tu couldn't help laughing, his body even trembled slightly.

Lu Qingyan didn't even look at Wei Tu anymore.

I knew that I shouldn't be so soft-hearted and indulge this young man back then... Now it's fine, I have no respect for myself at all, and when I'm alone, I'm like a real pervert.

Lu Qingyan was shy and nervous, relying on her master's face to maintain herself.

"I really admire you. After these things have passed, I still have the mood to think about them."

Wei Tu didn't do anything to spoil the scenery in a hurry, but took a sip of tea slowly and said with a smile.

"Isn't it the most true truth to be happy in life...it is because you are on the verge of life and death, so you understand how the survivors should enjoy life, otherwise you will always live in tense emotions, master, you are not tired Is it?"

Looking at the young man's smiling face, Lu Qingyan thought of how tall and condescending his figure was that day, so she couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"By the way... There is something that I want to ask as a teacher. You can either tell me the truth, or you don't need to tell me. It doesn't matter, but don't lie to me."

"Well, Master, you ask."

Wei Tu seemed to know what the woman was going to ask, but he didn't show too much emotion. To him, there was nothing he couldn't explain, and he didn't do anything that he couldn't face others. This was his clear conscience. .

Lu Qingyan looked into Wei Tu's eyes. At that time, this familiar boy gave her an extremely strange feeling. She also seemed to feel something was wrong. Thinking of the recent changes in this boy, it seemed to constitute a completely different situation from Wei Tu before. Tu image.

Is it two people?

She actually had some doubts.

"You...are you still Wei Tu?"

Even if she knew that the other party gave her a negative answer to such a question, she didn't know what to do.

But she didn't want to get that kind of answer... She could most clearly feel the huge change in this young man's strength and mentality.

This change does not happen overnight.

She didn't believe such outrageous things, but emotionally speaking, she was gradually blurred and didn't know how to feel about the boy in front of her.

Liberation, or complete blockade.

She just needs an answer.

Wei Tu didn't answer immediately, but looked at Lu Qingyan.

"What if I answer you no?"

Lu Qingyan bit her thin lips, the luster in her eyes dimmed quickly.

It seems to be a little confused, or a little desperate.

"I have no idea……"

She finally said something like this, "I know I shouldn't deceive myself, but I can't turn a blind eye...Tu'er is my apprentice... Anyway, I want to know his whereabouts, but...What kind of emotion should I have towards you Well, I don't know... I just know that some things can't be ignored, such a change is too obvious..."

Lu Qingyan was a little helpless.

She didn't know how to face this fact, if it wasn't for Wei Tu... where did Wei Tu go?Who is he?

And the young man didn't let Lu Qingyan struggle for too long.

"I am Wei Tu, and I have been from the beginning to the end."

Lu Qingyan looked at the young man steadfastly, her eyes flickering, and the young man was happy to see the light in her eyes.

"But... how do you do it..."

Wei Tu looked at Lu Qingyan with a smile, then sighed, and told a long story.

"I... before that day, I had a long, long dream. I dreamed about my life in the future, who I became, what I experienced, and what I lost..."

This story is very long.

But Lu Qingyan didn't miss any details.

The boy's story is vivid, as if it is not a dream, but his real experience.

Lu Qingyan knew that if a person wanted to make it up, it would be impossible for him to make up such a seamless story in such a short period of time.

But if it is true... what is this?

Will the future Wei Tu entrust dreams to the present Wei Tu?

And...the future and the present...this is also...

Looking at Lu Qingyan's dull expression.

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