Ran Xinxue's cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were blurred.

"Dog man, what do I want to do, do you want to take care of me?"

4 Why does it have to be tonight?

Wei Tu can play dumb in such a situation.

Because the one who seems to have nothing to lose is him.

But if he really went on like this, he wouldn't be Wei Tu anymore.

What he thought of was a woman in a white dress standing in front of him on a sunny afternoon.

"You are Wei Tu, Wei Tu from Xiaoyuan Peak?"

It seems that Wei Tu himself has forgotten what it was like to meet this woman for the first time.

The weather was probably fine that day, but...no one would have thought of what would happen to the two of them.

Wei Tu got up like this, and held her in his arms, her whole soft and plump body.

Then he turned over and put the woman who was puzzled and then slightly angry until she was ashamed on the chair.

He panted heavily, actually it was quite difficult to restrain the temptation of this woman.

It even seemed impossible.

Her dazed eyes were trying to restrain herself from tears.

She didn't know why she was crying, or she had seen the signs of rejection.

In itself... this is not a courtship, is it!I don't want his so-called pity.

She even hoped that this man would be more ruthless, and either kill herself at that time, or occupy herself fiercely now.

What is this now?

"You tell me what this is! Bastard, what is this!"

The palm of his hand slapped the boy's chest fiercely, and Wei Tu took it all.

Then look her in the eyes, "I don't think you're ready now."

"What kind of preparation is needed for this! You are a bastard, why can't you give me a good time? What is this? I am already like this, what have I become!"

The more you don't want to restrain your tears, the more uncontrollable you are.

After passing her cheeks, there were obvious tear stains.

Wei Tu calmed down and took a deep breath.

He gently wiped away the falling tears with his fingers, and then he said calmly.

"Let me have you, yes. But not now."


"You go back, I will come to you at night, I will knock on your door, if you are really ready and really intend to give me everything, then open the door. If you still think you can't take advantage of me, bastard, then you Just pretend you didn't hear it."


Ran Xinxue really didn't understand.

From her point of view, she is ready to fight a protracted war with this evil relationship, and to entangle with this young man to death, whether it is mutual hatred or mutual resentment, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, it's not love, any emotion is fine, it doesn't matter how twisted it is.

My life is already distorted, if there is no such a distorted relationship, how can I be regarded as having a beginning and an end.

I am indeed impulsive, and sometimes I don’t want to think, but this is me, the self who does not care about the consequences, the paranoid and crazy self.

Only in this way will it appear that you are somewhat unique in this world, different from anyone else.

But he just wants to think for himself, doesn't he know that too many things in the world are just a single thought, and can't stand any thought?

She hated his cautious, indecisive tenderness.

She doesn't need tenderness.

Tenderness will only make yourself collapse.

Wei Tu took a deep breath, took out his clothes from the Qiankun bag, and put them on the woman's body to cover her beautiful delicate body.

Indeed, if people look at it more than once, a flame will burst out in the heart.

It's the kind that even the pouring rain can't extinguish. This woman is indeed coquettish from birth.

If it is placed in the human world, there must be many so-called "literary talents" who call it a disaster for women and disasters for the country and the people.

"You can ignore everything and sink down. But I can't."

"What's wrong? Die if you deserve to die, live if you deserve to live! Don't you like to say that life is short and enjoy yourself in time? Now you're pretending to be a gentleman again. When did you become a gentleman? You must humiliate me in this way? Or do you think this is the best way to make me miserable?"

Dyeing the new snow obviously doesn't think too much about it.

She would not put her heart in Wei Tu's position and think about any issues.

She only obeys her own heart, wants what she wants, and gives what she wants, without worrying about the consequences, and she doesn't need to be calm.

Wei Tu reached out to hold Ran Xinxue in his arms.

"Do not touch me!"

However, Ran Xinxue struggled violently and refused to say anything.


"Don't touch me! Why do you touch me if you don't want to touch me? Get lost!"

Regardless of the opponent's resistance, Wei Tu hugged him and his clothes together.

Now there is a lot of fabric.

Ran Xinxue stopped resisting, but hugged his shoulders forcefully.

Opening her red lips, she firmly bit the boy's shoulder with her not-sharp white teeth.

