Hearing Su Yu's words, the blood-winged dragon howled.

Dang even flew straight up.

Then it flew directly in the direction Su Yu was pointing at.

At the moment of lift-off, Su Yu released Xanadu and hugged her in his arms.

Xanadu, who was hugged by Su Yu like this, blushed slightly.

But soon, it reacted.

Hastily did his own thing.

Use your own superpowers to prop up a shield.

The Blood Wing Flying Dragon looked back at the situation of Su Yu and the others.

After making sure there is no problem.

It also began to accelerate and rush forward.

Just like that, Su Yu and Alicia set off against the morning sun.

Sitting on the back of the Blood Wing Wyvern, Alicia immediately gave a thumbs up. "Sure enough, the feeling of helicopters and fighter jets is different." "I should have known that I would also want a Blood Wing Wyvern." At this time, Alicia had already regretted it.Look at the blood-winged dragon, and then look at your own Tanabata blue bird.

Sitting on this is like being in a fighter jet.

And what about the Tanabata blue bird?

That is the helicopter.

The two are simply not comparable.

Hearing her words, Su Yu was puzzled.

"At that time, it seemed that you took out the mega stone to lure the green cotton bird."

"Then they evolved directly and were subdued by you."

"Now you actually start to dislike others?"

"Tsk tsk."

"Qixi Blue Bird heard it, and probably cried."

Is this really good?

It was heard by the Tanabata blue bird, it probably had to cry.

Alicia immediately waved her hand.

"No no no."

"It can't hear."

"I've turned off the outside sound."

When she said this, she was so righteous.

In the elf ball, she had already turned off the sound.

So it doesn't matter what she says here.

None of the elves will hear.

Unless you say you want to release them.

This is also done to give them a safe sleeping environment.

When Su Yu heard this guy's explanation, he couldn't laugh or cry.

As expected of you.

He didn't say anything more.

Instead, it quieted down.

Su Yu began to use superpowers to communicate with Gulardo in the master ball.

Ask it something.

"Gulardo, have you sensed that fat fish?"

"Is it awake too?"

"And it's in the direction we're headed."

Hearing Su Yu's words, Gulardo in the elf ball said after a long time in a muffled voice, "I've woken up."

"It seems to be where we are going."

"Are you going to beat it?"

Speaking of this, Gulardo immediately became excited.

You won't be sleepy in an instant, okay?

Su Yu frowned deeply when he heard the news. "Is it really Kioka?"

He said it directly.

So Alicia on the side also heard it. "Huh?" "Kioka?" "Are you sure?"

Alicia was a little surprised at this moment.

How did Su Yu know?

Putting away Gulardo's elf ball, Su Yu nodded with a serious face and said: "That's right." 607 "It should be that guy Kyoka." "Gulardo said, it also woke up." "And it's in the direction we're going." Su Yu was very serious.

This is not a piece of filled news.

It is estimated that there may be a tough battle to be fought next.

"Emm...Then let's make a phone call and let the people on the border islands evacuate first." "There are still a lot of fishermen on it."

"If there's a real fight then, it's not a joke," she said seriously.

Dang even took out his mobile phone and called the alliance directly.

Said the seriousness of the matter.

At the same time, he also focused on talking about Gaioka.

If, Kyoka is really messing up.

Then if Su Yu and the others passed by, they might fight.

Once there is a fight, it is estimated that the residents on the island will suffer.

Not to mention, if Kyoka's characteristics are activated at that time.

Then it is estimated that many of the entire remaining islands will be submerged.

If this time really comes, the loss will be immeasurable.

So, you have to be prepared.

The retreat of the retreat.

Stay away.

Never take chances to face the beasts that you may encounter.

When they appear and start fighting.

Any attack may become a reminder for human beings.

(, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 251, I just want to kill that fat-headed fish right now

Humans and elves want to compare.

Physical fitness is always too weak.

Not resistant to beating at all.

Any attack by an elf may kill a human.

Not to mention beasts.

Alicia reported the possible occurrence of Kyoka as soon as possible.

When the people on the alliance side received this instruction, they also paid great attention to it.

An order was issued directly to let the people over there speed up the evacuation.

In fact, when traces of the divine beast were discovered, the alliance had already started to evacuate people.

The alliance certainly knows the power of the beast.

But anything that is a little off.

First of all, the first thing they did was to evacuate the humans living nearby.

But this time, Gaioka was involved.

Everyone dared not be careless.

Even several cities along the coast have begun precautionary measures.

Whether it's the big waves of the battle, or whatever, these are things to watch out for.

They don't see waiting for things to happen before doing these things.

After reporting all these things to the higher-ups, Alicia put away her mobile phone. "Fixed." "Already OK."

"The notice has been sent over there, and people have started to retreat."

"Well, in this way, we have a lot less things to do." When she said this, she was very proud.

If she could do less, she would not mind doing less.

After all, there are so many things to deal with at once.

It's also a very troublesome thing, okay?

Su Yu cast a glance at this guy.

Are you doing this just to be lazy?

As expected of you.

Su Yu was really speechless to this guy.

He thought that Alicia was doing it for the safety of those people on the coast.


That's it?

He complained for a while, but he didn't say much.

Instead it fell silent.

The blood-winged dragon took Su Yu and others to fly for nearly half an hour.

Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared in front of Su Yu and the others.

And these dark clouds are spreading towards the vicinity at a terrifying speed.

Seeing these dark clouds, Su Yu frowned. "Ok,"? ""Grass. "

From afar, Su Yu felt the power contained in the dark clouds.

This is clearly the power of Kioka.

Su Yu's elf ball also became restless at this moment.

Gulardo sensed it.

It's the fat head fish.


Alicia was a little confused.

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