She bites very hard. If Wei Tu uses realm feedback, her teeth will definitely be shattered.

But it wasn't like this, so of course, Wei Tu's flesh oozes blood, staining his pure white clothes red.

He didn't care too much about this sore spot, he just looked extremely calm and said in a lazy and tender voice.

"I'm actually not such a kind person, and I don't feel guilty about this kind of thing. But I'm not messy or promiscuous. I hope you can think clearly for yourself, is this for revenge on me, or for revenge? Your own life. Do you choose to try to accept it, or use this mentality to entangle with me for the rest of your life. Think it through, and after tonight, you won’t change it.”

After tonight, it will not be changed.

These words were firmly planted in Ran Xinxue's heart.

She seemed to suddenly understand the meaning of the other party.

He not only needs to make a decision by himself, but even himself needs a decision.

He wasn't as calm as he thought, it was just too crazy to scare him.

He also has something to fear, or himself.

How funny.

Since he is afraid, then...

So Ran Xinxue loosened her lips.

"let me go."


Wei Tu let go of her, and watched the fiery woman who was like a volcano suddenly cool down.

It is indeed normal for such a contrast to appear on her, after all, she is a woman who always wanders between extremes.

But it's also the same, which makes people want to stop.

Ran Xinxue knew that her dress was torn, so she tore it off.

Wei Tu even saw her exposed white thighs and even half of her buttocks for a moment...

Wei Tu's eyes immediately closed.

The other party put on his own clothes in front of his own face.

She can't be said to be heroic, on the contrary, she is a very feminine woman.

Wearing clothes that can be strong in masculine style, it appears to have a unique coquettish attitude, just like a disheveled brothel woman, getting up in the morning, getting into your bed, taking your clothes, and taking away your desires for the day by the way.

"get out."

"It's really ruthless."

Wei Tu tidied up his clothes, and as for the plum blossom-like bloodstain on his shoulder, he could wipe it off with his hand.

After tidying up his clothes, he was about to leave Baoguang Hall. Before leaving, Ran Xinxue turned around, looked at the boy's back and said.

"You will come over tonight."

"If not, I won't speak."

"Okay, if you don't come, I will make our affairs public tomorrow morning."


Wei Tu really has never seen a woman who is more speechless than Ran Xinxue.

But teenagers are also used to it, men will always encounter some challenges, sometimes not only the storms in front of them, but also the women around you.

After leaving Baoguang Hall, Wei Tu of course had to go back to the mountain gate first.

In Xiaoyuan Peak, because Lu Qingyan is still in seclusion, Wei Tu actually has no other place to go. Jiang Ying's entanglement with death that night can be said to be a lot satisfying, so he can return to the place without distraction. own yard.

There will be a girl named Su Mi waiting for me at home.

It's not because I always go back there that it's called home, but where she is, it's called home, and anything else is called wandering.

It was already noon when Wei Tu opened the door.

Unexpectedly, he smelled the strong aroma of food.

It was even stronger than the smell before going to the Dragon Slaying Conference.


Wei Tu called, and then there was a sound from the kitchen.

The girl who turned her head slightly, tied her twin ponytails.

She still looked youthful, pretty and charming. She glanced at herself, and then said with a smile, "Wait a minute, there is another dish, and it will be ready soon. You can call senior sister and have dinner together."

Wei Tu was stunned, looking at her.

"You know I'm back?"

Su Mi's body had already returned to the kitchen, but the sound came through the sound of the spatula and the explosion of oil.

"Well, I knew it one day in advance. With such a good ranking, the entire Yuan Jianzong went crazy. I don't think it's hard to know."

"Hmm... Do you really want me to call Senior Sister?"

No woman is generous with her man, especially not when it's about another woman.

Wei Tu felt that she should want to be alone with him.

The girl in the kitchen said, "Of course, the senior sister won the first place. We should celebrate together."

Wei Tu understood.

Now this girl really changed too much for herself and sacrificed too much.

I am willing to spend the time alone with myself to take care of other people who are also important to me.

Wei Tu walked in and hugged her slender waist in the smoky kitchen.

"Oh... I'm cooking, is it annoying?"

When complaining, there is also laughter.

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